(2011/02) Feb 2011

haha i KPO lah.... i like to come to Y2011 thread to see which month it has progressed to... haha it is my wish to be a Y2011 mummy too..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks Vanilla,

I was not supposed to tell people till 3 mth mark, except family, but oops...I am slowly leaking it out more and more! haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


That would be sweet! I do hope it will be a rabbit yr baby if it's a girl!


Read that scans are not 100% accurate, can be off by a week or so, so don't worry as long as the baby has grown.

I am sure I am 9 weeks prego, but scan showed I am only 7 weeks...very puzzling. but baby has grown so not as worried anymore...

Hi Judy, since the gynae said you are fine, don't worry ya.. When I went for my last scan, going by date, I thought I should be 7w4d but based on the size of the bb during the scan, I was 6w6d.

Hi Ladies,

I haven't managed to log in for these few days and there are so many posts updated already.

Glad to see some new members here and hope we are coping with our pregnancy well.

By the way, Ladies, just heard this folk tales from my mum and sis regarding MS, hope it helps.

It is said that the we more mention about MS (whether about how severe it is or do not have at all), the longer and the severe the MS will be. Hence, they adviced me not to mention my MS so often, cos some babies are "petty", hehe. No wonder even my best friend who is currently pregnant now is really reluctant to share her MS condition with me until i kept asking and showed my desperation. But it's just tale lah, up to us to believe, hehe.

Will be going for my next check up tomorrow.

A bit nervous.

Everytime when i watched the baby advertisement on TV (milk powder, diapers, etc), i would also tell myself how i wish i can hold and see my baby now. How i wish there is a time machine that allows me to "go" directly to 9 months after, sigh...

yah jolin i also heard about this old wife tale before.. my hubby made me a bin to vomit and, and he painted the word "Mummy's Puke Bin" at the side, but he wrote the words backwards and illogically.. i noticed it and asked him why. he said this is to stop my brain from recognising the word "Puke", "Vomit", "morning sickness" etc to stop it from triggering off.. and it did help a lot.. i did not complain about my MS anymore(also probably cos i complain until sian.. no amount of complaining will make me feel better anyway) so i shut up.. haha.. thats when everything started to bcome better(touch wood).. my MS is now this lingering nausea feeling at the background but i could go tru the whole day w/o vomiting at all.. when previously i was vomiting 5-6 times a day..

Hi Jolin, dun kan cheong....u'll c ur baby in due course. In the meantime, enjoy the process!

Once baby is out, there'll b times u wish that baby is still inside. Wat i missed most was the fluttering feeling when baby moves. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies

Looks like an active thread here. I am from the Apr 09 Mummies. Now expecting my 2nd child. Edd on 7 Feb 10.

Can tell that there are alot of CNY mummies here. Really hard to tell if our babies will turn out a tiger or rabbit.. keke..

MS: I had alot of MS with B1.. I tend to puke a few times a day. For the current one, now 8 weeks preggie.. but MS is quite low.. Only when I am hungry or when my husband drives abit unsteady then I feel sick... Very seldom..

Mummies suffering from MS.. Fret not. My gynae told me that MS means your babies are healthy.. So I feel more assured whenever I have abit of MS.. at least I know for sure my bb is doing fine.. But then again.. some ppl have no MS at all.. and still bb is very healthy.. so diff ppl diff signal lorz..

Is it a wives' tale that if you have lesser MS, the chances that you have a boy is higher? For those mummies who have their 1st or 2nd child already, care to share your experience?


Hm, that's what i heard from my friends also and some of them experienced it (those with MS gave birth to baby girl), but it didn't happen to my sis. She had very bad MS when she was pregnant with her first baby boy. She almost vomitted everyday for 4 months. And when she was pregnant with her 2nd child (girl), she only suffered mild MS (feeling giddy, no vomit) for 2 months.

Neongoby: Not sure though.. My first baby was a gal and my MS is really bad.. For my current one, MS is not as frequent.. But cant tell if its a boy or girl yet..

hey judy gld u r feeling better now...your hubby is sooo cute leh!trying ways to make u feel better

jolin, enjoy yr process im sure when u see yr stomach growing bigger u be glad u nv jump all the way to 9 month..endure that! and hope u be better soon!

endure mummiess! cause 1st trimster is soon to be over!

r u mummies also experiencing this? being forgetful? im soo forgetful...dont know is it im too tired at times to really concertate at wat people is talking about..

Lorranine - welcome! hope u get better soon. reading from the threads here...like valerie said many say ginger helps..try ginger cookies also..den when before u get up bed eat a small cracker...

Hi mommies, interested to join march mommies for BP for Evenflo Triple Fun exersaucer at $279 for 10 sets, $289 for 5 sets(retail at Taka for $349)? Please pm me if interested.

1. elise31

2. chloe

3. elise31 fren

hey all mummies... thanks for all the advices..

I will try ginger but i am jus scare of the spicy taste, heehee...

I heard from my friend that in Sept, Taka will be having a Baby Fair.. by then most of us would be in our 2nd Tri, so its time to shop too...

I am looking so forward to all the buying [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi Raine,

Those ginger tea in bag (instant) might come with stronger spicy taste, maybe you can try to put 1 slice of ginger (about half a inch) in hot water, add little salt to neutrolize the taste, cover it and drink when it's cool. The spicy taste is not so strong and i found it quite helpful.


You can try ginger mixed with hot water and honey.

I just found out a new remedy that kinda works for me...icy cold 7-up! recommended by some mid wives.

wow.. there are so many ways..

Alright I shall try them tonite since I have some ginger tea at home [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Currently I think coke is kind of nice (i dun use to like coke in the past)

@Raine: I'm also scared of the ginger taste. Last time when I was very bloated my mil brewed ginger in hot water for me and it's so spicy that I find it so hard to swallow. It's like burning my throat. =(

@bigflamingo: But my mum said don't drink cold drinks.. It's not good for the baby next time..

I was also told by my mum and friends that:

No cold drink / food : not good for the mum

No carbonited drink : baby will have big head next time.

But i still break the rules some times, cos it's so difficult to keep away from these food/drink, especially the weather is now so hot.


I think I'm a Feb 2011 MTB. Tested positive last fri, and using an online calculator my EDD is 15 Feb. Going to see my gynae for the first time tomorrow morning. So excited!

hi Cherry.. congratulations !!

@Jolin, me too... seems like i like junk food alot lately.. things that i seldom eat in the past has become my fav food at the moment [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I have also been avoiding cold drinks, since 2ww.. hehe... think will be good to keep tummy warm warm..

I think the MS symptoms vary from one to another.. I hope I have a girl.. hehe..

BTW, I know it's still early, for us who are giving birth in Feb, esp near the CNY, do you think it may be difficult to get confinement lady? Or will the CL ask for more $$ ar?


I was craving for watermelon (chilled) so heavily few days back and would have 1 or 2 slices everyday, but now not anymore. Noticed that my heartburn will increase whenever i took cold and spicy food. So just banned them from my diet list.


Ya, i heard the charge of confinement lady is higher during Chinese New Year (doubled).

Ladies, how many of you have been avoiding the following: sushi/sashimi, caffeine (coke, coffee and tea), alcohol, soft cheese? I have been told to avoid them but sashimi, coke zero, coffee and red wine are my absolute favourite things!!

And I find that I am hungry ALL the time. I used to not eat rice during dinnertime (just eat dishes only) before I was pregnant but last night, after a full meal of rice and dishes at 7pm, I was so hungry at midnight that the hubby brought me out to Adam rd hawker centre for supper.

@Cherry: I still drink coffee but I reduced to half a cup per day. Sashimi is also my favourite but no choice, gotta avoid taking it. Sushi if it's cooked I think still can take.

I'm hungry all the time too. I can't eat much when it comes to actual lunch & dinner time cos I think I snacked when it's approaching lunch & dinner time. But at around 9 plus 10 I would have got very hungry and my hubby has to either buy back or cook for me. Cos I'm lazy to go out to buy too. Haha!

Hi Jolin, what??! 2 times CL charge?? Aiyo.. then I don't want CL already.. just order tingkat confinement food.. hehe..

Hi Cherry, I avoided all the items you listed since 2ww.. tho I had a few small sips of coke when I saw my hubby drank it. I avoided coffee when I found out about my pregnancy but still couldn't tahan and had one cup. My gynae said it's alright to drink coffee or tea but limit to one cup and either or only. Please avoid all raw or semi-cooked food including soft-boiled eggs hor.. cos they may have harmful bacteria. Same goes for soft cheese so the normal cheddar cheese is fine. I love sashimi too but what to do, have to avoid to protect baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cherry, Valerie, I feel hungry more often than before I was expecting too. I need to eat something at abt 11+am, and 3-4pm+ in addition to the usual breakfast, lunch and dinner. Sometimes, in the middle of the night when I wake up to pee, I feel hungry too! I buy biscuits, nuts and cereal drinks and leave them in office and home. So I eat them when I'm hungry loh...

Hi ivy, I think everyone's symptoms are different. Some don't even have MS. Maybe you can call up your gynae's clinic? When is your next appointment?

Cherry, Valerie, Faithhope: Seems like we are all increasing in appetite.. haha.. I am getting hungrier easier lately too... Cant tahan hunger.. Once hungry will get giddy.. Sometimes even after breakfast.. by 10+am hungry liaoz.. If dont eat anything.. By 12 + pm.. dying liaoz.. I think bcos I cant stand hunger lately.. Kinda getting gastric pains more often now..

Jolin: Cannot take watermelon? I try to take more fruits nowadays.. But not sure what kind of fruits consider too "cooling" to eat lei..

Hi Eviangal,

Watermelon and pineapple are "cooling" fruit, hence is not advised to be taken in large amount. I was also told that papaya, orange and grape is not good for baby too, cause it will cause phelgm to baby next time. But i think most important is to take moderately lah, especially we are pregnant now, with the constipation problem, we need more fibretary food.

Thanks Jolin. I usually take Papaya and Watermelon though.. Grape no good for babies? Thats my favourite too.. Ya.. Agreed.. Need to take in moderation.

Is Starfruit ok?

Hello Faith,

u r here. I am oso looking for CL. My due date falls on eve of CNY. I will be seeing Dr Fong this coming Tue, very excited abt it. By then i will be in my Weeks 10. My ms is worse now, vomit out what i had eaten especially after lunch. Still rem Dr Fong was telling me the other day more to come. Faint.

Neongoby, i had mild ms for one week when i'm having my boy. Not this round. My mum also suspects i'm having a ger this round.

Faith, my CL charge 1.9k for normal mths n 2.8k during cny.

Went for my appt just now. Can see my bb head, lil hands and legs le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Going for oscar on 23th

Valerie: my hb bought some ginger soft candy..taste like ding ding sweet but i spilt into 3 times to eat cuz huge portion to me..can try loh..

I drink a cup of kopi everyday n nothing happen..esp old folks myth say baby will dark dark but my 1st kid fair fair until ppl mistook as gal...

Fruits i take bananas cuz i dun like papayas n oranges...it helps me clear bowels...

FaithnHope: same EDD but i 2nd preg so mayb deliver earlier by a few day...


For Starfruit, i am not sure lei...


My grandma said particular type of banana (the green, long type) also can not, cos will cause asthma to the baby next time...

Ai yo, but it's just old wife tales la, if follow all the tales, then it's like we need to avoid everything, haha

But just remember to take in moderate

Hi mtb,

I just went for my first visit & scan yesterday. Abt 6w3d now, but still cannot detect heartbeat is it normal?

@cheyanne: Thanks! I'll try to see if I can find. And my mum & mil also asked me not to eat those long long kind of banana. But I don't like to eat banana so I'll just avoid that too. Hehe..

@Jolin: My hubby said watermelon can eat but not too much and pineapple is totally nono for me. He said watermelon is cooling but not too cooling like pineapple.

@mummyb: When is your next visit? Cos I went for my first visit when I was 6w4d and I can hear the heartbeat.. Maybe during your next visit you can ask your gynae. Remember to keep your bladder full. Maybe not full enough that's why difficult to detect.

@eviangal: Once I'm hungry I'll feel like vomiting. And for a few times I vomited liquid out.

@faithnhhope: My baby very picky.. A lot of things don't feel like eating. Haha.. I also don't know what to buy to keep at home & workplace. =(

Hello Joy07! Yes, I just joined this thread yesterday.. hehe.. my next appmt is the following week which I'm also looking forward to..

Ya, I agree everything in moderation la.. I have a friend who eats everything too including watermelon. But if we know we have a weaker body constitution, then just be more cautious lor.. apparently old winter melon soup is very cooling.

Cheyanne, ok noted.. I always hear people saying first one will be earlier.. well, I suppose it's different for everyone lah..

Hi mummyb, there is a higher chance that a bb's heartbeat be detected from at least 7 weeks, so don't worry yah..

Hi Valerie, I can understand. My food/snack preference also changes. I no longer like the biscuits I've been eating. Now I feel like having a gummy sweet cos I just had tom yam soup for lunch haha!

Jolin: ya all the old myths loh...i never follow...i jus avoid raw food nia n seafood cuz scare mercury level high...

I eat almost everything during 1st preggie...i feel the more u supertitious the worst u make yourself feel...

The only thing i din eat was durian to "beef up" my baby cuz scare baby too huge giv birth pain..i only beef up my kid when he is out...

Hi Jolin and Valerie,

I dunno bout the big head due to carbonated water theory hehhe...sounds kinda funny.

I only take a few sips of 7 up coz its so sweet. Shd be ok lah...I can't say I really believe in those old wives tales. The more you know, the harder your life will be, plus we already have so many restrictions on what we can eat now already.

wow, this thread is really v active! so many post since i last posted!

Eviangal, Starfruit is quite cooling, don't eat so much.

mummyb, 6w3d not necessary is really 6w3d cos they will +/- 5 days. Who knows if you go 1 day later you can detect? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Are you experiencing MS? When is your next visit?


Ya, my friend also ate everything when she was pregnant last time and also fine, everything okay, hehe. And there are many different "theories", some said these food can take, some said not, hehe

actually it really depends on the individual's body. Some people have a 'heaty' body, some have 'cooling' body. So, if I have a 'heaty' body, then if i eat cooling stuff, i may not have much effect compared to those with 'cooling' body.

However, if i start to eat heaty stuffy, i will fall sick easily cos i m already 'heaty' by nature.

wa... when i type, i confuse myself with 'heaty' and 'cooling'.... lol


coke, 7 up , 100 plus seems nice to drink now since our taste bud seems to have weird tastee....

hey mummies - mercury is include in what kind of food?

