(2011/01) Jan 2011


Is your mum the traditional type? Maybe she will be ok w you showering? or at least sponging? Hahaha but waiting for her to go home sounds like a good backup plan. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif])

re: coffee and tea:

Hehe sometimes I cannot tahan the fragrant of the 3-in-1 coffe my colleagues made and sucuumb to it too. Ice teh, coke and other soft drinks too.. Esp when the only cravings I have so far is fillet o fish. LOL... at least that can be satifised 24/7 and through a phone. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I bought the shower gel, ginger and lavender cream. Only used the lavender one for now for the aches when its unbearable. quite nice. like bing1 bing1 wan. Like when you apply yoko yoko on aching muscle.


me too. Planning to use tingka for confinement food as helper can't cook. Even normal chinese food doesn't taste good. Sigh... wondering if I print confinement food for her can a not. Thinking of Chilli Padi coz the normal peranakan food is good. Any feedback on the confinement food or the link you recommend?

re: rebond/dye hair

I'm so looking forward to the end of confinement to do that. My hair looks like helmet now. Super stiff, breeze can't even lift the hair. When I met my x colleagues last month, she asked if I'm using a spray to 'fix' my hair. LOL

re: changing station

We should be able to change bb on the mattress or on the bed provided we sit and change them. That will reduce the stress on your back as you need not bend over to change the little one.


40 days?? You are so brave!


Good morning ladies, its already Wednesday! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Casey31 / Mag:

That happens to me after delivery of #1 but gynae said he can 'fix it' after I have decided to close shop. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hahaha the way he say machiam like he is the plumber [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


During my last month prior the delivery of #1, I have problem spitting into the sink when I brush my teeth coz my tummy is too big.

Morning mummies!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope everyone has a gd nite sleep [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Chabby, Hahaha u describe so funnily.. like a ball. I have difficulties pulling myself up if im sitting cross legged on the floor.

@Mag, I have the same problem and perhaps more serious that yours. I've told my gynae and she taught me how to do the kegel exercise. Maybe you can try.

@Jass, my gynae refuse to fix it for me, coz she says i might consider a #3 if so, fixing it also wont help. coz once preg problem comes bk again. So she suggest I do some kegel first and see if situation improves.

I personally have not tried confinement tingkat. But then my frd who has says natalessentials is good. So u can short list that [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies, any remedy for falling hair after birth? Anything to eat now to prevent hair dropping?

Regarding clumsiness and inability to lift legs etc, I have that too! Already hit my tummy by mistake twice cos I underestimated the size of it and thought the door can close with me standing and blocking part of the hallway. haha. Luckily I started to move slower already, so it wasn't a very hard bump. I was more shocked that my tummy is THAT protruding. Sometimes at night I sit and stare at my side view in amazement. What is going on in there that makes me so bloated by the evening?!

My strategy for handling coffee cravings is to only have half the cup at one go. Sometimes you just need a little bit to satisfy the craving, no need to down the whole cup.

kimmy, how come your due date is so soon via c-section?

Yesterday went Ikea to take a look at the baby cot/bed, etc etc..

Saw quite a few changing station. They even have those 'wall-mount' type, where you can mount the changing station to the wall, and if you do not need it, can fold it back up.... I also saw the 'soft' changing station, where you can just put on the table or flat surface to change your baby. For me, I will just put my bb on the bed, then I sit down and change him lor..

Aiyo... U guys keep talking abt coffee, made me have craving for it already!!!... gosh.. think I go steal a few sips... haha.... haven't had coffee for quite some time liao... though I had bubble-tea almost everyday during my 6-day trip to taiwan... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/biggrin.gif] super-shiok!

Oh, if u guys are looking for nice bb bedsheet/cot bumper/pillow, etc... can get from ikea... they have very nice variety... material is also pretty soft... not too ex too... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi, just to check with those giving birth in TMC. Can I know how long the hospital tour takes? Going to see my gynae tmrw but my appt is 2.30pm. So, think will only arrange for the 2pm tour next mth. So, need to coordinate the next appt time with the tour time.

hello mummies..

seems like everyone is excitedly preparing for the arrival of our little ones.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] nice to hear that! hubby n i havent been doing much preparation these few weeks.. probably will start once october is over as we'll be more free by than..

now am nursing sore throat and cough at home.. bleah.. bb's reacting everytime i cough.. poor boy..

anyone getting those long sleeve pyjamas pants suit to be worn during confinement? my mum is instructing me to get a few sets.. urghz..

Casey/Jass/Poor Mummy,

thanks for your update. I have been leaking very often nowadays even when I am just sitting down doing nothing. Whenever I have sinus it's worse cos i will leak almost everytime when I sneeze.


My EDD is 13 Jan, age 28 expecting a boy (1st one), delivering at MAH. doc is Vincent Lee. Thanks!!


I'm also getting headache on where to get nice PJs... yesterday I also went down to Bugis BHG to shop, they have 20% storewide. Went to stock up some maternity/nursing bra. Quite cheap, eternity brand. Price range from $9.90 to $20... bought 3 at one go, paid less than $40.. Mummies should start wearing maternity bra, coz if we wear ill-fitting bra, may cause block ducts/engorgement later on...

Also, went to see their PJs... I really dun like.. look so 'chee-na'.... or too 'cartoon'... gosh...


Thanks for sharing. Will check out BHG for PJ. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I have got a stash of bras and nursing bras of various sizes and cup sizes. LOL. Personally, I find it quite hard to buy bra now as I dunno what size I'll end up with by then.

Is it true that wearing underwire bras may result in blocked ducts later on? I mean for this duration until we deliver. I want to wear the kind without underwire, but it makes me look saggy and unsupported.

yah I heard from friends not to get the nursing bras too soon cos you never what size you will balloon up to once you deliver. Don't want to waste my money but I really don't think I'll have to time to leisurely shop for bras once baby is out!


when I went for the tour it was quite short as they only had a limited number of rooms to show us, due to occupancy etc. So around 15-20 min? Didn't really time it though.


Hi Jass

Ya, Im facing problem every morning when brushing teeth too. If bend too far, back ache, stand probably, cannot reach basin...

Hi Luckymummy

I also dun know leh. Doctor say minus 14 days from EDD, so it will be 28th Dec. Then If I can only opt for c-sec then will choose date lor, may be 25th Dec. Convenience for my family to come n see me and I will have more supporter..haha

Hi Daphne,

TMC hospital tour only takes about 25 minutes, depending on the room available. If many wards are taken up, they will only show you the pictures. Same as you, my appointment is at 2:30, and I choose the 2pm tour. that tour only have me and my hubby. haha

Hi Pinky,

Ya, my mom say the same thing too..ask me to wear long pjs to cover up..Im only wan to buy those material that are not thick cloth type. But dunno where and also lazy to go out..


I can't fall sleep fast nowaday :-(, are you gals the same? Feeling hot and sweat, can't imagine my confinement month since MIL say cannot on fan and air-con. Can die without air!! Plus all the tonic we eat into our body, double/triple up the heat!!

Me now week 26, haven enter 3rd trimester yet but already started to feel my energy is going down hill, not like past few weeks. and these few days will have the nauseous feeling :-(

Hi luckymummy,

I am wearin underwire as my already sagg since my first so long it's not too tight think shld be fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi kimmy me too can't sleep fast and not well me 26 weeks too seriously my this pregnancy more tiring than my first anyway for pj me wearin those open front type but short sleeve can't imagine long sleeve kekek

hoshi.. i agree.. those pjs look so kiddish.. bleah...

kimmy.. so far i have no problem sleeping at night.. have been sleeping in a/c room every night though the need to use blanket is getting lesser.. hur hur..

now week 27 n i'm feeling tired n like carrying a small watermelon in front of me everyday.. bleah.. especially feel it when i need to wash things in the bathroom.. even sitting on the stool also find it difficult to bend forward..

however, i'm loving the fact that bb's movement is getting very obvious.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

no need to specially get long PJ. I use my normal gown pj, just put on track pants and socks when sleeping. if really need, add cardigan. this combi dont look nice but at home nobody cares.


"however, i'm loving the fact that bb's movement is getting very obvious.."

I loved it until baby started kicking at night and preventing me from falling asleep fast. :p or pressing on my bladder and making me go toilet frequently.

Pls add me to the list too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

EDD: 12Jan

Hospital: Mt A

Location: Eunos

Sex: Boy (1st)

Gynae: Dr Chua Yang


@ luckymummy yes i agree with you sometimes she kick so hard tat my below ultra painful and will hav to talk to her plss...can play but dont kick so hard its painful ..

@Kimmy, I can still fall asleep fast but i get disturb sleep by the movements of my tummy and no1....

PJ - I also which to buy been shopping ard too, I think I'll get those plain silky ones, better than those flowery kind.

my naughty one in the tummy will kick harder as i prepare to sleep.. but usually i'm very tired from work so i dun have much problems sleeping..

hopefully.. i just wear t-shirt n shorts as my home clothes.. so i cannot imagine i gotta another cardigan over n track pants during the day.. my mum expects me to be covered up 24/7..

PM.. i wish i can get those silky ones.. but i staying with my PILs.. so not nice la.. i'll feel awkward too..


dear mtbs, sorry to disturb again. have added many BB clothings. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] all in gd cond cos only let my gal wear not more than 3times. lol.

i've alr delivered my gal & looking to clear the abv items. hope mtbs can find them of interest to u.

pls refer to abv link for related pics & descriptions. all items are described to the best of my knowledge. items u see in the provided link are all up for grabs (except for those that have been RESERVED), items once SOLD will be removed from the link.

if keen, pls SMS to 96495528 for fast deal. pls do NOT leave PM or postings in the forum as i'm unable to keep track of them. calls from unknown nos. will not be entertained.

here's wishing all mtbs a safe & happy pregnancy!

when I lie on my left and started to count sheep, my baby started to move and kick...I guess she dun like her space being press down (lesser space). then when i turn and sleep on right, she will play, sometime really dun know wat she want till i sit up, then she stop moving. I also suspect one of the reason for not able to fall sleep is bcos of the body temperature, too hot. Think have to on my air con every nite starting from tonite.


I also stay with PIL, but guess I will just rest inside my room. I wan comfortable attire.

Track pants is too thick and if I opt for ceasarean, cannot wear pant for at least 1 week rite?

On PJs,

try to get a combination. 1 dress and 1 pants.. in case c-sec, dress is better. if you jus want to look good in hospital, get a robe to cover the chee-na or kiddish PJ.. i've stun 1 snoopy PJ from my elder brother which mum bought for his wedding 2 years back..haha.

Maternity bra,

where to get good and cheap ones? dun intend to pay so much for it leh. cuz hear that will boobs will balloon even after giving birth esp if you breastfeed. Marks and spencer is 89 for 2.. i only intend to pay 30 each.


we stay very near wor...bt batok also. if need khaki for post natal weight lost or baby walk, will harass you first. my EDD is 9 jan

Hi pinky, my opinion is just wear something light and comfortable during our confinement.what most important is don't over-do and end up get heatstroke or caught cold. our confinement season time suppose to be quite cooling. so i think should be quite ok to "cover-up" abit when in front of parents lor. don't bother to 'qiong' with them and get ourselves into bad mood lor.

I got myself a robe from aussino last time.thot can wear it during my confinement for the convenient to breast feed. but feel very hot in it lor. end up i just wear t-shirt and shorts. i think not necessary to wear dress after c sect lei. i feeling quite comfortable in short during my last confinement :p

Individual bah..for me i buy those short open front type easier and i will stay in aircon room whole day jus cover up in blanket..:p

Hi Ladies, me found below website which i think having quite good coverage on what we should know about serving confinement. They have good explaination on what we suppose to do and what we better avoid. i think most of their explaination are quite logical.


Try to get hubby to read it also so that they know what we are going thru and hopefully they can provide necessary support. ;)

Below site also quite good. it explain how we should eat during confinement. ie. 1st week to eat food which helps to "clean" body, 2nd week can begin 'bu' with something light ...


i think is good to know even u gg to hire CFL. after going thru the content, i feel that my previous CFL like anyhow do. haiz

Thanks Ting for the informative website i save the links liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Appreciate if somebody can help to update my info in the list...

EDD: 18-Jan

Hospital: TMC

Location: Yishun

Sex: Boy (2nd)

Gynae: Dr Michele Lee

Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Lily, i can't find review on the shower gel and shampoo. ask ard my colleagues also no 1 come across it. but think i will still go ahead to order them. cos i think it at least can makes me feel less guilty when showering during confinement :p i also have sensitive scalp and skin. the chinese herb caused rashes. i just pray the shampoo and shower gel works for me :p

as for the clothing, ya u r right. is individual. i m those who seldom wear dress so i will feel awkward lor :p

Hi Chabby, you can try "Farlin" maternity bra (taiwan brand with a cute baby picture). can wear while breastfeding also. i think is about $30-40 if not wrong. you can find in kiddy palace.

THanks Ting for helping to do some research think i will buy one each to try hhee :0) if no good bo bian pass to hubby to use lol ;p

ya for the clothing wise i usually dun wear dress type but when maternity time wear those dresses type quite comfortable lo for me la

plus all the big tummy still around [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] and binding later after massage heheh

Hi Chabby,

I bought my maternity bra from E2 Lingerie Boutique, quite cheap, about 30dollar each...but cannot expect nice design, they have 2 design only..can drop by to take a look, west mall got outlet..Last time got promotion, spend x amount and get cash voucher for free, tat time when I go, I can only buy 2 nursing bra cos I dun know wat size my boobs will grow, the sales girl advise me to buy 2 bras (cost 60dollar), but they will charge me 100 dollar, and give me 100 dollar cash voucher. So, the bra consider FREE!! I suspect they calculate wrongly. You see if the sales offer the same :) gd luck! Ya ya, bukit batok gang...hi5..baby walk...sure sure :)

Hi Ting,

Your last pregnancy is c-sec rite? Remember you told me it's not as scary as we though. We can still take pain killer during BF? Got difficulty when carry baby? will u feel pain when carry baby? Sorry for asking so many question..


I just bought mine from BHG yesterday. The brand is 'eternity'... bought 3 maternity/nursing bra, only less than $40. Somemore the lady will advise you what size to get and you can try it out too.

Lily, Hi-5. i am also going to do that. if no good, i will pass them to my hubby also. but hope i can take the smell of gel and shampoo. last time i bought one bottle of shokubusu shower gel. can't take the smell so pass to hubby. but after he used it, i will chase him out of the room. ha!


i bought the confinement shower gel and shampoo and the ginger cream.

all smell like chinese herbs leh. my hb say smell like 'tie da' shop :p


Sorry to disturb, I have already delivered and looking to clear some brand-new and preloved baby and maternity items. Items include:

BN Avent Light Moisturizing oil @ $15, RP:$29.90

BN mothercare nursing gowns x 2 @ 35, RP: $75

BN Shears baby girl rompers 0-6 mths 4pc set @10

BN Baby Bright (luxury wear) sleeveless rompers 0-3mths @$6 RP:$12.90

Preloved mothercare swaddling blanket in pink@ $15 RP: $39 (used less than 5x-bb dun like)

Preloved Dale abdominal binder. @ $25 RP:$65 - $80 (used once)

Preloved EGG maternity black shorts @ $25, RP: $159 (worn less than 5x)

And many more..for more pics and descriptions, please see here http://picasaweb.google.com/116194716505027587843/ItemsForSale?authkey=Gv1sRgCOf1kYbm-8Ta1gE#

If keen, please PM or email me at [email protected] Thanks!

SOLD items will be deleted in the album, so it won’t be confusing.

PS: just to add, for every purchase for $15 and above, you get 4pcs of Mamy Poko S for free. so for $30, u get 8pcs and so on. while stocks last!

Hi kimmyksc, Yes my last pregnancy is c-sect. this time will also be c-sect. Ya. not scary at all. In fact i think natural birth more scary cos i can't immagine myself going thru the long hrs of labour pain and waiting :p Yes. I got take pain killer prescribed to me by my Gynae. In fact the c-sect scar didn't give me much problem except alittle itch :$ but must wear a binder. not the body wrap which we bought thru Maiko's coordination. can buy the binder from Gynae. do not reuse the binder handover from others. scared wear and tear and it can't provide the necessary support. No problem to carry baby but don't keep carrying them until become their habbit la. but i think with the binder on, we will feel uncomfortable when sitting even on sofa. for me i usually lie on bed to breast feed my baby.

np for you to ask. last time i also ask and ask :p if you wanna know more abt c-sect and also daring enough, you may want to search youtube for video on c-sect. last time i watch and watch until bored and have no feeling towards the procedure. end up my hubby is the 1 who is trembling at the op theatre ...hee

grumpus, Oh dear! I can take the smell of chinese herbs but not the smell of 'tie da' shop lei...jia lat.

anyway will still give a try. bo bian liao. cos i can't use the shower herbs at all. really hope the shower gel and shampoo works for me.

Can try OG albert park top floor for maternity/nursing bra by ubermums. Only $12.90, very comfortable, have been wearing it for awhile now. Plus the aunties stationed there will give you advice on what size to buy too!

Ting, Hoshi, kimmy, evlin, chelleybaby

Thank you for advise.. i'll be cheapo and go for the one hoshi suggested first then chelleybaby's option. all at Bugis.


wah.. no fan and no aircon???! my sis on aircon leh. just dun blow directly at you will do bah. consider Ting "wise words". wear when MIL around.. dun "qiong" w her.. that's my strategy to avoid conflict w my mum...muhaha..

c-sec is easier and less hassle cuz half hour or so will settle, less painful (or just my wishful thinking?). but more ex and take longer to recover as it's a surgery.. it's a tempting option as i'm scared of the long and painful labour..


hey Chabby, same here, I'm soooo tempted by c-sec too. 1/2 hr and you are done, plus you choose the date too, can skip the "dunno which day the contractions will come" anxious waiting time. hehee

Oh and my sis ordered her confinement food from natal essentials in June. Only ordered 1 meal per day but portion was quite a lot for 1 person so sometimes she split into 2 meals. On the whole it was pretty good.

