(2011/01) Jan 2011

Hello mummies,

Sorry for diverging, but I still have a couple of extra new Sophie The Giraffe baby teething toy to clear, extra gifts from the baby shower. They are still in their original, sealed packaging. It's made with 100% natural rubber and food paint and squeaks when pressed. It's durable, safe and this toy has been around since 1961. My little one enjoys playing with it since 3 months old. I'm sure yours will too..

I'd like to clear them at $28 each, postage included or COD at convenient locations.

Please PM or email to [email protected]

Many thanks and good health everyone!



that sound like contraction to me too.. tummy pain, wan to shit and even the back also pain. better call your gyane clinic to ask the nurse. see if it's ok..


you power! i can't even see how i'm going to stand thro the 1st month.. more over CNY.. but like luckymummy, i'm glad to stay in for CNY and provide me excuse to go to selective places for visiting after confinement. kekeke..


try to ask girlfrens for help to to help you pack. dun carry heavy stuff or climb ok? safety first.

Kikapo: U sure pregnant can do rebond? and you really solid, can even buy ur cny clothes ald..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello mummies...how you gals feeling today?

as usual, i drag my body to work..yesterday was so tired cos of the 3.5 hours workshop in the morning, the chair is too hard to sit till i got super back ache from shoulder till waist. End up vomit out my dinner cos can't digest food fast enuf.

Public transport:

I only took a few time since pregnant and only one time get to seat, the rest just stand, but luckily is a short distance. Then I dare not to take mrt anymore, my husband now fetch me everyday or I will drive if he is not free. Mummies who take public transport, dun give up asking for seat, just wake them up even they r sleeping.


Just everywhere...groin, back, v....everywhere


I feel breathless even eating a bread...feel breathless while walking and talking at the same time.dunno if this is normal. chewing can cause breathless leh...so jialat


May be should call up your doctor and check.

water bag burst,

My cousin say prepare a big plastic bag in the car...she say sit down still ok, but when reach hospital, get out from the car, another round of water flow out.

Chabby & Julia - Dunno leh, I just hate to miss out on all the fun that goes on during CNY. Maybe my wishful thinking but I hope to eat steamboat with family and friends, play one round of MJ and just hang around to chit chat lor. I am the sort that needs to have something to look forward to...so for me this is like the one thought that I hang on to to get through confinement...haha...

Luckily, my mum & MIL are not the very strict sort, so I will probably do 2 weeks of the stricter confinement, spong bath and wash hair once every 2-3 days...after that I will just watch the diet intake until end of 28 days bah...and then....FEAST for CNY! hahaha...

Rebond ah, think a couple of months ago, this thread had the discussion...and my rationale at the end was to do it in my 38th week...ask the hair stylist to avoid roots (which probably means effect not as mice and I have to touch up in 3 mths' time...hopefully this will minimise the baby's exposure to the chemicals bah..

Cause I remember reading somewhere, Happy Mummy equals to Happy Baby...so if I feel ugly and miserable, I'm afraid I will kena postpartum depression lor..haha...

Any other mummies planning or already did their rebonding since we last discussed this?


I think later when my hubby comes home, i shd open up this page to show him that everyone is aching everywhere. Hiaz.. becoz i demand that he massage me everyday to bed, if nt I there's no way I can get some sleep! Now im waiting for time to come then during c-sect that GA to put me in complete knockout and can let me have gd hours of sleep..


yah remember we were discussing rebonding some time back. But then someone else mentioned the effects of rebonding may not be as they were before we got pregnant...so I'm a bit hesitant to spend that money now. But I really hate the frizz! So tired of fighting with the hair dryer to make my hair look like I just came from the salon. yeah I think self-esteem is very important during the horrible oily and hot confinement month.


your case sounds real jia lat. Your backache lasts throughout the day? Mine usually kicks in at night only, and some stretching usually helps.

I also want to know how to help the breathlessness. It's a very alien feeling to me, but it only hits when I walk too fast or climb stairs.

How will you use the plastic bag? during the car ride? cos imagine holding a plastic bag under u as you get out of the car....very strange...and if I'm getting hit by contractions, I doubt I will have the presence of mind to keep the car clean!

Reia, usually if I need to call cab, i will use the app in iphone, it's much much faster than holding on the line. Was pouring last evening when I'm going home, manage to book a cab within mins.

Mitch, u're lucky to have the car [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Luckymummy, Im like u, thinking that im lucky that my confinement crosses the CNY period. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Dont have to worry abt getting nice clothes in not so nice figures during CNY. Hehe

The only concern I have is my hb.. am sure he wont be home and stuck in ILs place for Mj session and neglect me in the house.

Re: Public transport

Last week I took the train to work in the morning during the rush hour. Being so crowded, I decided the skip the first train, and waited for the 2nd train. Finally, train came, and I waited for all the 'gan cheong' spider people to go in, before going in beside in order to avoid being squashed right in the middle. Suddenly, this middle-aged lady (think from china), rushed in... she wanted to push me in so she can get in. I told her:

Me: "Please don't push, cannot get in already"

She: "can can, move in"

Me: Cannot cannot!

She: "Please please, let me in!!"

Then she bull-dozed her way in, pushed me in, and stepped on my toes!!!.....

Everybody was like glaring at her, and she felt so paiseh, and at the next stop, she quickly get off...

And that day I was very suay, train super crowded and had to stand all the way from Bukit Batok to Cityhall.... haiz... went home and complained to hubby. So now, he has to fetch me to work everyday... no choice, since last trimester already... hehe... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/biggrin.gif]

Re: Breathlessness

Take pao sheng.... helps to bu3 the qi4 so we will be less breathless..

I started drinking pao sheng (grind into powder) mix with water and drink it 1-2 times a week, sometimes once every 3 weeks (forget lah)... find that it helps with breathlessness. Now I don't feel so breathless unless I climb the stupid multistorey carpark to the 3rd floor...

hi mummies, cant wait for my maternity break!! my boss never approve my maternity leave yet..

i read in mom website no matter wat they cant reject my maternity leave rite? And i am so sick and tired liao in meeting these ang mo pp can still throw their weight around with their stern voice and all..please lo if in the first place you all dont care abt my maternity leave and yet you wan to make sure i do my best and try shouting and throwing discussion papers across!!! Why are Asian being treated like shit in MNC? or is it jus me? always look down on low ranking employees?? Dont they feel ashame?? Demand this and that ...! with immediate attention and what about my leave?? can jus push one side?? sorry jus not in the right piece of mind [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]...........depression... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi mummies,

how is all doing now? so fast, we gg to see our little ones liao.. i also cant wait.. but its end of freedom for me soon. haha.

Wah lily, how come havent approve one? i work in angmo co too, and my boss very funny one. he asked me whether im coming back, what is my plans. im so shocked when he asked me dat! i tot he gg to fire me liao.. but i noe they cant fire me..

btw, those who like Gucci, the 30% sale starts today leh.. tmr got additional 10% cos of taka. :D

Ya i do hope i dun get pre natal blues due to all these ANG MOS!!! they are pissing me off!!

feel like crying everyday..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] eyes red and all emotional breakdown.. "sob sob" tat wat can dun approve de meh? one of my colics say but i did check with MOM called them up ytd. They mentioned first 8 weeks complusory the other 8 weeks mutual agreement for both parties to take all or flexi..

i called dr ang clinic, the nurse asked me to go down..

but my pain stop already.. so think i just need to monitor n see how..

Kimmy: plastic bag for water burst? But cannot possibly hold one at groin area when getting off car right? Look very obscene!

PM: yar, my hubby did brag that iPhone cab booking app is good. But my work requires a blackberry (policy doesn't allow sync with other smartphones) and I didn't want to carry round an extra gadget so never got round to getting an iPhone. That said, a guy behind me in queue was clearly trying to use his iPhone app for half an hour before giving up and calling for another 20 minutes or so before getting his cab so maybe the speed is variable too.

Lily: Sorry to hear about what is happening to you. Yes, maternity leave is your right and the employer cannot reject. Of course, there are conditions like you need to give at least 1 week's notice and then notify as soon as practicable on delivery, child must be Singapore citizen, parents must be legally married etc. My personal experience is actually that my bosses (all foreigners) are nicer about me being preg and going on maternity than many Singaporean employers. Do stand up for your rights and be firm, they actually respect that, unlike chinese bosses who will think you are impudent. Don't be depressed. Hope it all works out.

Thanks Reia, the foreigners here are different imust say they will bang table and shout the "F" everytime they think they are rite and all ...

and their personal stuff they will quickly ask u to do and work stuff sit on it..!!! Keep askin abt my D day when half a year ago they already know about it! and ask me "oh tot yr delivery date was on mid Jan" i was like you mean cant be change? and mind you they are all parents with kids..

@Lily, *hugz* Im also plagued with work issues... sigh..no choice no choice. for the sake of the 4 mth!! After that I will consider to resume my SAHM days again =/ hahaha

@Fiona, so monitoring still? take care, if pain comes again, i suggest u go clinic immediately and dont wait.

@Reia, Ic.. yah maybe speed variable depending on peak/non peak period perhaps.

heya Lily> don't be depressed. it will work out in the end, remember baby more impt. tahan a while more, you are almost there! *huggies!*

water bag burst:

I think i will use a thick thick towel lar... think a bit weird with a plastic bag too, also dunno how to hold it properly underneath if also having contractions!

yesterday I had very bad sharp pain on the right side of my tummy - just a bit next to belly button... was so worried... but the pain felt more like muscle pull that kind of pain rather than from inside the womb. so i hurry go lie down... baby movement also less during that time, so was really quite worried. contemplated calling the hospital, but also dunno what to tell them, cos I was quite sure its not contractions leh... in the end, after about 1 hour, the pain went away, and until today, its still ok and baby movement also back to normal.

is it braxton hicks? what does BH actually feel like?

Thanks PM.. i must tahan 3 weeks more my fren was asking me to take even earlier but i doubt my company will be so kind already shouting at my abt my work progress (which in actual fact not my problem - done my part)..me most likely will change job lasince here so suckish..with people pushin yr head on the wall!

Thanks Cookiefleur..yes..been so stress up that i hav been blamin my baby for all these stress.. :sob sob" feel so bad tat it hurts badly and make all break loose...sigh..

lucky mummy,

Probably is the morning workshop, sitting in the auditorium room, not cushion chair and back dun have support that cause the pain..normally is only waist area after a long work day but yesterday really more jialat till I have to ask my hubby to stop the car and I transfer to the back and lie down.

i also dun know, my cousin told me that the water is sticky type, may be sit on the plastic bag to prevent dirty the car cusion ba...I dunno how to hold on the plastic bag when get down from the car. she say use pad also cannot hold the water and it will still leak.


tat one to prevent dirty the car...hahha...no need to hold and walk in to hospital..so unglam...hahha


Monitor closely and take care...

Lily, just checked the Children Development Co-savings Act (previously just shooting from the hip, sorry :p) and the way I read it, if you want to take 4 weeks before delivery and 12 weeks after delivery, its your entitlement. If you want to structure it any other way (e.g. full 16 weeks only after delivery or 8 weeks followed by flexi arrangement like 3 days a week for the remaining 48 days), it needs to be by mutual agreement. Worst comes to worst demand to go with default 4 weeks before and 12 weeks after which will be completely your entitlement and they cannot say no. Put your foot down and don't let them walk all over you ok? I know it can be exasperating.

Fiona, maybe BH? Sometimes BH may really hurt too. Yep, do monitor and call your dr whenever you are unsure [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kimmy: haha.. silly me. Hmm.. will it look like we're peeing all the way to delivery room then? I'm full of stupid questions yes?

Hi Reia, yes i wont let them put me down i can send email abt this dispute and take necessary actions if i can. Just did not know they wil stoop so low..as they actually like to sack and ill treat my current position employees..bad bad heart! my boss is the worst..pretend to be good and always give sarcastic remarks..can u imagine i was so ill tat time he still ask me back to work on my MC! so u can guess how "nice" he can be then.. another dept head even worst will shoot his mouth off by bangin and throwing things..how rude and bad heart can they be..

i wontgive in, i have already put down in black and white in email about my maternity leave plan and that since day one i hav been telling them i will need to take full 16 weeks as my helper is going home! so its not like las minute thingy that i nvr do my part! Very sickening to work for this type of compnay when their welfare only go to Angmos and wannabes and their pets!


I have a toilet in my master bedroom but toilet design is cramped and has a lot of corners so tried avoiding using it and like you I also have to walk out of room to use the toilet. I feel like an old person cos have to struggle to walk


Price diff at AMK shops and Chinatown not much but it's definitely cheaper when compared to NTUC or even Sheng Siong.


You can PM me your email address. Btw I used to stay in Jln Rajah before I got married. V familiar with Whampoa [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Don't be sad. Cheer up and look forward to the arrival for your little one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks for concern and advice. Been trying to take lifts all the time if possible. Am now starting to pack house but there are just so much to pack dunno where to start from

Hi Mummies, can put a Yellow Pages directory in the car. The book should be thick enough to soak up all the water! Prepare thick towels also... I was laughing away at the thought of holding a plastic bag. Maybe a rubber tubbing will be more effective? Can direct out of the car window at the same time? Hahahhaa.

Me going to take no pay leave for a while after my ML... if got more SAHM in this thread, will be great!!!! cos can go out together! have mutual support!

Lily, you can start to take your ML 4 weeks before your EDD. But only the first 8 weeks is compulsory. The remaining 8 weeks is a flexible arrangement between you and your employer.

ladies.. now the pain is all gone..

so no need to go down to gynae le..

thanks everyone..

i dun know whether my bb will come out early anot..

my EDD always moving around 27-30 Jan..

dun knoe to follow anot also..

Hihi mommies..

I'm new here on this thread.. Glad to meet all the Jan'2011 MTB here!!!

Started to feel breathless, aching, here pain there pain on my body, numbness on my hands/legs easily n frequently nowadays.. Think last trimester is the worse throughout my pregnancy.. haiz..

Hi Ting,

Dun mind, pls include me in the list too..

Name: doreeny

Age: 26

EDD: 20/01/2011

Gynae: Dr SH Chen

Hospital: Mt A

Child #: 3

Gender: Girl

Staying: Amk

Thanks alot!

Hi mummies.

Me still hvg flu and coughing. sianz. Wonder y i keep falling sick with this pregnancy. Hope my bb will be fine and strong like #1.

Public Transport..

haha... I wonder how come we preggies have such magic powers. Seems like we can cast spells on ppl to fall asleep whenever we step into the train or on the bus. *tsk tsk*

Do you have aunties staring at ur bellies??

I have and had! haiyo. totally cant stand when ppl glare at my tummy. Can they actually see through my tummy or wat? is my tummy weird shaped? etc.. all those crazy tots ran thru my head when those old aunties glare and stare.

Nesting instincts..

Yup. Like I said.. it's hitting me hard.

I already washed, iron and tidied up all my #1's clothes for #2. Re-arranged the children's wardrobe. Dispose old stuff and organizers, and got new ones to replace. er.. those were Ikea ones and cant last even 3yrs.

Been buying stuffs on and off for the past few months. Bought Toddler bed for my #1 and thank God she's sleeping in it now without problem and I took only 1wk. I prep myself that she needs 2mths to settle in her new toddler bed so I bought is end October. wahaha.

So the cot bed is now available. Just got my hb to adjust the bed level up to the highest. Done! hehe. Now I need to take out all the baby bedding sets (New & old) to wash and sun. And YES. Im so crazy about sunning things recently. Hate the humid damp smell (if there is). So I've been getting my maid and hb to bring all the pillows and baby mattress out to sun. Kill germs and bacteria. LOVE LOVE the sunny smell after that. Wohoo!


don't feel depressed and try not to blame your baby. At least at the end of it you will receive something far more precious than your job, so who cares what your boss can do to u, and you already said they can't sack you. Take deep breaths and visualize a happy outcome. As you said, look around for somewhere better once you are on maternity leave. Any chance of your gynae giving you an mc to cover the last week or so before delivery?


I'm thinking about going on no-pay after maternity as well. Balancing it against losing the year end bonus and all that though. I don't live near my mum so childcare will be a problem if I resume work. There are too many horror stories about infant care.


Got my hb to remove the rust and repaint the hinge of the baby bath tub stand. Been nagging him to do it and finally it's done. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yup. I got a bath tub stand when preggy with #1, coz I dont have a helper then.. and I did not have the luxury of confinement lady help, nor from anyone. And I strain my lower back easily. So I got a bath tub stand which is very convenient for me when bathing baby.

Things already bought

- Stroller (#1 refuse to sit in stroller from birth! had to sell away and now re-buy)

- Baby carrier

- New pillows and bedding sets (all from baby safe)

- Baby Monitor

- Mittens & botties

- New milk bottles (got 6 to standby even though I planned to EBF)

- Breast Pump

- Nursing Pillow

- Nursing Cover

- Baby swaddles

- Diapers (got all cloth diapers and none disposables. Im so into Diaper-logy, my hb says. LOL. And it's true! Got quite a handful already and yet I'm still thinking of buying more!more!)

Things I still need to do...

- buy bb socks. (couldnt find #1's mothercare infant socks. so upset. I cld hv handed down to someone which I forgot)

- not buying FP baby to infnat rocker

- Combi Rashule

- wash & sterilise milk btls

- wash & sterilise breast pump

- install baby monitor

- Put up new wall decals (already re-touch paints in the children's room but yet to put up the new wall decals.)

- Buy gift for #1 when #2 arrives! (still scouting for it)

hi doreen! Wow you're a very young mother of 3!


take more fresh fruits and vegetables. You've been sick and still have the energy to spring clean so much?! amazing.

belly staring,

me too! But I think they're staring at mine cos I look so huge, and I wear a lot of fitting stretchy tops that reveal my bump. And I get stares from women, uncles, young men, children anybody...I was sitting at paragon near the children's play area and one ang mo girl walked past with her mum and declared that I'm pregnant. But that was a friendly, childlike curiosity and at least she was open about it! Hate it when the aunties stare so hard. Miaiko I'm sure your belly is fine and they're just kaypoh.

cot bedsheet sets,

Is 2 sets gonna be enough? Safer to get 3 in case of multiple 'accidents' right?


yah lor. need to consume more fruits n veges. n vit C!

oh yah.. forgot to share that my redblood cells count is low during my gynea visit last sat. So gotta take double-dose! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Fruits n vege will help prevent me from being constipated.

Thanks for reminding!

Thanks Mag,Misty and Luckmummy,

Am trying to cheer up and thinking of bright side while i was weeping jus now my gal felt my emotions i suppose she kick so hard well she is consoling me and feel that she know mummy is sad...trying to cheer me up with her movements i suppose [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

anyway 3 more weeks and I am GONE from here!! but sadly my idiotic boss is back this fri...grhh..sian.

You take care Miaiko [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Me also busy with all the washing and packing of my gals stuff realise that she got tonnes of clothes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hand me downs and new ones [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eh... I din do the spring cleaning lah. Im too tired and clumsy. I just 'ordered' my hb and maid to do. keke

I've been waddling around lately. haha. feel like a big fat penguin / duck. LOL. cant help it coz feeling to heavy and the groin area getting strained.

Lily H,

thank! me too... realise that my #1 has so many more clothes than hb's! wahaha. a few pcs are even new and not worn coz they out-grow so fast. Oh but looking at those tiny little onsies make me smile and miss those newborn/infant moments.

Miaiko, my hand me downs only some from my #1 but the rest from my dear frens....and in turns i pass my #1 to them..like exchange loh..lol..

but like u i think my #1 have more than my #2..but for #2 sure will hav more chances to buy more gal gal sure hav alot to buy de lo..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Luckymummy,

Plus shipping and all, I paid less than $70 for the Braun thermometer. Very cheap! Think it retails for more than $100 locally. The only thing is the waiting time but if the spree organiser has ready stock then I think you should grab it....very good buy, IMO [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

luckymummy, my friend also got the braun thermometer from the spree as a present for me. only thing is the default measurement is in farenheit, but can be changed to celsius, just need to read and follow the manual. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

baby clothes:

my hubby complaining that baby has too many clothes! i bought quite a few from ON/Gap when they are on sale (cannot resist!) and have lots of hand-me-downs from my friends. heehee...

i think will only start washing them next week.:p


same! i've been waddling around... sometimes when i walk (waddle) too much, my hips will start to hurt, feel like an old lady!

Jia you Lily. 3 weeks will come and go in a blink.

Belly staring. I'm oblivious to staring most of the time but hubby tells me that people stare often.

Still on seats on trains: Actually I have been having more males giving up seats than females. Guess its luck of the draw with each of us having different experiences.

My sis-in-law just delivered and I'm so envious. Not too long ago we were still sharing pregnancy woes, now she's already got a cute baby to coo at.

Welcome DoreenY!

Hi all mummies,

My inner thigh/pelvic pain was so bad... So I called my gynae up this morning. -_- upon hearing my query (I only briefly mention pelvic bone) e clinic assistance - a v nice lady, told me "it's normal!"... "jus come in to e clinic as per ur normal appointment"

Then I starting reading our forum... So many mummies "tong bing Xiang lian"... I only started to feel pain last Sun... Can't Imagine some of u felt e pain so long ago...


your tubing suggestion is so good that i almost roll on the floor and laugh. guess i'll throw another thick towel into car just in case.


bad people in firm. curse them. it's your right for paid maternity leave. just hang in there. die die must make them cough out the $$.


whao.. so efficient woah.. my place is still messy. dunno if we shld move furniture to clear space for the cot since i'm preggie..i only have resting instinct to ease my water retention and everywhere-pain syndrome.

i dun feel like.. I AM a duck/penguin officially. like those people wearing those giant mascot.. walk w legs apart..super ugly.


rest more and dun walk so much. i suffer from it so badly once after class that i walk back to staff room crying.


i got 3 sets..worry 2 not enuff.


me not efficient. think me got strong nesting instinct la. Quite bad. coz I cant get myself to rest and relax. No good. Maybe tats y i keep falling ill coz immunity low. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Tis shld be the time we r getting sufficient rest, else after give birth, we will be so busy wif our bbies.


Its Dec liao. Our delivery days are coming soon..

Today is a terrible day for me. Breathless and bodyache, hands numb, tighness on my tummy.. Sigh. Luckily, I am home so I could rest and lie down.


sigh.. Infant care also got horror story meh? Then leave with maid also horror story. Then jialat liao. No one can take care of my bb le. I lost my job when I was 3wks preg due to some stupid spinster boss of mine. (I juz join the company 1 mth). I was hoping that I could get a new job after I gave birth where I can bring my bb along. Those 1-man admin job. *dreaming on*


Welcome! Wah mother of 3 at a such a young age.


No worries, I had the pelvic and virginal pain since i was around 28 weeks. Went to see my gynae during my normal chkup. My gynae say normal.

Hi everyone,

Been reading this thread but not actively participating. My EDD is also early Jan but I have decided to schedule my C-sec end Dec, so far should not have any changes. Therefore I may be one of the few MTB here to pop first. *WAVE WAVE to kimmyksc n Bunny who are also having C-sec in Dec. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tien, Shycloud,

I am also an eastern gal, but it seems like we are the minority. Opps!

Darienna, Grumpus,

Me delivering in RH too! Till now I have not seen the delivery suites or ward, just learnt that they do not bring all their MTB for this tour. It is only on certain timings on Mondays & Wednesdays, and the onus is on us to enquire. I feel that RH is not very pro-active in telling me things, everything also I gotta ask myself eg.delivery expenses, things they do/do not provide, ward tour, packages etc. Sometimes I myself also dunno what I do not know (first time mom) but info from the admin side have not been forthcoming. This is the grouse so far, other than that, the staff mostly seemed nice n cheerful.

My weight now is like a yo-yo, I can put on 2kg in 1 day, madness right?! It depends on the time of the day & what I eat. My fave time for weighing is early morn after I have visited the toilet, that is when I am the lightest. Have put on about 8kg so far; I try to limit myself to 1kg per month, now 34weeks. Love junk food especially fries, ice cream & cold drinks!

