(2011/01) Jan 2011


hmmm think it could be yr dr's nurse ba? cos my dr's nurse is very proactive. when reach certain milestones she will give the pamphlet abt the wards, tour, which also explains wat to pack, wat is provided etc. then reach another milestone she explain the package charges, delivery charges etc to me.

my #1 was under another dr and that nurse also did all that for me. i didn't hv to ask.


Went for my 34wks check up today. Baby still below average at 1.95kg and I've put on a solid 14kg so far.

Sigh I no longer care how much weight I put on just as long as my baby gains weight quickly before I pop!!



u still have a few more weeks to help baby put on weight !! .. I'm sure baby will be fine. Are you generally petite sized? I'm tall and big and so far I've had a preemie (my first girl 11 years ago delivered at 32 weeks 3 days at 1.8kg -- and she is perfectly healthy btw), my 2nd girl was 2.8kg .. then 3rd was 3.9kg .. my last baby was 3.6 kg.

Saw the gynae today - I'm 32 weeks a few days .. and baby is on the big side .. she conservatively put baby's weight at 2.7kg. I've gained about 7-8kg so far so she suggested I cut down on my food intake if I don't want baby to hit 4kg upon delivery. lol !

Thanks kristalangel...

I'm average sized and my hubby is around my size too. (small for a guy) So I hope tts the reason why baby is small too.

D-day coming soon for all of us and I can't wait!!


Wow likewise I hope my nesting instincts as strong as yours. I have been feeling tired & lazy. Really scared that bb come early. My first one was overdue, born at 41 wks, everybody keep saying 2nd one will be earlier & faster so I am really worried but yet too tired to do anything man. Things like this, you can depend on hubby or maid to do. Hai ~~ moments like this I hope I am back home in Singapore.

Thumbs up, you have completed so much stuff. How many weeks are you now ?? Now I am motivated to do more..


U are expecting your No.5 ?? Wow… sorry I am not a regular on this forum, no.1 have been keeping me so busy at home. Keep telling myself to put aside some time at night to read the forum but always end up too tired. How do u do it ?? 5 ? SAHM ?


You are not alone, me too nothing much done except I have washed the baby clothes, all thanks to my helper who reminded me. Other than that, nothing much done, I have yet to check out the hospital & the delivery ward etc. Heard after delivery they are going to adult diaper for me instead of sanitary pads. When I heard this from my friend who delivered at the same hospital, I went Yuccks…


Congrats, good that the bb head is down now. Mine is down too, doc said once its down now the chances of him or her going up is quite low simply because no more space to move.


Don’t need to buy too much newborn or 0-3months clothes, just a few pieces will do. They outgrow it within 2 weeks or so then they can start wearing 3-6months range. Very fast..


Ya I know what you mean, I also wanna do something with my hair. It’s in a mess, but most likely not going to dye or rebond, just a cut. Of course a nice pedicure.

Lily H

Oh no, I hope you feel better soon. For sure the first 8 weeks you will get it so don’t worry too much. Take a small break to do something u enjoy, eg watch a movie, or go for pedicure or anything that you enjoy doing.

Ohh any mummies out there having fungal infection? Hai ~ I am so prone to that whenever I am preggy, now have to insert tablet to try to get rid of it. I read somewhere if u have fungal infection during delivery, the baby may have it on their lips, face etc… Though only put medication can solve the problem for the baby but still I hope my bb don’t have to go through that.. Arghhh quite disturbed by that & today I started having alittle of spotting.. anybody having that ?? Hope the bb is not coming out right ??

Any mummies still awake?

I'm having insomnia throughout my pregnancy.. I can slp so many hrs but i will still feel so tired n restless during the day then feel so energetic at night.. Hope my bb won't inherit this habit..


Ya i gave birth to #1 & #2 when i was quite young then.. #1 already 8yrs old.. actually both #1 & #2 are from my previous marriage n their biological dad has their custodies.. complicated ya.. So even though this is my 3rd pregnancy, this is hubby n my 1st bb.. Therefore, I feel it as a brand new start on everything since it was so many years apart.. Can't really remember how it was like also.. Coz i'm the forgetful type.. hehe..


ya, anyway, it's the last few weeks that baby rapidly gains weight ..


lol :p ya I am expecting my 5th girl. unplanned pregnancy lar. we only planned to have four kids. Anyway, I'm aldy 36plus years. Enough lor. tiring to have many kids though I love them to bits.

Ya, I am a SAHM. Very blessed and lucky to have a hubby who can afford to support us so I don't need to work .. The family MPV is for my use and I have a helper too. I'd DIE if I had to take care of all of them on my own.

My EDD is 22nd Jan .. I'm kinda hoping I will somehow give birth in late December lor. Since my other kids (except for my eldest who was born in 1999) was born in 2004, 2006 and 2008. It would be nice to have this last one born in 2010.


^5 My edd is quite near to urs n i was hoping to give birth in late dec too coz hubby's birthday is in dec..


I'm also prone to it.. After my gynae insert the tablet for me i still have a lot of yellowish discharge n i've to keep changing my pantyliner.. Told him abt it but he said it's ok coz this is common in preggy.. I think to play safe u better call up ur gynae regarding the spotting..


Wow 5 kids, no joke. Then again its a blessing to be able to have kids. Our EDD is about the same, 20th Jan here.


Welcome to the forum, well I am also consider quite new to the forum. Haven been that active, no.1 have been keeping me busy in the day then at night I am too tired. Ya irritating, cant wait to get rid of this infection, hopefully before delivery. Gonna check if the gynae if the spotting persist. Wonder if its because I have been lifting my no.1 (abt 12kg) too much.

Morning Ladies!

Chelleybaby, 34 weeks, 1.95kg, still below average? I am not too sure about my baby's weight, my gynae is like Lily's, dunno why, dun like to tell me weight of bb. I think maybe it's an estimation?

Kristalangel, I salute you! But I also envy you, cos I can imagine how lively and happy your household will be when you are older next time!

Chabby, heng ah, you appreciate my joke...

Miaiko, me also coughing very badly... not sure why I am so weak this round. Keep falling sick. Cough until my stomach so painful.

It's really scary how the past months have flown by. It's like I keep thinking there's a lot of time, but fact is it can happen anytime. And I haven't pack my hospital bag and haven't bought a lot of things.

Kikapo, I also want to buy the Braun thermometer. There is only 1 spree going on right?

kristangel, indeed children are a blessing. I'm impressed with your ability to take care of so many!

Lily, here's hoping today will be a better day for you! Don't be confused by all the information on maternity leave, even MOM call operators may not get it right or explain it well all the time. I even find the MOM website quite confusing but our rights in this regard is entrenched in statute (see statutes.agc.gov.sg and click on Children Development Co-savings Act Section 9 and 9A). End of the day, the full 16 weeks is your entitlement. Its only how you schedule it that is the subject of negotiation. 8 weeks out of that must be taken immediately after delivery and the rest there is some flexibility to play around with so some mistakenly think only 8 weeks is entitlement. Do not be misled into thinking that way and stand up for your rights yar? Shove the Act in your employers' faces if they can't have basic respect for your rights given by law, especially Section 9(1)(a) which shows their agreement is not required if you schedule your 16 weeks in that way, its only if you choose 9(1)(b) or 9(1)(c) that the employer's agreement is needed. Hope this is helpful [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Sorry I'm so longwinded on this point, the problems you are facing are issues close to my heart.

Chercat, my weight yo-yos too! Within 1 day can drop or gain nearly 1 kg, think its water retention. Actually it was like that before I was pregnant too so I'm not too worried, as long as its within ballpark.


i also hope that baby will pop this month as hubby birthday is tomorrow. i asked him what he wan for b'day present, he say a baby wor..i like "hmmm..see whether baby wan to cooperate." the earliest i shld pop shld only be end dec, (EDD 9 jan).. any earlier will be preemie le.

i'm like u.. tired in day.. at nite keep waking up as BB kick all the time and more violently.. can even feel the limb move from centre to right and disappear.


dun worry la. as long as the baby is more than 2kg by birth, will be ok.. no need to stay in for observation. jus stay healthy will do


the ear thermomoeter is a good deal le.. saw in the papers that 120+ is promo retail price. usual retail price is 150+. may wan to buy one too. esp babies r prone to fever after vaccination.


could be. avoid carrying no.1 so much. may be a strain for you and back.


do take care of health. we are getting slow and clumsy. eat more veg and vitamins. i keep suffering from aches..legs getting clumsy and not much strength. keep hearing click/clack sound from my body when i turn.

morning Ladies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks for all the concern am feeling better today.

Ya misty, same here i duno the weight of my gal since day one -_- just know the weeks..and my is pretty advance ..by 2weeks plus. I go back to read the joke and laugh too hahhah abt the tubing..miss tat ytd as was so angry.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Did u try TCM?

Hi Reia, thanks this morning i was busy printing out my appraisal and emails from HR, records of their emails trying to push me down when in Mid Sept i just got my confrimation and my appraisal was good from my direct boss. I got a strong instinct they are trying to be funny since they are not hiring anyone to cover me..which i actually find it really suspicious..(trying to sack me base on small minor mistakes and hiring new one?), I print out emails that i sent las month to my boss abt my maternity leave and reminders of those. So i have done my part. ANd if they are trying to do anything funny i am going to lodge a complain base on these records/proves. As i understand they cant simply sack me base on groundless or insificant small matters rite?

Hi mummies,

Dun believe it... I feel pain somewhere(pelvic/back/thigh)for every step I make lo... Have to I waddle ard e office somemore... -_-

So scared... I kpo went to read dec mummy forum.. So many mummies pop-ed Le lo.. They are already discussing birth stories/breastfeeding tips... Etc... N it's ONLY beginning of dec... Wonder if I will have a dec bb as well...

kikapo and cookiefleur,

I asked my husband about the thermometer and it turns out a friend of his volunteered to buy us a thermometer already. So will see how that one works out.


as far as I know, only 1 thermometer spree at the moment.


has anyone gone for bikini or brazilian waxing since getting pregnant?

vaginal discharge,

how do you know if its a fungal infection? I'm just getting quite a bit of yellow discharge, but I don't know how to tell if it needs some intervention. I thought it was normal to see an increase.


thks for the headsup on 0-3mth clothing. It's just that the 3 mths on clothes look so gigantic. Even if my daughter turns out to be a 4kg nb (like me), I really doubt she can fill those up.

braxton hicks,

is it when the stomach bunches up into strange shapes, but they don't last very long? And it feels different from baby's usual movements.

I had an increased number of incidents of stomach movement, plus extreme discharge, almost like having a period flow. Was wondering what that was about.

limb numbness,

anyone has a cure for those? I keep having to adjust position in the middle of the night cos of the numb/painful feeling. So sleep is very disrupted.

NB clothings: just a suggestion that mummies can buy those open front type of bb clothes which i find it easier to wear and remove rather than those rompers cos NB body and head very fragile so may need to be extra careful when dressing/undressing them.


u tried wearing long pants and socks to sleep? cos nowadays the nite can get chilly sometimes so better keep it warm. my gynae did prescribed a cream to ease the numbness due to the pressure on varicose veins. it does help though.

braxton hicks are more like tightening of the whole belly making it feels like a rock! yes, it usually dun last long.

Lily: Generally its hard to say re sacking on groundless or insignificant matters. Haha.. can write a whole "essay" on the topic with no clear answer. Singapore's employee protection is not that great. But, for preggies you have a not bad argument because you don't have to rely on the Employment Act (which covers such a limited scope that I tend to think most people are excluded). E.g. the MOM website says if a notice of dismissal is given without sufficient cause within six months before an employee's confinement, the employer must pay her the maternity benefits she is otherwise eligible for. Sorry no time to find basis for this statement but one would assume the website won't be wrong [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thermometer: I have a ear thermometer at home from being kiasu during the SARS period but recently read that ear thermometers may not be very accurate on infants and of course not safe to stick mercury thermometer in mouth and armpit is also inaccurate so the best is actually the forehead strip type. Anyone heard of this? I tried looking for forehead strips in pharmacies but for some reason can't seem to find it. Same for gripewater. Before I was preparing for baby's arrival I thought I saw these things all the time but now that I'm looking for them they've gone into hiding.

Hi ladies, its been a while since I last login, and well, haven't had anytime to really read back on what has been going on.

Lily: are you have trouble with your employer with regards to the maternity leave? If you are I can offer you some advise, as soon as I read through the archives and what happens... I guess pretty much what I had gone through if I'm not wrong... Sigh... why do employers like to give preggies a hard time at work?

hi all

yesterday i went for check up. baby weight is 2.2 kg in 33weeks and 4 days..

gynae said very big... .i had paid deposit to confirm room too. anyone deliver in KKH?

Hie beautiful ladies. This is my first posting here. I am a 2nd time mommy but what i m experiencing now is totally new. I am having severe leg and lower back pain that really hinders my movement to a point now i have to hold on to something like a wall or tables to walk. Yesterday evening, I started to have pain in my vaginal area..kindda like 'cramp/pressure' pain. This morning my vagina is quite 'swollen/bruised'. Pls tell me what u ladies think it is? Shld i infd the doc? Totally stressed and depressing.


u can get gripewater from supermarket or the traditional chinese medicine hall. sure have de. that's life.. when you wan it, can't find it.. hmm.


u can call MOM for clarification. but i understand that they are not allow to fire pregnant ladies. it's good that you print out and keep hard copies of your appraisal if you ever need them to back you up.


i shld to kpo n read the birth stories to prepare myself. been rather paranoid recently.. having wet fears..wet in the sense of water bag burst.. dunno is it because of yesterday discussion about water bag bursting..hur hur..


fungal infection will itch de. so no inch, dun worry. unless discharge smell weird/funny or have different colour, it shld be normal to have increase discharge. my discharge is yellowish also. (but it has been yellowish all along la. so guess it's norm for me)


pls call the gynae office. tell the nurse there and see what they advice you on. if after 1 day of resting , the pain does not subside, i'll call gynae office to see if i shld go down.

do take care.

hEllo mummies,

long time didn participate in this thread already.

having been busy preparing for the arrival of my boy..

Anyone knws hw to get the spree on the braun thermometer. have been intending to get one but is so exp outside...

Hi Kristalangel,

we have the same EDD date 22 Jan also...


Hi Lily, no worries on your maternity leave. According to MOM, you have to right to take your maternity leave 28 calendar days before your EDD (however, you can give birth earlier than EDD but not later, otherwise the extra days will be considered as annual leave or no pay leave). No employer is allowed to sack any employee who is pregnant, and within 6 months away from her EDD. If they do, you can go to MOM and sue them. This applies to all employees, and doesn't matter if they are confirmed staff or not.

Hope the above helps. If you need more info, I can try and enlighten you as I was in the same situation as well. I always believe that all preggies should defend their rights and not let their employers exploit them just because they are going on 4 months maternity leave! I mean come on! It's out entitlement after all!

Due on 21st Jan, but doc say I may deliver earlier... sigh... trying all means to get myself home to rest earlier than what was stated, which is 27th Dec... can't wait...

I called my gynae office and they told me to come in immediately as it could me the onset of labour. Am praying its not....my edd is 22 Jan...i dun want a preemie... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Siti, don't worry, your gynae just want to be sure that you are not in any condition that is harmful to you and your baby. I experienced the same last week and I am due on the 21st. As long as you are not dilating, what the gynae will do is to prescribe some meds and have you on bedrest to delay the labour as far back as possible. Don't worry too much and try to relax ya...

Hello everyone,

My EDD date is on 30 Jan 2010. Its my first preggy so alot of things alot blur blur hehehe but Im v sure I am over-weight now after reading everyone's posting. hehe Im hitting 20kg though only 31 weeks into preggy state.

Not sure how heavy is bb Doc never mention anything on that.. maybe too early to tell me now...

So far so good on the preggy the only problem im having is to wake up to go toilet in the middle of the nite sometimes I just lost count of the number of times I go to the loo.. How I wish theres a BED in the TOILET!!!!!!!

Hi Amie

U have the same EDD as me. I gained about 9-10kg so far. My gynae will reveal my bb's weight each time I go checkup leh. Only the initial part, he only tell me the length. But when I entered the 2nd trimester, he will tell me how heavy.

My last checkup 3 weeks back (i was 29 wks then), bb weight about 1.36kg. I think our bb shld weight around 1.7kg this week @ 32 week.

Going for my checkup tmrw.

You can view the link


Hi shycloud! Hi-5 man! Haa... When do you expect to due? My doc says I probably will give birth early Jan... Can't wait, but I want more rest... I wanna go home and jus laze in bed! Do you have the same feeling too? Btw, do you know how heavy is your bb? I have a feeling mine is a little underweight...


maybe 1 wk earlier lor ;p its getting tougher each day with the growing belly..i will be taking ML beginning of Jan cos like u i also wanna rest more haha...

bb is @ 1.8kg last 3 wks...aiyo sounds heavy hor?

Re thermometer: bought this brand Cadi for abt $86 from guardian pharmacy.. Colleague recommended cos can scan forehead to take temp and can also take temperature from the ear.. This appears to be a Singapore brand...

shycloud: yah... sure sounds heavy to me! I had my checkup last week or so and he was weighing only slightly more than 1.5kgs. Kinda worried that he may not be of weight when its time to him to come... hahaa... I wish ML can start earlier instead of end of Dec or early Jan. Back is killing me...

Cher cat: Me oso first time MTB.. I agree with Grumpus that it really depends on your gynae's nurses. For my case, mostly also I ask or read the many brochures they hv (cos sometimes waiting time very long)..

It's prob still not too late to go for the ward tour if u want.. Monday @ 4pm or Wednesday @ 11am.. That time i went, i jus arrange my appt to be on the same day, then jus turn up for the tour... Just go to 8 floor for the tour.. Dun need to register..

BTW, Who's your gynae?


everything will be fine. jus relax and dun stress. keep us posted. your gynae jus wan you to go in to ensure everything is ok. they dun wan a preemie also.


thanks for sharing. will keep a lookout for this brand of thermometer.

Hi Mummies!!!

Wah!! Envy le!

Weight gain: me now about 34wks, my weight gain is already 13kg! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Baby check up yesterday and Doc said tall BB [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] She is about 2.5 - 2.8kg.

Cos of my height and body, doc say I still got about 4cm of my body for her to grow :D

water retention: anyone having this problem too?

haha... every night, when i see my feet, it seems like it's not my feet! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/proud.gif] so scary! wonder when will this water retention thing go off... cos i suspect it is this problem making my weight increase so fast this mth! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/proud.gif] Cos dun see much meat growing on my body... haha!!! (self consoling :p )

Newborn clothes:

haha... why some newborn clothes look so tiny and some newborn clothes look like 3mths size... haha...

hospital bag:

Does anyone knows whether TMC provide pyjamas for us? I don't want to lug so many clothings to hospital esp I have to extend my stay for another 2-3days while waiting for my baby's passport. hmm... means topping up of hospital bill of $2000 :-/

must make use of their service fully!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/proud.gif]

disposable panties:

Anyone know where to buy disposable panties for our sizes? haha... am worried normal sizes we can't wear [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/proud.gif]


please take care, dun worry too much, when you at doc's its under control, so its a good thing also that you're going in and see what doc says.

charleen>> can get the disposable maternity panties from Swanston store in Chinatown.. I got mine from there..

jiayou all mummies! tmr friday le! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I have the same water retention problem... yeah, they dun look like my feet! but when i sleep, i prop them up at night... so in the morning, i have "new" feet again, cos the propping up tends to "reset" and help with the water retention. my doc also advise me to drink more water, then the water retention problem won't be so bad. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mummies with backaches,

you can try prenatal yoga [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

every since I started on it, i never get anymore backaches already :D

1 of the method is:

sit straight, cross-legged, then lift up both ur arms straight, tilting your head backwards. do deep inhale and exhale while doing this.

the other one is the cat post. think TMC books got illustrations [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hope this help [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi cookiefleur,

ya!! that's wat i told my hubby this morning! haha! the only time I find my feet back to normal is the 1st 30mins after I wake up! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/proud.gif]

haha... other times, it looks like hippo!

drink more water?

okie okie!! will do so :D

tried all methods, even yoga stretching, but still by night time, it's not my feet. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Any mummies know other than Chinatown, where to get disposable panties? hee... Chinatown very far for me le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

by the way, when do we need to use this disposable panties?

is it a must?

Hi Charleen, you can try John Little. When I was working there donkey years ago, they do sell maternity disposable underwear... I hope they still do cuz I know I will need to get some very soon too...

charleen, i got mine from guardian, the cotton type disposable panties... for me, i got them so that during the confinement period dun need to worry about washing underwear and staining problem... cos of wound/period etc...


I have gone for 2 brazilian waxing in my 4th & 6th month of pregnancy. I intend to do another one just before I deliver, maybe b4 Christmas. I am doing C-sec, although the nurses will shave for me b4 the surgery, but i prefer a nice smooth wax instead of having the nurses anyhow do. Haha! You wanna do it? Think they will make you sign 'indemnity form' for preggers.


Thanks for the tip on the thermometer & the ward-tour hours. I see if I can coincide my appointments on Mondays or Wednesdays.

Alot of my frens told me that as long as baby crosses 2.5kg upon delivery then it's ok. No need for any extra stay or attention. So for those mummies whose babies have crossed the mark, then it is pretty safe. For those below, the last few weeks baby will really grow by leaps & bounds, so not to worry. I can see myself becoming more n more hippo-like everyday, oh oh! Everything is afterall an estimate, the actual weight you will know when the baby comes out.

hi mummies,

ask u all hor, u all will let ur newborn wear new clothes or pass-down clothes when we discharge from hospital?

some of my frens ask me to let bb wear pass-down clothes, some said new..

so im asking u all. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i had very bad water retention the last few weeks until i looked as if i got elephant's legs.. been lying down as much as i can.. if not than sit down instead of standing.. propping my legs up when i sleep as much as possible.. also i have been taking isotonic drinks to prevent leg cramps as much as possible.. so i not sure if the isotonic drinks are helping too..


Popomin: actually think no difference bah.. For me I packed new clothes for baby.. Just psychological bah.. Newborn get to wear new stuff.. Hehe..

Chabby & chercat: ur welcomed..

Disposable undies: got mine at watsons a while back.. Actually dun nid to get, but with all the bleeding and all, better to use disposable.. Guess the alternative is to use your old ones that u can bear to dispose.. Use then throw.. So dun nid to wash, especially since likely u may not be the one washing it...

