(2011/02) Feb 2011

Congrats su, i think you can enjoy your cny first before you go for confinement [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Audrey - i was constipated to 3 days! then i ate lots of veg, fruits, and finally prunes (sunsweet dried kind) then the next day, i pooed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] don't take laxative

m drinking yakult now, grape flavor, yum...


yes, i read it is common for preggies to burp and fart a lot, cos the digestion is getting slower, so maybe thats why we are encouraged to take small meals, more water, more servings of veg and fruits. Now i can compete w my hubby, haha

neongoby: oh can drink yakult ah? my hubby ban me from drinking yakult.. so all along i thought cannot drink though i have this big big craving for yakult.. haha..

Morning ladies!

How are all of you feeling today? hmm...Like some of you, I do feel very worried when I have no MS...especially me as I dont really have MS since I know I am preggie. The only discomfort that I have is no appetite....no signs of vomitting...Im getting quite worried! Is there any way that we can know if bb is ok in there? Cant wait for my next appointment to come....

Halo to all feb mummies...

I am a May 09 mummy & currently expecting 2nd baby n EDD is 9th feb...

Readg abt wat u all post...even my 1st preg i ate everything except raw food like sashimi...i drink a cup of coffee in the am n pm a cup of tea...so no worries as long as u take everything in moderate...

1st preg no MS...now this one naughty sometime hav sometime no...

Hope to chat more...enjoy your pregnancy for 1st timer...

Morning ladies...

How have you all been? I had a hard time logging in too...Glad to be here again...anyway....I went for sakae yesterday...I was so tempted to eat the sashimi...but inthe end didnt...these food seems to look more delicious than others...heeee....Im counting down to my appointment day....

Morning ladies,

I was on MC yesterday. Felt so horrible.. And I'm not feeling any better today. How I wish I don't have to work. Argh.. =(

morning mummies,

at last!!!! i can login, these few days i felt so lost not coming here to read your comments and join in the chat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I am constipated for 2 days again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Oh Judy, Yakult is good for digestion, so should be ok to drink, unless your hubby is concerned that it is too sweet. Take in moderation is fine.

Yesterday besides feeling bloatedness, i don feel any other MS, got me worried for a while, then this morning I started to feel nauseous and headache, donno to be happy or not.... i m so confused...

Thanks ladies~ My ms seems to be getting worse.. I thought as we approaching 3rd month we should be getting better? But how come I'm the other way round.. That time my gynae did give me some medicine for vomiting but I don't dare to take cos she said it'll cause drowsiness.. Yesterday I went to see GP he said all medicine for vomiting cos drowsiness and he asked me to take that. But don't know is it my past days' constipation or the medicine, after taking it last night my stomach got so upset while I was sleeping half way. The pain is so extreme that I felt so weak and end up it's something like diahrrea. =( I felt so weak and sick.. How I wish I don't have to work.. =( *sigh*

@cheyanne: You mean those sachet ginger tea? I'm scared the taste will be too strong & too spicy.. My gynae already gave me folic acid with vit b6. But still the same... =(

Valerie, yes most medications meant for giddiness and nausea will cause drowsiness but if the dosage is like 5mg, won't be so drowsy compared to 50mg. I have 5mg which don't makes me drowsy at all and 50mg which can ko me in minutes. But both medications din't help at all so i stopped taking.

My stomach will be very uncomfortable too if i never go toilet for more than 2 days. Can't describe tat feeling but it can make me go sleepless at nite. Once i cleared my bowels, my stomach will be alrite.

@charmaine: But I felt sleepy when I took the medicine last night. Don't know is it cos I was already tired. But ya, I don't think the medicine help me too cos I kept have the feeling to vomit even after taking it.

take care Valerie....

Charmaine - I current have a job but I am thinking of looking for another one. My concern is that by the time, if successful to join, I will be about 4 mths pregnant, will the new employer be willing to hire pple like us? since after another 5-6 mths we will be gone for 3-4 mths of maternity leave. I am trapped in this situation....

Care to give some advice?

oh one more thing, can we wait till it is successful then inform the new employer, at least the employer get to meet us and see our potential and at the same time, it would be fair to let them know our actual situation before they decide if they still want to hire us.

hi ladies..

just went for my check up.. baby is growing well..

n my edd change to 4 Feb 2011..

hope it won't change again..

next visit will be on the 21 July to do blood test..

Neongoby, why do you want to change job now? Stress? I won't advise you to quit your current job coz 1)you will get your 4mths maternity leave after working for another 8mths. 2)it's not easy to find a perm job now that you are pregnant (trust me, i'm even facing difficulties to find temp job - i'm doing accounts/admin) The moment i tell the employers/recruiters that i'm pregnant, i never get a response back from them. It's a realistic world out there babe

my gynae told me detailed scanning not so soon.. can anyone tell me when is the detailed scanning done and what will it involve? with the antenatal package at TMC, need to pay somemore?

hi all...valerie, hope u are feeling better....

I was constipated for 2 days too..but it suddenly came when I was shopping then cannot take it must go toilet....and I also dont feel like working...have to wake up so early....and the amount of stress ... and plus I have not make known to the pple here that I am pregnant....so let us all endure together!!!

Judy, i had my oscar done at 14week and detailed scan at 21week. My gynae's package doesn't include both scannings.

Hi all, I'm new in this thread but more active in Dr Fong Yang's thread. Yup, my gynae is Dr Fong Yang.

Hey Cheyanne, we have the same EDD - 9 Feb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I also don't have bad MS, just the nausea motion but not vomitting la... hope it won't get worse.

To aid bowel movement, we can eat yoghurt and cut some fresh fruits like apples or kiwis into the yoghurt. That's how I go poo every morning.. hehe...

charmaine - My job role has changed and it is no longer value added at all, not much things to do (which I shld be happy since I m pregnant rite?), but i feel demoralized and my market value going down. I know of the implication of finding a new job that's why I am still in a dilemma. I also tell myself the next alternative is to tolerate till i go for my maternity leave early next yr, still got 7 mths to go... wonder if i can stand it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

anyway, so you went for oscar test? is this test a standard thing to do? it's a blood test right? My gynae introduced to me on my first visit so that i can do research on it.

can we eat yogurt? is the bacteria in the yogurt 'safe'? sorry for the ignorance

neongoby, would advise you to stay on. You will find yourself even more tired as your tummy gets bigger later. Imagine having huge workload to clear everyday when you are so tired and carrying a big tummy? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For my lst pregnancy, i went for oscar $388 coz i'm a smoker and on certain medication tat time. I rmb i only had a blood test (big tube of blood taken) when i'm doing the 5th mth scanning.

Yesterday went for my 8th week check-up. Seems I have excess gas in my stomach so cannot see the embroyo clearly. I was asked to do a vaginal scan instead. Anyone has this gas and bloatedness problem? How can I get rid of it?

@CLtine: Did the gynae ask you to keep your bladder full when doing the ultrascan? Cos mine told me that it's easier to see the baby if I keep my bladder full, meaning drink lots and lots of water and don't go toilet before seeing her.

neongoby, personally think u shd hold on to your current job as employers would shy away once they know u're preg and u might not b entitled to maternity leave depending on when u join the new co...

Oscar test is basically a test for down's syndrome. I did for my 1st one so will do for 2nd one too. mus b fair mah! heheh...

i still dunno if i want to go for oscar.. i belong to the low risk group.. but charmaine.. u mean smoking will increase the risks? though i quit but i was a heavy smoker before so i dont knw if it will affect bb.. anyway, even if bb happens to have prob(touch wood) i will still accept.. so i think i will not be going for the test.. not compulsory right?

Judy, besides smoking, i was also on certain medication during the 1st 4weeks so my gynae suggested oscar. I took oscar when i'm 27. You can see wat your gynae suggest. Yes, not compulsory de.

Hi all Feb2011 mummy to be... I am new here..

I am also due in Feb 2011

Me in my 8th Week... I had MS, every input = output and I feel so tired.

Gynae told me I will do the OSCAR scan when I go back in 4 weeks time

Any mummy to be has got any good suggestion on what food should I take to reduce MS ??

Hi Lorraine!

Congrats to you! =) I'm in my 8th week too. Hehe.. EDD is on 10th Feb. And I also have very bad MS.. Cheyanne asked me to try ginger tea. And I also heard from people that ginger tea is good. But I personally have not tried cos I'm afraid of the spicy taste..

Hi Neongoby, yes, I believe it's safe to eat yoghurt cos the live cultures are healthy culures (so long as it's pasteurised, similarly for milk).

Hi CLtine, it's normal to feel bloated and have lots of burping due to the increase in progesterone which tends to slows down our digestion. Apparently, feeling bloated is a good sign that the baby is growing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi hi all.. I am also thinking if I should go for OSCAR....both pros and cons...it is not compulsory Judy...but doing it and if everything is fine makes u feel at ease....if not I scared I will be thinking and thinking of it....However If done then results bad...another headache...so quite in dillema...dont know how...

Hi Valerie, Gynae did not say anything abt keeping my bladder full. Thanks for the tip:)

Hi Faithnhope, Thanks for sharing that interesting piece of info.

I will also be going for OSCAR. My gynae says it's 90% accurate.

Thanks Charmaine and Su, I will hang on to my job then.

I think I will go for OSCAR, i rather find out if there is any problem earlier than later. At least it gives me more time to think through and act on it. papergirl, besides 'donating' blood, what is the cons? ;p

I am also feeling bloated, hate this feeling, then i will try to drink some water, get up and walk around to make me burp to feel better. Sometimes there seems to be a ball of gas stuck in my chest, so tight till it's so hard to breathe.

ya, when i go to the clinic, the first thing the nurse ask the preggies to go toilet and pee into the urine stick. maybe next time i go in to see the gynae first before i do the urine test.


I am also in a dilema on whether to change job at the moment. But, in the end, I give up the idea as we only have to endure for few more months before we can take our own sweet time in looking around. If the new job is demanding, maybe we cannot cope well with it. Hang on babe.

I think I will also opt for OSCAR. It tells us the probability on whether the baby is fine or not. It is best to be pos. If not, then, we still can opt for other options!!

that's true, 6-7 mths, say it's long, it's not actually that long, say it's short, but even a day can be a drag....

anyway, let's jia you!

Hi Neongoby, hang in there and it's worth when we see our little one arrives.. I am also very stress lately at work as I am new to my job less than 3 mths. My employer is ok when knowing I was preggy.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

welcome bigflamingo and morning all mummies..

i had my gynae appt yesterday.. i am very happy cos i finally get to see baby in a human shape.. gynae scanner not very clear though..

however i have a concern but i forgot to ask doctor..

my appt is every 2 weeks..

1st appt: bb EDD is 31 Jan 2011

2nd appt: EDD 3rd feb 2011

yesterday(3rd): EDD 5th feb 2011.

duration between 2nd and 3rd appt is 2 weeks, but according to the scan my bb has only grown about 1 week size. i dont knw if its a cause for concern as gynae said everything seems normal. has any of u experience this?

