(2011/01) Jan 2011

hmm, i was thinking for this round, I am not going to pack any breastpads at all, cos I don't forsee any leaking at all...

Hi Nimkulut,

I am feeling the same too..cant breath properly and bladder keep getting full..went to toilet few times liao..tired of walking how i wish toilet bowl attached to my seat :p

Thanks Reia hope to resolve it soon..but my boss not free to see me again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Misty, i got my at those market stores wo..cheap cheap de..

reia>> i followed the packing list given to me by GlenE.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so i only packed 1 set of going home clothes, receiving blanket and a pair of booties.. i packed a small napkin just in case baby drools during the car trip home.. hehe..

misty>> i got mine from la senza.. but only bought 1 set to please my mum.. my MIL very chin chye about what i going to wear at home.. =X

re: avent electric steriliser

anybody can give me a rough pricing for the item? planning to get it during the Robinson's sale if i do go down.. my MIL hinted me to get one.. :p

Hi Misty, i bot some from Chinatwon and some from old amk mkt 400+ market there those shops in market selling those clothes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] like not i am wearing those sleevelss top and bermuda for my sleep wear batik type cooling and comfortable [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mtbs! Hope everyone is doing fine!

I just had my check up last thurs.. Bb is 1.4 kg at 32 weeks. Dr says normal although my #1 was much bigger around the same time. Head is down already which to me is a bit fast. 

Re: High vs low tummy

Think some of you were discussing abt this... I rem when I had #1, my tummy was high through out the 3rd trimester. End up my girl was overdue and I had to do csec. This time round #2 is lower and hitting my bladder more. Still ain't sure if I would go csec or not...dr said will discuss next appt...gut tells me that this one won't be overdue.

Re:  hospital bag and breast pump

Actually there's no need to bring breast pumps for the 2-3 nights stay. Shld latch the baby as much as possible to stimulate milk flow...it's more effective than breast pumps. One way is ask hb to go home to take if really need or leave with mum or MIL so that they can bring it when u need it. Try not to bring too much barang. Those who are worried abt latching  prob..don't worry, I'm sure the hospitals hv lactation consultants n nurses to help. They can be was more determined than u when it comes to breastfeeding. At least that's how I felt when I was at MT E. In fact my #1 had prob latching until she was 6 weeks old.. There shld be some room in ur hospital bag...u will end up bringing back the maternity pads and baby diapers etc... N u need space for them.      

A bit scared.. Cos I never had problem with ms before... Read somewhere tht nausea during 3rd trimester considered signs of labor... Experienced mummies issit true?

Omg! Bb 2.3kg nia.. So tiny

lily and sherill: sorry to hear abt your employment predicament. I'm sure things will work out fine,,,be happie n stay positive! It's the final lap of pregnancy! Happie mummy = happy baby!


You can find the PJ at OG in the maternity area,but the pattern is rather 'auntie', Assuino sell it also for ard $40. La Senza which is located at Paragon, but not sure about the price

I bought mine at a PJ shop near chinatown, 2nd floor, where Swanson is located. (can't rememner the name).

Hope the above helps

Hello Mummies! Hope all of you are fine.

I have the following Organic Ergo Carrier for sale. It is recently bought from the shop the First Few Years. Used only once. It is in mint condition 9.5/10. Bought at $200plus, selling at $150. It comes with the box and the instruction booklet. Interested parties, please email me at [email protected] or PM me. Self-collection at Jurong Point.

Ergo Organic Carrier Sienna Sunset with Stripe lining


Thank you!

Misty, for button down PJs, I finally checked out OG after the recommendations here and with the 20% storewide discount I think its quite a good deal? Not the most modern of designs but I managed to find a few that will do.

Misty: mot sure if ur area has any hdb shops selling bras or undergarment or nightdresses. They hv button down pjs. I got mine ( warning! Very aunty looking ones) at this shop in bedeck north near blk 216 hawker centre. I got my maternity disposable underwear there too! Cos I was huge the 1st time round... Their size is big enough n super comfy! Of course they hv small sizes too.

Sorry to interrupt. I am Nov mommy, want to let go of the items.

12pc washed but not use Nappy cloth $10.

BN 6 Nappy pins $2.

Tollyjoy liner 100pc + loose 90pc $10.

Mothercare maternity pads loose 48pc.

BN ($5) or/and washed but not worn(from $3)newborn gal rompers.

Provide pic on request.

[email protected]

CCK or other venue to be discussed.

hi mummies

hows the weight of ur baby now, mine is at 2.3 at 33 weeks, is it considered big? anyone bigger than mine? Dr said mine is very big

Hi Nikmulut, I am experience the same as you are. I believe its cuz the bb is resting on our gastric that's why we feel like puking at times. And yes, I did also read somewhere it can be a symptom of labour, but tat is if you puke continuously...

Pinky_j / shycloud: Nahz... dun really like durians... think I shall stick to eggs for now.... :p

Hi Mummies,

THANK YOU THANK YOU for all the listing of the PJ shops! Will go search for them! Appreciate it!

I also feel that my tummy is lower already, as in like the breasts not resting on the tummy. Really hope bb can stay inside longer. It will be a brand new life once baby is out! Doc ask me to be prepared anytime from 31 Dec onwards.... *shudder*....

Pinky, I remember seeing the Robinsons brochure


Avent steriliser at $139 for members.



Was feeling breathless and peeing quite frequently and feeling lots of backaches and sudden pain also call clinic to chekc nurse say if timing is very close mus report to hospital wah!!Praying hard not so soon please...i am not prepared yet..lots of things not done...hold on my little gal!

This morning I had the nausea feel after my cereal n milk. But was ok after lunch.

Sleep these days are getting harder. Sleep on either side has body ache. On the back has crushing effect. In the day bb is moving near bladder and rib cage. Cos bladder is punching bag, feel like gg toilet all the time.

Me one of those that will deliver thus month end as scheduled c-sect. If we are c-sect, pj at hospital got to be dress type and button down? Market has such pj?

Hi Anyone interested in the following :

1) Fisher price Miracles and Milestones playgym at $20 ( Conditoin 8.5/10)

2) Glamourmum Brand New Nursing Top, Cocoa with Pink stripes at $30.(Size M)

3) Glamourmum Nursing Top, Pink at $28, Worn only once, Size M

4) Swimming Float at $8

5) Avent Manual Brand New Breast Pump $36

6) MIM Sling Blue with Checkered pattern $10 (Condition 7/10)

7) MIM Sling Light Green $20 (Condition 9/10)

8) Winnie the Pooh and Friends Musical Mobile $15 (Condition 8/10)


Hi mummies,

Can't believe I only managed to find time now to check the thread! Work has been crazy! I can't wait for my maternity cover to come in. I am doing the interview tomorrow, wish me luck!

PJ - I bought 2 sets from La Senza, one is those satin material one and another one os those cottony material. Last Saturday when I was in at Chinatown Complex for breakfast, I bought another one of those button front satin kind for just $12. Not much colour to choose from though, I picked a dark red...think the old folks will like...huat ah!

I think when we are in the hospital with air con, the satin one will feel quite comfy but back home if you don't intend to switch on air con then the cotton sortis better to absorb the sweat.

I figured that I may want to get the cotton PJ pants from La Senza and pair with my t-shirts when I am at home. Save a little money cause La Senza PJs are not exactly the cheapest option.

Anyone using a kids paradise baby cot??

Mine is a pre-loved cot n i need to get a new mattress for it. I tot mattress all standard sized. Happily went to kiddy palace to get one but realised that their mattresses are either too big or too small!!

Other than customising one, anyone know where i can get a mattress at 27"x50"?

For those who customised cot mattress at sea horse, how much is it? & how long they take?

Oh yes before I forget..

Pinky: If you have friends working at Philips, they are having their year-end staff sales and employees get 40% discount! So maybe you can ask around. I got my Avent Digital Steriliser from Isetan when they had a mini baby fair in July for $139. It came with a free sippy cup and teether. I got a little discount cause I charged it to my Isetan card..so it is slightly cheaper than $139.

Hi mummies

I am a Jan 2011 mummy too. EDD 30 Jan.

Need some help. Haven't gotten a baby cot yet and wish to get one. May I know where and which brand is good?

Anyone who bought the combi rocker cum highchair, is it good? Thinking of getting one too.


Hie ladies..today was a terrible day..was having squeezing like pain in my tummy the whole day..it comes and goes. Very uncomfortable to stand, walk and sit properly. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Yea you are right La Senza pj are not exactly the cheapest in town. I am also looking for some pj, button down with long pants. Winter here, will be cold to wake up in the middle of the night to feed the little one. Those cheap cheap one at Carrefour looks quite terrible, was going to get it coz save money & also I am not a pj kind of person. Prob. wont wear it anymore, but hubby gave me this digusted look. Men are so terrible, I immediately put it down & walk away. Moments like this I miss Robinson etc..

Siti, R u having contraction ? Dont know how true it is, the nurse told me the way to tell the difference between REAL contraction & FAKE contraction is to try sitting down & putting your legs up, if it ease off then its gd, nothing to worry. If the pain still persists then it means its contraction. Better go check with gynae..

Hi, anyone interested in getting medela freestyle US set? Only use for 5 days and i gave up bf.. Willing to let go at $400. Self collect at TPY. Pls pm me.

Darienna>> thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

misty>> i saw the promotion at robinsons.. but the problem is that i already have the newborn set.. >.< i dont see the point in having another newborn set.. but probably will go down and take a look..

kikapo>> thanks! i shall ask around if i have pple working in Philips..

anyone went for haircut yet? i just went to chop off my long hair.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] now i look super toot with my fringe and shoulder length haircut.. hoping by end of confinement, aka CNY, my hair will look much better..


ladies, remember to get a combination.. cuz if u end up doing c-sec, it'll be better to get the dress type as the pants may make the wound uncomfy. i saw the button down dress PJ at john little expo at $12.


dun really have that.. but i notice an increase in poo-ing frequency the last 2 weeks for me. been poo-ing 2-3 a day from the previous 1x a day or alternate day. anyone like that? is it a sign of D-day?

Hi mummies

Sigh.. Been feeling v terrible these few days. My hands are so numb and pain.

In the morning cant even squeeze my toothpaste. During the day, had prob using the fork/chopsticks etc to eat. Thoughout the day, I have the feeling of electric current running up and down my hands.

I also need to rest my hands on interval to even type this msg.

Any mummies like me mah? Gynae says normal. Cos of water rentention pressing on my nerves.

chabby>> apparently diarrhea is a sign of labour.. but i guess that really depends? i had diarrhea 2 days ago.. but now ok le.. so may not be very accurate bah..

Chabby: ctg is to monitor bb's heart beat, movement and mother's contraction. Normally done ard 36 weeks and will monitor everytime we go cos gotta monitor the above. Like now I have some random cramp like feeling and my gynae put me on the ctg to make sure there's no contraction. Now I m 32+5


OIC.. but what does it got to do w GD?

i feel quite cheated of my $$ cuz it cost $60 every time when they do CTG..

Oh wow, the thread moved so fast today!

Been busy today setting up the nursery... cot was delivered and sorting out clothes/bedding to be washed etc... quite a bit of work! Also went to buy baby stroller from chinatown today. Haha, so feeling quite accomplished and hence only have time to come online now.


My cot is from mothercare and I got it when they were having a sale. Not sure if the sale is still on. Honestly, I feel mothercare is quite overpriced generally, but there was a good offer on their cots a while back (some 50% off), so I got mine then. Will recommend it if its still on sale. Otherwise, I think the KiddyPalace ones are not too bad either, feels quite sturdy.


I've also been having the same numbness and pain... esp bad when wake up in the morning, sometimes want to move my fingers, so pain until want to cry... hang in there, a lot of my mummy friends say it will pass after delivery.


me not intending to cut hair... will just bun it up during confinement, so i'm the kind that get really irritated when the hair "stick" around my neck. hahaha... dun worry, when ur hair grows out, will be perfect by CNY! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

fake contractions>

i had it today! for those with iphone, there are apps to time contractions to see if real/fake contractions and will tell u the average time between contractions, how long the contractions last and which stage of labour u're in if its real contractions... can consider to download the apps. some are free, some need to pay. I'm using the one called "BabyBump".

Lily H>

hope your ML issue gets resolved soon. I applied for mine already (I'm starting 2 weeks earlier) and feel very heng its approved. Will keep fingers crossed for you! Have faith! Keep positive for your little one! *huggies*

Hey cookiefleur

Thanks for your reply. May I know which one did you buy? MC are currently having promo but not 50% though according to their website. I have heard that ikea sells baby cot too. Didn't know kiddy palace display their cots. Which one should I go?

Oh ya, do you know if all the cot sizes are the same?

Thinking of getting mattress from robinson if they are having sale but without a cot yet.


Sama sama here, and nowadays when I need to do the dump I need to do it immediately, cannot wait. I supposed it the bb weight pressing it down so cannot hold it back but the freq. did increase. Then again are u alittle constipated too??

I think I better stock up on Fybogel, do u guys know if we can take Fybogel ?

Hihi suzysbear.... heehee, u still awake? also having 3rd trimester insomnia? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I got the Takeley white cot. The sale was a November sale, and they didn't advertise on website also I think. Some of the discounts must check in store. I can send you the email discount flyer if you want, then u can call and check if the discounts are still applicable in store... PM me your email address if you want to have a look at the flyer.

Yup, Ikea also sells baby cots. Personally, I find the Ikea cots a bit too low for me, ie, I have to bend over quite a bit to pick up baby and feel that it will strain the back.

As for mattress size, do take note that American brands for cots are different from UK ones. In Singapore, most of the local cots are UK sizing, but to be on safe side, do check all the sizing of cot/mattress/bedding before purchasing.

Kiddy Palace I went to the Toa Payoh one to check out at the advise from the Bishan branch. The one at Toa Payoh is really big and I think they have 4-5 models on display.

Hi suzysbear,

I just went to the MC website, and you can refer to flyer #1 for the discounts, it was the same discount they offered in November. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The playbead cots are almost 50% off. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Nimkulut, I might have a similar feeling. i'm now in my 34th week and sometimes i feel nausea and out-of-breath. i thought its the baby pressing on my diaphragm.

Hi babykoh's little tiger, i'm in my 34th week and baby is 2.3kg as well. my doc also said this is considered big and ask me to watch my diet otherwise if the baby is too big, difficult to deliver. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


dun deny being a little constipated all along w 1 dump per day or alternate day.. but now 3x a day seems a bit high frequency..

think we better be extra careful esp if the poo sensation just get stronger. may just turn out to be contraction. i;m already into my 35th week.


buy cot then buy your mattress cuz there are quite a few different sizes out there. i got my cot as a hand-me-down from my sister-in-law and the coconut fiber mattress from m'sia. mine is 130cm by 70cm



you may wan to consider going down to baby kingdom or baby hypermart if you need to buy quite a number of these big ticket items at one go. both are nearby.

baby kingdom

83 Kaki Bukit Ave 1 Shun Li Industrial Park, Singapore 417954

baby hypermart

Shun Li Industrial Park 69

69 Kaki Bukit Avenue 1, 417947

6844 1123

there'a also one call baby avenue along balestier that has pretty good reviews too. you may wan to google more on it.

