(2011/01) Jan 2011


Haha I'm quite bochup lah, celebrate together will be easier. No need to plan further. Plus I dun think I have time or energy to plan for my boy's birthday during confinement coz my EDD is 24 Jan and boy's birthday is 21 Feb. Its really up to individual ba I guess... Wow, its so qiao... maybe the birthday will fall on the same day??

Actually I'm hoping to find those banner stuff that says baby shower. Coz I intend to get the happy birthday banner for mickey. Can get other design lah, just not so matching lor... still thinking hee~

Oh... its terrible when you the teh C is not nice... its like you can only have limited intake and you wasted it. Sigh. Its ok... tomorrow ba. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Can just call or see him in his office to ask? Or simply inform all your colleagues & HR? Take it as you have already discussed with him during your last discussion, in case your boss turn ard and say that you didn't inform him.


Ordered from newbaby confinement


Lily, try to take it ez. me went thru stressful prenancy last round. so this time choose to be ignorant. focus on our children.

reia, i will still inform my boss abt my ML lah. but will not be too advance maybe just one week in adv lor. must show some respect to him mah :p

as for the birthday celebration, my fren told me that scared will xiang1 chong1 lor. bb man3 yue4 and 1st birday quite big thing according to some people. btw i think i read from somewhere that bb shower is not man3 yue4 rite? bb shower is held before bb birth to welcome them to our world and as for man3 yue4 is 30days after child to symbolise something? i can't find the website le. can't remember exactly liao.

Hi Apple, my boss is the biggest here he call the shot..so if he say yes mean yes lo..mayb headoffice side reject..but shld not be..

Hi Reia, so the regulation is true rite? I still find it funny why its set that way 4 weeks before and 12 weeks after than protected..what about those that nvr apply ? than baby come out the company can choose not to pay ML? not fair lay..

Hi Jass, he is not in office..i will try to remind him when he is back nex week..kind of stressful lo..with these pp around! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Thanks Ting..am trying but its kind of hard when even the dept head also giving hard time and am still organising some annual event for nex Feb and veri stress when its not happening here..its happening in India somemore..can die..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Really? How small was yr #1?

I'm actually quite worried abt #2 weight also, can only keep talking to her to continue growing. As long as she's more than2kg at birth I will be very happy liao cos at least she can go home with me.

jass1408, oh. ur boy's birthday will falls during your confinement perioud arr. like that also siong hor. esp we don't know how the little one will behave after they come out. let's prey for the best ba [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Ha! if my girls same birthday then siao liao...

Lily, yes, this time the MOM person you spoke to gave the correct info. I was trying to say the same thing earlier but maybe difficult to describe fully by typing. Yep, those that never apply may lose out so its always good to make prior arrangements.

I share your pain on India, no wonder you were in office late. The 2.5 hours time difference is the worst, they are most active during our lunch and dinner time and when its crunch time they can go on conference calls past their midnight which by the time our side wrap up and go home will be almost time to go to work the next day.

Re Big baby.. I wonder whether its possible that baby will be so big that she will never get to wear the newborn size diapers and 0-3 mths clothes. So wasteful then.

Lots of sale this weekend. Taka storewide 10% plus 6% voucher rebate with taka card and many items already on sale on top of that. Quite good deal. Oh and people who use Clarins there's 2x points at all outlets, not just the one you're registered with so should buy in taka. If there are baby necessities you haven't stocked up on should take this chance, or go christmas shopping.

grumpus: my #1 was 2.4kg when she is out..

y i say she is small cuz all my friends bb is 2.8-3kg..

some more when she is discharge the weight go down to 2.3kg

Lily, just checked that if u r delivering on 1st Jan, then ur 8wks(or 56 calender dyas) ml should starts from 1st Jan or 4 wks before your delivery and 4 weeks after your delivery.only the extended maternity leave (3rd and 4th month) is based on working days.


oic, officially small bb is <2.5kg so yrs is also considered small. and yes a lot of ppl hv 2.8-3kg bbs but i'm not so ambitious. exceed 2kg can already :p


Ya Reia..and base on MOM advise is that if now i choose to go only on 23 Dec these kind of arrangement will not fall under MOM regulations that will be under the mutual agreement than there will be risk factor that the compnay can deny payment of my ML [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so sad..so if i am goin to go by the default am sure going to burn the bridge with my employer both ways are lose lose situation for me ..."SOB"

Hi Ting, as per MOM, they mentin c sec is not counted is base on our EDD so i have to get my doctor to giv me a leter that states my EDD..

Ting/Lily, that's right! I completely forgot that the latest that maternity leave can start is on day of delivery, not later. However, note that even after its not really based on working days either, its by weeks i.e. if a public holiday falls during the week you are on maternity leave, that's just too bad, you don't get an extra day. Unless you're doing the 1 day off per week arrangement then maybe you can structure it such that no day is wasted. So confusing right?

Hi mommies..

Have been ordered to bed rest for a week n go back next wk for review again.. sigh. Think I definitely will b due in Dec instead of Jan..


so the gripewater is fed like medicine? Don't have to buy unless necessary?


Dr tham says he will do an "examination" for me the next time. I'll be about 34-35 weeks by then. Do you know if it'll be like a VE? Not looking forward to that...


"Re Big baby.. I wonder whether its possible that baby will be so big that she will never get to wear the newborn size diapers and 0-3 mths clothes. So wasteful then."

Precisely what I'm worried about!

Any mummies can enlighten on the actual size difference between a nb and small size diaper?

hmm i bot 3 pkts of NB diapers lay..

i rem my son can wear nb clothes for a mth if i remember correctly and his weight was 3.245kg

and thereafter 0-3mths clothings..but also depends alot on the brand and cutting of the clothes..some NB is extremely small while some 0-3 or 0-6 also look small while some 6-12 looks like 6mths hahhaha..confusing.


most NB diaper is for up to 4kg while S size 4-8kg some 5-8kg so it also depends on the brand [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ya. Lily, our ml is not counted base on EDD but ADD (actual delivery date) lor. and the leaves is based on calender days and not working days. very lugi if our ml falls on holidays or days where company close lor.

Oh,talking about nb diaper. can anyone advice where can find mommy pokko nb diaper? i went ntuc and giant but cannot find.

Hi Ting but if base on wat MOM advise if company nvr approve its better to take 4 weeks before my EDD wo..so i cant take from 4 Jan onwards.. loh still confusin rite [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Lily, I was advised that there are claims to be made by the company to CPF board for our ML. And to CPF, they only look at the birth date of the child, so if you choose to have a C-section and take ur ML 4 weeks (or 28 days) before, it is entirely ok with MOM law. Besides, I'm pretty sure your company will want to be able to claim back the 2 months salary paid for your ML from CPF...

If you still need help on your ML, let me know and I can try to provide more info for you. Btw, have your submitted the form by CPF? It has to be co-signed by your boss. It serves as a notification also to the company that you are going on ML and they do that for the claims... Forgot to add in that a doctor's letter will also be required stating the EDD. It serves only as a guide.

Lily, I think MOM said that because they didn't know you scheduled a c-section, so the best you can do is guage based on EDD. Ting is right that its based on ADD and you're lucky in that at least you know for sure what your ADD is. I think Ting's point was that you can never take from 4 Jan onwards because the latest you can start, even with employer's agreement, is day of delivery which is 1 Jan, right Ting?

Luckymummy, my colleague said he adds gripewater to the FM he feeds his baby so all the air bubbles are removed and he doesn't feel uncomfortable from all the wind. But when I googled it says gripewater is herbs to calm the digestive system so kind of like medicine. I'm confused...

Hi Reia, Gripe water mainly helps in easing 'wind' in bb's tummy, and if bb often suffers from colic, its good to feed bb with with gripe water. Works well with toddlers too.

gripe water newborn cannot drink right? I remember only after 1 mth?

Jass: I also thinking of doing baby 1st mth and Amanda birthday together since it shld be quite close. I guess it might make #1 happier too..

Apple: ur nick is similar to mine and I myself birthday falls on 19th Jan hee hee.

hi mummies

i'm back from John little expo sale.

If you've toddlers, do pop down as the toys are really cheap! hubby wanted to buy alot of toys which are meant for 3 yr and above when i've not even popped!! aiyo..

i bought a lucky baby play gym at 29.90.. cheaper than the parenthood fair and anywhere else i've seen! 2 clip fan at $5 each, neck float for swimming at $9.90. if you are a card member, get $10 off with every $80 nett purchase. it's a good all-in-one place to buy everything you need. but not all baby stuff is cheap as the cheapest infant seat is $140 and the bumbo seat w chair is $40.

Hi akaysha yes i need help and must hav all the info on hand as am afraid they mite try to funny not to pay my ML and I won't get a single cent later on so I wan to be sure what is the proper procedures so that they can't turn the gun around to say that I did not do my part and hence find the excuse to sack me and not paying me....

Hi reia,

I did tell the mom offcer abt my senarios and that I am having c sec but he keep mentioning base on Edd by doc letter and keep repeating the 4 weeks before and 12 weeks after my Edd than I will be covered under the law if not I will risk it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

gripe water

help to ease the wind.. and it's sweet.. my niece and nephew still love it even at 5+ and 3+.. but there's a fear that the baby will develop a sweet tooth at a very young age.

beside gripe water, remember to rub Ru Yi oil on the baby's tummy after bath.. it's said to help ease the wind/fart also. rub the oil between the palms to warm it before rubbing directly on tummy.


i bought 1 pack of momy poko NB from Jusco in m'sia. it's for NB to 5kg.


just rest and dun worry too much.

talk to baby and say "today is only which day, slowly ok..stay inside longer and grow healthier before coming out"

Hey luckymummy11,

I went for Brazilian waxing at 31week. Scheduled my next one at 36th week. SInce I already have package, I continue to go even after Im pregnant..

Hope I dun pop yet before I do my next one!

re: big baby - My 1st boy was 4.09kg at birth, I used pampers or mamy poko. Huggies and drypers cutting too small for his thigh. Clothing still wearable till 3 mths.

Hi mummies,

I am a July mummy and have bought too much breastfeeding products and wished to sell them off at a discounted price due to stopping breastfeeding soon.

All items are brand new.

Selling the below items:

- Qty: 8 Medela Pump and Save (25pc) at SGD 19.50 each, Buy all at SGD 150.00

- Qty: 3 Medela Quick Clean Micro-Steam Bag (5 pc) at SGD 13, Buy all at SGD 36.00

- Qty: 2 Lansinoh Breast Milk Storage Bag (25 pc) at SGD 10.00 each

- Qty: 2 Breastshield (24mm) at SGD 12.00

- Qty: 1 Medela Ice Pack for Breast Milk Storage at SGD 15.00

- Qty: 2 First Years Easy Milk Storage Bags (25pc) at SGD 12.00 each

Pls sms at 92328946 to deal

All items payable in cash only at Eunos or East Line.

Hi Mummies

Juz came back from my gynae chkup. He wants to deliver me earlier cos of my high blood pressure. So likely to deliver mid Jan(at 38wks) instead of late Jan. Hope Bb is well and ok by then.

Bb weight at 1.8kg at 31weeks+. Today I weight 56kg. I am on the small build. My gynae says bb will be ard 3kg when she is out. Also he doesnt want to big cos I am small size.

Hi Lily, i think our 8 wks (56 calendar days) ml shud starts from our ADD. for our case will b the day where we have our c-sect.

but if u choose to claim ur ml 4 wk before ur delivery n 4 wks after ur delivery date, then it will be based on ur EDD. for this case, u will have to get Gynae letter to prove on your EDD.

actually if ur boss not so supportive on u to claim ur ml 4 wks in adv, howabt u request ur Gynae to issue u 1 or 2 wks of hospitalisation leaves to covers ur absent from work b4 ur delivery? i thot it may be easier like this.

Hi Chabby, Lily, Thanks for the info. think i will check from other NTUC then...

Hi applecrab, noted ur EDD. will update ur info to the list on monday.

Thanks ting I did mentin this to mom and they say if I go this way than I risk not getting my ml only if I follow according to mom standard That is 4 weeks before and 12 weeks after than will mom be able to get me my ml pay if not there will be risk involve so I also confuse already getting so pissed and upset over tis that it's affecting my mood feeling very upset and weepy everyday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


so...at the end of the day, is it don't feed gripewater until necessary, and only after the 1st month?


for Ru yi oil, is there only one brand? If I ask at the medical hall I won't have to choose?

NB diapers and maternity pads,

If I don't want TMC to open up a pack and charge me, when should I tell them?

Or it's like in the confusion after labour they won't remember anyway, so I should just resign myself to paying for the first pack of each?

Was surveying my hospital BAGS and noticed that the pile seems to be growing, especially if I carry diapers there.


thks for the info. I really want to trim that bush, especially now that I can't see much myself to do it safely...hehe...imagine getting admitted early for the wrong reasons.

I'm worried about sensitivity since getting pregnant so I might only go for a full bikini rather than a brazilian.


*hugs* hang in there. Why is that 4 weeks before and 12 weeks after is the MOM standard? I thought by default we all start ML upon delivery?

Did your boss say anything about ML yesterday? Since you compiled all your evidence already, why don't you speak to him face to face on Monday and find out what is being done? Maybe he has some plan that is not finalised yet so he's not updating you? Bosses can be quite oblivious to our feelings or they only see things from their (company's) point of view. At least you'll know/sense what he's up to (whether against you or not), then you can decide on next course of action.

hello mummies..

hope everyone is feeling great! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yesterday was feeling really lousy after the checkup and now stuck at home on bedrest.. but i've decided.. i shall use it to clear my work and remain positive and ask bb to hold on as long as possible.. i dun wan a preemie..

all mummies jiayou! just a few more weeks before we start to pop! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My friend was also put on bed rest around 6-7mths. She literally lay at home with her legs propped up and took medication to help the baby "stay in". In the end she delivered a full term baby, so with proper bedrest you should be fine. Sometimes we unknowingly overtax ourselves with daily activities so resting will help a lot. If you have the nesting instinct please resist it!


you just say Ru Yi oil, they'll know. it's package inside a metal can. this is how it look like.



that's positive attitude. just rest as much as possible.


dun be depress. must stay positive or else baby will be sulky. you know you did nothing wrong and you are entitled to your maternity leave! just hand in there. you may wan to ask your gynae about it.. like a letter stating the ADD (c-sec) to facilitate the application. then call MOM again to see what else is needed.

groin pain

there was some discussion on this and i decided to google on it since i've been suffering from it for a long while and my gynae keep dismissing as "pregnancy pain"..this pain just dun go away like some of your does.

do read this hyperlink for you to know more about it and how to seek help.


Hi all,

OG having 20% storewide on most items.

Good time to stock up on the remainder baby stuff tt you have yet to buy!


Hi all,

I am a Oct mom and have the below items to clear, please PM me if interested.

1) 15 pkts of Da fong Ai (for bathing)- sealed packaging - $1.50 each

2) 2 boxes of 72pcs pigeon breast pad - sealed pack - $13 each

3) 1 box of 50 pcs pigeon breast pad - open box -$8.

Can arrange self collect/meet up at Jurong area.


I have been doing my brazilian waxing with Strip as I have a package with them. This coming waxing I will still be doing the 'totally bare' one. Cos I don't foresee myself going there for the next few months after I deliver.


Your EDD is 3jan so there is a high probability you may deliver in Dec. But as long as past 36/37weeks, baby is ready to come out anyway. Dun worry ok?! I should also be popping late Dec, plus a few other MTB here!

me too scheduled to pop end dec. my edd is 15 jan but scheduled for late dec C-sect.

still trying to decide who to go for post natal massage.


Yes, its to be fed like medicine.


Erm... not sure if gripewater should be added to milk since it is a kind of medicine. Generally, med should not be taken with milk... has to be 1/2 h before or after milk as milk will neutralize the effect of med.


How abt email MOM with the detailed scenerio and get them to reply you BLACK AND WHITE?

Akaysha / Ting / Reia:

If I plan to start my ML only when I deliver, its ok right? What if I'm admitted but only deliver on the next day?


Hi5. Lazy hor. LOL... combine can save time and #1 will be happy too.

re: Ru Yi Oil

There are 2 brands on the market (Or at least I have bought 2 kinds before). The other brand looks very similar is called 'Fan1 Chuan2'. About the same effect.. slightly different smell.


I went to go pre admission at KKH today. The staff advised me to tell the nurse that we do not want maternity pad / NB diaper upon admission. However, after considering, I might just use those that they have and pay for it as I do not wish to pack these then end up feeling stress if I forgot to tell the nurses and come back with lots of barang... Just wish to focus on having a smooth delivery and well... hope they don't mark up too much can liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Baby update:

She is now 2.07kg at almost 33 weeks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Discovered that the part that is always poking out of my tummy is her back and butt. Hee~ guess she must be doing a lot of butt shaking in there. Her head has been down since 3 weeks back. Hope she likes her position and wont anyhow turn. Wasn't able to see her face today as she showed us her back and is facing my back.


Rest more... just pamper yourself and stay in bed to nuah. You and baby need ample rest.


Btw, I realised the charges for KKH went up quite a bit... 3 years ago, I was charged slightly less than 4K for a 3D stay and this time, the package they show us is more than 5K!!!

