(2011/01) Jan 2011

mums n babes sale,

3am?!? All the sleepless pregnant women queuing is it? But the discounts do sound good. Hai...why didn't I see the thread earlier?


yah I always thought firmer mattresses are better for both adults and kids cos they give better spinal support, esp kids who are growing.


try to take your fish oil more regularly, esp if you don't eat fish. supposed to be very good for brain development at this stage and throughout your breastfeeding too.


think it was a good idea to get your pains checked out, at least now you know for sure nothing is wrong rather than worrying about it and affecting baby inside. btw, what do you mean by 10 clusters a day?


I highly doubt that 6 pads can tahan 2 days...even the overnight ones. haha. Think even during my normal period flow also would have been just nice. Aren't we supposed to be bleeding quite heavily, hence the need for disposable underwear etc?


is it that breast pains indicate potential milk flow?I only have experienced slight leaking of some fluid, the kind that can stain your clothes type.


you delievered your number 1 in sg? Or also in abu dhabi? How are you dealing with the heat there?? I have to have the air con on in the afternoons and at night or I go mad...can't imagine the extreme temperatures over there.


wah your husband is dedicated! Usually its the mums who go and queue...

Hubby n I left after seeing that slots are all gone.. will b going back for the sale later.. staying nearby.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] check back later..

Argh,... morning ladies! Jus came out of a meeting feeling all hot and angry!!! Stupid ppl making stupid comments! So glad its only another 3.5 days before I go on ML and not see these stupid ppl again! Argh!!!! Feel like punching someone now... Hmph!

Luckymummy - Yes he has been very supportive through out my pregnancy, quite a participative father, I must say..but I hope it is not like what some of the other mummies said...only so on cause its our first child...haha...

But seriously, in our current condition, quite challenging to cheong sales like this...dunno bout you guys but I can stand for very long these days without get achy ankles and back...

chabby & luckymummy>> decided to throw in another 10 pads.. bring 2 different brands to try.. lol.. threw the extras into another bag and pointed to hubby that that's where i'm storing the extras in case he needs to bring down..

lina>> will resign to fate if i need to get anything from hosp.. i saw the M&S maternity bras.. not sexy at all too.. haha.. i give up la.. i'll wait till i go back to size than order my VS bras.. hur hur.. VS beats triumph, la senza all that brands hands down..

kikapo>> ur hubby power.. go by himself..

luckymummy>> the disposable underwear is such that we dont need to touch water to wash our underwear.. can just wear and throw away..

re: mums and babes sale

it's crazy pple are queueing up at 3am in the morning.. and the best thing i saw? out of the first 15 pple, more than half are males queueing.. well-prepared with laptops etc to keep them entertained.. =.=" the first few are all men and they dont even look as if they are buying it for their wives.. bleah.. i also saw some ladies in their early 20s who doesnt even seemed to be married yet.. hubby commented they could be professional bargain hunters who would queue for those early bird items than later sell off at a higher price to earn some profit.. irritating..

35 weeks 0 days today~

Went out to dinner with friends last night... All happily discussing Christmas plans (Steamboat dinner at someone's place.. gift exchange.. wii all evening)... =P dunno if i have a chance to join lo~

bb is so low, backache getting bad, groin pain even worse, everytime bb moves i can feel my gastric juices overflowing, slow clumsy and waddling everywhere i go... how to enjoy e festive season ah~ not to mention i look like crap when clock strikes 11pm n i m still not in bed....

Pinky >> I agree with your hubby, either they are bargain hunters or they may be family members who have been tasked to queue on behalf..maybe those younger brothers and sisters who are enjoying their school holidays.

BTW, hubby just left the sale, he says the baby heartbeat monitor is selling for $10...he bought one for a friend who is also recently expecting....he ended up buying $600 plus worth of things, including a Baby Jogger Elite and some accessories, the baby monitor and a thong (not the G-string) for picking up sterilised bottles for $2...


Sorry to interrupt.

I have a set of brand new AVENT dual spare parts for sale. It consists of the 2 funnels and the tubing. I bought it at $170. willing to let go at a lower price. If interested, please pm me.


kikapo, haahahahaha, I laugh at the thong!!! Is the Baby Jogger Elite very bulky? but not bad, your hubby is in and out of there in less than 3 hours!

nimkulut>> same here.. having a number of festive plans.. but dunno whether will be able to attend in the end.. oh well..

kikapo>> i really wonder if i'll have much to buy when i go.. i'm only interested in the diapers caddy (how useful.. i really dunno), medela PISA and probably some other small items.. hubby and i should be going back later in the afternoon.. lol.. both of us not working now.. so can take our time..

pinky, you mentioned all slots of the mums & babes sale are gone meaning that the sale only allows limited ppl to go in at each slot? So it is not opened to all ppl like those bb fair?

puix2>> the slots are for the early bird special items.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] should be able to go in freely..

Kikapo>> is your hubby an early bird?

Intend to get a baby monitor, is there good discount on this item if not an early bird?


10 Clusters means 10 separate bouts of movements throughout the day. Supposed to be essential to monitor especially towards the end of our pregnancy..

HI Lina,

my #1 will turn 2ys old in January le. so the sisters will be 2yrs old apart.

I've decided to put the 2 sisters together in the same room. Coz I do not want #1 to hv jealousy over #2, if #2 were to room-in in our masterbed rm. #1 is very sticky n close to us.

Also, I hope the 2 sisters will learn to get used to each other, the noise each other makes at bed time etc. Basically, I want them to bond well with each other. So I think by putting them together in the same room will help lor.


ur ML is starting quite early? chill...stupid pple are not worth getting angry over..think of baby.


mine too...cld really be the novelty of the first one *fingers crossed*

I love sales, was able to withstand the robinsons sales from 1030 to 4, with a lunch break in between. It's the thrill of the hunt lah. =P

haha i like the thong joke too. i bought mine for about $10 from pigeon. he got a good deal!


after reading your post I'm also repacking my pad arsenal..added some normal overnight pads to the stash. hehe

diaper caddy,

is it the JJ cole one? I saw at mothercare...nice, but cld be impractical. seems a bit small if we're referring to the same thing.

disposable panties..oh was still thinking can maybe wash them n reuse once if they can withstand the washing.

Luckymummy: Yah, am taking 28 days prior to EDD + 6 days unpaid. No point in staying at the company when I'm not welcomed. Already had lots of differences with my boss when my pregnancy just started and now with another new manager on board, things are getting worse. Can't even do his job and wants to throw his weight around... Cannot stand him! Argh!!!

Baby Jogger>> Hubby says it is very sturdy and can be used with the maxi cosi ingant car seat...think it is about 10kg but the key feature is the one-step to collapse the stroller. Our first choice is the Baby Jogger City mini which is OOS, so since the Elite is on 50% discount, we decide to get it. Hubby also bout the accessory that allows #1 to sit in front of #2 (when he or she comes along)...maybe a bit kiasu and premature, but it is the sale mentality lor..haha...

Diaper Caddy>> I had also wanted to get one from a spree here, but it is quite ex. In the Dec issue of Mother & Baby, they have a feature on diaper caddies, think Kiddy Palace has a fairly decent one that is cheaper...when I get home I can scan and post it on FB [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Puix2>> Nope hubby is not really an early bird at the sale...so if you head down this afternoon you may still be able to get the baby monitor bah..it is quite a good deal at $10

Hi Kikapo, any idea what kinda baby monitor is on sale at $10? I'm thinking of getting one after work. Any idea what time the sale ends?


i was eyeing on the munchkin diaper change organiser.. going at $59.9 at tom and stephanie..but hubby protested saying it may be a waste of $$.

so is the mums n babes worth going?? we r think if we shld go. honestly, i feel that the essential are all stock up le. see more, spend more buy more le..hmm


I see...yup I know the feeling of not being appreciated. Seems to be compounded once u're pregnant too. Dunno why...hey I'm only pregnant, I didn't become stupid or inefficient. The new manager is probly "xing guan shang ren" so needs to assert himself a bit and make changes no matter how unnecessary.


wow...#1 not out yet and planning for #2?? hehe. I'm just seeing if I will survive the first one.


the munchkin one hangs on the side of the cot? Seems a bit small to me. Unless you have no place to put all your baby barang and need extra slots, I don't think you will use it much.

dry shampoo,

I seem to recall a discussion on this...but what brand is recommended for confinement? where can I get it?


I stayed here throughout my pregnancy for no.1, went back to SG when I was 7months plus, gave birth in SG. Came back with her when she was 2months plus, the weather was perfect. Only during the summer months (June – Aug) are terrible at 45 to 50 deg. Now its perfect, winter here 15-23deg !! Then again, most of the places & apartments are air-conditioned 24hours a day.


U using normal sanitary pads ? Does it work ? Yea its terrible, that’s one thing about breastfeeding that I don’t like. By the way when are we getting the bravado nursing bras ?


Does your no.1 still wake up in the middle of the night? Mine sleeps at 9pm, wakes up at 12 plus for milk then sleeps till 6am for milk but always at 3am she will be awake & need to be pat back to sleep. Now hubby takes over the night duty, but once she sees me, she will only wants me to pat her back to sleep. So I am afraid that both no.1 & 2 wants my attention in the middle of the night. Hai ~

Bravado Bras spree..

I just checked with BebeLounge.

The shipment just reach SG this morning. Think BebeLounge will email us when they are going to mail the bras out to us. That's what they usually do.


My #1 sometimes wakes up in the middle of the night crying. Think toddlers at this age has frequent dreams n nightmares. I always juz get my hb to go settle her. He will carry her for 1min and she will settle back to sleep. She still does wakes up for milk ard 5-6am.

Maybe you make the best arrangements for yourself. You can put bb in ur room for first few mths first, then later transfer bb to sleep with #1. But keep in mind that with the arrival of #2, it's a big transitional change for our #1. So it depends how fast n how frequent you wana make changes in your children's lifestyle.

Are you getting a confinement lady to help you during the first month? How is she going to help you with your baby if your baby sleeps in your room with you?


so even one kick about 10x a day is considered a cluster?


ahh i see...can see I've had misconceptions about the weather in abu dhabi. hehe

Akaysha - It is really a baby heartbeat monitor, not a baby monitor...Hubby says it is call Bebesounds fetal Heartbeat Monitor

Chabby - I am also super tempted to get one, but wasn't sure if it will be a white elephant....hmmm


Yes, but usually when baby moves, they move a few times at a go, so that is considered 1 cluster.

I'm not working, so at home most of the time, very free to monitor, maybe tts why I get so paranoid. Haha

Hi mummies, I just back from the sale. No 10 bucks monitor left. And dint get anything except a forehead thermometer at 20%discount but still cost 55.92bucks. Unless u r medela supporter, if not, I think can forget abt it :p


yup I'm at home now as well. A few weeks back my doctor said no need to count kicks cos it may make you panic unnecessarily...will ask him again about it this Tue.


thanks for the update. hubby n i decide to give it a miss. cuz we usually end up being tempted to buy white elephants..hur hur..

but the thermometer sounds like a good buy. i have intention to buy one thermometer, either ear of forehead.

Re: Diaper organizer

I got the munchkin one when I had #1 and found it extremely useful for the first few mths cos my cot is also my changing station. I hv all of bbs essentials (diapers, tissue, wet wipe, diaper cream, fresh change of clothes etc) there. Cot is in the master bedroom whilst all the rest of her things r in the other room.

So aft her bath or if she needs diaper change or spits up milk I just change her on the cot n hv everything within easy reach.

Diaper Organizer

I think I saw it at the parenthood fair at expo and it was selling at 39.90. I guess the one at Toh Guan is selling more expensive then. Or either that its a totally different Diaper Organizer.

Baby Cardigans

Can any kind soul please enlighten me as to what this thing looks like? Is it jus a long sleeve top button front? Supposed to be bigger than the usual and made of different material? I keep reading in websites that we should prepare a few for nb, but is it really necessary given the weather in Singapore being humid and warm most of the time?

hi mummies,

i have a Ameda Lactaline Personal Dual Electric Breast Pump (the latest model, BPA free) to let go at S$180. Bought in Nov 2010 (1 year warranty) and only used once. want to sell because gave up breasfeeding. please sms 97492202 if you are interested.


yup.. heard of jumperoo. walkers are not recommended.. so there's this device that allow the baby to sit down and let them jump to burn off excess energy. these are not cheap.

i intend to shower before i go hospital. but i fail the swab test (group b strep test) anyone can advice me on this? do i have to rush in or i can dilly-dally and wait for contraction to be closer than go hospital?

but if you clear the swab test, there shouldn't be a problem on shower before going. anyway, the doc will probably tell u to wait for contraction to be about 5min apart before going in esp if it's the first delivery. so can take ur time shower n check that everything is in hospital bags.


thanks for sharing on the diaper organiser. it's still on my " KIV buy list". but the shop that sells this is jus 1 mrt station away. so not so bad la.

My gynae dint mentioned to my about swab test but she did told me during last appt if my water bag burst, I can still wait for 3 to 4 hrs then only go hospital.

Hi Chabby

from what I have read, its safer to go to the hospital once you have the contractions to avoid any complications. If you are still unsure do check with your doc and see what the advise is.

In the meantime, don't worry too much! Everything will turn out fine!


My friends say their kids had a lot of fun in a jumperoo..seems like a modern 'must have' but you may wanna wait and let your kid try somewhere first? In case baby doesn't like the experience. Cos even most 2nd hand FP jumperoos sell for ard $180. And the lifespan of it in your home is limited to a few months only.


shd be able to at least shower first i guess? if you are strictly following confinement rules it will be your last shower in a long long time!


yeap that's what all the experts say .. walkers aren't recommended. But it's up to you. As long as your flat/condo apt has no step eg from kitchen to hall kinda thing, should be fine. It doesn't slow down when the baby walks.

My girls were all in walkers from 6 months onwards, and my 1st girl walked at 1 yr, my 2nd at 10 months, my 3 at 9 months and my 4th at 11 months. I personally find the jumperoo and the exersaucer not very useful. I bought new walkers each time for my girls and it is not expensive and very entertaining and they were thrilled to be able to move around the hall. This is just my opinion :p

Hi mummies

Been missing for long but still try to read every 2/3 days and the thread goes so fast. I have to spend more than an hour to read from where I stop...By the time I finish reading, very tired and forgot which mummies ask A question, which mummy ask B question..haha

Today suppose to be my last day but the colleague that I handover to is already tender, so I gotto come back on Monday, handover to another colleague..

Baby will arrive in 10 days..so anxious, I dunno if I am fully ready..how how how..

jia you....


you're going for a c-sect? how come you're so sure baby will arrive in 10 days? lol.

we're all anxious .. it's normal. for me, 5th time around and I'm still worried. lol :p how to not be?!!

Too exciting till I get anxious..i dunno how life change with a new member.

Oh ya, any mummies has the link that sell brand new Medela free style breast pump (US set)?


ya, kimmy doing c-sec. low placenta if i din remember wrongly.

jumperoo are ex.. may just loan it for a few months from some firm perhaps. dun think i'll buy walker cuz read of accidents involving walkers. floor space also limited.


dun worry. c-sec half hours or so done le. it's after the c-sec that you need to be extreme careful and dun feel bad about getting the nurse to help u as you can't get off the bed for a day.


prior to swab test, my gynae say after 36 weeks i can slowly take my time to hospital. but now swab test fail, need to put on IV w antibiotics to prevent the bacteria from passing to the baby. so dunno if i can still take my time.


i wan to shower!! esp wash hair. i believe my mum won't let me wash hair. she say only 2x the entire month.. sure stink n itch..!

how to mummies deal w it? experience mummies can share??

