(2011/01) Jan 2011

heehee... nimkulut... that's hilarious of your friend. good joke tho!

love the name Ariel... reminds me of my fav disney cartoon - The little mermaid! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


chabby>> i already eliminated alot of chinese names liao.. LOL..

yotsuba>> ellie is a very catchy name! i like it too! perhaps ellie can be the nickname? can name your girl names like elenanor, elaine, alicia, elisa etc which can be shortened to ellie/allie/ally.. so you will still get to call your girl ellie.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: Name

I have named my dotter - Gabbie (Janelle) but not the Chinese one yet. Maybe will go for the 8 characters thingy but I scare I hear what the guy have to say abt my bb girl den I get paranoid hehehehe so confuse now :p

Re: Poo

hmmm Im poo-ing alot more these days like 3 times a day I hope thats not a sign of delivery after all im jus in my 32 weeks!!!!! HEHEHE told my cousins & frens abt it they SAID : ITS A SIGN OF OVER-EATING!!!!!!! Faint hehehehe

Nimkulut : hahaha ur designer frd sure havea sense of humor ...

Yotsuba : ellie is a beri girl name ... nice nick too ....

Me and hubby choose Mikayla for my gal and we call her kayla for short ..... as for chinese name we just give a name we like hahaha ... hubby left it for me cos his chinese not good his family are peranakans...

Morning mummies,

so this Taimaobi is consider reputable rite las time my boy we also use some shop to do the Chinese name and it's nice and not common the reason of goin to these places actually is to cut short the process of selecting kekekek and my Fren recommend me another one I forget the name but it's not cheap cost 200 wo and she mention some it's quite generic hmmm....

Reia so are we really setting up a new group for fb? It's gd to set up new one so can add and organize event [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


that's a good plan too. remember to emphasize your backaches and legs cramps at night due to your job nature.


thks for the taimaobi link.

24 hours is quite quick...

meaning of name from counting strokes,

the meaning of the chinese name proposed to me sounds very 'masculine'. it emphasized a lot on ambition and career and said she'll be a very forceful capable woman....which is good for career I guess, but could be a bit harsh for a girl's personality no?


I guess we'll just spend from our joint account during those supermarket shopping sessions. Ad hoc purchases whoever is buying will pay i think. Random frivolous buys will most likely be me though. lol


dunno leh. I'm avoiding my insurance agents cos don't want them to pester me so soon. any idea what the hospitalization plans are like for infants? roughly how much does it cost? can claim from medisave?


ouch, my sympathies. drink more water and take high fibre stuff.

yah, as what others have suggested, choose something like Alyssa/elicia and you can eliminate that problem.

morning ladies... anyone feeling tired these days? Wish I can just sleep in especially when the weather is so great!

Had the strangest dream last night. Think I'm worrying too much about packing the hospital bag that I dreamt of nursing bras... something which I have yet to buy and in my dream, my boobs were getting too big to fit into any bras! Nightmare....

Wow the thread moving very fast miss readin quite abit I back track a little and stil got lost hahahah ;) plus gg to be busy Liao waitin anxiously for temp phew countin down left with 3 weekends and here come my gal!! Kekeke

Yotsuba: u can try kiwis for your constipation.. Works well for me..

Re insurance..

My agent was telling me abt medical coverage under medishield for baby.. For ManuaLife, they tie up with aviva to offer medishield. If both parents covered under aviva, up to 3 kids get covered for free.. Good deal.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi lily, there is a group set up in fb, Jan 2011 MTB, and its supposed to be related to this forum, but no one seems to be active in this fb group leh....except to do a self intro... -.-|||

Would you suggest that we create a new one or proceed with the existing?

Mornin akaysha relax it's part and parcel of strange dreams [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I also no mood to work feel like jus r and r at home but too bad still hav plenty of work to clear......

Morning Mummies,

WOW! Everyone in forun last night? hahaha!

Luckymummy, yah, it's Karmy, I just remember it's some "_____my" PJs. Not that it is super comfy, but I think quite good value for money!

Chabby, the last time my gynae told me that if water bag burst, then don't dilly dally, quickly go hospital to reduce risks of infection. So I really kept praying that my bag won't burst before I was admitted.

Yotsuba, the Elly in Poccoyo is really very princessy and very cute one!!!! And she is pink! I think for Alligators, usually the characters are named Max, I really dunno why, but seems to be the case... But Ellie is a lovely name! Good choice!

Nimkulut, your friend is sooo funny! Can consider Veranda also! Hahaha!

Actually hor, when the milk starts to come in, you cannot walk ard naked. Because soon you will discover that there are ants on the floor, cos you are dripping milk all over the place!

Mitch, I like the name Kayla too! Mikayla sounds very special!

Recently, my hubby, my girl and myself have been pouring over baby name books, and just cannot agree on any name! If this goes on, will just name baby Ah Boy!

Ya Akaysha think it's better as there is no admin person there so we are just like in the group but can't do anything other than jus write comments

Lily, I think for the Feb mum group, they kept it a "private" group in facebook, so not everyone can have access and se or make comment. My FB skills also cannot make it kind. I only log in to post photos and see photos! hahaaha!

Misty ok let me try to create a group how about that? And change setting to pte and all and will invite u all? But give me some time as it's my first time creating a group kekekke !!

Morning mummies,

been catching up with the posts.. Haha

Ive been experiencing body aches and muscles pulls at the groin area too. Last night was quite bad... i couldn't even turn my body. And very strange when I sleep at my sides, BB tend to kick at a regular pace like making some protest liek that...and the movements keeps me awake.

Names - So hard to reach an agreement with Hb. We wanted to start with the same letter ie "E" as my boy but quite hard to choose one that is nice and not so common. I thought we could settled for something not "E" but the range is sooo wide for us to choose from.

As for chinese names, will leave it to FS too. :p

Someone suggested to add a column for the name of BB? That's not a bad idea..

Yotsuba: For constipation you may want to try adding a soluble fiber to your drinks, like benefiber. But when adding fiber do rememeber to also increase water intake else may make it worse!

Lily and all: Ok, I've set up a new FB group, its called 2011 Jan mums because I'm uncreative and essentially copied the old name but since we are all popping quite soon going forward probably more appropriate to use mums [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Do go join the group and let me know if you have problems - its the first time I'm creating a group so may have done something wrong. Can someone enlighten me how to add administrators? I know its possible to have more than one but can't seem to find the function to do so. Good to have more in case I run out of steam..

Mummies, jus wondering. Anyone of you still watch horror movies? I seem to have a liking for it, and though I know that its not good for me at this stage, but I still wanna watch. Anyone with the same liking?

Yikes, thread moving too fast for me to catch up, set up the group before refreshing and seeing that Lily is already doing it. If you've done it I'll cancel mine because my FB skills are so terrible anyway!

Help! I can't seem to find the Group!

Okok... just refresh and saw that Reia cancelled the group... No wonder... haahaa...

HI Reia, Thanks for setting up the group.

I tried to use ihpone to search but no results leh.

I also another "dumbo" when it comes to such things hahaha

Hi Ladies, Good Morning.

Seems like most of you are very open in sharing your new bb's name. shall we start updating the table with your bb's name already?

reia, there is a help centre which elaborate on how to add administrator. i tried to duplicate our original 2011 MTB group sometime ago also. but don't know why cannot work out exactly the same thing. so give up :p not sure if is due to my FB account no enough access privellege...

need help w the FB group thing?

once you've created the group, at the "home" page, below the picture, look for "edit members" it'll allow you to select people to make them as the administrator. If you wan to edit the setting of the group, you can go to "edit group setting" to limit who can post and what can be posted.

akaysha: i also watch horror movies

won't have anything one la

haha this is what i think la

but if scare den better dun watch

Baby name: my boi name is confirm Jovan zhou

as for chinese name will need to wait until he is born den my MIL will choose..

Woah!! so fast the thread..trying to catch up? so how? group cancel? Hey Chabby if you are good at it why not you set this up now??

Ya. Agree with Lily. actually i find the FB can be a useful tool for us to share some private information. though not say 100% save but at least not as open compare to this forum.

but if anyone knows how to include the category details and makes the group page looks like the previous wan which Sophie create, pls let me know hor. i very curious to find out how come i can't do it. i tried until on fire liao :p

I haven't cancelled it but only knew how to add people on my personal friends list, which for now is only Fiona :p Also tried to find the "edit members" button as suggested by Chabby but couldn't. Concluded I'm hopeless. Perhaps, over to you, Chabby?

The help centre was very helpful and I think I'm slightly more clued in now. Can some kind soul try to join the group I set up again (because help center said I cannot add people who are not my friends, but they can request to join)? If it works I'll add everyone as administrator then people can have fun customising and creating events.

Argh! Sorry for the multiple posts (I probably sound like a bimbo by now), but the help centre contains wrong info. It says I can add admin by clicking the "make admin" button next to a group member's name in the group member list, but this button doesn't exist. Ok, final decision, I will abandon my group and leave the group creation to more capable hands.

ok i hav set up a new group please send me PM of yr personal email addy and i add u mummies in or search for "Jan 2011 Pretty Mums" in yr FB search tab and join! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hope i am getting it rite [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning mummies!

anyone at robinsons sale? anything worth going down for? if not i'll give it a miss.. feeling terribly tired today..

Yay! Thanks Lily! ALso requested to join group already. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

joined the group too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

now when we all pop.. we can post bb's photos.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sorry mummies, just got back.

still need help w the FB thing?

i jus send in my request to join.

cuz both Ting and lily are at it. so dun wan to set up one more in case it gets confusing.


you can grant admin rights to more than 1 person so in the case that you are busy, some one else can take over.

How about John little expo sale? Anything worth gg for?

Expo website:

Little Footsteps

Admission: Public - Free Admission

Venue: Hall 5B

Baby products, games & toys, early childhood education, nutrition, financial services, maternity clothes and products.

18-19 dec


if you are buying newborn stuff, then it's not really that much. but i bought a luckybaby playgym at $30, clip fan for pram at $5..

i remember you've olders kids, can pop down to buy toys and clothes of the older kid. toys are cheap.


you can invite Ting to join. once she does, then you can go "edit members" to make her the admin.

if you wan to create more tabs.. like the 2011 Jan MTB FB group, click on the "+" sign you see at the group FB profile page. It'll allow you to create "discussion", "notes" tabs, etc.

Hi Chabby

My hubby bought insurance for the bb when she was abt 20th week liao. Under prudential. In case* touch wood*, complication arises during labour, the insurance will pays 5K to us. If everything goes well, then the yearly payout will saved to the child education fund.

Hi, i have included all those who joined in the previous FB group in the EDD table already.

Lily, can i email the file to you so that u can just click to invite us to join?

doesn't matter abt the fb group which i have created. i just wanted to try out how to go abt doing it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Chabby/Pooh,

Hubby & I bought the PRU First Gift insurance from Prudential too. The fact that it covers Mummy and gets converted to cover baby without medical underwriting is attractive to us. It is not cheap though, but we think of it as giving bb a head start.

In terms of Hosp & Surgical Insurance, Hubby & I intend to switch to Aviva for our Shield plans so bb gets free H&S coverage.

What is missing is a endowment plan to save for his education but my planner said that as long as I have a savings plan myself, it really doesn't matter cause I can always use this money when the policy matures for BB's education. Hubby & I don't intend to let the kid know about that though...haha..in case he takes it for granted.


Lina, ya .. I don't gain much for all my pregnancies. I usually lose a bit cos of first trimester nausea then regain and then a bit more. Almost all the times less than 10kg. Unlike you gals .. I'm so envious ... even u gals gain a lot during pregnancy .. after that, you are all slim aldy .. as if never gave birth!!!

BUT I am big and tall to begin with .. so better for me not to gain a lot of weight during pregnancy. I go back to my usual big self after delivering and then the problem comes when I'm breastfeeding .. hungry all the time so tend to eat more. so THEN I START TO GAIN WEIGHT. I find I look better when pregnant ... not so fat! hahah!!

