(2011/01) Jan 2011

Hi mummies

:D my little Ariel is 2.3kg @ 34 weeks... Rounding up really nicely~~~

But can feel that my tummy is significantly lower Le.. Back pain groin pain leg pain.. Really cannot imagine I have to tahan one more month (edd14jan) before I can carry my little princess in my arms.. Nowadays also cannot fit any going-out clothes Le..

Anyone else feeling that they might also end up with a dec bb??

Jass, you're gg for c sec? I'm also delivering at KKH, but I'm trying for normal delivery. Turns out estimated charges slightly more than 4k, but they said if I want epidural, abt 300-500 bucks more. Wah lau... Ex ah. Now I know why some of my friends wanted to try to bear with the pain...but they still took the epi in the end cuz it was really painful. I forgot to ask what stuff they give that's included in the package. Do u know whether if they'll be giving swaddle? Or mittens? Or small tin of milk powder?

Nimkulut, actually it might be a good thing that you're starting to carry lower. I'm 33wks and my mum said I'm still carrying quite high. My edd is on 23jan, but I'm intending to take 1 wk annual leave (clear leave) before edd. I still have abt another 5-8 days where I intend to clear right at the end of my ML, cuz I predict I might wanna stay with my bb for another wk. But since I'm still carrying high, I'm afraid I'll deliver even LATER than my edd, and seeing the discussion that ML will start just after delivery, this means I'll be forced to use up my 5-8 days of annual leave until the day I actually deliver....... But I dun want!!!!


Not sure leh, we choose the A1 ward. I didn't ask too much as we are in a rush today. There are a list of miscellaneous items which I didn't get them to break down.

Anyway, if cannot tong, its better to ask for epi fast. I tried to tong for 12 hours before I gave in to all sort of pain relief during 1st delivery. If you split the few hundreds bucks by the no. of hours you have to tong the pain, its worth it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I have got a friend who ask for epi so late that the effect only kick in after she deliver... sian ^_^|


I recognise the ru yi oil now! lol. Used many bottles of those myself when I was a kid.


Just a reminder that the Robinsons closed door sale is on this wed for those mummies who are card members. Will go for this one instead of OG one as I'm not a card member there. Will get further 5% off at robinsons.


I was told ML starts on the date of your baby's birthday. Anyone can confirm this? So if baby comes out at the end of the day you kinda 'lose' one day. But since we'll be in so much pain/anxiety, I doubt we will care very much about 1 day.

I will bring along maternity pad cos might use more than the 1 pack they provide, esp if flow is very heavy, or end up staying more # of days than expected. Will let them charge me for first pack of diapers and pads (close one eye there on the price as you say). Too many things to carry already!

Just discovered that we shd also bring our breastpumps along to hospital to help start lactation. One more bag.


Your little princess is gonna be named Ariel? Such a sweet name. I'm also suspecting an earlier baby, but not sure if will be as early as Dec. Everyone is saying I look gigantic and can't believe I'm only due in mid Jan.

Now that you mention it, I think I'm carrying a bit lower these days. My stomach has stopped trying to merge with my breasts. hahah

hello mummies,

i went for my 34th week check up and bb has finally turned but not engaged yet. Her weight is now 2.2kg, so my gynae is expecting her to be ard the same as my first abt 3.3kg.

My tummy is also very big now and when i told pple i still have 6 weeks to go, they seemed unbeliveable. Anyway, i will just let nature takes its course, let bb choose the time she wants to arrive..moreover, my gynae is going away for a holiday from christmas till early jan..

KKH charges are pretty ex - is that for c-sect ?

i remember 2 yrs ago, i stayed 2 nites natural birth using laughing gas in a 2 bedder at glen e, i paid total bill hospitalisation plus doctors fees abt +3.5k..

Hi ladies.. Just now when I was making my gal sleep..

She use her head n knock to my tummy..

Got a shock but baby still kicking n no blood discharge..

Hope my waterbag dun real can Liao..

Been trying to lie down more.. but not used to lying down so much.. baby has turned down alr.. but when gynae check for dilation yest was only 0.4mm.. so gynae got puzzled why I was having so much contraction when I'm not even dilating.. oh well..

Any Mummies eating as many things as you can? I'm smacking like mad and hubby is buying all my fave snacks for me to enjoy before delivery..

Going to call to book my massage on Mon alr.. just in case.. feeling super unprepared..

luckymummy, yes, that's right that the latest that ML can start is the day of delivery itself. I guess that does mean you kind of lose out on one day if you deliver at night after the workday but that's just how it works.

Lily: cheer up yar! Its very irritating that your boss is doing this to you. He must have been here for quite some time and know that Singaporeans are generally meek. He wouldn't dare to do that in America unless he wants to get himself sued. Oops, the MOM officer you spoke to seem to have gotten it wrong regarding ADD vs EDD. 4 weeks before and 12 weeks after is calculated based on ADD NOT EDD. Maybe he/she is not very experienced and thought its calculated based on EDD because the majority of people don't schedule c-section and can only make the best guess based on EDD. He/She probably haven't come across many (if any) cases of people who know their ADD beforehand. Jass's suggestion of getting a response in writing is good, they will probably take extra steps to make sure they get it right if its in writing.

Or, I just had another thought. Why don't you try approaching your MP during meet the people's session? Election is coming up, they must be more eager to do something for their residents. The MP can't do much directly but he can maybe make MOM pay more attention to your case.

Hopefully: oops, I have a lot of huggies samples, they must be spending a lot on advertising. Hope baby is not too big to use huggies. Thanks for the tip. Shall remember to use up my huggies stash before pampers stash.

Hi ladies ! My employer also don't extend my contract beyond 31 dec and I end up taking my advance maternity leave from 10 dec until end [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] this is what I was afraid for and it happened! Now clearing my other leaves so @ home !

I am almost 36 weeks and my DD was born normal at this time so we never know !

Pinky j,

Did yr gynae check for infections? Sometimes infections like uti can irritate the uterus n cause contractions.

Maybe u can request to get tested even though u may not hv obvious symptoms of uti.


Its possible to have lots of contraction without dilation. I was having contraction (10min apart) for my #1 for more than 12 hours before I dilated 1-2cm. It is like wanna give birth (to get rid of the pain) yet body not ready, v sianz...


Oh no... that means you have to start to look out after for paid ML. At least the co had to give you ML [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My contract is ending during ML too. Will be thick skin and check w boss next week when I'm back from my leave.


Nope, that for 2D package for normal delivery. Asked us to pay abt 2k cash yesterday leh. Maybe I didnt read the charges properly?? Last time the payment is upon discharge. Haha I rem that the hospital staff v sotong, forget to charge us upon discharge. I discharged thinking that my hubby settled the bill and he thought I did. Went to my mum's place for confinement and didn't check mail box (coz i was the only one with the key). Ended up with 2 letters from them to chase for payment after almost 2 months. Haa~


There is no need to bring pump to hospital as you can latch baby directly. Can inform the staff that you will like to total breastfeed and they will bring baby to you during feeding hour. Easier to establish your milk supply too. Rem to get the nurse to show you the correct way to bf your baby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] That makes it 1 bag lesser too.

Bethel: tried the thermometer. Very easy to use. Just press button and slide it across the forehead. Cute part is that if temp is ok, will show smiley face; too high, will show a sad face on the display.

The only thing that i didn't quite like was that the ear probe is a bit big.. Even for me.. So might not be good for infants.. But i guess that i will mostly be using the scan on the forehead, so not much of an issue for me. Oh btw, the thermometer also comes with a stand, so easy to prop up and not lose it amongst the many things that we hv for baby.. Hope this helps..

My apologies for not uploading photos cos I dunno where the hubs has kept the camera..

Luckymummy: agree with jass.. No need to bring.. For raffles, if need the pump, can request to use, although not sure if they will charge.. Mabbe u can check with the nurses to find out..


yes, there's cot. prices start from $199. but find their nursery stuff not exactly cheap. i enquire about their coir mattress and it cost $149! i bought a bigger measurement one from Jusco at RM$140. can consider driving in to m'sia to buy if u can. jusco having 20% discount as it is M'sia year end sale.

it's best you compare prices outside before you head down to see if it's worth it.

why not consider getting a second hand cot and but new mattress and bedding?


just rest as much as possible bah. looks like you may pop before your EDD looking at the contraction you are having. as long as it is after 38th weeks, it's not a preemie. dun worry.

i like to snack ice cold stuff.. try to go easy on it cuz i worry i put on weight very quickly. so far already 14kg le (almost 80kg now!!)..and w my legs and groin aching, it may be a sign that my body is not coping well w the weight gain. i'll wait till the last week then snack bah. haha.


think we are in the same fate of groin pain. read the hyperlink i post in my previous post. be careful ok?


call the hospital to check if they loan breastpump. Glen-e does loan it out.


we got the same gynae. my EDD is earlier at 9jan.. Dr jus smile at me and say Mary Yang will be covering her while she's away. heard KKH is jus slightly cheaper only for your normal delivery w no complications. but if baby is premature and need to stay in NICU for long, KKH cost will be way cheaper than private.

Went for checkup yesterday.. Baby is doing well! 2.4kg @ 34 wks.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] although I think my boy is bent on keeping his parents in suspense on what he looks like.. Gynae din manage to take the 3D photo @ 28 & 32 wks cos angle not rite.. Yesterday, correct position, but not enough fluid in front of face to take a shot which can show features clearly... Oh wellz...


when i delivered #1 err 3 yrs ago, there was no charge for the use of the pump. but subject to availability.

jass>> my gynae dont even think i'll be popping anytime this week even.. he says likely in the next 2 weeks though..

chabby>> i'm also worried my work cannot be finished.. still waiting for reply from others.. bahh.. they are very anal about it.. boohoo.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so far i've gained 12kg.. just nice at 70kg now.. legs aching as well as my lower back due to the additional weight..

nb diapers>> die.. i bought 2 packets of nb size for huggies and got another pack of drypers free.. ok.. now praying bb wont be too big.. coz gynae poke poke my tummy and said mine is not a small bb.. at wk 35 estimated 3kg.. bahh.. i got fat baby.. lol..


what other work do you need to clear for next year?? do what you can. i will complete what i can and then mail them in case i pop and can't finish.. e.g coach for next year, etc.

dun worry too much about the diapers. huggies can fit up to 4kg. if u use everyday, very fast de la.. each day the baby will use 6-12 diapers. just dun buy any more newborn size will do.


Me too never got the chance to see my Small M's face.. always covering with her hands or turned away.... guess have to wait till she is out.


Wow u are of good wt... guess what I onli put on 7kg till date and I am weighing 90kg ... hopefully I dun grow fat anymore ... faintz will be difficult to lose it.... I will be having a slim tall bb according to the Dr ... Am still controlling my diet due to GD ....


can i check if your gynae do CTG every time you go in for appt due to GD? what's the purpose of the CTG??

Jazz : I will look for job later now after a break since nobody will give me job now

Pinky: take care ! I am also 35 weeks but baby is 2.3kg and hoping not to give birth until she is 3 kg [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Jass, our ml will begin from our bb's birth day. they will need us to sumit bb birth cert as proof. i don't think ur company will be so calculative if u absent urself from work for delivery ba... anyway if they really not happy then request hospitalization leave from ur Gynae to "cover their month" lor :p

3 yrs ago when i deliver my #1, i already found KKH charges quite high. so i thot must well go for private hospital to deliver. cos also hear alot of complain from my friend who deliver at KKH complain abt their unpleasant experience. most of their nurses they encountered are trainees? lactacian also no come to assist them after many calls...

this time round mt.A charges also went up. somemore no credit card discount. last time SAFRA member or UOB ladies card hold holders got 5% discount. now no more le.

as for breast pump, i think i be bringing mine to hospital this time. i m not sure abt other hospitals, but think mt.a only has those hospital grade type. last time i hear neighbour bed groaning in pain when using it. so scary. furthermore, i also not sure if bb will be ready to latch to feed. i thot i better be more ks this time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh ya, i juz check thru my checklst for hospital bag packing. for those who b delivering at delivery ward, remember to bring n wear socks. i heard will b cold there.

Chelleybaby, any idea if babysafe matress on 20% sale at OG? also i check KP selling at $215 after 10% discount for member. anyone here has better lobang?

re pump, parkway east hospital is using mendala brand. But the milk have to be throw away cos the bottle and equipemnt attached is not fully sterilised. so if u intend to make full use of your BM, better to bring your own.

Ting: I went for e hospital tour @ mount a... They say we cannot bring our breast pumps... Only can loan from hospital at a charge..

I really din know having a bb cost so much one wo... First time mummy... Also heard a lot of horror stories from birth in kk...

Really??! I gave birth at KKH 3 times aldy ... ok what!~ But then again, my deliveries were all easy and fast and I didn't need any special attention. Stay 2 nites and then I was out. I think there was even once I stay one nite nia.

Ya I do agree that KKH isn't cheap lar contrary to what people may think.

But I am used to my gynae there and trust her, and I really like seeing her in the private suite. so comfy .. lol. And fast.

And I like the range of shops and eateries there ... so convenient .. after my appt I will walk around, buy food for myself then drive home.

Kristalangel, that's good to hear. Its my first child and delivering at KK. But I had an op there before and thought nurses were very nice so did not think too hard when deciding where to deliver.


I would love to eat as much as I can, but gynae made me promise to cut back as much as possible. Sigh. A bit sian about that so I'm counting calories and trying to snack less. wah, week 35 and 3 kg...is that also why your gynae might want you to deliver earlier? I'm quite scared mine will be big too.

On another food note, I finally bought coconuts from NTUC after hearing everyone discussing them. Will chop one up for post dinner snack tomorrow. :p

breastpump at hospital,

I'm kiasu and paranoid that I can't start lactating on my own without help from pumps. Ideally of course all I need is baby to latch on....but it's not always smooth sailing right? Plus potential of engorgement/mastitis etc. Think the books I've been reading are scaring me. And would prefer to become familiarised with my own pump asap also. Since there's help at the hospital, must make full use of them to ask questions on latching or even breast pump use.


$215 after 10% at KP is for the standard cot size right? Robinsons flyer says toys and nursery department "up to 30%". So if it's 20% off plus 5% for cardmembers might be slightly cheaper. I will get from there also cos of the free delivery once you hit a certain amount. My husband is not going for the sale and I have no transport.


Must pay deposit now ? Maybe its because of them forgetting to charge you the first time so now they decided to ask u to put a deposit.


I thot she will be back by 1st Jan.. if you deliver near ur edd, i tink she can still deliver for you. I also asked her about what to do if its earlier than edd and she is away. she said just imagine as if she is ard, just tat its a different gynae who will handle the delivery.

Hi mummies,

would like to know when should we sterilize our pump n bottles? how to stand by these stuff so that no need to sterilize again after delivery for the first time use?

Diapers n maternal pad:

how many pieces should we pack in the hospital bag? Sorry a bit blur coz first time mummy :p

thx thx...


Before my daughter turned 1, I have been using the old school way, digital thermometer. Touch wood, it have been quite okay till she turned 1, became hard to hold her down to measure her temperature. I just bought a thermometer to measure via her ear. Maybe there’s some high tech thermometer out there to measure young babies temperature accurately.


Ya, u are right we need to look out for symptoms here & there. Scary ya, so scared that I missed out any symptoms or signs that my body is trying to tell me. Yea I am giving birth here in Abu Dhabi, planning for natural birth unless theres complication (touch wood).

YAaaa despite its my 2nd time but I still dont really know exactly how much diapers NB size & maternity pads to get. Tend to buy too much... But I do remember vividly that the advise posted on the Mothercare maternity pads are too much. So dont buy exactly the no. of pads they advised on the packing.

Anybody out there buying breastmilk storage bags ? Any advise on what brand is good and how many should I buy ? I have both Avent and Philip breast pump.

Hi Apple79, i would suggest that you don't feed your baby with gripe water. Its ban in UK already and even my mum who is housewife said that she knew about this long time ago. its got to do with the ingredients.

Hi Pooh,

Jus went for my check up on Sat... Doc told me bb is 2kg (estimate) now hehe so happy.. But she haven turn yet hope there is still enuff time for her to engage when Im abt to deliver :D

Hi Chercat,

Can I check with you where do u do ur waxing? I also prefer to have it wax rather den the nurse shaving it for me :p hehe would it affect the bb??? *Ouch*

Morning ladies, haven't been reading the thread as I was busy with the bb stuff over the weekend, and I do agree this JL sale at Expo really have some great deals!

Lily: Your C-section is confirmed to be on 1st Jan right, so you are entitled to take your ML anytime now till 31st Dec, and it has to start before your deliver / confinement, not after. You can print out the MOM guidelines and attach it to your email to HR or your boss if they don't believe it. Don't worry, MOM does cover and if your boss makes some excuses to sack you and don't pay you for your ML, you can sue them as you have valid reason.

Also, if you are worried, you can always drop an email to MOM and have them reply to you, and you will have a black and white supporting document, should your boss decide to play punk. I believe you have worked in your present company for more than 90 days right, then you are definitely entitled to your maternity benefits, doesn't matter if you are a PT, FT or even contract staff! Relax and have a safe delivery k. We are here to support you.

Wow, most mummies here have hit the 2kg mark. Kinda worried for mine. At 33 weeks, bb is only at 1.8kg... really worried tat bb is underweight! Argh.. have to take in more nutrients to make him grow and grow!!!

morning ladies,

went for my appt last fri. bb weighs 2.3kg @ 33wks...


dun worry abt bb's weight. its just an estimation.

Mummies planning to bring your own breast pump, do remember to sterilise before bringing. Friend was forced to use hospital's because she hasn't sterilised hers. I sterilised mine over the weekend and put it into a sealed ziplock bag in preparation but think I'll sterilise it every weekend if I don't deliver that week because I'm OCD haha.. I don't plan to bring initially though, hospital bag is already way too big, will initially just try to latch and if really need to pump send hubby back home to collect.

When packing my hospital bag I found that half the space was taken up by maternity pads and breast pads if I follow the recommended numbers I found on a website (20 each). Do we really need that many??

Re Gripewater, only after I hunted high and low and finally found it did I read that its not recommended to feed baby any remedy, herbal or otherwise without PD's go ahead. What a waste of effort. On gripewater being banned in UK, I do think they have now replaced the offending ingredient and is ok. But I'm not going to use my gripewater anyway.

Thanks Mimee. I will take note.

Ytd I went to my mum's place, she asked me abt the preparation for arrival of number 2. She was horrified I have not done much ahhaah> Now I am getting a bit more kan cheong.

Need to buy the things and wash all the clothes which I have not done at all except sorting out the NB clothes.

Morning shycloud! Yup, I know I'm kinda kan cheong and worried. Been told by a colleague to take more eggs to improve on the bb's weight.

Anyone tried diapers by Pureen brand before? Saw tat it was cheap so I bought 1 pack, now kinda regret cuz dunnoe wats the review...

Morning Mummies,

Much appreciated and thanks for all yr concern. HOpefully i can resolve this soon..

My c sec is not really scheduled yet as my doc appmt is only this sat and than i will confirm the date and all with my doc. But he did ask us to consider the dates before seein him this sat. So we decide on 1 Jan so will hav to check wit the Doc himself whether is ok and all..

So stressful..am trying to tell myself to relax hence ytd wen for hair treatment, pedicure foot massage..feeling better but once step into the office feeling the stress again..

Lily, when u go to your gynae this sat, ask him or her abt the estimated weight. I think there is a conversion table, they will take the diameter of the baby's head and somehow convert into the estimated weight range.

chabby>> last min got extra things to add in my SOWs.. bah.. so still making changes.. plus my exam and common test papers..

mitch>> jiayou with eating right! i know it's not easy to eat super healthy..

sherill>> eat more durians.. baby put on weight fast with durians.. lol.. go get durian puffs.. i trying to cut down on durians le.. if not later bb too big.. hur hur

luckymummy>> actually that day when i went for checkup.. by LMP i'm 35wk4d.. but measuring size of bb's tummy, bb is 36wk+.. today exactly 36wks.. crossing fingers that bb wishes to stay in longer.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

akaysha>> u can really go try durian.. ate quite a bit of durian the last few months.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: maternity pads

i have only packed 6 into my hospital bag.. LOL.. but actually i packed those heavy duty overnight pads with wings which is supposed to be better than maternity pads.. so i doubt i'll need a full pack.. dun over pack.. probably if not enough than as hubby to bring more?

re: breast pads

i also packed about 6.. i remember reading somewhere that milk supply not really established during the first few days.. so i doubt we'll be "leaking" much milk bah.. so i didnt pack that many too..

question: for experienced mummy, how does it feel to have bb moving down and getting "engaged"?

My little princess has been extremely active today~ squirming, poking, nudging...making me feel nausea~ anyone else experience e same thing?

e nausea feeling is making it impossible to concentrate at work~

Pinky, great idea. I think I'll put extra maternity pads and breast pads in the pump bag and label it so if I need anything I can easily direct hubby where to get it from. He would have absolutely no idea otherwise. Was even thinking, because the hospital bag was getting so full, that I should pack a separate bag for baby stuff and ask hubby to bring it on the last day. There's really nothing we need for baby except for going home right?

Lily, jia you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies, can check with you where did you all buy your button down PJs? I tried to look for them at the JL sale, but can't find any at all... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

