(2011/01) Jan 2011


Welcome! Same here. Has been going there since long time as my work place is in raffles place.

Was there the other day to buy some stuff and I happened to go to the corner shop on 3rd floor near staircase as sone stuff were OOS. Toothbrush is like 10cents cheaper than ocean and facial foam for hubby was like 10 cents or 20 cents cheaper.


Mag, ya me too last time my work place is there and i will buy all my toiletries there and even my skin care.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oic [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] its cheaper abit..ocean is always the most crowded compare to the rest [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh jus realized Ting added me on the table..

Missing details as follows:

Age: 31

Gynae: Dr Tony Tan

Hospital: Raffles

Gender: boy

Children: #1

Thks Ting for helping to update..


ooooh u're one of the rare few delivering at raffles too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Haha yah.. :D Went for the ward tour the other day and realized that RH really small maternity ward.. Delivery suite and rooms are actually on the same floor.. :D


Tot I'm e only one feeling groin area pain... Super irritating ley.. Pain started on sun till now.. Like something (I know is my bb gal) pressing against e lower part of my groin bone.. Walk pain, lift leg pain, sit pain, stand up pain... Caused me so much grief sia... Heng my boss let me work from hm. Else I cannot imagine... Like muscles overstretched also like bones pressing down...

Shld I see a doc? Or I jus mention to gynae during my visit on this coming fri?

Hi mommies,

i have a BRAND NEW set of Philips Avent multiblender and feeding set selling at $69.90 and an BRAND NEW avent baby monitor model 510 selling at $129.90. Do let me know @96302151 if you are interested.

Nimkulut, why don't you call your gynae? I called mine over a flu (but before the obvious flu symptoms developed so I was confused what it was). She must think I'm crazy but better be safe than sorry.


I have the same problem of groin pain after I did yoga last week. Went to gynae and he said condition is puber something couldn't catch the name. Advice was not to walk too much or even stand too long


yah and the children's ward is also on the same floor, that's how small it is....hehehe

but u get very personalised service. my elder girl was delivered there 3 yrs ago and the nurses still remember me and hubby.

Mag: we tong bing xiang lian... Edd also pretty near... I got prob even when I turn in bed lo. -_- dunno if e puber something will affect my chance of natural delivery wo. Will definitely ask my gynae!

Gg to work n back with no pain already super scary already... -_- cannot imagine how to squeeze into mrt with e pain... Sob sob

having running nose n sort throat now..

cannot eat medi.. so xin ku..

feel like chopping off my nose..

dun knoe whether i got fever anot..

cuz i having cold sweat.. do i need to go see gynae or gp??

Oh no, Fiona, must take care! Think better call gynae first n check wat kinds of medi to avoid, then go n see gp. My gynae told me I can just go straight to see gp if I hv flu cuz gp shd know wat medi to give n not give. But if you're worried then I think better give gynae a call first ba. Meanwhile, must drink lots n lots n lots of water and get as much rest as possible ya!

hello mummies.

jus came back from JB today and blow alot of $$ again. bought a coconut fiber cot mattress.. cost me RM169 and there's 20% discount.

the staff say the best is latex, follow by coconut fiber. anyone heard of any benefit of coconut fiber mattress? hmmm.. it's harder la.. but not sure if it's really good.. but since the normal type cost near $50 in SG from spring maternity.. might as well get the coconut one.

Mag, what central list u doing up? me staying at tiong bahru.

just want to share with all my recent experience at the mrt. Was travelling from AMK after sun's TMC's class hm and train was crowded with no seats. Then someone got off from those 2 seater corner seats meant for the pregnant and elderly and 1 nice lady standing in front of the seat signalled me to go over to take the seat.

So i went over and sat down for less than 5s before 1 auntie but not sure how old came over and signalled for me to stand up. She just use actions to signal to me to stand up and pointed to the board behind me which have the elderly signboard.

I was so shocked so I stood up cos I think she really wants to sit. Then the old man (much older than the auntie) beside me stood up and ask her to take his seat. But she insisted on having my seat cos I think she think I young ppl shlouldnt sit there. So the uncle kept asking her to take his seat while she keep insisting she wants my seat and the whole time the 3 of us were standing up. Finally the uncle got so exaserparted and told her to just take his seat if she really want to sit cos I pregnant need to sit. Then I think she paiseh, and also 1 woman opposite our seats gave up her seat to the auntie .

So quite drama the scene and i am still in shock that someone will actually insist that she needs the seat more than me.

Sorry for my lengthy post, just to share my shocking experience.

Mummies, is it basically, when u r having frequent contractions, see blood, or water bag burst, that's when u know you're about to deliver?

Actually, how does it feel when water bag burst ah? Is it a lot of water flowing out even when u dun feel like peeing? Or is it an abnormally large amt of water when u pee?

My hb is now getting paranoid about my water bag bursting so asked me to pose this qn on the forum. Cuz we just bought a car, and he's worried my water bag will burst when I'm in the car. (-__-")

ya sporeans are one kind.. i pregnant for 3rd time already. all in all only less than 10 times anyone give up seat to me.. given up liaoz la.. aunti even dash to grab seat before me.. tsk tsk

Yotsuba: haha.. ur hubby very funny..

waterbag burst u will feel alot of water coming out..

den after that u can wear ur pad n go into the car..

like that it will not make the car a mess..

Nesting instincts...

It's hitting on me hard.. i think. I can't rest without tidying things here n there. Keep pestering my poor hb to help do this and that around the house. *Lol*

Littlepig, Wah...dunno wat this auntie is really thinking. There are also other reserved seats for the elderly in the same cabin mah, how come she purposely target you??? But if it were me, I think I'll also be in shock and just stand up. Or if I'm really in a bad mood that day, i might just point at the sticker for preggies, then point at my tummy, then point at some young bloke sitting in another reserved seat and ask her go target him instead. Mia hia hia...


your hubby should get excited that your water bag burst and your bb arriving.. Not worry about the car leh. how about getting an underpad ready on the car seat and you sit on it? At least it will catch some liquids. and Yup, use sanitary pad if ur bag burst. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hahaha, ya Fiona, my hb quite funny. Think I shd just standby a pad in the car, then if I do feel the water coming, I can tell him to stop somewhere n wait while I go wear the pad. And maybe shd also standby my barang for hosp stay in the car so can just straightaway go to hospital. Muah hahaha....

Miaiko, Wah your nesting instincts very strong. I wish I have half of yours. Somehow I feel like my hb n I are not enthusiastic enough abt bb's arrival. So many things still haven't prepared. Bb's clothes haven't start washing, bb room still haven't paint, bb cot still haven't set up, milk bottles n stuff still haven't buy etc etc etc........

Btw, anybody delivering at KKH? I went for checkup today, then shun bian went to inquire abt delivery package, but forgot to ask whether if they're giving any bb items free. The woman at the counter also not v helpful. She only answer us when we ask a qn. And we being 1st time parents, of course won't know exactly wat details to ask abt other than the charges n such. So unhelpful. Tsk...

Miaiko, the only thing I'll be worried about is him panicking and forgetting the way to the hospital! Haha... Must standby some relaxing music in the car just in case.

Chabby u go jb did u get yr doc appmt? I mite be gg this sun to do nails and hair as afraid if goin nex week too near d day lay kekek

Singaporean really one kind lah was standing all the way today and in the train on the small tv was playing love yr ride giv up seats to those in need tell u I felt like alamak what a joke here playing love yr ride and here i was heavily pregnant and no one let me sit -_-""

hi mummies, just want to my joy share with you all....

i went for check up today and found that my bb already start to turn down & placenta has slightly move up a bit. my gyane said i have the chance to go for natural delivery... i am so happy ya~~

hopefully bb will keep this position & placenta will keep going to move up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I also dunno leh. Maybe its both baby kicking and insomnia bah. She kicks alot when she wants to do. But when I am fast asleep, I sleep like a log. I wont feel her kicking.

Poor Mummy

My helper is blurr like dunno what. Vomit blood all the time but one thing she is 'guai'. Don't think she will understand what I am typing lor. Got this helper to take care of my dad. Still she so blurr, my hubby and I are thinking of changing maid so that she could take care of the bb next time too.


Ya. Getting more scare now too. But also excited.


I juz ordered my cot mattress from seahorse After 50% discount, my hubby paid $120 for it. The lady says its the best mattress (cannot remem the name of the mattress though).


I also felt the same. I got most seats from china man and bangla. Also those Chinese aunty aunty. The rest like pretend to KO or playing with Iphone.. Buay tahan.


Dun expect much from s'porean lah ... sad to say ... tt's y I choose not to take any form of public transport ie bus or MRT during peak hrs .... Bo Bian have to spent a little to take cab lor .....


When water bag burst it will not like explosion like tt alot of water at a time ... it's like stream of water like pee. What I did is I bought some protective sheets used in hopsital to put in the car boot, if water bag burst just put those on the seats so u won't dirty the car.


I am also feeling the same groin and bottom pain... feeling like breaking apart. The nurse clinician in the antenatal class says is normal as hormones relaxin is acting in and preparing our pelvis for child birth .. but sometimes is really buay tahan type ...thxs God my boss understand and I sit in office most of the time ....well look on the bright side...1mth plus to go...

Hi Fiona, its safe to go to GP for flu, however must make sure the GP knows that u're preg. This joke happens to me in Nov, the GP could "miss" my big tummy, until I ask her if it's safe for preg mummies, she goes "oh.. u're preg?" and look at my tummy -___-||

Hi yotsuba, some pple will hear a 'pop' sound when the water bag burst. Initially shld be feel like peeing sensation, but u will feel funny as the pee like more than normal. U shld pack hospital bag n leave it aside or in the car... haha but dont worry, it shldnt be that drama, the birth wont happen in spilt second... My #1, i still dilly dally shower first then leave home...

Hi littlepigpig - Quite funny the old lady, some lady... she shld know how is it like to be preg mah...

Hi Mitch, im like u - cabholic, everywhere I go I take cab ;p my hb's been nagging me to save abit of $$. SO far for the past 8 mths i have been taking cab to work :p

@Pooh, I know how is it like to have a blur helper who is totally clueless abt anything and everything. Ive learnt to not take it for "granted" and assume that they start everything from zero.... it's really testing our tolerance level, coaching skills and people management.

But if u want someone to take care of BB, better get one with higher situation awareness... safer.

Morning Mummies,

I think for those aunties fighting for seats in the MRT, they are probably thinking that our generation already very good life.. theirs sons all slogging for their wives, and we all have office jobs, so relax, whole day just sit in front of the computer, and gov teach people to give up seats on MRT. Since they also elderly, their bones all painful from working so hard since they are young, why should they give up their seats???

Hahahaha, sorry, feeling a bit cynical this morning.


depending on the position you are in..when the water bag break. if you are sitting or standing, you'll feel a damp sensation between your legs as it trickle down. but lying down the flow will be faster. Not a dramatic explosion as what Mitch says. use pany liners all the time for you to monitor. i also break a few sanitary pads w me just in case. Hubby actually made me sit on a towel/thin car cushion in the car. so worst scenario is to throw the towel or the cushion away will do.


skip my mind to check seahorse. their mattress are good and durable de. my entire house swear on that brand. good choice. the best type is latex. cooling, durable, dust and mite resistant. =)


congrats. keep talking to the baby and kneel on your fours if you can. read that when you kneel on your fours, it provide more space for the baby to turn.


just drive in w/o letter. haha..went to bukit indah to shop see eat after visiting my grandma. i'll help you curse those people who refuse to give up seat to be down w piles that are so painful that they cannot sit.. muhahaha.. evil me.

groin pain.

i pain very very very long le, as early as 5mth into pregnancy. guess i stand and walk too much. can't really get to sit down as a teacher.feel guilty when i sit down and conduct lesson as classroom management may be compromised. sigh~ stand/sit/toss/turn/lift leg.. anything that got to do w legs = pain. luckily school hols le.

seats on public transport

i ususally got the seat from ladies in 30s-40s range. those mother age type of women. guess they know aht it feels like being pregnant and thus sympathize and give up their seat. i've never gotten a seat from men or teenagers till date. soevery time i go into class, i'll preach to my students.. "must give up seat to pregnant ladies!!"

Mummies, pardon the stupid question but after reading all the posts about water bag bursting I was reminded of a question I always had - will too much fluid flow out such that baby "suffocates" inside? I would love to be able to shower first but being a first time mum I think I'll be too scared baby's trapped inside me with no fluid. :p

Mitch and PM, cabs are frustrating sometimes too, no? Last night I was on my way to visit a relative in Gleneagles and called a whole hour (both me and my secretary calling at the same time) before managing to book a cab. Was also at the cab queue at the same time but none was coming in as it was raining and everyone was calling. Was thinking at that time I'm so glad I've decided to deliver at a hospital near MRT and near my place so there are always alternatives to cabs/the family car otherwise I'll probably have to deliver at the roadside if stranded on a rainy day!

Little pig: Poor you. I stay near chinatown so have encountered more than my fair share of inconsiderate old ladies, always pushing me so they'll be first to get on to train and get seats. Clearly more agile than me in the speed they push and shove their way in. I'm sure immediately after I say this some nice old lady will give me her seat and I'll get retribution in the form of feeling guilty the whole day for saying mean things about the pushy old ladies haha..

Fiona, etc: Its safe to go to GP. My obstetrician also told me to go to GP when I called her. Yep, must specify that you're preg. I never did dare to take the medicine the GP gave though, so wonder why I went in the first place.

Grumpus: yup.. Dats wat I like abt Raffles.. The nurses at the Women's centre also almost always greet u by name.. Thumbs up for good customer service.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yes I have the same prob of turning in bed. As long as I sit in a position, am okay but hurts once I start to turn or of I stand and walk. Btw, we may see each other since u are also delivering at Mt A!


Bethel stays in toa payoh, reia in cbd and myself in Bishan. Would you like to join our list?


I also sit down most of the time in office so not that discomforting. Prob too long in the same position and once I walk pain is quite unbearable. Worse when I go toilet in middle of night feels like collapsing anytime

Good morning, Ladies...

How have you been? I have been MIA-ing a bit cause of work, Motherhood Fair and all...before I know it, I'm into my 35th week too...

Realised that I have not updated my details :p EDD changed from 8th Jan to 12th Jan. But spoke to Gyane about my intentions to deliver in first week of Jan so that confinement will be over just in time for CNY. She wasn't quite for the idea of inducing but said she will check if my cervix has ripened by 3rd Jan, if so then we can decide whether to induce or not. I also agree that we should not rush if bb is not ready lah..so fingers crossed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Baby was measuring 2.2kg last week, gyane says his head is average size(phew!) but stomach is on the big side, like the father's beer belly! Haha...

BH & pains: I'm not even sure what BH are supposed to feeling like but I feel the soreness in the groin area from time to time, still bearable though. So I can still survive the journey home from work which takes more than an hour. Thank God. I have been quite blessed as I get offered seats most of the time from the 32nd week onwards.

Mag, I stay in Bishan too...but will be moving to Lorong Chuan (AMK Ave 1) next year. Can also join the group that stays in that area [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mag, i have PM u my email address.

Finally have a few days now to really rest and relax at home cos i'm trying to clear my leave.

But realised there is so much to do at home. The home is just not ready for the baby yet.

In my 32nd week now, so i guess i still hv enuff time to prepare.

Guess we are all experiencing some kinda pain somewhere on our body. Me too, the right side below my tummy aches badly when i get up from chair/bed to walk. And i walk like a old lady. so ugly..argh..can't wait for this to be over but also not prepared for bb to come out so soon.


Yes, you can pm me. Hope more people join us then [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks! Have received it.

I have like thousand and one items to do. Started washing bb stuff already but currently just started reno for new place. Hope that I can complete in time before popping. Just started sourcing for maid and I also need to start packing. Only a month more. It's like 24 hrs not enough

PM, Reia :

I drive to work most of the time, onli took cab on the days my hubby needs the car. He choose to go on public transport since I got preggy. Yes I do agree with u Reia calling cabs on rainny days and peak hrs is beri frustrating ... i have no patience for that. Lagi worst if kana those cab drivers thinking they are driving on the F1 track .. I will tell them off ... aiyo ....


Normally I have to stand a while either from sitting or lying down position before walkinf if not sure fall one ... then as I am staying with my in laws now I dun get the master bed rm so i have to walk all the way to the kitchen ... it's not beri far but when u have all the aches and pain distance makes a diff manz


Hey like you I am in my 32weeks today ....8 more weeks or less to go


thks for the location. I've been there before but didn't note the names of the shops. Indeed very crowded! Think their prices are comparable or slightly cheaper compared to those outside AMK hub? The few beauty shops at the old central area? Chinatown is definitely out of the way for me.

Pain at groin and thigh areas after yoga,

I had that for a good 4 days after my first session of yoga! Hurt like absolute hell, going down stairs or even walking down a slope was like torture with every step. Think it's normal as you don't normally exercise those muscles. But it stopped hurting after that session. Not sure if yours is only related to yoga pains though.


you must not look very pregnant if the old lady couldn't tell. Or she's simply one kind.

I've actually had quite good luck on trains, people usually jump up to offer me their seats. Probly cos I look like I'm about to pop and I only take the train during non-peak hours. And at those hours, I get a mix of people offering me their seats, not only women.


same here! Finally got down to arranging the baby room yesterday and felt a deep sense of satisfaction when I was done. And now I think I have too few newborn to 3mth clothes which are mostly hand-me-downs. Debating whether to buy or just let her look weird and 'swim' in the too-large clothes for the first month.


think you should standby an old towel in the car instead. More immediate action you can take. Who knows where the nearest toilet will be while you're travelling?


just curious, why do you want to finish confinement by CNY? I'm actually quite happy to have mine overlap so I don't have to visit and exert myself, esp with a new baby whom all the elders expect you to bring around and 'present' to them. CNY always makes me more tired and stressed.

Hi ladies,

yesterday midnight i got pain at my tummy until i wake up from the pain..

from 3 something am pain until 6 something den after that i fall asleep..

dun knoe what kind of pain is that also..

is like gastric pain, but i did eat mac before i go sleep.. -.-"

n back pain also come as well..

is like the whole tummy so painful n feel like going toilet but no strength to go also..


I'm no expert but it sounds like some form of contractions. Wasn't there some discussion on how contractions feel like the urge to go to the toilet? amazed that you didn't panic and call your doctor or something. You might wanna check with the nurses at your doc's office?

Mitch, So lucky to get the car since you got preggy. My family is the opposite - forbid me to drive since I got preggy!

Yay! The central group is getting bigger.

LuckyMummy - I guess it is cause hubby and I are social beings...every CNY we have a lot of gatherings with families and friends...and we would hate to miss out on the fun...haha...I even bought my CNY clothes already, and intend to rebond my hair before delivery so it would not look too much of mess for CNY..

And there are so many experienced mummies that I can pass the bb to...haha...


luckymummy: haha.. i was too tired to wake up already..

only ren the pain.. hope that i dun give birth at my bed only.. haha

scare dr ang clinic very busy, dun dare to call the clinic..

