(2011/01) Jan 2011

Kimmy!!! 10 days time! OOOoooohhh!!! so close!! are you excited?? yeah yeah, jia you! jia you!!

my original EDD date also near yours - supposed to be 10 Jan, but will be induced earlier too. Maybe 20 Dec or 27 Dec... so in the end might be same as you!!! :D


kimmy and cookiefleur,

woah...10 more days only. suddenly D day seems very very near. All the best!


err how long do you intend to shower for? just a very quick one to make sure you get your 'last bath' shouldn't take that long yah? Then rush to hospital. Shd be ok.

yah i sounded out my MIL about washing hair...she said at least wait "a few days after giving birth"...I dunno her definition of a few days. But she did say after that can wash with the herbs.

Huh 2x hair wash in 1 mth...that's why i want to explore the dry shampoo option. Anyone knows where to buy from?

Lucky mummy,

Dry shampoo can buy from guardian pharmacy. The brand is klorane. There's a spray n powder version. The powder is supposed to be better.


intend to enjoy a good shampoo n conditioner.. say.. 15-20 min?? kekeke hopefully won't be too in too much pain to have decent shower.

dun think the dry shampoo will feel shiok. i wanted to explore that option but decide that may be pointless. but can sponge bath la. my mum standby 30 packs of those shower herbs le.. so hopefully of alternate day sponge bath at least. but shampoo hair remain elusive.


the dry shampoo good?? hmmm. any one tried before?


I tried the dry shampoo once for my #1. It's quite tedious cos u hv to powder yr scalp then slowly comb out all the powder. The powder will absorb the oil. The result is quite good but way too time consuming for me n not shiok lor. I rather tahan and wash n shampoo properly every 2-3 days


thanks! :D will know on Monday whether D-day for me will be in 10 or 17 days time!


like grumpus, i also hope to be able to shower with the herbs everyday and shampoo every few days... didn't get dry shampoo, but got a herbal shampoo from the bp that we were discussing about sometime ago.


like that ah.. my mum won't let me shampoo every2-3 days.. sigh~ looks like i can only look fwd to shampoo once every 2 weeks le. sigh~


Thanks for your update on the Bravado nursing bras. No I don’t have a confinement lady here. My no.1 is still sleeping in my room on the mattress on the floor. Ya I did read from somewhere that we should try to minimize the changes for our no.1 when no.2 arrives. A couple months back when we moved into this apartment, I did mention to my hubby to move my no.1 to the other room but guess what??? He disagreed, so protective of his little girl  So that’s why I thought why not no.2 and myself moves to the other room instead. Still not sure if I should just put everybody in the same room. Hai ~


U r not alone, many people thought its Hot here all year round. Enjoying the winter here but definitely hate the summer !


I am also busy trying to catch up with all the hardworking mummies here, its moving on really fast !! Woww 10 days… popping soon wow. I am nervous now too, thinking about delivery & post delivery etc..


You are going to induce ?? How come ??

Anybody buying peekaboobaby nursing cover? Which one is better ? peekaboobaby or bebeaulait ??


good morning mummies..

didnt have the energy to check forum last night.. recently super duper tired..

re: mums and babes sale

went and left without buying anything.. successfully didnt buy any white elephant.. tempted to get some medela products.. but held back as i havent gotten my pump.. going to order it online this weekend.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

just got hubby to keep the hospital bag in car.. D day looming close.. realised i have been posting wrong number of weeks.. hehe.. am in week 36 going 37.. very fast liao..


thks, will go check out guardian later.

I need the dry shampoo for the "first few days" that my MIL is referring to. So in the absence of a nice shiok shower, at least I can get rid of some grease.


I think 20 mins shd be fine, when contractions just start should be quite spaced apart no?

If I were forced to only wash my hair every 2 weeks I would definitely get the dry shampoo.

nursing covers,

I didn't get one. Is it useful in SG? I thought I would confine myself to the nnursing rooms in shopping centres, and stay home, or only go to relatives/friend's houses.

My friend was saying she had dirty old men trying to look down her blouse from the semi open top of the nursing cover she was using. Eeeks!

morning everyone!!!

suddenly feel like more energetic these few days... could it be going to deliver soon??? =P


am going for induction cos doc suggested due to my gestational diabetes condition.


wow hospital bag in car already! mine is still half packed - the toiletries like comb and toothbrush etc will all be last minute! :p


yikes! the story abt the dirty old men is horrid!!! these men so bad!


Me too.. Dr suggested induce for me as well but cos of my high blood [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

If my next chkup, he realli confirm going for induce. I tot of 11 01 2011. All 11111. hehe. Dun if it will b too early. will be abt 37 wks only


any movement will do. actually i din really count. as long as it move regularly will do.

11/1/11 good date. my hubby keep telling me to go tahan until then or 1st jan also can..haha.

37 weeks is fine de. dun worry. see wat ur gynae has to say.


3 weeks more to go.

i packed my bag but din load in car. worry the snacks i pack in will melt. haha.


i jus buy toiletries n put inside. dunno by then will we still be calm to grab these. only left hospital letter, i/c n wallet not in.


jus get something to cover. a shawl will also do.

curse those dirty old men!


both brands of nursing covers are the same. The difference is the design only. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I got Bebe Au Liat's.


I didn't track baby's kicks coz she moves a lot! Sometimes when she is not as active I'll worry and start to kajiao my tummy till she response. Haa~


37 weeks liao? Very fast liao... Xmas baby? Hee~

re: Names

Have anyone decided on the name for your baby? I've been procrastinating.. hahaha. Trying to a suitable English name now. Will go and count the strokes for Chinese name.

Hi all wa thread move fast !! Can't catch up ytd work till real late phew....

Today gynae chk up baby head 9cm Liao me 35 weeks my gal 36weeks 6 days give doc the date he say wa wan me to work on new year ah and laugh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] check everything all went well so hopefully I can tahan till 1st [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] manage to get slot for ward tour hubby say book one beded better [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and now at taka kekek walkin like penguin yet still wan to shop lollll!! Kekeke


Yeah, glad to hear that everything is in order... just wait to pop and in the meanwhile, relax and have fun shopping ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hehe.. so excited for mummies here who are popping so soon!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I've stopped counting also cos baby is moving quite often now. but i've read that best time to count is when mummy is at rest (either sitting on sofa/lying in bed) - the babycenter website says to count 10 movements (any type of movement) within 1-2 hours is good. but my doc says just 10 movements in 1 day is good enough. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ooohhh.. u also going to be induced. dun worry, anytime from 36 weeks - baby is "ripe". so 37 weeks should be safe, just double check with your doc again. heehee.


yay! great that everything is ok! good to be walking and shopping - will make delivery easier! :D

Hi hi kimmyksc & cookiefleur,

Me also delivering end Dec!!! Can't wait to get rid of the 'ball' in front of me, yet abit scared of the 'ordeal' at the same time. If I rem correctly, kimmy is choosing 21Dec right?

I packed my hospital bag already, just need to throw in some last min toiletries & items. Also scheduled Brazilian waxing just prior to Xmas, so the nurses need not shave me messily. Hee!

Hi all, wow, the thread really move very fast. I'm so busy with my boy past few days as he had off & on fever so no time to type & post anything.

Yeah, chercat, I remember kimmyksc choosing to give birth on 21 Dec which is also my bday.

Lina & Miaiko, my #1 is also 14 mths and I'm also thinking how to settle the sleeping problem. My #1 is a light sleeper so any noise will wake him up. At first I'm thinking of sleeping with #2 in the next room but my hb felt tat it's not a good idea as he may not be able to help me if he cannot hear me. So we are still deciding.

My 14 mths boy sleeps around 10 plus till the next morn 9plus w/o waking up for milk. So at least he's a good boy so we can concentrate on #2 when she arrives....


yeah! =D just a few more weeks! when is your date? c-sec or induction? are u also delivering at TMC?

my hospital bag is in same state as yours... i haven't schedule my brazilian yet, but intending to do so once i have confirmation from my doc on my induction date.

Hi jass1408 I also vividly rem like no shaving too but also can't rem liao since my happen so long ago...

Seriously counting I am left with 3 weeks wah....


my best friend delivered just 8 mths ago, and she just reminded me today to go for brazilian... since her delivery was quite recent, i'll take her advice. hehehe. anyway, whether a not the nurses shave, i'll still go for brazilian cos i want it tidy and neat down there, esp since most likely will have wound from episiotomy...


yah those despo old men! So sick...nursing mummy also want to see!


actually it does sound like a great idea...esp since we'll be irritable, sweaty, in pain..less hair easier to keep clean after episiotomy.

Cookiefleur & pooh,

I see, well gestational diabetes is very common. Soon… So excited for both of u.


Oh u have used both ? Heard the material of Bebe Au Liat is alittle heavier compared to peekaboobaby. Well where do we get it in Singapore ? Thinking of getting my mum to get it for me in SIN, coz here we can't get it. Their website only delivers within the states. Any online shop selling it ?


Woww at 14 months he is sleeping through the night, that’s great ! I cant wait for my no.1 to sleeps through the night, she still wakes up for milk at about 12plus then quite unsettled at 3am then wakes up for the day at 630am. Is there any tips to train her to sleep through the night ?? She is already taking 3 solid meals per day, she shouldn’t be hungry at night. Hai~ I have yet to decide either, whether to let both of them sleeps together with me in the room. The problem with no.1 is that she is fine with my hubby if she doesn’t see me, but if she sees me then she will insist and cry out loud for me to soothe her back to sleep. Hubby wont be able to help.

hi ladies..

This is Jan 2011 tread.. a bit confused but why is it some of you expecting to deliver in dec?

Gynae says so?

Unfortunately my gynae doesnt seem to gimme me extra info.. so i dunno what to expect.. pls share?

ie. when do we start to get the physical examination? the swap test etc?



Morning. This is a Jan thread but some mummies are expected to due earlier.. either planned C sec due to gynae's advice or gynae mentioned that they might due early... coz baby is considered 'full term' after they hit 36 weeks, so its considered normal.

For natural birth, it really depends on whether baby wants to come out earlier or later.. gotta wait for signs like waterbag burst, show (bloody mucus), dilation (when gynae check on it) or contractions.

Not everyone will need to do physical test like swap test. i didn't do it for 1st pregnancy. Unlikely for me to do it now as gynae does not mention. Such examination / test are recommended by gynae on a case to case basis and gynae's preference.

Hope the above helps.


How old is your #1? Oh dear.. if she needs you then it will be siong for you to cope with it when #2 is born. Is she sleeping in a separate room?


Jia you.. I have 6 more weeks. Very excited. Feasting on ba kwa and ice cream to make up for confinement deprivation. LOL... but I will seriously miss yu sheng during CNY!

Hi MTB s ,

Glad to see everybody is doing fine and planning to give birth soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pinkyj: no wonder I was thinking our Edd so close so is there any wrong calculation of my or your weeks ! Since I am into 37 weeks now !

AfM, I am having contraction and sudden pelvic dicimfort since morning 4 am ! No other symptoms so just resting on bed ! MIL says may be another only few days for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] ,super scared [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but really want this to be over soon!

morning mummies

Sherill, i feeling like you. scare but want to get this over. i've groin pain but no BH contractions yet. jus big bis 2-3x a day.

i'm 36 weeks.

morning mummies..

chabby>> i didnt put in any snacks.. i'm thinking hosp should provide? but i did put in a lot of coins for vending machines.. haha..

jass>> i'm hoping it'll be new year baby and not christmas baby.. hehe..

sherill>> oopsie.. sorry abt the miscalculation on my part.. going cuckoo.. rather scared though..

had a fun day yesterday and reaching home after midnight.. tired but i guess it'll be the last time i'm actually going out so late.. today i'm stuck at home doing work.. have been procrastinating..


My no.1 is 14 month old same as Daphne no.1 She is sleeping in the same room as us, on the mattress on the floor. When we moved to this place a couple of months back I intend to put her in the separate room but hubby thinks its too early to be separated from his little girl. So now she is still in our room, hubby will attend to her only if she cant see me.

Sherill & Chabby,

Likewise, I am not ready. Scary man… more things to buy and more things to pack.


i'll watch out for the news for u. jia you. ur EDD is 3. u stand a good chance of having a 1/1/11 baby which my hubby wan (11/1/11 also can..he says).

dunno got wat vending machine. so i pack a small can of wafers, clorets candies and sour plum for him. can always buy more on the way to hospital. he was saying mac drive-thro at kings albert is along the way to glen-e. haha


my scare is the mental and physical preparation for delivery and a newborn to care for. i've pretty much have the essentials le.


Ya...counting down to 10days..super excitied..Same as chabby, my scare is the mental and physical preparation.

chercat, daphne

yaya...u both has a good memory..hahha..Seeing gynae next Monday to double confirm that my baby is ready to come out by 21 Dec.

It seems like I'm the first to poop here...so nervous..Already pack my hospital bags 2 weeks ago, toiletries will be the last to pack. Yesterday still doing house work as usual and shopping at Yishun till 10 plus, scared water bag burst..Can feel that my belly is getting lower compare to 2 weeks ago. Hubby was asking me y not take a nap just now (cos i love to sleep), i told him tat I very anxious about the D day. is like 1 week more only!!


Jia you..I also scared..haha


update me after your next visit. I'm very nervous abt my D day now..let see if u will induce on 20 or 27..

Hi Mummies

Yesterday, went to buy cotton disposable panties and sanitary pads 35cm. Do u think 35cm is enuff? I went watson and thats one of the longest i can find.


I also have big biz at least twice a day. So mafan if I am out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Chabby & kimmy,

Yea definitely mentally & physically scare, unlike you two so well prepared. I am also scared I have yet to get everything ready for his arrival [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Terrible me. Almost there, just alittle more to do, I must jia you.. Now all I wanna do is eat, sleep & meet friends etc.

Also here the hospital nurses are not very nice, arghh really scared man. In singapore Mt Alvernia, the nurses were experienced & great !!

kimmysc: think you are the first in this thread to pop! I am scheduled 10 days after yours....

getting worried everyday that i cannot tahan till that day. I do get painless contractions each day. I am 35 weeks now and i do hope i can wait till 38wk so that bb is bigger.

Dun worry about c sect ok. you will be fine.

Did you get PJ for hospital wear? I dunno what to get and got 2 aunty looking tie-dye/batik long dress that is button front so that we can breast feed in hospital easily.

For C-sect, i think we have to wear dress PJ.

Sorry to interrupt..

Selling Medela Pump In Style® Advanced Backpack (Local Set) on behalf:

Condition: 9.5/10 (Used for less than 3 months)

Warranty: Until Aug 2011

(Purchased in Aug 2010 for more than $700)

Free hand delivery at seller's convenience

Letting go at S$450.

Please PM for more details


hi-5. i only bought 2 pack of the 35cm. my sis told me if the gynae is good, the lochia won't be too heavy de. i intend to use my normal use ultra slim type after i exhaust the 2 packs of 35 cm ones. not enuff then buy more.

quite mafan. so i'll try to empty bowels before i go out. also ensure there's clean toilets where i'm going.


i also got those auntie dye-print ones and the cartoon 2pc top-bottom to wear at home. got a combination in case end up c-sec.

at home still need to wear nice nursing tops? dun intend to get any nursing tops. most prob will get a nursing cover at best if there's BM.

chabby>> i dont want to appear on tv.. will look so "cui" after delivery.. no time to make up.. cannot.. unglam.. LOL..

nursing tops>> i'm just going to wear my usual home clothes and when breastfeeding/expressing, i'll just stay in my room and lock the door..

Hi Lina, ,my #1 already sleep through the nite when he's about 8 or 9 mths old till now. Not much tips. Just tat I will clean him, change him to his pj, change a clean diaper and give him milk. Then off he goes and sleep....

Now I got another headache... My hb just quarrelled with my MIL. And she's suppose to help me with my confinement. So guess now she won't be coming. So, I've to do my own confinement next mth... Maybe I'll just do a simple one since I still remember much of the things to do from last year.


I only prepare baby stuffs but I think I need to buy at least 1 more set of baby bed sheet. I only got 1 set, no extra to change if wet. Worse case will let baby sit on my bed..haha..I need more mentally prepare..hahha..But I'm kind of weird, scared now and will be cool on that day cos I know I cant escape anymore.


wa...ok lar..Let me chiong number one then..How many kg is ur baby now? So long as pass 36 weeks should be fine, many baby poop at 36 weeks nowaday. Rest more see if can tahan longer..jia you

I bought 1 dress PJ with front button, and I got one old mickey mouse PJ but not dress type, so just bring 2 lor. Hopefully I dun stain the new one, cos the mickey mouse PJ very not nice already..hahha


Your MIL may not be that petty ba...overall is her grandchildren mar..dun worry so much, son and mom quarell, won't be that long one lar..positive positive...

Experience c-sec mummy,

If I opt for half body, the procedure is the same as epidural rite? I know daphne opt for half body last time, got side effect so far?Heard the needle is BIG..

Hi mummies,

Sorry to interrupt..

I have extra set of Pigeon warmer to sell @ $20 (cash & carry) @ Serangoon north area

& extra set of Cooler bag to sell @ $20 (cash & carry) @ Serangoon north area

