(2011/01) Jan 2011


i also bought 2 packs for 35cm sanitary pads, and like chabby, intend to use the normal type after i finish those 2 packs. my mummy friends all say after ard 2 weeks, the flow will be a lot a lot lighter.


yup yup, will defn update on the confirmed induction date after appt tomorrow morning. me also worried abt the mental and physical part... also worried abt confinement. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

baby engaged?>

today i went back to my parents place, and my family all say that i suddenly seem a lot "wider". i also feel that my hips suddenly became wider, cos overnight one of the pants that i usually wear to sleep became quite tight! suspect that my hips have widened to accomodate baby - so does this mean that baby is engaged already???

also, been having a lot of menstrual cramp feelings and the back very "suan"...

my mom told me should be soon... my sis say should be within these 2 weeks liao. o_O!

anyone has similar symptoms as me??


Hello mummies,

I been reading this forum on n off for a while.. N picking up tips from u ladies.

I'm due by elective c sect on 3 Jan at glen. This is my 2nd kid, a girl - she's breech as was my elder boy who is now 3.. I'm 36 this yr.

Is anyone else due at glen at the same time?

I think half body c sect is by epidural - can't say much abt the size of the syringe though. The nurses confiscated my glasses the last time n I was blind as a bat! though I can say it wasn't as bad as some of my frens stories.. Had a bit of the shakes when the epi was wearing off but no subsequent backaches etc etc.

Anyone experiencing ' morning' sickness in the middle of the night?


Your boy is pretty good huh, just like my friend’s kids. Mine still waking up for milk. Oh no, hope they reconcile soon. Then again Kimmy is right, once you pop the baby out, your MIL will definitely come over to help.


Yea, I need to get extra bed sheet too, my friend just delivered the cot to my place. Have yet to set it up though. Nowadays I get tired easily, hai ~


Yea my back hurts but from my last check up there’s no sign of contraction yet, so hope I still have time to enjoy Xmas & new year with my no.1 before the arrival of no.2

Hi Mummies,

Those who are interested in renting I saw this website which my gfs uses they have jumperoo and a few other toys inside at $48 per mth or something .... www.toyrentalworld.com

Btw wats swab test (group b strep test??? Sorry ill-informed mummy hehehe

Morning laides.... Monday blues as usual. Can't wait to start on my ML so that I can properly set up the stuff I need to at home for bb's arrival. Sigh...

Cookiefleur: Same here. I get menstrual like cramps very often these days and I'm only into my 34th week! Way too early for bb to come out at this time....

Morning mummies,

Have signs of BH and pelvic discomfort is a sign of "any time" soon? Oh dear.. Me been hving it for the last few days.... and my EDD is end jan! I dont wanna deliver so soon ;<

Last sat I was dead beat, I walked all the way from Marina Sq to MBS and from MBS to Marina Sq... I practically couldnt move on Sunday itself...

Morning PM!

You may have tire yourself out lately. Although ppl may tell you that walking alot is good and helps you in your delivery process, dun walk extensively! Its not good and not everyone is suitable for these kinda exercises. If you have high blood pressure, best to stay off your feet.

It happens at this stage. I am also due towards end of Jan, and experiencing pains in groin areas and sometimes BH, but my gynae says its normal... If you really feel the pain coming consistantly and have 4x within an hour, do contact your gynae immediately as you may be delivering early! Anyways, do take more rest... at our stage, not adviseable to take anymore walks from MS to MBS and back... :p

Hi kimmyksc & ivftwins, for half body, they will inject epidural for you. I dunno how big is the needle as I did not see it when they inject. But I dun feel the pain when they inject, only can feel the needle. There's no side effect for me actually but guess depends on individual. For me, C-sec is very easy & fast so dun worry about it. This time round, I still opt for C-sec to be more convenience.

My MIL is a very petty person. So is my hb. Guess this quarrel will last for at least few mths unless someone steps in to reconcile them. She's suppose to look after my #1 at my house also but due to the quarrel, she did not come for the past week. (Also cos my hb took back her keys) So, I've been bringing my #1 to my mum's house for her to look after. So much changes this few weeks...


wkends pretty fulfilling as me started to pack abit getting ready for #2 although only 20% done! haha how about u?


so will u be getting help when #2 is out? will it be appropriate tat u step in to resolve their conflict? im sure both of them will appreciate it! and most impt its bcos ur #2 coming out soon now its NOT the right time to 呕气 as it be tough on u!


wanted to get some packing done. Din accomplish much. Hopefully more will get done when I'm on leave this week.

Am seriously considering not hiring a confinement lady... Any takes on this? Anyone here who went without one for their #1? Is it tough to look after the nb alone? Hubby is afraid that its gonna be tiring... Sigh...


yes, i would advise u to get some help...be it confinement lady, ur mum or MIL. it's very tiring to look after #1 esp if u r a first timer.

u need lotsa rest if ur BFG cos u will need to wake up every few hrs to feed bb and its a 24/7 thingy...anybody helping u with housechores? u ordering confinement food?


Sorry to interrupt. I've 4 brand new bottles of GNC Fenugreeks, letting go at 20 each. self collect at hougang mrt. Interested, pls PM me. Thks.

Hi ladies!

Just saw doc and had VE, haven't dilated yet, so doc scheduled another visit for next Monday... If dilated then, ww will opt for induction liao... Hehe.

morning mummies.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

feeling extremely tired today.. went to orchard to see the lights yest.. didnt walk much though.. got tired..

now am dealing with extremely swollen right feet and red patches all over my body.. apparently my mum said she also had the red patches when she was preggy last time.. my fingers are swelling terribly as well.. bleah.. a sure sign that my boy is due soon..


If I don't get a confinement lady, then will get a part time maid to do the cleaning and order tingkat for confinement food... My mum and MIL not exactly a good choice for help as well, due to health concerns. Well, in that case shall forgo the idea of not having one...

Hi akaysha,

I agree with the rest to get some form of help. I didnt have help for #1 and indeed was a tiring process.. Thus for this pregnancy I didnt want to go thru the same thing again.. thus I had CL and maid with me hoping to get 101% rest and recuperate from the post natal aftermath.... ;p

waited almost 1 hour at the clinic..so tiring..last chance to confirm c-sec date..


hm...ur hubby so angry till collect back the house key..may be u can step in, arrange a family dinner, hopefully can solve the problem.


wa...then u gotto bring along your hospital bag next visit just in case..jia you...

Hi mummies,

Have been reading but not contributing:p

Going 36weeks tomorrow. Last check-up at 35week, baby is 2.6kg. Gynea said good weight since I might deliver early. I was hospitalised when 33+week due to bleeding and contractions. So far, I put on about 7kg. My tummy feels so huge, and the stretchmarks looks like thomas' tracks. Boohoo....

Confinement lady,

Those getting CL, will the CL be sleeping with the baby alone? I don't have enough rooms. So hb will sleep with my #1, baby and CL and me in another room.

I have not packed my hospital bag yet. #1 is so sticky that he can't let met out of sight at all. So tiring. I am supposed to be on bedrest, but how to rest when he keeps asking for me. I can't even eat in peace.

Hi Mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] how is everyone?..

thread moving real fast and me tied down with lots of workload..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi pinkimum,

I'll be the same like u, sleeping with BB and CL.

ANy issues? I think most probably the CL dont mind also since I intend to latch day and night, easier for her to carry and pass it to me.

Hi shycloud & kimmyksc, I dunno if I can be the one to solve the problems as I can tell tat my hb is really very angry. So, I think it's better if I stay out of it.

Anyway, my hb said tat he will help me to cook and wash. And my mum can cook sometimes and bring the food over for me also. So, my main task is to look after baby & to bf. Think shd be ok cos for my #1, my MIL also only cook & wash. Only difference is now we got #1 around also to look after. My hb won't be working during my confinement.

Hi PM,

Not sure leh, the agent told me usually the CL prefers to sleep with bb alone. I also intend to latch day and night. Maybe 1-2 bottle feeds a day. My #1 latched and refused the bottle last time, so a bit worried.

hi mummies,

me too dont know how the arrangement going to be like? ...think will let baby sleep with CL? i will see how it goes too..cant bear to leave her to CL but yet if not than hire CL for wat? only cook? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] too good life liao not worth than in the end nvr rest also..ah..in dilemma lay..

Lilyh: don't worry too much. If your CL is not a fussy one, she won't really mind where she's gonna sleep as long as there's a bed. Basically they are there to look after the bb and mother, daily needs, cook, wash and clean. Let's just cross our fingers that we get a good one so that we can have a good rest...

thanks Akaysha, but i dont hav space to put in a bed for her ...so wil jus be a mattress wonder she mind or not [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] aiya lots to worry plus need to pay them scare that scully pay them money and yet need to see their face color worst rite [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] these are my worries...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Oh yes... tell me about it. Have heard so much horror stories about the CL these days that's why I'm so hesitant to get one. Its not cheap to hire one, plus their food and ang baos, and if they don't do a good job, its really money down the drain...

ya lo akaysha my worries of tat..sigh..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] not cheap somemore hope the one i get got abit of heart. can jus pray and depends on my luck..

Hi Ladies,

More than half of Monday is over, hang in there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Confinement Lady> My intention is for the maid and CL to sleep with BB. But hubby actually segment out a small part of a room so if either one of them wants to sleep there, they can do that. Will put in a single bed there. But in bb's room, it will be a mattress.

Night feeds> I was warned to not be too persistent to direct latch at the expense of sleep. So I was intending to direct latch only in the day and alternate nights. other nights I will ask CL to heat the EBM and bottle feed. i am sure there are pros and cons but I think I will need the sleep, cause I am the sort that will get bad migrane when I don't get enough sleep (and that was even before I was pregnant). I usually survive on 6 hours of sleep but if I were to go lesser than 6 hours then it will be quite terok.

Not sure if the body is telling the mind that D-Day is approaching but I was tidying up the house non-stop on Sunday. Washed the toilets, packed hubby's hospital bag (to date, I have four bags! Mine, Hubby's, BB's and camera bag). Am really scared since this is my first, dunno what to expect....and bb is weighing 2.7kg at 36th week! Killing my back and ankles!

Ladies, what's the average stay in the hospital while waiting for bb to come out? Will it take like a day? I tink I need to pre-empt hubby cuz we have absolutely no idea...

Hi ladies,

my colleagues told me that super duper swelling feet means that bb gg to arrive really soon cos when bb engage, they push down and cause serious water retention in leg.. is that true?

=D v confused first time mummy who cannot wait to hold my little darling in my arms but will cry to think abt how much i will miss my "bump"


I am in my 36wk if I am not wrong; symptoms include the tummy looking significantly lower, & sometimes the feeling of tightness n cramps, esp at night. Whenever I walk, it's damn slow & frustrating & there is this baby-gonna-drop-out feeling. I hope I can still 'dong' for 2 more weeks.


Did you opt for 1/1/11 Csec? Next time in terms of schooling, is she gonna be the 2010 or 2011 intake? Mummies who are teachers pls enlighten?


MTBs in this Jan2011 forum have their EDD projected to be in Jan, thats why we all joined this thread. But for some reason or another, some may choose to have an earlier birth (esp those with EDD in early Jan) that's why some of us are talking about delivering in late Dec. And sometimes, the baby may suddenly wanna come out a few weeks or 1 month earlier, so I can foresee a few of us popping in Dec. This kinda thing hard to predict! If you read the Dec2010 thread, some of them also popped in Nov! Regarding tests ordered by gynae, it's a case-by-case basis. Some MTB need to go for glucose tests, protein tests, Strep B swab, further blood tests etc depending on individual condition. So far I skipped all these, heng ah.


I hope your hb & MIL problem is slowly being resolved. It is better for u not to 'chaap', let him handle his own mother. For some, such family problems will slowly start to surface, esp post-delivery between us, our parents, husbands, CL & especially parents-in-law (shudder). Been kpo-ing the Dec mummies thread & alot of them seem to have newfound inter-relationship problems. I am prepared for our fair share in the very near future. Let's rant here, heh heh!


4 bags!!! Maybe you could put all the contents in 1 trolley bag like what I did. I look at my 'hospital' bag majiam going on 3D2N trip! Got lock & name tag some more!

Cookiefleur or kimmyksc... wonder who will be first? I am sure all are apprehensive... all trotting towards the finishing line...

Nimkulut> what I heard is that D-Day is near when the super duper swelling feet subsides all of a sudden....not sure how true that is...

Hi mummies,

me feel so tired. n tummy so heavy! been hvg cramps everyday. Don't remember being like this when preggy with #1. Isit true if preggy with #2 or more.. then will deliver earlier?

WOw. so many of you pack bag already? *thumbs up* I have not done mine yet. Duno waiting for what. Wahaha. Maybe coz my EDD is mid-Jan.. so thinking I still have 1more mth to go. still quite a long way. But the cramps make me feel like bb may arrive soon. *puzzled & confused*

Hi Hi Ladies, me back.

been ill since last Thureday. My daughter passed me her fever and flu. finally can sit up and look into my notebook today. so scarry. thot i may have kana the cough and phelgm again and am so afraid that it will last till my d-day like my prev delivery. am recovering after taking the antibiotic prescribed by me Gynae *keeping my fingers cross*

So what's on on this forum now? i seems to have missed alot. wow! let me slow slow read them thru. today still on mc...eng eng :p

Hi Ting,

Hope you are feeling better. We haven't had much talk in forum, only about the Mums and babes warehouse sale over the weekend, and now about hospital bags and popping earlier than EDD! Haahaa... Not forgetting our pains in groins amongst others...

Hi Miako,

My EDD is mid jan as well and I have not packed my hospital bag.. Dunno waiting for what also.

Maybe im secretly waiting for my hubby to pack for me.. haha

Anyway my tummy is still pretty high.. No swelling. I guess not popping anytime soon..

Ting hope you recover real quickly.

CL, my feet were swollen for 1 day. Then I ask my hb to massage my legs for me. Next few days not swollen already. Very unlike me when I was preggy with #1. My feet were swollen the whole month, everyday.

My calves do give me cramps when sleeping. Terribly pain. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Chercat > I know, very 'kua chang' right? Cause I categorise the stuff so hubby won't get confused if I ask him to get me stuff from the bags...haha...but yeah,may consider putting all 4 bags into a trolley bag. If not, hubby will look quite to joke carrying all 4 bags...haha...

I've got a question for experienced mummies, do you guys have a first-aid kit for infants at home? I was reading stuff from Baby Center and it had a checklist for an infant first-aid kit...*shudder*, it didn't cross my mind amidst all the stuff we had to prepare for our newborn...so wanted to hear from other mummies...

re: hospital bag

i didnt pack anything for hubby except for plenty of coins.. when i asked him if he needs me to pack in some stuff, he told me no need.. >.< so i only got 1 huge bag..

my gynae tells me baby is engaged alr.. but my bb is still rather high up.. does it looks that obvious if the baby moves lower down the belly? 37weeks today.. soon soon!

Hi mummies,

my hb very funny one lo~ he packed my hospital bag, took leave to wash all bb's clothes, installed new cabinets to store bb barang barang and put e playpen together already...

then he sheepishly tell bb that she can come out "anytime" cos daddy is ready!

-_-"' is it a first time dad thingy?

Hi mummies

My feet is not tat swollen. Its only my hands esp the finger tips. Numb and pain. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Sigh. Sometimes dun have even strength scatch myself.

Btw, mummies.. What kind of clothes did u pack (or intend to pack) for your bb when u r bringing your little one home? Those wif front button or rompers?

I packed 2 sets romper (new ones). But now afraid whether is it not ideal cos scare the umbilical cord will hurt the little one.

Any advise?

Hi kikapo, I started without the first-aid kit for my #1. But when he fell sick, then we got the medicine or watever cream the PD prescribe. So, slowly, we had a box of medicines & cream for him now. But most importantly, to store the fever syrup. Babies tend to be very prone to fevers. Esp after some jabs. So, the syrup is very useful.

My C-sec date is change to 18 Jan 11. I still hv not pack my hospital bag also.


Hi ladies,

am laptop-less today so shall nt say very much cos iPhone hard to type but I cldnt resist the topic of hospital bag!


I also have 4! Mine, baby, hubby in 2. 1 pad n misc diaper bag. 1 pump bag. Actually also have camera bag. But I'm not the one packing that so didn't add to my bag count haha.


who do you expect to be in the house? Just you hubby baby n CL? Visitors are discouraged right?

