(2011/02) Feb 2011

@Val: How nice if we can enlarge the room hor.. Haha..

@Unicorn: Ya, I can't do anything to the room now.. Want to paint also cannot.. Want paste stickers also cannot.. Haiz.. All gotta wait till bb arrives..


@preciousbabi: Ya lor! Or find some space to extend the room. Now my only "open space" in the room is in front of the toilet and wardrobe. So at night when walking have to be careful. Anytime will kick onto the cot. *sigh* The place to put cot is like so "off".

Preciousbabi: I think can ba cos they got showroom their website did say All our customers are warmly welcomed to visit our showroom for trying on of any maternity clothes and even nursing bras!

@Val: My walking space still ok now.. But when nearer the date, have to change place with hub coz the bb cot only can put next to his place.. My side is the wardrobe.. So gotta get used to it first..

You better be careful at night then.. Make sure the things in the room are put properly so that you won't trip.. Slowly adjust until you find the position right..

@Elise: Huh? Have meh? I think I'm blind.. Haha.. Alamak.. Later I go check again..

@preciousbabi: I wish I can put the cot at my hubby's side. Then he'll have to wake up to take care of baby cos more convenient for him. Hehe..

I think only when baby is born then I'll move the cot into my room. Before that I'll put it in the spare room. But must wrap it up, in case the kid do something funny to it.

@Elise: Haha.. I saw le.. Must fix appointment to go to their showroom near AMK.. But the slots for this weekend already full.. OMG!! That means gotta book for next week.. Abit troublesome leh and must wait so long.. I think I will go shop around this weekend and if I can find bras at about the same price, I won't wanna wait ba.. But if the difference very big then no choice guai guai fix appt.. Haha..

@Val: I also wish.. But scared wait he sleep like pig cannot hear bb cry then I still have to walk 1 big round or climb over.. Haha..

@preciousbabi: Hahahha! Then you shake him and wake him up lah. My hubby should be able to hear cos he's quite a light sleeper. Unless baby cries in the morning like 7 plus then he won't be able to wake up liao. Haha! Alarm clock ring so loud he also don't know is cannot hear or lazy to off it.

mami B: yeah.. i try not to comment on his blog or even mention that i read it so he feels more private.. so even when i read his posts about his frustrations regarding housework, finance, etc, i keep quiet and secretly try to make his day better..

@Val: Like that make myself more tired leh.. I rather take care of bb myself and can let hub sleep well coz we got maternity leave for 4 months, they don't have.. Wahaha!!!

But the thing is I am not a light sleeper.. Wahaha.. Jialat.. Maybe it's him having to shake and wake me up when bb cries.. Wahaha!! I'm practicing now though.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

@preciousbabi: Hahahha! I also not light sleeper! I sleep more soundly than him lor. I can even sleep with the TV on. In fact when I was still flying I always sleep with my DVD playing. So I scared I'll think I'm dreaming when my baby cries. And that night I was actually sleeping halfway then I thought I saw my hubby eating something so I asked him what is he eating and he said cake. But the next day I forgot all about it and I thought I was dreaming. Until when I open the fridge I saw the box of cake is packed differently then I went back to the room and asked him did i ask him that question. I really thought I'm dreaming..

pinkyval: i dont knw if he knws i read his blog but he knws i knw that his blog exist. haha.. cos when he set up his blog he mentioned it to me but i never show must interest(on purpose cos i dont want to let him knw i will be stalking his blog everyday hahaha) and i never comment on the stuff he blogs too. i think its better this way. he reads my blog too but never comments on it but i knw he follows my blog pretty closely too cos the webpage history has my blog url almost daily though i dont visit my own blog other than when i update it..

Val, Dont carry too heavy thing n not good for u n bb. Guys mostly don't understand how we feel but slowly ur tummy become bigger they will automatic help out. Ur hubby so nice touch ur tummy on the morning. I'm sure slowly ur tummy getting bigger he will put more n more attenuation on u n bb. Previous I sent u a link of bb clothes do u still remb? Yester I just got the clothes. It so cute n the quality for the material is gd. Maybe will upload the pic tomor. But the clothes look very tiny to me. My mom say Look like doll dress coz it small. Maybe u can take a look over the website.

Preciousbabi maybe u cam check up the website too for the bb clothes. Their bb boy clothes look cute too. =)

@joodz: Hahahha! Why you still go to history to see.. But I think it's a very good channel for the both of you to communicate. So next time if both of you are angry with each other or don't know how to express yourself you all can write down in the blog for each other to see. If only my hubby also blogs. And if only he reads my blog. Hahaha!

@wish child: Yeah I remembered. How long did you wait before you get the clothes? Ya, at least he notice my tummy is expanding. Haha! This morning when he looked at my tummy he said it's stretching. Then I "Huh? Got stretch marks meh??". He said "No lah, but see your belly button is stretching.". Gave me a scare.. Then I lift up my t-shirt and put on top of my tummy and I said "See. The tummy can support my t-shirt.". Haha! So childish..

morning ladies...

Preciousbabi - if u need to buy the bras urgently, maybe try the OG at Bugis? I was there over the wkend and the sales lady told me they were clearing out the maternity section so nursing bras were going at 20%+20% discount.. not sure if the second 20% is for card members only though... i got a top at 20%+20% discount.. so paid only 30bucks.. super happy =)


Good tip. =) I got mine from OIO in KKH because I wanted to get a nursing bra/maternity bra with some soft support and that is of a T-shirt bra like texture so it won't be lumpy under baby tees like most cotton maternity bras. Found them there. But a bit $$. Can't recall the cost as I bought them a little while back but very comfy and very worth it. For those with larger cup sizes and larger width, OIO has those sizes. Most maternity bras available locally in dept stores don't really go up to larger sizes. =p

Morning mummies

@Val: But many people told me when you have a bb it will be different le and you will be more sensitive to bb’s crying more than anyone else.. Hehe.. Hopefully it’s like that.. If not bb will cry till no voice *sob sob*..

@Wishchild: Sorry, can you provide the website again?

@Kinder: Erm, not really urgent lah.. But my bras are really getting tighter everyday.. So better standby first.. If not 1 day I may not be able to breathe lor.. Exaggerating right [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].. Keke.. Kk, I will go OG have a look.. Yeah! Tomorrow going for scan liao.. I’m in a super good mood today!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

By the way, the posts seems slow these 2 days, where are all the mummies??

Havent been here for some time and I can hardly catch up.

Stylishmumtobe: Bought stuff from here before. Not bad, prices are reasonable + can try. Her place is at AMK area.

Baby expo: I am also waiting for the baby expo to come.. Wanna get more diapers and some baby towels.. There are 2 lei.. 1 in end Oct and 1 in end Nov.

Personalised baby stuff:

Previously I was talking to you gals abt personalised beansprout pillows and personalised rompers? The seller replied me liaoz, she can offer us 20% for beansprout pillows and 15% for personalised rompers/ tees including postage.

Here's her weblink: www.buniquestore.com

Pls indicate your interest. I know abit too early to place orders still since most of us still havent decide on names for our babies. Lets gather interest level first and place orders when ready?

Beansprout pillows - 20% (From $13.44 after discount) - Min 10 pcs for discount

Alot of mummies selling this but few have personalisation on it.

1. eviangal

2. eviangal









Personalised Romper/ Tee - 15% discount (From $14.28 after discount)- Min 6 pieces for discount

1. eviangal

2. eviangal





We can choose the designs we want. No need to restrict to the designs available. Can also customise pillow sizes.


I MIA-ing a lot coz flu still bugging me and hubby is in town so sometimes I tag along to his office and stay offline. Lol. Also trying to help Kae revise for his exams at the same time, which means I AFK more.

My scan is on Friday! I can't wait to hear about your scan tmrw. =D I feel happy that Friday is just around the bend, but a bit sad too coz Hubby going back to Gold Coast area for work on Saturday T.T Won't see him for 2 weeks plus this time around. =p

AND YES it is true, you will have "spidey senses" when the baby comes. I can be 3 doors seperated from #1 and I will hear him- itz been like that since he was a baby til now (when he gets nightmare, he can cry out in his sleep smtm). Hubby developed it over time as well. We can have the TV on loudly and the doors are shut btw us and our kid and we can hear his littlest whimper. Your radar just gets better. Grins.

Don't squeeze in your bras la. Lol. If need to, get bra extension but if your cup size changed le, will look funny and you will spoil ur current bras. I advise getting nursing bra instead of maternity bra coz you will find that after you give birth, the maternity bras won't wear le- very wasted. If you get a nursing bra now, it can double up as both a maternity bra and nursing bra later. =) And if you want, there are those with light support (very soft underwire that does not impede nursing later, but supports the boobs better) these days. =) Those are good for when you want to go out. I am looking to get a night nursing bra to wear at home or when I go central gai gai... I just don't want to have saggy boobs. Just saw some docu the other day with tribal women and saggy boobs & I have been wearing my bra a lot at home now haha.

Hi Eviangal, am interested [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Beansprout pillows - 20% (From $13.44 after discount) - Min 10 pcs for discount

Alot of mummies selling this but few have personalisation on it.

1. eviangal

2. eviangal

3. BPC (Pillowcase + Beansprout pillow)

4. BPC (Pillowcase only)







Personalised Romper/ Tee - 15% discount (From $14.28 after discount)- Min 6 pieces for discount

1. eviangal

2. eviangal

3. BPC

4. BPC



Good afternoon Mummies,

I just bought bras from the last Metro sale over the weekend ..

Din really want to buy maternity bra first ..

Mebe in the 3rd tri ??

I have no problems falling asleep when the TV and the lights are still on, espy when I am very tired ..

But I can wake up easily ..

I normally wake up when my hubby's alarm goes off in the morning coz he starts work earlier than me ..

And I will wake him up and return for a short doze or prepare our breakfast ..


dear mtbs, sorry to disturb again. have added many new items. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i've alr delivered my gal & looking to clear the abv items. hope mtbs can find them of interest to u.

pls refer to abv link for related pics & descriptions. all items are described to the best of my knowledge. items u see in the provided link are all up for grabs (except for those that have been RESERVED), items once SOLD will be removed from the link.

if keen, pls SMS to 96495528 for fast deal. pls do NOT leave PM or postings in the forum as i'm unable to keep track of them. calls from unknown nos. will not be entertained.

here's wishing all mtbs a safe & happy pregnancy!


Gd Afternoon! =D Hehehe. U dun have to I guess? =) I did becoz I felt very uncomfy wearing my normal bras- my boobs will be sore at the end of the day. I think my boobs just dislike the hard underwire of my bras lor. T.T

Like you, I sleep easily too. When I was studying overseas, I could even fall asleep in the Disco (I didn't drink alcohol), of coz my friends were around the table we were at. =p

I wake up when I hear a whimper from Kae's room and without alarm clock, my body can naturally wake up at 6.30am to prep my son for school. Lol. But the bad thing abt this natural internal alarm clock is, during school hols or weekends, I will also wake up at 630! ^.^ Then I will go back to sleep again after visiting the loo or after grabbing a cup of water. =p

Hubby gets me breakfast instead these days hahaha. Every night he "takes order" and gets me breakfast before heading off to work. Or we'd just go grab breakie together at one of the markets nearby. I miss having breakfast with him whenever he is away on work trips. =p

@preciousbabi: Hehe.. I hope so. But then again, hope I won't be over paranoid. Hahhaa! And actually babies cries are very loud.......


Talking about paranoid, a friend of mine bought a baby monitor when she had a baby. She turned it up loud so she could hear baby loud and clear. Ended up having lousy sleep becoz she would race over to the nursery at every whimper and noise baby made. She realised it was pointless coz sometimes baby makes noise but doesn't need attention then. XD


Don't worry lah, you will be ok. Babies cries are loud, but even if it sounds soft and TV is on and doors are shut between u and baby and there is a distance, your spidey mummy senses will still tingle and make you go check baby out.

Count me in too!

Beansprout pillows - 20% (From $13.44 after discount) - Min 10 pcs for discount

Alot of mummies selling this but few have personalisation on it.

1. eviangal

2. eviangal

3. BPC (Pillowcase + Beansprout pillow)

4. BPC (Pillowcase only)

5. Geri (Pillowcase + Beansprout pillow)






Personalised Romper/ Tee - 15% discount (From $14.28 after discount)- Min 6 pieces for discount

1. eviangal

2. eviangal

3. BPC

4. BPC

5. Geri


(But I can't tell her what to personalise until I find out gender & confirm the name k? =D)

Just to check, Eviangal, is the romper/tee the one with the appliqued name or just printed on name? If the former, I would like to order. But if the latter, I might DIY print =)

Just something to share.

There's a talk organised by Breastfeeding Mothers' Support Group. Info was emailed to me:

Wanna Make MORE Milk? Philips Avent and BMSG are proud to invite you to a special one-day only lunch session on 8 Oct 2010 (Friday) at 10am to 12nn with Diana West, IBCLC and author of "The Breastfeeding Mother's Guide to Making More Milk" at Rochester Park House. All the way from USA!

Price of $35 per head includes a yummilicious lunch and a FREE copy of above book worth $31.

Email [email protected] to register! Hurry! Limited to 50 places. Registration closes on 4 Oct 2010. Late fee of $10 for registrations after 4 Oct 2010.

@Geri: Hope you are feeling better and good luck to your scan on Friday!!

@Val & Geri: I believe I can train myself to be a super sensitive mum.. Hehe..

@Evian: Me too me too!!

Beansprout pillows - 20% (From $13.44 after discount) - Min 10 pcs for discount

Alot of mummies selling this but few have personalisation on it.

1. eviangal

2. eviangal

3. BPC (Pillowcase + Beansprout pillow)

4. BPC (Pillowcase only)

5. Geri (Pillowcase + Beansprout pillow)

6. Precious Babi (Pillowcase + Beansprout pillow)

7. Precious Babi (Pillowcase only)




Personalised Romper/ Tee - 15% discount (From $14.28 after discount)- Min 6 pieces for discount

1. eviangal

2. eviangal

3. BPC

4. BPC

5. Geri

6. Precious Babi

7. Precious Babi

@Fiona: Expo starts 22-24 Oct..

Precious Babi: thanks for the info.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

is it baby fair??

Good afternoon mummies!

Hope everyone is doing great!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Don't worry too much. No need train the sense one...u'll somehow become more sensitive to little noises when ur baby comes. Part of the package i guess! Hee...


Hope u're feeling much better and recovering well from your flu.

My scan is this fri too!! So looking forward to it!! :D

Geri: The romper is the embriodery kind. Those machine stitched ones. Can embrioder cheeky words + baby's name.

For Applique one, I usually order from another mummy. The wet bags mummy - Tango. Did 2 mother and baby sets with her so far.

You can check out the website for the designs.



u take care of that flu... I'm hvg my scan on Friday too :>

Bring my girl together with me. She is so excited as this is the first time she is seeing the bb 'live'

Updated list - easier for me to track. Dont worry about not knowing the names to indicate yet. Me too. Havent decide on baby's names. Will check back with you gals in another month or two on the names. I think we are close to hitting target liaoz.

Personalised baby stuff:

Previously I was talking to you gals abt personalised beansprout pillows and personalised rompers? The seller replied me liaoz, she can offer us 20% for beansprout pillows and 15% for personalised rompers/ tees including postage.

Here's her weblink: www.buniquestore.com

Pls indicate your interest. I know abit too early to place orders still since most of us still havent decide on names for our babies. Lets gather interest level first and place orders when ready?

Beansprout pillows - 20% (From $13.44 after discount) - Min 10 pcs for discount

Alot of mummies selling this but few have personalisation on it.

For pillowcase only, I am not sure how much is the mummy charging. I think close to pillow only price.

1. eviangal (Pillowcase + Beansprout pillow)

2. eviangal (Pillowcase + Beansprout pillow)

3. BPC (Pillowcase + Beansprout pillow)

4. BPC (Pillowcase only)

5. Geri (Pillowcase + Beansprout pillow)

6. Precious Babi (Pillowcase + Beansprout pillow)

7. Precious Babi (Pillowcase only)




Personalised Romper/ Tee - 15% discount (From $14.28 after discount)- Min 6 pieces for discount - Yayy!! We got enough orders for discounts liaoz..

1. eviangal

2. eviangal

3. BPC

4. BPC

5. Geri

6. Precious Babi

7. Precious Babi

We can choose the designs we want. No need to restrict to the designs available. Can also customise pillow sizes.

hi, i am interested in the beansprout pillow(pillowcase and pillow) and personalised rompers.. pls add me in:) thanks.

@Geri: Hahah! Your friend really too paranoid leh. I also thought of getting 1 baby monitor when my baby gets bigger. But I'll only go to him when he starts to cry.

@eviangal: The nov one also in Expo??

@eviangal: I found the details liao. Hehehe.. Thanks for the info!! But that one is for parenthood, wonder if they'll have any baby stuff..

Pinkyval: Ya. Nov one also in Expo. Saw it in Expo calendar of events. Both looks like pretty big ones. I am surprised they have 2 so close together. One is the Baby Expo (Oct), the other is organised by motherhood magazine - (26 to 28 Nov).

Actually, dont really need baby monitor lei.. i had one initially, but sold it away. Can hear babies cries quite clearly + end up, baby slept with us instead of next door.

Joodz: Added your name. =)

Updated list - easier for me to track. Dont worry about not knowing the names to indicate yet. Me too. Havent decide on baby's names. Will check back with you gals in another month or two on the names. I think we are close to hitting target liaoz.

Personalised baby stuff:

Previously I was talking to you gals abt personalised beansprout pillows and personalised rompers? The seller replied me liaoz, she can offer us 20% for beansprout pillows and 15% for personalised rompers/ tees including postage.

Here's her weblink: www.buniquestore.com

Pls indicate your interest. I know abit too early to place orders still since most of us still havent decide on names for our babies. Lets gather interest level first and place orders when ready?

Beansprout pillows - 20% (From $13.44 after discount) - Min 10 pcs for discount

Alot of mummies selling this but few have personalisation on it.

For pillowcase only, I am not sure how much is the mummy charging. I think close to pillow only price.

1. eviangal (Pillowcase + Beansprout pillow)

2. eviangal (Pillowcase + Beansprout pillow)

3. BPC (Pillowcase + Beansprout pillow)

4. BPC (Pillowcase only)

5. Geri (Pillowcase + Beansprout pillow)

6. Precious Babi (Pillowcase + Beansprout pillow)

7. Precious Babi (Pillowcase only)

8. Joodzjoodz (Pillowcase + Beansprout pillow)



Personalised Romper/ Tee - 15% discount (From $14.28 after discount)- Min 6 pieces for discount - Yayy!! We got enough orders for discounts liaoz..

1. eviangal

2. eviangal

3. BPC

4. BPC

5. Geri

6. Precious Babi

7. Precious Babi

8. Joodzjoodz

We can choose the designs we want. No need to restrict to the designs available. Can also customise pillow sizes.

Pinkyval: Not sure also lei.. But usually motherhood magazine fairs.. Got sell baby stuff too. I think 1 more will come in Feb.

Btw, if anyone got info of fisherprice warehouse sale, pls keep us posted ya.. Been waiting for that one. Usually one at the end of the year.

I consider average sleeper I guess as I belong to not light and heavy type. If must classify, more on heavy side whilst my hubby is an extremely light sleeper! He can be easily awake with just a light tap and when I go toilet during wee hours, he will open his eyes and look at me …it scare me sometimes! Hmm, I also looking for bra lol…will be getting those support type as I dunwan saggy breast!

@Geri – my detailed scan on this fri as well and good luck to both of us!

@eviangal – November Babyfair held at where? Im interested in (pillow + covercase )and romper too! Kindly add me and tks!

@eviangal: Feb too late le. Haha! I give birth le. But I think March will have 1 in Taka too..

@pyng: Hahahha! Then you cannot do things secretly when your hubby is sleeping liao. So light sleeper! Does he actually sleep well at night? He's like in those army, any time ready for action. Lol~


Updated list - Sorry, having some issues with the supplier on the beansprout pillow due to the size. $13.40 is for the standard size of 20cm x 10cm which maybe too small. Negotiating now on price. Might be slightly higher.

The rompers and tees are as per website price (-15% discount)

Dont worry about not knowing the names to indicate yet. Me too. Havent decide on baby's names. Will check back with you gals in another month or two on the names. I think we are close to hitting target liaoz.

Personalised baby stuff:

Previously I was talking to you gals abt personalised beansprout pillows and personalised rompers? The seller replied me liaoz, she can offer us 20% for beansprout pillows and 15% for personalised rompers/ tees including postage.

Here's her weblink: www.buniquestore.com

Pls indicate your interest. I know abit too early to place orders still since most of us still havent decide on names for our babies. Lets gather interest level first and place orders when ready?

Beansprout pillows - 20% (From $13.44 after discount) - Min 10 pcs for discount

Alot of mummies selling this but few have personalisation on it.

For pillowcase only, I am not sure how much is the mummy charging. I think close to pillow only price.

1. eviangal (Pillowcase + Beansprout pillow)

2. eviangal (Pillowcase + Beansprout pillow)

3. BPC (Pillowcase + Beansprout pillow)

4. BPC (Pillowcase only)

5. Geri (Pillowcase + Beansprout pillow)

6. Precious Babi (Pillowcase + Beansprout pillow)

7. Precious Babi (Pillowcase only)

8. Joodzjoodz (Pillowcase + Beansprout pillow)

9. Mrs Ong (Pillowcase + Beansprout pillow)




Personalised Romper/ Tee - 15% discount (From $14.28 after discount)- Min 6 pieces for discount - Yayy!! We got enough orders for discounts liaoz..

1. eviangal

2. eviangal

3. BPC

4. BPC

5. Geri

6. Precious Babi

7. Precious Babi

8. Joodzjoodz

We can choose the designs we want. No need to restrict to the designs available. Can also customise pillow sizes.

