(2011/01) Jan 2011

hi ladies.

how's everyone?

My tummy getting heavier leh. can't take it. Been feeling super tired in this finally leap. Just feel like sleeping n sleeping. But there's still so many things to do.

Think i strained my muscles below the belly and near groin area. super pain. difficult to walk. Difficult to turn around in the bed. I also cant walk normally already. Been walking super super slow. My feet also started to swell. *bohoo*


Hi Miaiko, have you started your maternity leave already? If its too painful to walk better to rest. I guess your tummy has already gone down down... Rest more. From what I heard, the day your feet suddenly stop swelling will be your D-Day!

Miaiko: jia you!! just a few more weeks to go..

i also very diffcult to turn around in the bed..

walking very slow cuz got the suan suan feeling n scare my bb will drop out..



Yah.. i think i need more rest now. It's very straining when my girl pulls my to walk wif her.

All the strains.. think coz bb is down. 2wks ago, gynea said bb head down already.


ya! still hv 1 mth more. I also sometimes feel like bb gonna come out! scare me. THere r times i feel as if bb is pushing the opening! n her legs keep kicking upwards on my right side. Only rite side. WOnder y.. hmm..

Skycloud :

I dun have heart burn but experience gastric reflux yesterday so see a dr and took MC haha. more like Chao Geng .....

Yeah I have already gotten ready Christian name and chinese name for my girl..... so exciting few more weeks to go...

Miaiko: i have the feeling like the v area there is being heavy n stretching..

me still got 51 days to go..

very long!! i hope faster get over it..

very xin ku unlike my #1..

Hi Mummies:

Im from May 2010 thread, Im selling away a brand new Avent steriliser at $150/-. Please text me at 97714797 or PM me. Self collect.



kikapo>> i did the swap test alr.. they will take samples from v area and anus.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] got uncomfortable about it as it wasnt mentioned in the previous visit so was not prepared for it as well..

i found a christian name that i like and hubby approved it.. so now waiting for bb to pop before going to use the 8 characters to get the chinese name.. safest and fastest way of deciding the name as my FIL is quite particular about bb's chinese name..


i did the swap test last visit too.

turn out positive. need to take antibiotics.

the gynae din tell me what's the test for some more.. hmm..


baby name has long been decided. got my uncle to help count the number of strokes for chinese name. so we picked a English name that sound close/identical to the Chinese name lo.

groin pain

sigh~ i can't even sit/stand w/o any pain in thigh. toss and turn in bed also painful.. roar!

no wonder mummies can't wait for babies to come out in 3rd trimester.


you could be suffering from symphysis pubis dysfunction that we talked about a few days back. there's a bigger than normal gap between pelvic bones causing discomfort and pain. can try google for it to know more.


i also wanna take MC leh maybe i shld 'chao geng' abit haha cos i cannot really sit upright in the office must recline till 45degrees then feel comfortable...so unglam!

i got another 7 weeks leh to full term...long long wait...and the lil' tigeress kept kicking today...wonder wats wrong?

re: chinese name

DH got his BIL to calculate the strokes for my #2...alamak diff characters from #1! but i think shld be fine since nowadays pple like to be addressed by the "ang mo" name...yes? no?


generally typical chinese very concern abt chinese names cos it stabilise the foundation (10-15%) of the person's lifetime "ming"...so must also choose carefully.


heartburn is darn terrible...hope it goes away!


wa still can get similar eng & chn names...so good! then easier to rem also!


I'm having a headache over the chinese name. Cannot be hard to pronounce, not too difficult to write, not too common, not too weird, sounds good, not too feminine, not too masculine. Aiyo!


I think I've gone mad buying pyjamas. Every shopping area I go to I check out pjs, trying to find the perfect type that will satisfy price, looks, convenience, modesty...I've bought from bulk purchases, online, at shops. My latest addition is a "zip up" dress from metro. Charmy brand I think. Thought the zipper made it more convenient than buttons and it was in an acceptable design, too bad only 1 left on the rack.

hospital stuff,

oh yeah...will need slippers for me and husband. Does TMC provide those disposable ones like in the hotels? heheh

And I left out my own going home clothes! gosh.


I thought it is recommended that we walk more closer to delivery date as it can help to jumpstart labour or something? Of course if you already have signs like cramps and brown discharge then better to rest.


oic...yeah better save the leave. Not very practical to use it to go to a sale...lol. But brace yourself for lunchtime crowd.


speaking of chao geng, I was already doing that by directly asking my gynae for mc. He seems okay with that. Really very xin ku to tahan a whole day at work esp if you have stupidly long meetings to sit through.

counting strokes,

I didn't know this was such a common method. Seems like quite a few of us here relying on that. My PIL went to find someone to count for us as well. But the name they came back with is super hard to write. Now I dunno to reject or what...not like I have any counter proposals cos my mandarin isn't very good and my husband is even more hopeless.

shycloud>> i'm actually quite particular abt chinese name due to my job nature.. hur hur.. so i'm hoping the master will give a few less common names that i can choose from.. although hubby and i are giving christian name to baby, but i think i am likely to call my boy by his chinese name instead.. i'll leave other relatives/friends to call my boy by his christian name..

luckymummy>> many strokes means next time you may have a difficult time teaching your girl how to write her name.. maybe you could suggest changing 1 of the character to something slightly easier to write but still the same sound and intonation?

re: delivery

does anyone know if we need to bring a nightdress to wear during delivery? or will hospital provide? i forgot to ask during my last visit..

Luckymummy, I din noe Metro got Charmy PJs! I will go look for them tomorrow!!!!

Shycloud, I cannot sit close to the table when I am eating... it's like, not enough space already, must lean back to counter the tummy.

Chabby, you just have to take anti biotics? I remember I tested positive the last round, and I was put on drip the moment I checked into the hospital. If positive, then have to quickly rush to hospital in case water bag burst.

It is so difficult to find an appropriate name. There are some names that are nice, but the meaning just is not great!

Oh my, the swap test sounds a little uncomfortable, they also swab the anus?!! Geeshh...the babycenter article says 1/3 of us have the Strep B without knowing it...hopefully we will all clear but I guess it helps to know that a dose of antibiotics can take care of it...

Names - Hubby & my name starts with J, so we decided to pick a J name for my boy too...eventually hubby picked the English name and I decided on the Chinese name, which had to follow the family ancestral book...so it was fairly easy since cannot change surname and middle character..and hubby's china uncle shortlisted a list of chines characters for us to pick. But eventually will have to send them to the fengshui master to further short-list...

PJs - On hind sight, I think when we are at home, large and roomy tees are the most comfortable...even though they are not button front...but if we are at home, doesn't matter right....just draw the blinds lor..haha..


im sure the master will give u a few options to choose from.


me too! i cannot sit upright 45degrees anymore...cos my ribcage will hurt alot. *sob

not easy to find names with good pronounciation, good meaning, less strokes etc...haiz


its seems easier for you in terms of name choosing! no need for a big headache!

i also nvr really buy PJs...i think i will prob walk ard top-naked @ home!!!! wahahah

Shycloud - Top-naked!! Your bb will be hungry all the time...haha...like putting food in front of hungry people...haha..I think i will mostly be wearing loose tees with yoga pants..

BTW, Uniqlo have good deals for tees all the time...they have those long tees which I ended up wearing as a nightdress..very comfy and cooling...and plus they are cheap, usually about 14.90, so might not be a bad alternative...

Dear Mummies,

I have:

1) An almost brand new My Brest Friend pillow for sale @ $70.

Used only a few times.

2) Preloved Philip Avent Dual Electric breast pump selling for

$250. Used for 1 month. Still have 6 months warranty. Its an

U.S. set.

Both items self collection @ Tiong Bahru.

If interested, pls call 81828574. Thanks

Hi Ladies, can anyone advice what is the silicon (not sure abt the material actually :p) attachment installed on Avent breast connector call? That piece of of thing that contact with our breast wan. me trying to look for replacement online.


Thanks , will stock up on that. Bet after delivery sure needs it !!


Ya loh I am also very scared that I will pop early, not really ready man. I am into 34 weeks now, everybody said 36 onwards bb may pop out.


Wow at 32weeks, weight 2.7kg and you merely gained 7kg, so all goes to the bb yea. So far I have gained 8kg at 34 weeks. Last check up at 32weeks, bb weight 2.0kg. Do u always gain so little during pregnancy? Then must be easy to get back into shape after delivery ?


Yea don’t worry too much, shycloud is right ? I had alittle spotting for the past few days too, its public holiday here so we went out shopping too much. These 2 days I have been home bound, the spotting seems to have gone away.


Same here, bb head already down since 2 weeks ago. Always like to put on my right side… up towards my ribs. Hard to lay down to sleep, tired tired.. but so many things to do.. arghhh…

Chinese character name is alittle tricky huh, lucky for us we don’t need to think of Chinese name. Just think of a name that starts with A like our first child that will do. Hubby thinking of either Ashwyn or Andre like Andre Agassi the tennis player.

Miaiko & Lina>

Me too! Baby always kick to the right side... almost never to the left side...

Names for baby>

Will also be taking the 8 characters for FS guy to recommend chinese name for baby...

Sianz... angry and pissed with DH. Today I have company dinner with colleagues, and after tat going off to meet a couple who is interested to rent my car when Im on maternity. With so many places to get around to, asked DH if he can help me pass monthly allowance to my mum. I know they don't really like each other, but its jus passing it to her, never ask him to go up, sit and chat, say dun want! Argh... cannot understand that I am tired one mah, especially after work still gotta drive long distance home and all... argh.... men!


I do my waxing at Strip. It is a hot favourite and they have many branches. I believe they will still entertain you if you just walk-in. Rather than call becos they tend to tell u all slots are full. The wax they used for me is Chocolate Wax, supposedly less painful. But it is up to your own tolerance level.


Hey, another mummy delivering late Dec! There are a few of us here already, also mostly by C-sec. My gynae said we do not have to worry too unnecessarily about baby's weight since he/she is not passing through our birth canal.

Mummies who are teachers here,

May I know every year, does school reopen on 2jan or 3jan? How about next year 2011? Thanks.

Pinky: Not sure where you are delivering. But I rem for me, I din have to wear my own nightdress for delivery. The hospital will provide u with the hospital gown.

Chercat: My school is starting on 4th Jan. Monday is off in lieu as public holiday is on a sat. Not sure if it's the same across Singapore.

Re: Names

We have decided on the Chinese name but have problem with the English one. Our #1's starts with K and thinking of a L for #2. Shortlisted a couple but hb and I just can't the perfect one.


but I thought the whole thing about counting strokes is that the number works out to be best combi/meaning for your child? So I'm not sure that I can anyhow propose an alternative word cos the number might be different resulting in a different meaning.

8 characters,

If I wait for this to be out how soon can the fengshui guy get back to me? I want to settle the birth cert etc while at the hospital.


paiseh checked out the pj again and it's KARMY, not charmy. Is charmy a very comfy brand?

swab test,

yah man....why swab the anus too? eww..


my MIL is helping me with confinement (take turns with my mum) and so my FIL will be around I think. So I need something comfy, convenient and yet decent enough to wear around the house without scandalizing my in-laws. Walking around topless a la shycloud is definitely out for me. :p

I don't think it will be fun to remove my tee shirt about 8 times a day for feeding, and what if they walk in?! Can't help it I'm shy...hahaha

Don't think any of us can add people to the facebook group because the administrator is no longer active on the forum, or am I mistaken? Maybe we should start a new page/group with a few active ones among us as administrators? I would volunteer but only if others do too as I'm not very good with FB functions and more importantly, I know I'm not super reliable when it comes to things like this :p

Meanwhile, can search for "2011 Jan MTB (moms to be)" to join the group.

Hi all,

I did e swap test on my week 32 visit (nowhere near anus tho)

When i went for my week 34 visit 2 days ago - gynae told us that we tested negative for e Group B Streptococcus which is good... but i got positive for fungal infection... so have to put e GIGANTIC tablet into the you-know-where! terrible

Already decided my bb gal will be named Ariel~ We are leaving the Chinese name headache to my hb's aunt! =D

Skycloud, luckymummy

Yeah me too can't sit up for long now... Aching everywhere.... Also cannot eat goo much feel like puking aft tt.

I m planning to chao geng to get HL somewhere end of the yr as my MC gonna be used up soon and I want a rest w/o touching my ML haha.

Anyway my job requires me to walk alot so a good reason to chao geng abit.


Do u happen to be also in mummysg forum too? Heehee suddenly realiZed ur nick looks fAmiliar. Ariel is a nice name.. A frd of mine daughter's name is also Ariel and she is beri cute.....


we are going to go with Huaxia Taimaobi for the chinese naming and they take 24 hrs. I also hope to settle the BC in hospital... lcuky they have a shop opposite TMC, so hubby can run over to submit form with 8 characters. But I think they have online form too. You can check it out. Hope it helps. http://www.taimaobi.com/en/chinese.asp

luckymummy.. think can trying asking the master for alternative.. usually will have more than 1 option de..

re: swab test

gotta get sample from anus just in case there's the bacteria there too.. but i guess really depends on gynae?

cookiefleur>> ^5 hubby and i also going to the same "master" to count strokes too.. planning to take the basic one only.. heh..

today bb is particularly active.. movements mainly on the right side and still pushing against my ribcage so pretty uncomfortable sitting upright.. having lower backaches whenever i sit or stand too long..

chinese name..

heard that taimaobi charge super high for it..

my family dun use the birth date to calculate.

what i understand is that the number of strokes of the chinese characters to match to the 5 elements of "jin", "mu", "shui", "huo" and "tu".. ensure that the elements are matching and no clash.

certain number of strokes are good for some occupations (42 for bizmen, etc..can't remember if i remember correctly) and mold the character of the kid. someone once calculate for me and say my strokes are good but i'll have a very stubborn character..quite true..

remember not to choose names relating to flowers or weather.. as flowers wither and snow melt.. (e.g Xue Er for chinese names)


i got a question.. how would you and your hubby split the expenses for baby's essentials (milk powder, diapers etc) when baby is out?

any mummies planning to get life insurance and/or endowment plan for baby?

lily>> taimaobi charges $88 for the basic package which gives us 5 combination of names and another 20 chinese characters suitable for baby that we can mix and match ourselves if we dont like the 5 combinations given..


most hospitals provide gowns for labour.. dun think we need to bring bah.

remember to blacklist names of naughty students.. i dun have good encounter w students call jonathon(s)..hur hur..


the clinic call to inform hubby that test was positive for the swab test.. so details i also not sure.. gynae appt is next tue.. she'll tell me more then. but i verified w hubby.. he say that will have to put on IV during delivery which has antibiotics. thanks for sharing..

so need to chiong to hospital once water bag break is it? anything i shld be aware off??


we fix on chinese name first. we picked Zhou Han.. so English will be Johann lo.. both sound the same.. aiyah..easy la..

hoping the next kid (if there will be a next) will be a girl.. decide on Zhuo lin.. then english will be Jolin..muhahah. simple and easy!

pls la.. dun walk naked in the house.. later neighbour take pic n post on stomp how? muz wear bra at least hor.. or else boob will sag..keke..

no one say die die muz wear PJ.. jus wear your usual comfy home clothes will do.


haven't discuss w hubby on that. most prob we'll chip in more $$ into our joint account and then pay for big tix item from there.. daily expenses whoever who does the shopping will absorb lo.

intend to get insurance once the baby is out.. esp hospitalisation. jus in case of any complications *touch wood.

$88 for taimaobi.. that's affordable..

Bb kicking:

Now that I hear several mummies saying their bb kicking more frequently today, it feels strange, cuz my bb is also particularly active today!


I kinda envy those mummies who poo everyday, cuz for me, even now at 33 wks, I'm still having bad constipation. I only poo once in about 3-4 days, and there was once my constipation was so bad, I think the hole at my anus had quite bad tearing while I passed out super hard stools. It was so painful, and after that when I turned back to check, my stools were bloody and when I cleaned my butt, the toilet paper was stained with quite a large amount of my blood!! Super shocked that time.

Bb name:

Hb and I also chose name for bb le. Chinese name, we actually just anyhow 'hantam', not intending to go for 8 character calculation, cuz Hb is worried bb's name will turn out complicated n difficult to pronounce. But yeah, a bit worried it'll affect the future of our gal, but it's a risk we r taking. As for Eng name, sigh..... I like the name Ellie, but my cousin n aunt kept making fun of the name, saying it's short form for elephant. T_T. Hb a bit bo chup abt eng name, But I've been thinking abt this name for months n it has kind of stuck with me already. Anybody has same sentiments as my cousin n aunt? Sigh...


ooohhhh Ellie is the name of the pink elephant in the kids cartoon pocoyo...my elder girl loves ellie...



Ellie is a pretty name! But if you really very concerned about it, why not change the spelling, but still sound the same? Like Ally/Allie etc?


Hahaha... I just read that father's blog. Quite funny. But I can imagine my hb nodding at his opinions if he reads this. That's one of the reasons why my hb a bit reluctant to approach FS master... The $$$......


*FAINTZ!* There's actually a pink elephant named Ellie?!?!?


Actually yeah, I also considered Ally and Allie, but was afraid pple will pronounce as Ali (as in 'ah lee'), or say it's the short form for alligator.... Any cartoon character that's an alligator and named Allie? Aiya... HOW?????????


Hehe... You made me lol about the short form for alligator!!! =D But true, there will always have people who might mis-pronounce names... will just have to correct them I guess. In the end, just go with what you feel is comfortable/what u feel is right...


yeah i think the price is affordable, and i like the fact that they got give options and not just 1 name... also, u can indicate what character "sounds" you like and they will see if anything matches.

yeah... i think the flexibility is good. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Haha.. Ariel v cute ma.. But my idiotic designer Fren keep saying so ur 2nd one name tahoma, third one times new roman... -_-"' Ariel not Arial...

