(2011/01) Jan 2011

Hi kikapo,

How much did u pay for the PJ at la senz? I m thinking of getting another set.


We got the sea horse customize matress Fr seahorse n it took ard 3 weeks. The size we get is 52 x 27.5 n it cost us ard $123 for a 3.75" mattress. The Px that u pay also depend on the material u choose.



yes I bot my cot from baby hyperstore las time still usable after 6 yrs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] theyvhav few range of cots

Jus went down las nite spend a bomb on srollers and bot a new mattress there too, collect my pump parts from spree now need to set up cot and figure out how to use the pump [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope it's not difficult....

Hi Grumpus,

My Doc at RH : KK Chow everyone at home goes to him so we went to him too :D

Hi Pooh,

Im having the same problem with my hand but not as bad as urs I can still squeeze the toothpaste. Just that its so uncomfy now at my thumb there cause cant bend too much... Faint will it ever go away??? hehe

Thanks cookiefleur [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] jus saw my boss email out to hr about my backfill when I am on maternity [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thank GOD!! So all shld be fine I hope!!! So from now on jus concentrate on completing what is on hand and hand over watever that is left

Counting down...into my week 35 and havin check up this sat think will need to do pre admission too

Morning ladies! Jus wondering if anyone experience orangy / brownish discharge? I did but not alot, so wondering if its something I should be concerned about.

Am applying for advance ML and co say wanna take in as No Pay Leave first then adjust again when my bb is born. Wat the... so unfair!!! argh... shouldn't they do the adjustments when my bb is born instead... argh....


Realised the 5K is the 90th percentile bill. Ok... I hope it cheaper than that. Yuppie, the charges is on par with pte hospital rates. Chose it in case baby needs to be warded and also I think the nurses there in the do nothing but assist delivery. LOL.


Erm... so far my exp with them is ok.. and its one of the nearer hospital for me. Just pray that expressway don't jam when I need to deliver. Traffic can be unbearable nowadays. Sigh...


Yeah... rest well first, start to look out when you are ready. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I only intend to bring 1 pack of maternity pad and no breastpad. I bought like 1 pack of breastpad and had another 3 packs contributed by friends during 1st pregnancy.. and I didn't manage to use any coz not much milk.... wont really leak. So I didn't buy any this time round. If I need it at a later stage, I'll get hubby to get it. Btw, you may want to get a breast shield to collect the leakage if you leak from the other breast when you are bf-ing your baby.


Yeah, glad to know that your boss finally acknowledge your leave! Now you can focus on your #1 and waiting for the arrival of #2. *thumbs up*


You can try to take more red meat too. Suppose to help to increase weight for bb.


cool! i hardly meet other ladies with KK Chow. I have been with Dr KK Chow since 2006/2007 before he joined RH. He delivered my elder girl.

For this pregnancy i'm with Dr Sheila Loh cos of some complications but I will go back to Dr Chow after i deliver for all the regular checkups and stuff.

Lily, that's good news!!! But how are you going to do handover like that? I have been busy doing documentation and screen shots these days...

Mummies, seems like everyone also concerned that baby will be early. It just recently hit me that I really don't have the luxury of time to slowly prepare for baby's arrival! I have yet to pack my hospital bag, haven't check if pump needs new parts, haven't check if pump still working, haven't buy PJs, haven't settle christmas presents, haven't arrange for cot to be delivered!!!! Aiyoh... so many things not done!

Chabby :

CTG has nothing to do with GD

In fact for me CTG is part of the package I had paid for leh ....

I can't wait to see my darling small M again on Mon .... heehee hope this time can do a successful 3D scan.


just call the clinic to find out if the discharge is a cause of concern. but i never had brownish discharge thro'out my pregnancy.


At my 32 weeks 3 days appt, my doc says my baby is aldy 2.7kg. She says only way to is to cut down on my food intake or else baby might hit 4kg. I dunno lar. I only gained 7 kg so far .. and I've been sick this whole week so my appetite dropped. Hope it helps.

kristalangel>> wow.. u have put on really little weight but ur baby gained a lot! good good.. but actually the weight estimation during the scan is not that accurate according to my gynae.. take care of yourself and take your vitamins! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lily: so happy for you. Glad you're finally seeing light at the end of the tunnel.

SuzysBear: Just to share on my cot experience since you're shopping for one. I have 2 cots and both are hand-me-downs, one of them seems to be Ikea's and the problem I faced is I could only get mattresses and bedsheets from Ikea, choices quite limited. The other was bought in the US and I could very easily get mattresses from Kiddy Palace and department stores. One thing that is handy too is to make sure that the railing is of adjustable height and best if it can be lowered with just one hand (the Ikea one is adjustable but needed 2 hands and was not smooth), so if baby falls asleep in your arms, you can carry baby in one arm and use the other to lower the railing and ease baby on mattress without having to bend over too much and almost drop him/her on mattress (he/she may wake up).

Kristalangel: Wow, your baby is big! Its so random isn't it? You gained so little, surely it can't be that you're overeating.

Hi Ladies, Good morning to all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nimkulut, Thanks for the info on loan of breast pump at Mt.A. but think i will still bring along along mine just in case cos i don't think i'll feel comfortable to share the equipment with others. the breast connectors actually contact with our body lei ;) anyway, i be choosing single ward. hope the nurses can close one eyes :p

luckymummy11,I not sure on the what is the std cot size. i nvr research on bb cot b4. just taking over the cot from someone. but the size of matress i picked is off the shelf. no need to customize. Robinson should carries this brand matress, but not sure if it is on offer. Robinson always has very good offers during their sales. i bought a Britax car seat from there 3 years ago for less than $300 after all the iscount. they still gimme vouchers to spend :p btw the 30% sales you mentioned is for card embers only? is there anything for non card members?

Amie, May I also have your EDD to update the list? Thanks.

All, did u ladies watch the Ch8 news last Sat. there is a research on how bb's weight corresponse to bb health in future. they read out guideline on how much weight the MTB shud be putting on. but they said too fast i can't catch. do u know where to find the details online?

kristalangel, your bb big lei!! but since this is not ur first pregnancy, i think shud be quite alright right? any of your other children hit 4Kg at birth last time?

Lily, happy for u ;) so now u resting at home already?

So many threads in 2 days!

increased poo frequency,

Yah I have that too. Weird that it alternates between some constipation and random 3x a day pooing. I dunno what's going on in there anymore.


I just went yesterday and got a trim. I'm the opposite, didn't chop off my shoulder length hair. Letting it grow out instead cos I had short hair throughout last and this year. Wonder if I'll regret this decision once I deliver and cannot wash my hair for a few days.


I didn't do rebonding in the end. Had mixed feelings about it and decided to wait.


I did waxing yesterday too. Was pleasantly surprised that it didn't hurt very much. Was quite afraid that I'll be too sensitive cos of pregnancy. But I only did a full bikini to "test the waters" first. Might squeeze in a brazilian in early Jan if I'm up to it.

baby size,

Ahh...a topic near and dear to my heart. At 32-33 weeks my baby was estimated conservatively by gynae to be AT LEAST 2.4kg, and he said the norm for that age is 1.8kg. I can't help it if she's so good at sucking up nutrients!

So babykoh and kristalangel,let's jia you in cutting back on diet.


I bought a bimbo bello cot from the taka fair. I think they carry it at the kaki bukit places chabby listed as well. Arranging for it to be delivered later today actually. I hope it's not too big that it can't be wheeled through the doorways between rooms.

3D scans,

My gynae does 3D scans for free in his office, a bit lower resolution but it's free so I can't complain. I prefer the 2D pictures leh...they look sharper and baby appears less chubby. lol I think I'm sensitive about weight issues.

coconut water,

the young coconut from NTUC was really good. sweet and juicy. I had just a tiny bit of the flesh cos scared will put on weight.


I'm going for the sale! But will be with my mum. It'll be a 3 generational shopping trip. hehe

Morning Ladies,

For those in their 35th/36th weeks, have you guys take some swap test? Almost like Pap smear? My next visit to gynae will involve this test, gynae says it is to detect if some bacteria is present. If found to be present, then will have to take antibiotics, if not when baby passes through birth canal, he will be infected.

Am thinking I should get my bikini wax done before that, anyone has a good bikini waxer to recommend other than strip which is perpetually booked up?

Smurf - I got my PJs from La Senza when I was eligible for 50% off, so it was real cheap, think about 30 plus for top and bottom. Now I see them selling at $55 for a decent set.


oic, I saw babysafe at robinsons, and I realised there is a cot mattress and a playpen mattress, of different thickness.

Not sure if non members can purchase. But you can easily get someone to help you pay at the counter. Many many helpful aunties at this kind of sale. Don't think they check if you are a member at the door, even if they do, just ask those who are alone if you can go in with them? haha, I'm quite thickskinned when it comes to these things.

car seat,

yah I also bought my car seat at a similar sale, some babyfair event at robinsons where they slashed the prices of car seats at the first floor atrium and had vouchers to give away if you spent X amount in the nursery department.

If you are going early in the morning I can meet up with you too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks Jass [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Misty, but the temp is not here yet..hope will be soon man..

for the outstanding list, you shld write down a checklist this is wat i do if not i will forget all the things

thanks Reia [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ya i can feel that my mood literally lifted [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wow envy you lay Kristangel put on so little all go to baby how i wish i can be like this too..

Thansk Ting, nope am still working struggling to work daily..taking longer than usual to reach office las working day is 23 Dec


I did at strip yesterday. Just walked into the wheelock place outlet and asked if they could do it now. They said ok so I went for it. If you are in the area can try the mandarin gallery one. More quiet I think. My friend was also able to just walk in and do.

I think my gynae is going to do that swab test thingy the next time too.

Hi Luckymummy/Kikapo

So strip is good for waxing? how much is per time? and if i nvr do before wil it cause allergy? Jus worry do they use natural wax and all? as i do leg waxing thou [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


it was my first time at strip actually. It hurt less compared to other places I've had it done. Could be a pregnancy thing or in general their method is better? I don't know if their wax is natural...are you prone to allergies? My skin is quite sensitive and I find most waxing to be ok. I paid slightly over $40 for a full bikini cos I refused to sign up for their package.


actually I didn't ask my gynae. I know he said something about a test and I'm just assuming he means the same thing as what kikapo mentioned, as my next appointment is when I'm 35/36 weeks, same as kikapo.

Akaysha, the swab test is for Strep B, if present could infect baby when it passes through the birth canal.

Hi ladies, thanks! I was never told that there will be a swab test for Strep B. All along I've been told that there will be 3 tests prenatal... Guess will have to ask my gynae when I see him next week.

Also, anyone experience orangy discharge now in their 3rd trimester and so close to popping? I realised this morning that I do have some slight cramps along with orangy discharge. Should it be of a concern?

morning ladies...


my advise is for u to consult ur gynae on the discharge. i had red spotting (its for only 1 day) 2 wks back and gynae prescribe some medication to strengthen the womb or sthg...if the discharge is not whitish or yellowish...it's some signs of bleeding (according to my gynae)

these signs could be due to being over-exhausted, walk too much, carry heavy stuffs, or even sex.

Hi shycloud,

thanks for the advise. Decided to wait and see if it continues. I suspect its due to me being lethargic. These days all I wanna do is lie in bed and sleep but there are so many things left undone! And I'm so worried that I may pop early and my HB cannot cope and have absolutely no clue on what to do... haaha....


Ya lor. I hope so. Aldy my gynae said it's a conservative guess cos the baby's head circumference went from 252 to 310 in just 3 weeks.


My 3rd girl was 3.9kg so Haiz dunno lar. I prefer a smaller baby 3.3-3.6kg good enough.

Hi Ting,

So sorry I missed out my EDD date hehe its on 30th Jan 2011.... Actually praying hard I can "TAHAN" until 4 Feb 2011 :p

hehe I wan eat BA KWA!!!!!!

Hi Grumpus,

ya KK Chow okie lar I like him coz he berry fatherly hehe :D

Btw any mummy here got a listing that we should be packing for our "delivery" bag??? hehe sorry 1st timer so abit blur :D

oh how I wish my bb will be big like his brother. Trying to eat but simply dont have the kind of appetite like last time. So can only drink fresh milk daily to help.

Every check up hear doc said BB weight average very sian. Aiming for at least 3.5kg BB.

Since I am c-sec ing, so I hope for a big baby which is easier to handle.


When u go for yr check up at RH look out for the brochure on maternity/delivery. It'll tell u wat is provided n wat u need to pack.

Hi Amie, I got the below checklist for hospital bag from a colleague:

To Do:

1) Hospital pre-admission 2 weeks in advance

2) Gather consultation receipts

3) Check for credit card discount on hospital charges

4) Call up Gynae on D day

To Bring:

Original Documents

1) identity card

2) Gynae letter

3) Credit Cards

4) Consultation receipts (for medisave claim)


1) 2x Bra (larger than usual size)

2) Disposable Undie (1 pack)

3) Nursing pads & Sanitary pads (1 pack each)

4) 1x night dress with front opening

5) 1 pair of socks (to be use at delivery suite)

6) 1 pair of slippers

7) 1 set T-shirt with pants

8) Go home cloth

9) tooth brush, tooth paste and cleanser

10) lip gross and moisturiser


1) 2 sets mittens & booties

2) 2 sets go home blouse

3) 2 sets Hooded Towel/ Towel

4) 2 sets handkerchief


1) 2 sets T-shirts & shorts/pants

2) tooth brush and tooth paste

3) Towel

4) 1 pair of slippers

5) Wind breaker


1) Handphone and charger

2) watch

3) camera

4)MP3 players (optional)

luckymummy11 , the matress which i'd like to get is cot matress. don't think will be going in early morning cos not much annual leave left :$ need to save some just in case of emmergency. thinking to sneak out during lunch time to go robinson take a look :p

shycloud, me too having heartburn and feeling breathless now. seems to be getting more serious everyday. when i just enter 3rd trimester, the synptom only occurs after dinner. but now morning starts liao...

ya. already chosen an english name for my bb. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ya lor me also morning last till dinner time leh...so painful in the nite esp b4 bedtime..sit also cannot lie down also cannot...so cham

i also tot of the name liao hopefully i dun change ;p perhaps we can add in an additional col in the chart for bb's name?

hi shycloud and ting! Had your lunch? I have choosen also an English Name for my bb. Kinda difficult cuz of my hubby's surname, gotta avoid lots of names and ended up as butt of the jokes within my frenz... haahaa... ended up we have decided to name our boy Daylen. Care to share yours?

shycloud, there is medicine to treat heartburn. my Gynae already gave me that. i think i will start taking them when i really can't take it :p

Sure. we can work on that after the names are confirm. i thot we can add in bb's PD details also.


my gynae nvr prescribe for me leh...maybe i nvr tell him ;p must ask from him on next appt.


done with lunch liao...her name also diff to choose cos its limited and very common names out there with "J".

Hmm.. have you tried the 50,000 baby names for iphone? I used that application and managed to select a name that both me and hubby like and goes well with the surname! J... yes its kinda difficult. Will try to keep a lookout for you!

akaysha, Ya. me had my lunch already. Thanks.

Ya. me also encounter difficulties as u. my hb even put in more constrain saying he wants to name our new bb somewhat like our #1. after searching thru many websites, finally got a name "approve" by my #1 and my hb. Think will share on her name after she arrive ba...

