(2011/01) Jan 2011

puix and ivftwins,

on consuming alcohol if breastfeeding

For chinese confinement, they believe that you need to take in alcohol..here's what i was advice.

1. food that is cook w alcohol is safe as the cooking evaporates the alcohol content already.

2. if you intend to drink it directly after shower, you can put the amount you intend to drink into food warmer/soak the cup into a bowl w hot water to evaporate the alcohol content.

hope this helps.

Mrs loh,

i sign up w stemcord cuz it's cheaper. took the 5 year plan.


morning ladies,

was MIA yesterday cos #1 down with fever haiz gotta look after her so brought her back from CC...


I have around 4 bottles too. Bought on impulse cos people kept asking me if I bought already, so when we went overseas earlier in the year kept buying. Hopefully it can be used for the cooking during confinement.

with all the ginger, dom and what not, my body is going to be on fire during confinement!


if you already have dry nipples maybe should standby one tube of lanolin. Mine were already rather sensitive some months back, cracking and kept excreting a liquid (hope its not colostrum, so wasted!) so I bought Lansinoh lanolin to apply once in a while. Imagine suffering through cracked bleeding nipples during breastfeeding!


yah the toys discounts were quite attractive. Lamaze was also on 30% off and I bought a toy dog with airhorn legs. My only concession to a furry soft toy cos husband and I both have sensitive nasal passages so furry things that trap dust are no good for us.

you didn't look at the car seats and strollers at robinsons? thought I saw some discounted ones.

maybe that lady bought like mattresses or something...unless you buy$180 worth of wet wipes how to buy so much of nett priced items?


yup my doc always tells me the weight based on head measurement (which usually makes her average weight), and stomach girth (which makes her above average!). Does he measure those things in front of you?

Hi Pinky,

I feel the same,contraction everytime i make movements in bed then upon waking up. Also everytime i exert effort, that's why OB suggested bedrest for me since baby too low.

Hi Mitch,

Hope your painful cramps did not occur again.

Hi Chabby,

Im worried because im still on my 35 weeks.

Hi Casey,

I am even more scare. I am only in my 32 weeks. Pain come and go but not so frequent today.

Yesterday evening, for nearly an hr, sharp pain comes every 5-10 mins. Nearly freaked out.


Thks for your concern. Today better. Last night, had difficulties sleeping cos of tummyache. Not those sharp pain liao but more on those going toilet tummyache.

Hi Chabby

Thanks for the info and advise, will try to change position. Yesterday evening, when the pain comes, I was too frightened to move or change position.


My hubby and I chose based on the sales recommendation. The mattress thickness is 4.5inch. Also, I wanted a softer matttress but sales lady says its not too gd cos it will be a little warm on the mattress. So we end up choosing the thicker and slightly harder. She told me majority of pple chose tat.

Hi Mummies,

Have not log in for a week and thread moves so fast. Btw anyone having low anaemia count? Mine is extremely low at 6.6 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] have been on iron supplements since start of pregnancy cos initial count was already low at 10.9 went for checkup just now and was shocked to see 6.6 kind of worried now


Me too.. low anaemia. taking double dose of iron tablet now. then meantime, worry about constipation.. so trying to consume more fruits n vege.

Last night i got this sharp long pain at the bottom of my belly. So scary. I was so worried I may go into labour. don't want to deliver so early when my bb is still small.

Was on the bus, n was in great pain that I grabbed my hb's arms tight. Guess what? He so unloving. told me "Dont hold me so tight. very pain" [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My whole heart sank. *sob sob*

Hi mummies, I am from Jan 2010 thread.

Would like to sell the following items:

Brand new mesh rocker - Selling at $30


Safety Fits - Lightly used car seat cum rocker - Selling at $40


Fisher Price - Brand new manual musical mobile - Selling at $28


If you are interested, please either PM me or SMS me at 9184 6259. More pix of the items can be provided too.

pooh and miaiko,

mine was not painful just contraction twice every hour. but accdg to what ive read, nothing to worry unless it is 4x/hr coz sign of preterm labor. how true?

for low blood count, should eat beef and green veges, iron supplement. I eat oatmeal every morning so i have no prob with constipation.

Lily, if 8.8 at 32 weeks, then I think really considered quite big, mine was 8.8 at 34 weeks, then he estimate abt 2.3-2.5kg.

...back fr lunch...ate so little but so full [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Sometimes man r like tat one. You tell him when during labour, you will squeeze even harder. Tell yr hubby now its training for him.

I told my hubby last night tat I am experiencing pain more often these few days. Told him better keep an eye and pay more attention to me. He replied juz 'orh', ok'.


Sigh.. I still dun know if my pain is considered as contraction mah. Although some mummies in the forum told me its tightness on the tummy as well as pain.

Dunno if its also consider as Braxton Hick mah but more serious one. Or is it I juz over pananoid. But the pain is really sharp and fast.

Hi pooh, are you a first time mummy like I am? Its ok to check out your pains, cuz we won't know for sure what is it that we are experiencing. I've had my gynae asking me if it felt like contractions and I just stared at him cuz I have no idea what contractions are like!

Thanks poor mummy. I actually don't like beef though I love vege. Gynae advised beef or liver for 2 to 3 times a week. Guess I will go for liver


I got to have double dosage for iron, folic acid and even vitamins. On top of that, gotta take fish oil too. Hardly touched any fish since I was pregnant cos hate the taste now. Feel bad towards bb


men.. sigh. disappointed leh. when i was preggy wif #1,he is more loving lor. pay alot of attention to me. now not anymore [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Pooh, isnt 4.5" too thick for baby cot? Tot the max thickness is 3". But then again, there is no restriction. I tried sitting on the harder mattress at the shop n its really rock hard! I cant even mk a depression with my hands.

Now i intend to get those mamalove mattress from kiddy palace n try to squeeze it into my cot.

Hi mag, i alsp hv low blood count at 8.8 when i took the blood test at 28wks. Im thalessemic so usually my count is abt 10 plus. Now dropped to 8.8 so gynae prescribed iron n folic acid during my 32week appmt.

Re baby's weight

At 32 weeks, my baby girl weighed 1.86kg. She really caught up on her weight over the past 4weeks. Gynae said at this rate, shes gonna b 3.2kg at birth! Thats rather big for a girl!


my gynae also said that my gal has a bigger head... tink prob cos runs in my family..

my nephew was also big headed and gave my SIL a hard time to deliver...

pray hard that mine will not be that hard :p

by the way, anyone know of any good websites for our confinement food? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] cos during CNY, am going to let the CL go back home... so means am on my own with my hubby as my parents going on holidays :-/

must find out the easier to prepare ones :p


me also having low blood count.. so now on another kind of iron tablets tink called Sangobion / neogobion...

gynae said obimin/prenavit not strong enough... tot will have constipation after the swap, cos i norm has constipation, but surprisingly i din :D

for mummies who having constipation, eat more papayas :D now it's the season too :D so it's pretty cheap and good quality [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so am having 1 medium sized papaya shared between me and hubby, every night :D haha...

Mag, dun eat iron and calcium supplements together, separate into one for morning and one at night.. cos they clash and prevent absorption of each other... so will be wasted if u eat both together [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my MIL prepared a bottle of DOM for me, but she said cannot take immed after birth, but prob take about 7-10days after too.

now counting down, but having mixed feelings... am enjoying my pregnancy now... BB moving very healtily, and also the feeling is very good with every of her movement [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] seeing my tummy up and down, then the feeling is so special... prob will miss this kind of feelings.. :-/

hello all.. just back from checkup.. didnt do CTG today.. was told by gynae that my bb's head is engaged already and will be quite a big baby.. now estimated to be about 2.8 to 3kg at 36 weeks.. likely to deliver in another 2 weeks or so..

akaysha>> i bought mine from OG.. eternity brand.. super auntie looking.. but heck.. only 12.90 each.. haha.. a few mummies mentioned they got theirs from OG too.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

casey>> my gynae is worried.. but now i'm at 36 weeks he's not so concerned anymore as baby is developed enough to come out alr.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

charleen>> please cut down on your intake of papaya!! too much beta-carotine intake will cause u and hubby's skin to turn yellowish like jaundice.. try to alternate with other fruits like apple..

re: baby cot

mine's still not setup.. MIL says when i deliver and am at hospital than set up.. =.=" so i'm ignoring that.. have 2 cots but only got 1 mattress.. so i shall decide later on if i really need 2 cots at home..

re: hospital bag

mine's packed alr.. but somehow i still keep feeling as though something's missing..

my room is still not ready for baby yet.. still have yet to move things out to the study room (staying with parents-in-laws) so that we can place a new ikea drawers and cot in my room.. procrastinating still..


Think I am like super anaemia and I don't have thalassemia. Only 6.6. Am really worried now

Thanks Charleen,

I havebeen taking the 2 together since pregnant. Was quite shocked when I saw the reading just now and doc also said my blood looks v diluted [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Miaiko, cheer up dont be so sad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Misty so my baby is big lo :-O no wonder he suggest c sec

Hi Mummies,

I have a 99% brand new Pigeon Steriliser to let go. Used only two days. Warranty included.

$80 only.

Pls email [email protected]



hey mummies,

jus came back from Philips showroom. didn't buy anything even though there was 40% off the retail price due to staff year end discount. i wanted to get their VIA storage bottles and lid system. sigh~ sold out..actually the bundle deal they offer at the parenthood is better than 40% discount.


dun worry too much la.. worst scenario pay for it lo.. the hospital is more than happy to charge us for it de. just ensure you've the most important stuff like your I/C, doc letter, marriage cert, cordblood box. can always send hubby or family to pick up for you de. natural delivery must stay at least 2 days anyway.


David Tao will be performing with a bevy of other artistes for the Countdown party, so it is not exclusively his concert. Maybe he will hold another one next year, by that time u probably can attend liao! I have plans to attend a few concerts next year, much to the displeasure of my husband. But I already 'sacrificed' my job for this baby, do not intend to let it take over my life totally. Still need my leisure n pleasure.


It is a funny feeling to see the baby's movements in tummy. But don't think I will miss it much. Though apprehensive but I can't wait to pop cos alot of clothes I can't wear, n I hate pp staring at my tummy. Feel like slapping their faces. Recently also stopped going out with friends cos feel ugly, big & clumsy. No life now. Everyday just read newspaper & stare at computer.

pinky_j: yah... I realised alot of nursing bras all very auntie looking. Why can't they have some nice and sexy ones?! Haahaa...

chercat: yup, I know DT is performing with the rest of the artist. My gf asked if I wanted to go with her since we both love DT, but in my current condition, how to tahan from 7.30pm to 3.00am?? hahaa... hopefully he has another concert, but I checked Sistic till Mar 2011. No sign of his concert... Sad...


cheer up! look at it this way...pregnancy brings out weird feelings in us mummies...it probly makes our husbands go haywire also, except they are not so keen on expressing themselves all the time. Maybe he just needs more reminding that pregnancy isn't easy...

medela bottles,

can I check if I can buy just the bottle cap/cover, and teats that are not S sized? I've been looking around for it cos my pump set comes with 4 bottles, but only 1 teat plus cover! so weird...then I'm supposed to keep recycling the cover?

If I want a teat that isn't slow flow, I have to totally upgrade to the next sized bottle?


my husband had a big head at birth and gave his mother a hard time. I'm super worried my baby will be the same. But looks like it's her stomach size I should be worried about actually...hehe

baby movement,

when I'm not suffering from backache or related pregnancy pain, feeling baby move around inside is really special. When she's out it'll be a whole different ballgame!

gold kiwis,

I finally found some again at shop n save after a few weeks of only seeing green kiwis! mummies who like gold kiwis, take note!

nursing bras,

It's very hard to find cheap yet nice nursing bras with even the tiniest bit of sex appeal. If all goes well I'll be wearing them for at least 6 months so can I just have some that look remotely exciting and yet serve their purpose?? Hope the bravado ones work out well...


my mother was very disapproving that I got the baby cot set up already, and while I was at home some more. There is some pantang thing about not moving furniture or doing 'reno-like work' in the house while pregnant I think. But how to wait until I deliver? The window period is so small (2 days?) and they must be able to deliver exactly at that time, plus so many other things to handle immediately after giving birth. Not realistic leh.


at this stage of 'largeness' I only have a few items which fit and still don't look too bad, so I just keep recycling them. Staying at home all the time is also not so good for your emotions. I figure I have 4 months to stay at home once baby is out, better go out more now while it's still easy to travel with her.


i can only fir into limited items only. so keep wearing the same few like luckymummy.


think ur mother is jus concern la. cuz pregnant can't move heavy stuff.. think that's her intention la. get hubby to do it lo. i agree w u that it'll not be realistic to set it up only when u r in hospital.

sexy nursing bra??

dun think there's any out there le.. anyway, it's said that when u BF and after giving birth, sex is not anywhere on your list. kekeke. so muz remember to tell hubby to go cold turkey for a long while.


like u, i suspect i'll miss the baby moving within me. it give me a comforting feeling esp when one of the MTB lose her child at 20+ weeks as the baby din move. so i do look fwd to baby moving. it's a good sign.

i've some confinement recipe that cousin send me. would you wan a copy? it's word document in Chinese and the file size is rather big. if you wan it, drop me a mail/PM. i'll send you.

Was experiencing quite severe groin pains since last night and this morning, except for a bout of hiccups, my baby hardly moved. Panicked and went to gynae for a check. Was hooked up on the CTG machine, no signs of contractions and baby's heartbeat was strong too. Heng ar, maybe I was just paranoid.

Anyway, did the usual scans and fluid level is okay and baby is abt 2.3kg at 35 weeks, still alright. With regards to the groin pain, gyane says it is due to my pelvic bone plates adjusting and making way for the baby's arrival. Was advised to monitor movements (at least 10 clusters a day) everyday now.

Sigh, what a stressful day.

chabby>> ya.. i think whatever i left out i'll just either pay hosp or get someone to help me run errands.. but now i'm thinking.. i think 6 overnight pads may not last me for 2 days.. haha.. better pack in more..

akaysha>> yes.. i agree with u.. y cant they make sexier nursing bras so at least still got a bit of appeal to our husbands lor.. my hubby are disgusted that my nursing bras are auntie looking..

luckymummy>> most older folks tend to be more pantang la.. sometimes if can follow what they want than just follow to avoid clashes.. that's how i tell myself as i am staying with my in-laws.. hehe..

re: mums and babes sale

will be heading down tmr with hubby in the morning.. he was joking he wanna go at 7am to queue for the early bird special.. but i'm seriously not interested in the mini electric.. oh well.. see what time i wake up tomorrow..

Take care chelleybaby

@ Akaysha & Pinky i manage to get one not bad qutie nice looking lay [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] at motherworks kekeke

shall i post on the FB :p cannot la hor...hahaha


i throw in 1 bag of 16pc.. u take only 6pc w u ah??

think sure not enuff one..

u going down?? hmmm.. my hubby say may need to Q overnite for such stuff one. anyway, there's akira sale n some sports apparel sale at toh guan also.. can go see-look if u r there.


all is well.. dun stress. try to rest more. it's rite to go see gynae immediately.

thank u ladies for comforting me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

feel better already.

think my Braxton Hicks started already. on and off these few days. But not regular. My breast also started to feel.. eh.. a lil pain today. THink preparing for milk le. Yay! *blush* Im so worried me got no bm for my bb. *LOL*


You are not alone. I also felt that I dont get as much attention as the first pregnancy. How old is your no. 1 ?? Now that we have a stayed in helper, I find that I have to manage everything myself. Dont know if its the hormones thats causing all these (-) thoughts or its the truth.

My no. 1 is only 14months, wondering if I should put two of them together in the same room as me ? Or should I separate them ?? Any idea ? Any mummies out there share the same problem as me ??


Dont worry so much, Singapore is so so convenient. Even the hospital doesnt have the thing you need, you can easily get your family to help you to get it from home or from the shop. Unlike here, its hard to get stuff. Either too far away or always out of stock etc.

Akaysha & pinky,

Yea I hate all the nursing bra, the straps damn big. Not sexy, not pretty to wear. Heard Marks & spencer have good nursing bras but dont know how they look like though.


Yeah. Me first time mummy. Have to know whats contraction when we are at this stage.

But then again, although I read up abt it, but when the pain comes, I still clueless if its "real contraction" or "baby kicking hard' or 'false contraction' or serious Braxton Hick'. :p


Maybe yr hubby thinks u "steady po pi pi", 2nd time mummy.


I also, nvr really take the fish oil. Once a week maybe. Cos its big and difficult to swallow


hmmm.. dunnoe abt the mattress thickness leh. Cos we use the 'recommended size' dimension sticker which stick on the cot. LxBXH. Havent collect the mattress. So hope it fit wor. As for the hardness, I guess hard is better. tot it will be better for the bb's spinal code. hmmm..

The cot was hand-me-down, so doesnt comes wif mattress.

Morning ladies,

My hubby is at the Mums & Babes sale too...the security told him tnat people started q-ing at 3am, so of course the first 15 slots are all taken..haha...

If anyone is eyeing the Baby joggers, hubby says they seem to be on 50% discount...that is the update I have received so far [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Preliminary assessment from hubby:

1) Diaper bags are mostly 50% off

2) Breast pump accessories seem to have 50% discount too

