(2011/02) Feb 2011

Valeria, the clothes arrived around 3weeks later after i purchase.

PreciousBabi the website is http://www.gymboree.com/

Here is gt some dress n clothes i purchase on this website [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/3877999/4557214.jpg]



She must be so excited! =) I dunno whether to bring my son with us or not hahaha. Thursday night we have something on at Shaw Lido (they are closing for renovations- I think it will take them 2 years or something- and we were invited for the final screenings), so if we are gonna bring him with us, I will have to get my Dad to help take him to KKH. Hehe. I will decide tomorrow I guess. =D

Baywater, Mrs Ong- All the best for the scan on Friday!! =D

Eviangirl - Sodes! Embroidery one i c. Cool! =D I gotta wait to confirm the name to put on romper/tee hahaha. When do we need to pay etc? =)

I would say wait on buying the monitor first. When the baby comes and you feel you cannot hear the baby then buy. More likely than not, you will have no problems hearing the baby. =) Confirm, chop, sign, seal lor. =D

And thanks everyone for well wishes for the flu. =) Believing I will be flu-free soon.

Morning mummies~

@wish child: Thanks for posting the photos! The clothes are so cute & sweet!! And still have a matching socks. Heh.

@pyng: The nov parenthood fair is also holding in Expo. 26-28 Nov.

Juz found this site for those of u interested in ingesting ur own placenta after birth. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I didn't with #1 becoz I didn't know better. I want to this time around. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif])


babes and beautiful mummies... sorry never login past few days.. super tired and some catching up to do.. well shopping galore is starting by wonderful mummy eviangal ... hehehehe

wish child... so cute rite girls clothes??? no chance to replenish those moments..

btw.. last 2 days... in a packed full of ppl in the train.. someone decide to give me up the seat and guess who.. an old man who needs umbrella to supprt him walking.. can u believe tat?? i declined though was carrying stuff as he needed it more than me and the person next to him was like very uneasy - middle age man... and in my heart was thinking.. if he gives up.. i will take to prove to ppl ard.... those seats are better off for ppl like us rite and the old man... haizzz... s'poreans....

Idaar: I really cant believe it.. The old man (who needs the seat more than you) gave up his seat to you.. While a well abled man.. rather feel uneasy and still stay put!!! Cant stand these people...

I am quite lucky, most times, ppl give up their seats to me.. And they dont necessarily need to be people in the reserved seats.

Today, I have 2 man in front of me, 1 sitting in reserved seat, 1 beside him. Both saw me.. But didnt even bother nor nudge.. And their stations are like not too far away lorz... So fed up!

kekee.. ya.. shopping galore.. I am now contemplating to open babymall spree earlier or not. Need to get towels for B1..

Iddar, yap bb girl clothes very cute. Lot ppls say have a girl will spend a lot of money. Don't worry u can try for other 1? After this bb girl will stop for 2yrs then try for boy. =)

I saw a YouTube video that have a lady shouting at the mrt. Shout at those ppls do not give seat to ppl which needed the seat more. Lot ppl c this video most of them say she crazy but i feel no, I feel need a person to voice out at those ppls. N they deserve to get scolding.

@Idaar: Well last Friday I was on a packed train and nobody gave up the seat to me either. I think Singaporeans need to be educated more on this kind of courtesy.

@wish child: But I think she's really crazy. Haha! Cos after scolding that person seated there she herself went to sit on that sit. And people said keep seeing her at Raffles area asking people for money..


Sorry to disturb, I have already delivered and looking to clear some brand-new and preloved baby and maternity items. Please refer to this link http://picasaweb.google.com/116194716505027587843/ItemsForSale?authkey=Gv1sRgCOf1kYbm-8Ta1gE#

for related pics and descriptions. Items include BN Avent Light Moisturizing oil @ $15, My brest friend nursing pillow, and Dale abdominal binder.

If keen, please PM or email me at [email protected] Thanks!

SOLD items will be deleted in the album, so it won’t be confusing.

PS: just to add, for every purchase for $15 and above, you get 5pcs of Drypers S for free. so for $30, u get 10pcs and so on. while stocks last!

hi mummies, my avent isis duo pump just arrived. so happy. this is the first item i have bought since pregnancy. its the one i bought off the spree in another thread..

evianmumy .. hahaha.. thats why.. paiseh but still dunt want to stand up... at last... at simei have seats liao... uncle smiled when i sat down on empty seat in front of him... so more he with me same station.. buay tahan these ppl..

ya laah... my baby mall i have put up a list liao// hahahah

wish child... me try for another... wahh cannot le!! if not i got half dozen kids liao.... aiyyyoooo aneway my 8th pregnancy for this already mah... 2 miscarriages and i had 1 abortion as well. my mil knows i will have lots of kids coz malays believe... the placenta with the cord attached has small black round things on it n indicates how many kids u have and how far they are in btwn also .... mine has 13... scaryy ahhhh

joodz.. happy for u and envy .. hubby can write like that.. my hubby loved writing also.. but always after fights one lah... haizzzz....

btw mummies i do sell AVON stuff which i take from JB every month.... if some of u mite hear.. mite scan the catalogs for u all to see.. ordering for coligs only and family... the nursing bra was the best i had... one of this called Trisdiana nursing bra.. i have like 4 already.... more comfy than others i tried... if u mummies want... lemme know.. if size cannot fit.. can change.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] .. sell alot lah like the cosmetics and all.... price for bra.. RM 25.90 so abot $12.95 lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

joodzjoodz: I'm also getting the Avent isis dup pump ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] gg to collect this Sat!

ps/ Hello everyone! Been so busy at work coz my colleague is away till 11th Oct and I have to cover for her.

Idaar: How did u manage to see your cord? You asked the hospital upon delivery? I will be curious to know mine too... kekee...

@eviangal - i want the romper as well!

How's every mummies doing today? Having yong tau fu again for my lunch...boring coz i always end up yong tau fu if i have no craving for other food [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

@pinkval - no he din sleep well at all unless he snored than he sleep well lol. He snores can really wake me so does that mean i light or heavy? Noted wif tks ya and i plan to go both fairs!

Btw the manual or electric pump...which one better?


I think Singapore commuters generally not very 'sensitive' to the reserved seat campaign ..

There is a small sticker to remind ppl but it was so small that it was perpetually hidden by the selfish person sitting at the reserved seat ..

I once stood in front of the 2 reserved seats (E-W line) and no one gave me the seat ..

One was busy with his phone and the other one pretended to doze off with his gf ..

So in the end, another commuter found a seat for me and a few ppl started to talk abt the 2 selfish guys but they bochup ..

I think the govt should do a tv advertisement about it ..

Educating the masses is important ..

@pyng: Hahahha.. It means his snore is very loud until can disturb your sleep. Lol~

Oh my friend just told me by using pumps will make your nipples become very long especially electric one! Scary hor?

Idaar- THIRTEEN?!?! wah. (fainted liao) Lol. I think that we have the free will to actively decide enough is enough. U din have to have 13 if u dun wan. Lol.

I have had similar experiences of old folks offering me seats instead of young people and it always saddens me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] But lately, I have been quite blessed. Get seats quite easily. I am of the belief that if no one gives up their seat and u really need to sit down, just boldly ask out loud. Lol. Sometimes it's the PRs or foreigners that don't stand up lah. When I enter trains that have old folks plus PRs or foreign workers (China, Indian, etc), I know I have to either stand all the way or bravely ask for the seat. :p

Eviangal- am on my mobile device so I cannot add a name to the list, but could u add the name Jasmine (a gd friend of mine) to the list for beanie pillow plus personalized casing? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thanks! I will check if she wants the romper too. Another friend of mine can do applique so she wrote to ask me what name, what design I want. Hehehe. Plus I am thinking of buying plain white rompers/ tee and drawing on them/ making my own graphic artwork to print on them- either on my own or with my son. He loves to do craftwork with me and am sure he will have oodles fun doing them. XD

to all who are looking at using breastpumps or thinking of using..

i recently was doing intensive research of breast pumps.. before that i wasnt really interested in the technical details and thought of getting the cheapest or most popular pumps because i also dont knw whether milk flow will sustain..

i paid more attention to this only after recently when a couple of my breastfeeding friends had to go for surgery cos they contracted breast abscess, which is when the milk ducts are blocked.. and i found out this is caused by incorrect BFing or your milk production is faster than the amount u pump out.

according to my friends and google, the symptoms can range from bloody milk to full on fever.. and of cos extreme pain in breasts. got me a little freaked out when one of my friend described it as worse than labour pain. i definitely dont wanna go through that..

after lots of reading i shotlisted some pumps but found out that they are all very expensive.. about SGD500-700.. i know what im looking for: electric, dual pumps because of work. was also reading on technique of pumping and i found out that after u use the electric one u use a manual to pump out excess milk.. this is best in preventing leftover milk from blocking the ducts..

this website also got some people test out some pumps: http://www.babycentre.co.uk/baby/buyingforbaby/breastbottlesolids/electricbreastpumps/

im not trying to promote any brands(thats why i never mention any brands here) but i hope to share what i found out with all of u.. i also think investing in a good pump(if u intend to seriously go full breastfeeding as long as u can) is financially prudent also cos formula not cheap.. my 2 cents worth..

@joodz: Thanks for sharing the website! Ya, when I watched those Taiwan variety shows I also heard it's freaking painful. And some of them will ask their hubby to suck out the milk for them cos they can control the strength whereas the baby and the pump cannot.

Btw how much did you pay for your pump?

pinkyval: i think i got quite a good lobang.. i saw the avent isis duo pump in a maternity shop the other day and it was retailing for $899.. got a little disappointed cos that was what i wanted to buy.. haha.. i cannot afford that amount mah. then i went to babykingdom.com.sg i saw they selling at $855.. almost wanted to buy: http://babykingdom.com.sg/product_info.php?products_id=102&osCsid=487401f2b3b238e3b00f7ff5eaa3e29e

then few days back saw this thread http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/4513170.html?1285221680

going for $480 almost half price.. the only thing is this one is US set so dont come with local warranty.. when i receive my pump just now i open up everything is same as singapore set.. but i think instead of 4 milk bottles the US set only come with 2 milk bottles..


completely agree. getting a good pump makes all the difference to one's breastfeeding journey.


i want nursing bra! shy lah, i PM u my size. then if doesn't fit maybe can swop?

pinkyval: the lady who ordered the sets threw in sg adaptor for free. just now tested it seems okay. quite silent. but i still dont dare put it on my breasts yet. hahaha. maybe go home i will try.. $480 is still expensive but most dual pumps costs more than that.. so i thought, aiya, feel the pinch a little bit lor, just buy.. was thinking of buying second hand one but second hand isis duo is going for like $500 i might as well buy new one.. haha.. plus my hubby has offered to sponsor me.. though he has already sponsored maternity clothes, pumps and antenatal classes already.. feel abit quilty. haha.

@joodz: Hahaha. No need to guilty lah. 他出钱,你出力. Hee hee hee... But you don't want to buy the single one? Since it's cheaper..

pinkyval: no time.. i rather use the dual pump and free my hands to do other things.. haha.. though i will feel like a cow. i will be pumping at work mah. i dont knw how long does it take to pump but my girl friend takes 30 mins each breasts.. she using single pump.. i dont think i can stand pumping for 1 hr.. lol..

@joodz: Hahahha! But what you want to do when you expressing your milk? Hahahhaa! I think I'll buy single one.. Cheaper. Heee..... =p

pinkyval: i dont knw.. read a book or play my iphone maybe? haha.. but one thing for sure i cannot stay in the toilet too long.. my office got no private room to pump.. the only place is the public toilet so smelly.. no nursing rooms. my toilets all squatting toilet somemore so when pumping i must stand. though i think i will invest in a small stool to bring to the toilet. like so ke lian leh... haha..

if u not facing problems like me i think single should be enough bah. if i have an airconditioned nursing room i dont mind pumping for 1 hr. :D

@joodz: Hahhaa! Hannor. Then each time you want to pump you have to carry so many things, the pump, storage bags and a stool. Lol~

I'll also be pumping in the toilet but at least I can sit on the toilet bowl. Heee...

pinkyval: like very poor thing leh.. you know i work in the media line right.. then last time i have a friend who just gave birth.. she came back to work immediately and her milk flow was a lot.. need to pump every 2 hours.. we were on a very intensive shoot that time and we have to constantly be on the move(change locations).. bcos it was a bollywood movie our locations were those foresty grassy area without toilets/nursing rooms.. she had to use cardboard and hide inside cos she very small size. until our male friends were asking how come got this cardboard constantly following them to differnt locations.. and sometimes can move wan. but my friend never let any guys near cos she shy.. so when she is her cardboard there will be an entourage of girls standing guard outside.. quite a funny sight.. and i pei fu her hubby also.. he will drop by every 2-3 hours to collect the milk to bring home to their baby.. even when we were filming at 3am in the morning.

@joodz: Woahhh.. Your friend really very poor thing leh. And she has a very good hubby! Why didn't she take leave? Cos not enough people? Your company should supply those portable toilet. At least a proper place for her to pump..

pinkyval: that time we were all freelancers.. we dont have such thing as leave or off days.. if we are sick or on mc means one day income gone.. haha..

u knw i mentioned i work in a male dominated environment right? only 2 girls in my company.. one of my male colleagues just saw my breast pump cos they deliver to my office.. now they are very intrigued by it.. all of them not married and no children. they just commented that the carrier bag looks very cool. and when i told them the actual price selling in singapore they cannot believe it. haha. but its so funny seeing guys interested in this kinda things. i think they never expected breast pumping to be so high tech now.

joodzjoodz: Ya, I have same thinking as you when it comes to the pumps... in fact, we're buying from the same seller :p So fast u collected already! Her stock just arrived, right? Like beginning of this week, I think ...

Basically, I feel that since breastfeeding is such an important part of baby's upbringing, yet I hear so many horror stories about the problems, I might as well invest in the best equipment I can afford to make the process (hopefully!) a little bit smoother and enjoyable [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess31: yah i think her stock just arrived 2-3 days back.. i only enquired about the pump last evening and paid but never expected to arrive so fast also. seriously my most heart pain part is parting with the money cos so far this is the most expensive thing i ever spent on this pregnancy but i keep telling myself i will save on formula.. my other consolation is i can sell online if really no supply.. also, my MIL is strongly against breastfeeding for some reason.. if she knws how much we spend for this piece of equipment hopefully she wont say anything.. haha.

@joodz: Hahaha.. Are they all very young? So funny. Then you can educate them now, so that next time they know what to buy for their wife. Hahaha!

pinkyval: yah they are all quite young.. mid to late twenties and a few early 30s. i think its something to do with men and their love for gadgets. haha. first thing they did was to look at the specifications while what i did first was to ooh and ahh over the cute prada-looking travel cooler bag. LOL.

TRINKET.. no probs.. pm me ur size lah.. once have.. i let u know ok?? no need shy ah.. we all mummies here mah.. except OFB.. hheeee... When i buy already... we decide how to pass and yes can change if cannot fit but dun tear the tag

geri... ya lah... thats the belief.. i will pass out also if like that.. though my mum came frm a family of 15 .. and my dad of 33 with one dad and 4 wives [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ... and my grandad was only selling cloth .. wah seh.. power of economy

joodz...yeah..u got a good deal... but doesnt it come with 1 year international warranty? i tink it does...coz my fren told me she ship direct from US...covered for a year internationally..

if buy local set the warranty is 2 year for singapore warranty...

hi all sorry to interrupt but since its abt breast pumps n pumping..im now pumping n typing coz pumping alone is boring..haha..my boi is 11 mths soon n still on tbm n i expressed 100% too w my bz work schedule. so want to give credit to my very faithful medela freestyle. got it direct from US thru a spree for abt S$480 then (now shld b cheeaper?) n its 1/2 the price here! no warranty at all..but dun think there's need for it coz it's still working very fine. yup really impt to get a gd electric pump (manual is mad tiring!) if want to prolong ur milking sideline haha. really love my pump..tink im gonna miss it soon coz i b stopping at 1 yr. happy preg to u mummies! :>

Morning mummies! Happy Children's Day...for 1st time MTB like me, next yr, we will have our lil one to celebrate Children's Day with... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sorry I beeen MIA for so long. I didn't manage to read the forum for abt 2-3 weeks and I spent the next 2-3 weeks reading the archive...dat's how much posts they're! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I have finally read all the posts so here's a long post from me..

Detailed Scan - I went for my detailed scan earlier this week & I cld see baby gender...Baby was guai cos I kept telling baby open leg big big...haha...Baby is a girl! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My in-laws said they cld guess from the shape of my tummy tho so they were not too surprised.. But they were generally happy.. Baby however was noti cos didn't wanna turn over despite me gg for 3 scans...as such, I need to go for another scan next week to see her heart structure...so for MTBs yet to go for detailed scan, ask baby be cooperative beside opening leg big big..Hee!

Leg Cramps - I had started experiencing them since I entered 2nd trimester..smtimes bad, smtimes ok. But hubby became a light sleeper ever since & altho I dun cry & tried to do it myself, he will still wake up to help me straighten my leg & massage it. I dunno wat is the cause, is it too much standing/ walking? I pity my husband cos he sleeps late & yet his sleep is interrupted by me so if anyone knows how to minimise, lemme know k? I am alr raising my feet during sleep.

Low placenta - During the scan, dr told me my placenta is low, so a few thgs to note is no sex [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] no strenuous exercise & no lifting of heavy thgs.. I hope by 7th mth, placenta will be moved up... sigh, I wanna have natural birth if possible as I wanna plan on no. 2 aft this baby is abt 1yr+.. Anyone know anythg else we can do to help the situation?

Shopping - I feel a lil jealous seeing all the MTBs shopping for ur baby..My hubby doesn't wanna get anythg now esp clothes.. cos he say baby outgrow very fast. Mebbe see if any of his cousin give.. Baby room stuff, I guess i need clean up the room in my place first cos staying with in-laws & make space for baby cot etc b4 buying..

Sorry mummies for the long post..

@nashita: Congrats in having a girl!! Your baby shy lah. Hahahha! My baby not shy one. Gynae wants to see what he also let her see. Haha! I scared next time he grow up he also super thick skin. Lol~

Last night while I was sleeping I suddenly had a leg cramp too. It was so sudden that I was in such pain. And I woke my hubby up. Heee.. He's quite a light sleeper too so I just hold his hand and told him weakly "Ahhhh.. My leg~~~". Lol~ Then he asked me to relax my leg first and he massage and straighten it. I also don't know what's the cause leh. And I'm still feeling the sore now..

Don't worry, me & my hubby also haven't shop for our baby. Though I wanted to very much, but he said baby clothes 1 day can finish buying. But I told him I want to buy everything from the Expo baby fair. Lol~

Hi Nashita,

Low placenta - I also have! My gynae said there's nothing we could do except to wait and see if it will move up in the 3rd trimester loh.. and like you said, no exercise and no intercourse. My gynae said no squatting too.

Baby clothes and items - I think I'm the most "boh-chap" MTB.. I also haven't bought anything. In fact, I'm not going to buy any baby clothes cos I'll be using all hand-me-downs hah! Will be getting hand-me-down baby cot, pram, baby carrier, baby bath tub, multi-layer drawer etc too.. but have to buy those necessary baby's consumables lah..


@pinkyval: I will prob head there & get a few pieces of clothes (depending on the nos. of hand-me-downs I get), mebbe baby cot & other stuff..

@faithnhope: No squatting..oh no, my gynae nvr mention & I squat a few times daily actually! Sigh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Thks for this info! I really hope it'll move up for all of us!

