(2011/01) Jan 2011

hi mummies,

I'm frm March 2011 thread..

I'm doing a spree for CINCH TUMMY WRAP for post natal use..


MOQ: 20

we hae just received the 1st batch and it's pretty affordable with shipping and even GST..

Est $115 each..

If anyone keen to get, pls pm me as I dun check this thread..



Hie ladies..just back from the gynae office..they kept me under obsvr for about 2 hrs said everything is fine. I am having all the discomfort due to the tummy weight and stuffs..they did a cervix check and i am not dilating. Was having contraction but not major enought. Given med leave till my next appt with advise to come back shld there be any more discomfort. Thanks for all our well wishes... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies,

finally got time to come in and type ... am still in office can you imagine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] "sob sob"

THanks for all the information and concern.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My boss is back tmr, i must build my armor to be tough enough to fight the political war!!! :-O

@ Akaysha, you facing the same problem as me now?? sickening rite! sigh....

@ Chabby, i call my gynae abt trip to JB he say no need to get letter jus drive in [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]kkeee so am going in this weekend for pedi and hair color/perm/cut see how my stylist see it ;)

@Siti, please take care of yourself.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@popomin, i will let my gal wear new clothes since newborn ma so all will be new..than at home will wear hand me downs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but CNY will wear all new dresses and clothes kekeke..

Ting: Dun mind, can you add my details up the list too..

Name: Siti Zarina

Age: 26

EDD: 22/01/2011

Gynae: Dr Devendran

Hospital: SGH

Child #: 2

Gender: Boy

Staying: SengKang


LilyH: I am still in office too and long time more to go [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Siti: Take care! Glad everything's alright.

Popomin: I guess some say old because of the superstition that allowing baby to wear old clothes will protect the baby, but think not specific to going home so I personally choose new clothes. Should look pretty going home for the first time..

Chercat: Yep, 2.5kgs is the cut off point for determining small for date / small for gestational age baby. But as to whether baby needs extra care or needs to stay extra days apparently depends on other indicators. A friend just gave birth to a baby 2.3x kgs but all is good so no need to stay in incubator and I think don't need extra care. Only difference I am aware is needs to combine formula and breastmilk I guess because formula has added nutrients to promote faster growth? That said, my worry is I have too big a baby rather than too small. I think she has already crossed the 2.3 mark! Imagine a gigantic girl in future. Not good at all.

Btw, anyone delivering in SGH? I'm most likely to taking into account factor of proximity from home. My obstetrician is not based there so I'm not sure what admission procedure is like and there doesn't seem to be much info on their website. Anyone can enlighten me?

Charleen ~ you can get 100% cotton disposable maternity panties (5 in 1 pack) from kiddy palace. it is quite comfort.

Hey ladies,

at about 6pm just now, i started experiencing very "suan" feeling again, like menstrual cramps in my abdomen.

wondering if anyone also experiencing anything like this... the feeling comes and then goes away in abt 6-10 mins, then comes back again 1-2 more times... then eventually subside...


Evlin> sorry to intrude.. But I think ur pediped has arrived.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Check The spree thread okie.. Thanks..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

Sorry to interrupt.I have the following AVent products to let go.All brand new,still in packaging.I'm letting them go as I have no use for them anymore and I want to clear my cupboard for more space.

The products are:

Avent Single Manual Pump

AVent Nipple Cream

Avent Moistrising Oil


Interested mummies,pls PM me


Ur post on the bb clothes whether new or old, suddenly strike me. When our bb are in hospital, do we need to bring the bb's clothes to let them wear during the 2-3 days stay? Does the hosp provide clothes for them? Or we juz need to bring 1 set of clothes when going home?

I only tot of the going home part but never tot of during the stay?


Wow you were 4kg at birth, wow big baby yea. My no.1 was born at 3.2 so 0-3months clothes lasted about 2wks. Luckily my friend bought me some NEWBORN clothes before I popped, it came in handy. Otherwise my bb wont have anything to wear. Hheeeehe. Oh yellowish, cloudy green discharge is fungal infection. My gynae said the discharge should be whitish then turn yellow after some time but if fresh discharge is yellowish then its fungal infection. Me too having quite heavy discharge, have to change panty liners a few times a day.


Umm thought ear thermometer is only for baby 1 year and above? Gripe water is good, try those old Chinese shophouses pharmacy if you cant find them in cold storage or NTUC.


Yea hurting myself is one thing, the spotting is also another concern. Soo scared that due to carrying no.1 or taking care of her cause early delivery. I am so not ready yet man. Hospital bag not packed and heard the hospital here don’t provide anything. Upon birth, they will ask for bb clothes. Faintzz.


Glad everything is going well. Rest more

Darienna, Lily, reia.. thanks for replying me..

i guess i will bring new clothes then since i bot so much for my ger. hahaha.. everyday also cny.. got so many new clothes.. =D

wonder if 1 set enough? or shld i bring 2 just in case.. hahaha.

Pooh: May depend on the hospitals? Gleneagles, Mt E, Mt A and TMC all said they will provide baby clothes and blanket for the stay but you can bring mittens and booties if you like because they don't provide those.

Popomin: Good point! Most books seem to recommend bringing an extra set whenever out of the house. But just a short trip between home and hospital shouldn't need a change surely? Maybe experienced mums can enlighten [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lina: so below 1 year what thermometer should we use? Finally managed to get gripewater from unity. I'm now convinced that guardian, watsons etc have morphed toiletries store and unity and hospital pharmacies are the only remaining real pharmacies.. sigh..

Yay! It's Friday again... Weekend's almost here... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bethel: hv not tried out the thermometer yet.. Only open up to see.. Will get round to trying it over the weekend and update... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning ladies!

I have been reading about infection and yellowish discharge. According to my doc got to watch the situation as sometimes the infection may cause us to go into labour earlier! If worried jus get some medication from the gynae...

So glad its Friday. Going for my checkup tomorrow. Hope all is well...

hospital bag

was told to bring just 1 set for the baby to wear when we discharge from the hospital. so i only packed 1 set of baby clothes. doubt that mitten and booties will be needed as what i see during the hospital tour is that the babies are swaddle in the nursery.

i packed my own sanitary pads but only have 1 pack of 16 pads in there. if need more than get from the pharmacy downstairs. the nurse at my gynae's clinic say can actually bring your own baby diapers if you wan to cut cost. but the hospital will open theirs w/o asking you in order to earn $$.. so hmm.

i dun intend to use disposables as i find their rubber not good enuff even for the $3.95 per pack cotton type from guardian and watson. i always use that when i go for trips. so i bought 3 for RM8.90 underwear from Jusco to wear. have a total of 15s.. so will wear each around 2x and then throw lo. it's more ex than the disposable by a bit but i can put my mind at ease w/o having to worry that the underwear will fall off..haha..

me went for Gynae visit on Wednesday. my bb weigh 2.1Kg at 33weeks. but i put on 14Kg liao. :-o

My hb not so satisfy with the bb weight though my Gynae say she is developing on track. he always nag i should cut down on my tea/cafeine intake as it will block nutrients to bb...haiz... i already cut to one cup/day lei. i really can't kick start my day without it. i tried subsitute like coke and also cut down on "dossage" but it doesn't work. Do you ladies has any recommentation on decafeinated tea or coffee? got such thing or not? Any advices?

Ting: 2.1kgs at 33 weeks is quite good already no? Mine is 2.2kgs at 33 weeks and I am worried about her being too big! Husbands have no idea what problems come with big baby and just think big and chubby is good, mine's exactly like that. Have to educate him that if baby's too big may lead to problems during delivery like getting stuck or fractured collarbone and is also unhealthy for baby, higher chance of being obese and having all the related problems in future. So he should be careful what he wishes for is what I tell my hubby. Sorry can't help on decaf since I'm not a coffee fan but I think don't bother with substituting with coke which is also choked full of caffeine, might as well go with coffee itself if its what you feel like having, maybe if you satisfy the craving/need you won't feel like having so much!

Chabby: Yar, the hospitals always swaddle the baby tightly like little silkworms, so cute. Agree mittens and booties are very optional and not a necessity, only if maybe you want to present baby at its cutest for visiting guests. But not swaddling baby in hospital air con environment could be too cold?

Can't wait for the weekend!

i finally have unpack all my #1 bb newborn clothing. fwah! tired man. i didn't know she got so much clothing. that day i wash until "face green green". left with only 5 weekends to settle the chores for me. still need to plan for my #1 birthday celebration. wah biang...

Wow Ting! Sounds like you are gonna have a busy month till your delivery! Haahaa... Well, on the caffine part, 1 cup a day is ok, and your bb seems to be growing well, and on track too! I used to drink 2 cups of coffee a day and cut back to 1 cup after I stepped into the 2nd trimester. Its hard to kick the habit, but 1 cup a day should be fine, or at least that was what I was told...

Hi Ting, no worries lah..i also drink daily yakun kopi-c without fail de lo.. ;p

counting down only left 4 weekends before my gal arrival getting quite excited and yet freak out at the momment ....plus all the work worries and my ML not approved yet! sigh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] do i need to call MOM???

I have finish and completed all washin except for setting up the cot and all..and gettn myself ready! hahha still feeling worried abt my son's P1 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

reia,i think our bb weight quite average. in fact i myself also hope that my bb can be alittle bigger cos pple say bb of bigger size easier to "take care". my first child is around 3.7Kg at birth. i hope her sister can catch up with her jie jie's weight by then... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

akaysha, i also got read that. Gynae also say can drink one cup/day but he also added that if can don't drink will be better lor

me now "cold turkey" again. haven got my "dossge" for today... *yawn*

Hello Mummies..

At the gynae now.. just did heart rate monitoring for baby and it showed I had 3 contractions within last 20 min or so. Nurse says I likely go into labour early.. bleah.. there goes my hope of Jan baby..

Lily, me fav is YaKun Teh-C. Hope can have a sip of it later...

wah! u so fast inform ur boss about ur maternity leave? me haven lei. ML is given to us by law mah. we can just inform HR one week before we go for delivery rite?


do you mean wearing long pants etc will prevent all parts of the body from feeling numb? Cos my numbness can be the thighs, arms, shoulders...


what does it do? It sounds like I should get some too, but I don't know what it's for. haha


where did you do your waxing? Thinking of trying strip as my friend recommended someone good there.


ok will monitor the discharge. This month appears to have a lot of strange symptoms to note.

Yah I was considered huge at birth, luckily for my mum I came out via caesarean.

You are giving birth overseas?


I'm bringing 2 sets of clothes for baby to wear home, of varying sizes, in case she turns out larger than the typical nb, or smaller than I expect. haha.


my friends said overall the forehead gun type thermometer is easier to handle. Point and shoot! Baby may not like having the ear thermometer inserted, and fit or something may be a problem. You also have to replace the plastic caps right? Not sure how much those cost.


maybe you need booties n mittens for going home?

as for diapers, so...are you bringing your own nb diapers? I didn't dare to buy nb size as I suspect my daughter can fit the small size diapers once she's born (just prepared for the worst) and if she's small then just let the hospital charge me for the first pack.


here's how I tackle my coffee addiction: Just buy one packet/cup in the morning for breakfast. Tell myself I will only drink half of it with breakfast, save the other half for tea time/lunch (reheat in office microwave). Sometimes you can get by without needing the other half, and I find my craving for coffee doesn't need a lot to satisfy...just a few sips and the aroma in the morning is enough for a 'placebo' effect. hehe


wow...so could you actually feel the contractions, or can only tell from the machine? Even if you rest at home chances of early delivery are high?

Re: baby's weight

this is what my gynae explained to me. if follow the international growth chart, then bb that is 2kg at 32wks will be on the 50th percentile, i.e average size. and if bb keep growing at the same rate, will be born abt 3.5kg.

but if follow local trend, most singaporean women give birth to 2.8kg-3kg bbs. so means they only pass 2kg mark at abt 34wks.

so depends on which standard yr gynae follows. that's why some gynae tell u bb is big if 2kg at 32wks (cos they follow local std) but some tell u is average only (cos they follow international std)

TGIF ladies!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just had my trial confinement food. Quite nice thou its just a little too zhong kou wei for me. Would prefer to have more soup too. The ginger red date tea is nice! Picture of it can be found here:


Today's menu: Black bean, red dates spare ribs soup + braised fish with red dates + mushroom, dou miao with sliced ginger.

Delivery is quite timing too. They deliver at 12pm for lunch [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The thread really moves super fast since I last log in. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Gripe water is commonly given to babies with a lot of wind in their tummy. Suppose to help them to pass it out so that they feel better and can take more milk.

Btw, the ear thermometer is more accurate than the point and shoot type. I wanted to get that kind when my ear thermometer when it die on me after 2 years of very light use but hubby feels that its important to have accurate measurement for kids. Actually, I wipe the plastic inserts after each use so didn't really change the inserts.

If any mummies intend to get the Braun ear thermometer, its a lot cheaper to order from US. This time round I got it for abt $70 (after shipping and postage). 3 years ago I bought from Courts, it cost me more than $120!


Your boss haven't approve your ML? Oh dear, thats quite stressful. Why is he/she delaying it?

re: coffee / tea

Ok, I'm one of the naughty mummies who is still drinking 1-2 cups a day when I feel like it. Did not delibrately control my intake but I did not take it daily.


Same here... I didn't know I have so much clothes for her fr NB to 12 mths (new and pre-loved) till I unpack. Have been hinting to all not to get me clothes for baby shower. Hehehe~ I'm hoping to do baby shower with my boy's bday together as he is a Feb baby. Checking out the spree sites for Mickey and Minnie theme but cant seems to find Minnie theme for baby shower [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Better bring 2 sets just in case baby soil it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: hospital

Luckily I called KKH this morning to enquire about whether to bring diaper for NB. Oh mind, I realised that i have to book a ward too? Last time I just turn up at the admission when I am about to deliver. Will have a busy day tm... going down to KKH to ask about admission, sign up for Cord Blood Donation then to KK's AMK clinic for check up. Then I have got my bestie's housewarming! Busy busy day!

Wah.. So looks like my gynae using international weight chart then.. My baby was 2kg at 32wks 2 days and he say was average size... :p

Gg for appt tmrw.. Can't wait to "see" him and know how much he grew in the past 2 wks..

Hi, went for my gynae visit yest. At 32 weeks, baby scan shows the weight about 2.2kg. But my gynae say it's only an estimate and he told me shd be about 1.9 to 2.2kg. It's average.

Grumpus, my #1 is 2.1kg at 32 weeks and he came out 3.59kg.

Popomin, I will let my baby wear new clothes when he's discharged and only wear old clothes at home.

I also hv a lot of yellowish discharge and some days will feel a bit of itch. So, I ask my gynae for the thing to be inserted. Just did so last nite.

Hi Jass1408,

That's y i am confused..understand that we dont need approval but we still need to put into system that we applied leave rite? so he never reply to my email and also nvr apporve the e leave system..so wat do i hav to do??? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Daphne, wow so looks like my gynae explanation quite accurate for u. Means #2 shd be ard 3.5kg too.

My bb weight at 32wks only 1.5kg. I only hope she can cross the 2kg mark at 34wks.

My #1 was born only 1.86kg at 37wks....

grumpus: my bb weight at 30 weeks is only 1.1kg...

i am so worry about his weight dun knoe whether he eat enough inside anot..

my gynae still haven't tell me whether he got book hospital ward for me anot lei..

think next visit i must ask him already..


Dun worry, as long as he keeps growing he shd be fine. Bbs can put on abt 200g per wk at this stage. My #1 stopped growing tat's y she was so small.

grumpus: my number 1 also small when she is out...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Finish my call wit MOM, be default if i go according to the MOM regulation by taking 4 weeks before my EDD and 12 weeks after my delivery i dun need any agreement nor any mutual agreement with the company. So no choice they force me to do that since no approval is given for the mutual agreement that we have agree that i start my maternity leave on 4 Jan. As my office will have closue for the las week of Dec.

So i will start my ML early then..."sob sob" so stressful!!

Hi mom,

Long time since i post anything on the forum.. had been having a busy Nov mth with my exams, change of new boss.. blah blah blah

Now moving into 33th wk liao.. Again the last checkup on tues, gyn didnt tell me the size of my baby...

Well, she said on the next visit will have to discuss on the birth plan if the baby is getting too big...

Ang mohs are like tat.. very individualistic and egoistics.. can makan u will makan u.. No ren qing one..

Ting: ML is entitlement but also good to inform early so colleagues can make necessary handover arrangements. Also depends on what work you're doing I guess, whether its the kind that only you understand and need lots of time to handover. 1 week is the minimum notice you should give the employer but I've already settled my arrangement months ago when my firm was doing budgetting for next year.

Lily: go knock on your boss's door and ask about ML or at least send him email. Maybe he missed the sent to him by the leave system? Or do you have a HR person that can help? When did you intend to start taking your leave?

Grumpus: exactly. My obstetrician follows international standards and tells me baby's average. When I go to SGH for the detailed scan, they use an asian chart and say baby's "ang moh size".

Fiona: Don't worry, as long as your obstetrician doesn't say anything it should be fine. The weight now is just an estimate and can be off by 10-15%.

Jass: thanks for the update! You probably have told us before but I lost track, which caterer did you order from?

Hi Reia,thanks, i have send email since a month ago after we discuss abt my 16 weeks of ML that i will take starting on 4 Jan as my copnay will shut down on the las week of Dec. So officially only open on 4 Jan of cos as an employee i am entitled for the shut down. Hence that email was send out with all the details and also he did mention abt hiring a temp to stand in for me.

So last week i send him an email again reminder him abt this and also follow up by putting into the e leave system to remind him. He cant forget or miss my emails as he did reply me on other emails and even call me urgently via his mobile for his own personal errand to bank in cheques and all so...i presume he knows but refuse or there is some secret agenda he is going up to try somthing funi..as he's been tryin to put me in difficult situation recently..

me just have my teh-C. but not from YaKun. doesn't taste good. haiz...spoil my day liao...

Jass1408, i hear pple say cannot celebrate bb shower/1st birthday together with others birthday lei. someone already urge me not to do so cos if everything goes smoothly as plan, my children birthday will be one day apart. that person say i have to skip celebrating my #1 birthday if i want to celelbrate my #2 1st birthday as they falls in the same month. haiz.

what kind of minnie mouse theme u looking for?

now still got time. can PI the party supplies from oversea. Have you seen this site? can mix and match with other pink theme:

Minnie Mouse Party Supplies from Birthday Direct

me looking for toy story theme figurines. if got lobang let me know can?

As for thermometer, i have both ear thermometer and thermo scan type. for me i thrusted the result from the ear type. my child PD also using the same Braun ear thermometer. but if u have fussy kids like me, it maybe easier to use the thermoscan cos we can use it when child is asleep.else quite difficult to take measurement. so i think actually both type of thermometer are useful. I happen to bookmark this online shop selling thermometer, u may wanna tkae a look:


alternatively, if u r giving ur child pacifier, u may wanna consider those which c/w digital thermometer.

Poor Lily, u must be very stress over your boss behaviour. he no family wan?

Lily: I suspect ur ang mo boss's plan of hiring a temp to cover got rejected. So now he dragging the issue.. Remind him and cc ur HR and higher boss if u wan to.. Pressure him into approving ur ML..


Ting: really? Cannot celebrate bb shower and first birthday with another birthday? My in laws wanted me and my husband's brother's son to celebrate first birthdays together because based on EDD they will only be 3 weeks apart. Haha.. now I have a good reason to tell them it cannot be done. I want to organise my own party!

Lily: How exasperating! What a waste of ML to have to start counting it from 4 weeks before delivery. Unfortunately, the only thing you can force your employer to give you is 4 weeks before delivery and 12 weeks after, other arrangements needs their agreement so I doubt MOM will be able to help much. 4 weeks before your delivery should be starting next monday (according to Ting's table) isn't it? Take this chance to go talk face to face with your boss that you will be off next monday if he doesn't agree with your leave proposal. You're doing so much personal stuff for him, he surely can't do without you all of a sudden [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

