(2011/02) Feb 2011


I find the M 2 b bras sold at mothercare give the most support, w/o undewire. I also bought Modal bras, quite comfy, but less supportive.

Hi Gregda, recently i also have leg cramp. Normally is i sit for a long hour or fold my leg. =)

Valeria, I also took bird nest once a week. I think it the best dont go to the TMC to c doc. Cause we already took western mediciation n i think is already gd enough so no need go for TMC. My MIL also ask me go to TMC cause i keep coughin on my 1st trisemter but i nv go. hehe i jus go c my gyne.

For the bra i went to buy it at triump, it cost me around $35. No wired n also very comfortable. Dont worry the shop assistant will help u. Hmm i went OG saw a nursing bra it just coz $18. So cheap. Wanted to buy it but stop by my mom. She ask me get it went i reach third trismeter.

PreciousBabi nice pic. My tummy it look bigger than urself. Mine just 19weeks.

Nowadays i'm very forgetful n tend to feel very sleepy. Dont know what happen to me. Cant remember thing n very forgetful. Haiz.

Good afternoon ladies... hope it's turning out to be a good week for everyone.. heheh, i abit holiday mood cos taking a day leave for detailed scan this thurs... can't wait!

pinkyval - is the TCM ur mil bringing you to reputable? agree that it's comfort level and between going for consultation first and just taking med off the shelf, i think better to go see the doc first if it is the only thing u can do to appease ur mil... or ask ur gynae first? my gynae is very anti-tcm one.. even when i was ttc-ing he also dismissed tcm although i wanted to try.. then when i asked him at the last visit if i can take herbs, his answer was his wife didn't take anything when she was preggy...

joodz - tks for sharing ur hubby's blog entry... so touching.. can tell that u and ur baby are in good hands.. so xin fu!!

@Wish Child: Thanks!! Just find myself growing bigger & bigger or fatter & fatter.. Alamak!! But nevermind lah.. I just enjoy eating all I can now.. Hehe.. After birth then work harder to shed off ba.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Me too!! I also very very forgetful and tired nowadays.. This moment thought of doing something, turn around I will stare into the blank and ask myself what did I wanna do?? My hubby also everytime say me memory lost.. Haiz.. Like 老人痴呆症 like that.. I think this is normal for preggys ba.. I had very bad memory before preggy too but it is definitely getting worse now..

I dunno whether it's bcoz I didn't sleep well or what, have been very lethargic at work.. Sianz.. Just hope the next 3 months will pass faster!!!

@Joodz: So touching.. If only all hubs can write blogs.. Haha..

@Kinder: My detailed scan also on Thurs.. Ya, can't wait!! Hope the rest of today and tomorrow pass rocket fast!!

kinderbueno and preciousbabi: somehow reading the last entry i got a feeling he has finally let the fact that he is going to be a daddy sink in.. haha.. it is indeed touching.. read it this morning which left me tearing.. i have been blogging for almost 10 years so im always nagging at him to start a blog.. this is his first. its a nice outlet for him to communicate things like that when he cannot tell me face to face due to ego..

PreciousBabi, Yap continue enjoy ur food. Me too i love to eat durians.. Haha even i know durian is a most fatty fruit but jus cant stop eating. =) Same after give birth then i will go on diet.. haha

Ya same here. I cant slp really well at night dont know why. Maybe because dream too much. Haha i also memory lost. Haiz cant remb a lot of things. DOnt know what can improve our memory.

Kinderbueno, Gd luck for ur scan. Hehe i still need to wait for 2 weeks later for my scan.

@wish child: Thanks for the info! I always thought triumph is very ex. Cos their normal bra already costs like $80+. I'll go there to check it out. Hehe..

I think gynae don't believe in Chinese medicine cos it's not scientifically proven. Hmm.. I'll discuss with my hubby again. Hee hee..

@joodz: Thanks for sharing! It's so touching indeed! And usually men don't blog to share their feelings. If only my hubby will share with me how he feels the moment he knows I'm pregnant. I ever asked him before is he happy to have this baby. He said "I'll tell you when the baby is born.". Then I hmph him. And he laughed and said "You asking fei hua leh..". *sigh* I just want to know how he's feeling. Then that day don't know why I suddenly blurt out saying "Why you don't want to talk to baby.. I always ask you to talk to baby then you don't want...". Then he said "Why you like that say me??". Oops... I think I hurt him in a way. But I really felt that way! Hmm.. I think if he knows sometimes I bad mouth about him to our baby when he bullies me he'll be very sad. =( Now that I'm saying this I also feel very sad.. =(

Btw, you are Judy huh?? Why you also change your nick? Hahahah! I saw your hubby's blog put his name as William then I was thinking, isn't he Judy's hubby..

@preciousbabi & kinder: Good luck for your scans!! Do keep us updated! =D

Pinkyval: Hahaa.. Thats so nice of your hubby lorz... Mine actually keep commenting, " my wife is getting fat." And he kept saying I am like a big gorilla.. etc... Sighz..

@Joodz: You are blessed to have your hub.. Not all man will be willing to do this.. They feel that blogging is crap.. I blog too (but only started after preggy).. Hehe.. So I can refer back and remember how I went through this stage and tell bb in future [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Now that he has finally 'accepted the fact' of becoming a dad, he will be even nicer to you.. Haha.. Treasure and enjoy every moment!!

@Wish Child: I also kept dreaming at night.. Had this dream last night.. Dreamt of wanting to buy a house so went viewing at Serangoon Gardens.. Went into this 2-storey bungalow which has 9 rooms in it.. Wah!!! The house is so big lor!! Then somemore remember the price is at $680K only.. Haha.. Then my hubby woke me up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif].. And I told him about the dream and I want to buy the house.. So cheap somemore got 9 rooms.. He scold me xiao lor.. Wahaha.. Stupid dream, make me happy for nothing and yet have not enough sleep.. Haha...

@Val: Put it another way maybe.. Tell your hub he must talk to bb so bb will recogise his voice.. If not next time, bb hear his voice only get frightened.. Scare him!! Haha..

@eviangal: But he's not being truthful leh. The way he said no is just shake his head. He never say things like "I like you fat.". Wahahaha~ Not that I want him to sweet talk till like that also lah. And whenever I complained to him that I feel fat he will "tsk" me like don't want to hear me keep saying I'm fat. But he should console me mah.. By "tsk-ing" it's like telling me "Ya lah ya lah, I know you are fat lah. Stop complaining to me.". Lol~

@preciousbabi: I did tell him before. I told him baby newborn can't see a thing, can only recognise voice. So he must talk to baby more so that he can recognise his voice. But I think maybe he feels it's very silly to talk to a stomach bah. Lol~

Just realised I haven't felt bb moving today.. Dunno izzit bcoz my pants too tight.. So I shake my stomach hard and told bb to move.. After a while, I feel him playing bubbles in me again.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Val: Then you try to purposely talk more to bb in front of him.. Maybe since you are talking, he will join you.. So he won't look silly talking alone mah..

pinkyval: hahah.. my previous nick was too obvious.. somemore that time i was complaining about my hubby and i scared he google my name and find out i talking bad about him. lol..

my hubby also actually never really talk to my baby.. but he communicate in other ways like singing or touching..

@preciousbabi: Ooo.. Don't wear too tight. Not good for baby. Sunday I also didn't feel my baby moving in early afternoon so I also shook my tummy and asked baby to wake up. Then my hubby scold me. Hahahaha! He said I attention seeker. Why wake him up don't let him rest. =p

I always talk to my baby in front of him leh. But it's only when I asked baby question then he'll answer. Like last night there's a horror show on SCV then I wanted to watch. So I asked baby want to watch anot. Then my hubby said "Go and sleep, cannot watch.". Other than that even if he talks to baby also talk a bit only. I think he don't know what to say. Lol~ That time I asked him to talk to baby, then he leaned down, looked at my tummy for very long then only he said a bit.

PreciousBabi, WOW ur dream was good. Haha so far i dream is nightmare. Past 2 night i dream i have a bike accident. So scary i fall off the bike n hit on a sign board. My hand is injured n very pain. The next moment i faster touch my tummy c anything happen to my bb or not. The dream really shock me. Once i wake up i faster touch my tummy c my bb is kickin. Scared me.

I told me hubby about this dream, he still laugh at me say whether the sign board have a big hole or not?? Hmpft.. I gt nightmare end up my hubby make fun of me.. Haha dont know why i pregnant kept on have nightmare. So scary lor..

Eviangal, Dont be sad. My hubby at oversea so he haven seen me "growing" for this few mths. But did sent him bb pic n mine. Haha i hope he will still can recognise when he see me. Haha. =)

Val, Men normally dont show their feeling out. For my hubby he also did the same thing. Sometime i ask him want to talk to bb but he say he no time n time already ups he need to go work. Sometime i felt very sad is it becoz bb is a girl. As my hubby excepted it to be a boy. Hmm but i think too much le. My hubby yesterday call say he went for his last shopping he went to look for our bb clothes. But end up never buy anything. He say the material not good. Felt very surprise n happy he will do that. Thought he wont care so much about bb. Dont worry valeria i'm sure ur hubby 1day will surprise u like what my hubby did. Just waited n see. =)

if i were in his shoes, i'll probably feel a little bit weird too, espcially so for first time daddies. imagine seeing this tummy growing more and more each day, and ur wife paying so much attention to it, but u cannot feel the baby yet(kick, move, etc). to him maybe he havent register in his mind that inside your bump is a living thing.. he must be thinking where is my wife's svelte tummy?? lol.. i didnt knw my hubby go outside talk about the baby cos when he come home he seldom talk about baby unless i initiate it..

@wish child: Hmm.. I hope so lor. But recently I can feel he's like more "acceptance" to the fact that I'm pregnant upon seeing my tummy getting bigger. Like for eg that taxi uncle incident and also yesterday morning when he woke up I was changing for work so I already took off my clothes then when he's walking to the toilet he suddenly touch my tummy. I was so happy! Hehe.. Cos he doesn't need me to ask him to touch or talk to baby. I hope he won't stop these actions. You know sometimes men do things cos they know we are upset. But after a while they will be back to their normal self.

@Val: Maybe he not used to talking to 'a stomach' ba.. Let him practice more and he'll get used to it soon.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I didn't realise it's tight when standing.. But after sitting for half a day and after lunch, I felt tighter.. Will have to buy new ones and lock this in the wardrobe already..

@WishChild: Too bad it's just a dream leh.. Your hub so funny lor.. Never console you still ask you signboard got hole or not.. Haha.. Naughty.. He just wants you to forget about the dream ba..

Yeah, I agree with WishChild.. Some hubs just dunno how to express their concern and excitment.. My hub doesn't too.. But the least he could do is call me in the office and ask me things like what is bb doing now? And my answer will either be sleeping or playing bubbles.. *diaoz* Haha.. In the next 2 months, I can add like bb is having dancing, boxing, swimming courses.. Hehe...

@joodz: I also think likewise. Cos he can't feel the changes in his body. That's why recently when I feel baby moving I'll ask him to put his hand on my tummy. But my baby likes to play hide and seek, whenever his hand or my hand is there he'll stop moving. Once nobody touch then he'll start to move again liao.

Anyway yesterday I was in Borders with my hubby then I was browsing 1 pregnancy book and it also mentioned something about shining a torch on our tummy when baby is 7 months old and baby will kick towards the light. But before that must tell baby first if not baby will be startled. Haha! So I showed my hubby and said "See, the book also said that. Yeah, we can do that when baby is 7 month old."

@preciousbabi: Hahaha! Sometimes my hubby will also ask how am I and bb today when he's working. I'll be very happy that he ask about us but ya, I won't know what to say cos baby like that lor. Hahhaa! Sometimes got move sometimes never move. But I'll tell him baby say he miss him. Hehe..

@Val: Ya by telling him bb miss him will brighten his day too!! It's like motivating each other with bb in the pic now.. So sweet sometimes.. Hehe..

@Val: To me this is imaginative, not childish lor.. Haha.. Now he finds it weird only.. Maybe after a while he will get hooked lor.. Haha..

Have you started buying things for your boy already??

@preciousbabi: *sigh* Just now I sms him and tell him baby keep moving today, so active. And he msg me back something about work. Irritating right???? I see liao I also sian half. Zzz...

Anyway, not yet leh. I already told him during the Expo fair we have to buy whatever we need already (if suitable) cos I scared when my tummy gets bigger in 3rd tri I don't feel like going out liao. Then he said okay.. How about you?? What have you bought already?

@Val: Haha.. 牛头不对马嘴.. I can understand how you feel.. Coz my hub also like that wan.. Just gets on my nerves then I will have to ask the question a 2nd time for the answer.. Haiz.. Dunno where they hide their ears/eyes???

Me not yet too.. Also waiting for the expo fair lor.. Hehe.. Ya next month already in 6th month can start buying liao.. If not really scared very rush later.. Me so far only bought the breast pump and a set of milk bottles.. But my gf & sil already passed quite a few items to me.. More concern on the bigger items like bb cot.. Hehe..

pinkyval: haha you are not alone.. my hubby also talk about work all day long. if not its his hobbies. haha. just close one eye lah. men are less expressive. u see, even while we women are in the forum the whole day gossiping and complaining, OFB is so quiet and only contributes very objective information.. thats the diff between guys and girls..(hope i never offend u OFB:) its my observation)

fiona: i am also getting breathless, but mine is coupled with heart fluttering. i think its normal as the baby pushes against the diaphragm.. i heard it will only get worse.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

@preciousbabi: I think they have selective hearing and reading lor. Like when I sent him the sms he only saw my name but didn't see the content then he realise he has something to ask me about work. Zzz.. Maybe next time when they tell/ask us things we should change the subject and tell them the things that we feel like talking. Let them have a taste of how it's like. Heh.

Ya, I also don't want to rush at later part. Cos sure can't find any good deals when you are in a rush. Nobody give me things. Lol~ I only bought a sterilizer kit so far. I still have breast pump, stroller, cot, baby clothes haven't buy. Hmm hmm hmm...

@fiona: How about breathing slowly? It's only when I smell cigerattes smell then I find myself unable to breath..

@Val: Good idea but I think I dunno how to do that leh.. Haha.. My skills not as good as his.. Haha..

Erm, no need rush for stroller, can wait till bb is born since we won't use it for the first month.. Maybe can get your friends to share and buy for 1st month?? The rest, I think really need to spend at least half a day at expo to choose slowly.. Haha.. Hopefully there is a huge variety to choose from ba..

@joodz: No leh, your hubby very expressive leh. Hehe.. Though he didn't say out but at least he express through blogging. Oh, there's one more thing I wanna complain. LOL~ Yesterday we borrowed his sis's car and cos the front seat there's a car seat. And he expects me remove the car seat and place it in the car boot before driving the car home. Then I looked at him and point at my tummy and told him "I'm pregnant leh. How to carry??". He still can asked me "Very heavy meh..?". Then I said I always have to use my tummy to support when carrying it. I was so shock to hear him say that! I always tell him pregnant ladies can't carry heavy stuff but I think he don't take it to heart and thought I just don't want to carry. And this morning I asked him can he go to shopping centre with me tonight after work cos I want to buy things. He knows I want him to help me carry things and he said he got design work to do. I know he has design work to do but it won't take up too much of his time what. *sigh* Forget it, I'm going to depend on myself and carry the things home myself. Hmph!

@Elise: Thanks for the intro.. Their prices really very good.. But cannot try I scared later buy already not comfortable or cannot fit nicely.. Have you buy from them already??

Reminds me, my hub was saying my panties too tight le.. Will make bb feel uncomfortable *diaoz*.. Will really need to go shopping this weekend.. Spend money again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

@Val: You can go shopping alone but don't force yourself to bring heavy stuff hor.. Buy bit by bit.. Don't bcoz want to 斗气 in the end hurt yourself.. Not worth it huh..

@preciousbabi: Hmm... I think my hubby's friends will give ang pao. Haha! And not a lot of my friends know I'm pregnant cos my hubby still don't want me to announce mah. Anyway I also pai seh to ask them to share and buy stroller for me. Heee... Maybe I'll buy myself lor. And I don't want to wait till baby is born then carry baby out and choose the stroller leh. A bit troublesome. I hope everything that we need will be ready before baby is born. But as for cot my sil said she'll buy us one..

@preciousbabi: The things that I wanted to buy is all necessities. Like contact lens solution, shampoo, and some food from NTUC. *sigh* But I was thinking during 1st tri I also bought these things and I carried them myself, now 2nd tri should be more managable for me..

@Val: Tell him now can let people know already lah.. If not wait till bb shower then tell people meh? Your hub also very pantang wan hor.. Haha.. Ya lah, also good to have everything prepared before bb arrives.. Can't wait to buy things and put them nicely in bb's room.. Haha..

As long as not too heavy then ok.. If too heavy, can buy some today and some tomorrow??

@preciousbabi: Hannor. He very pantang. But some of his friends already know liao cos that time we went to his friend's brother's bbq chalet then they saw.

*sigh* I have no baby's room. =( I have one spare room in the house but every Sunday my sil and her 2 kids will take nap in that room. So can't change it to my baby's room. =(

Hahhaa.. Can buy on both days lah, but I lazy leh. Hahahahha!

Preciousbabi : I haven buy from them yet think of buying cos the price very cheap so dun knw can go to their warehouse to try anot :p

@Val: Haha.. Why your sil & kids will sleep there? They come back to visit and take nap there? Weird leh.. Haha.. Discuss with your hubby lor.. Since it's spare room mah.. And your sil only come over for nap on Sundays only.. When they come let them sleep lor.. Haha..

Just make sure they are not too heavy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Fiona: Yours so serious ah? Have you check with your gynae.. It's dangerous if it happens very frequently.. Like what you say, one day you might faint on the road.. Call your gynae if your next visit is far.. Take care!

@Elise: Can go & try ah? Then I don't mind wor.. Coz I don't feel comfortable buying bras without trying leh..

@preciousbabi: Hannor. They are here every Sunday and the kid need to nap everyday. Hmm.. No lah, they put mattresses on the floor and sleep. But sleep in my baby's room the feeling is like they sleeping in my room leh. Lol~ But anyway I think for the first few months baby also sleeping with us..

@Val: BB will be sleeping with us also.. Just thought having a room of his own looks cool! And can put all his stuff in his room coz there's no extra space in mine with the bb cot in! Haha..

@preciousbabi: Ya lor! Mine also. Baby cot also have to think of a place to put. Then if he has his own room can decorate his room. Haiz...



Sometimes, I get slight dizzy spells ..

Even though I am sitting down ..

The feeling is like experiencing tremors ..


The bb will be sleeping with us in our bedroom first ..

Will only be clearing one room after the bb is born ..

The elders are 'pandang' ..

Cant wait for the BB sale at Expo too ..

Alot of stuffs to buy ..

