(2011/01) Jan 2011


So u did drink/ intake some dairy/soy products that u never drink before? I cant figure out what thing that i take recently can cause my boy allergy wor....


Hi Mummies,

I notice Andrea's tongue 2 side got round spot wor. seems something like ulcer but never bleed or anything just round spot and abit raw. she still drinks and latch on normally. but i dont know what is it leh. dont know is it fungals?

or is it because she keep lick her hand etc. i just saw it today.

last time got a doc give me a cream to apply for her tongue fungal if she have. because last time at night i let her drink formula and got milk stain in her tongue so i went to consult doc. but there is nth to remove the milk stain but got cream to apply for fungal if she got it wor.

should i reconsult doc again or try the cream first? or observe a few more days before i do anything?


Dear mummies, sorry to interrupt. I wish to sell off my unused Lansinoh breastmilk bags. I have 2 boxes of (50 pieces each). Boxes not open. Going for $30. PM me if interested. Can arrange for meet up.

Puix, i can only think of is yogurt ice cream n ice cream. Other soy or dairy prod r not new. U really gotta think n note down. Nowadays, I told Hubby help me rem n stop me from eating all these.

Xiaopang, did u wash BB mouth everyday?

If 100% bm still ok, if got fm, then must wash 2-3x each day ( according to my CL)

O ya! Xiaopang, just saw ur post on the avent spare parts.

Can get from the Tpy Phillips main branch I think. My fren used to work there, she told me

I'll b gg to their carnival sale [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope can find sth suitable to use [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Xiaopang, try cleaning andrea's mouth w a damp cloth after every feed first? If it's still there, bring her to PD.. Apply the cream unless u can confirm it's tongue fungal ba.. Else I think it's saferto consult PD first

Charleen, Andrea is on full breastmilk now. so far is enough to supply her. haha..

Oh ya.. when and where is their carnival sales?

Gina, i will try your method. hehe.. thks.. today her tongue looks better. hehe..


hi homgal,

i had the same problem with my baby about 2 wks ago when she just turned 3mths. previously she had been drinking very well (120ml every 3hrs, 6 feeds a day) but suddenly one day she began to refuse the bottle & would cry in the middle of a feed. after two days of this, she started to cry even before we started feeding her when she knew the milk was coming. i was so worried that she would get dehydrated & lose weight. didn't know what was the problem till i called some of my fellow mummy friends.

they advised me to change the teat size as she could be frustrated with the milk flow being too slow & having to suck very hard. i upgraded the teat size & she immediately started drinking very well again, even faster than before & seemed to want more too. so i upped her feed to 150ml. now she drinks 150ml every 3.5hrs, 5-6 times a day.

i'm not sure if your baby has the same problem (sudden rejection of milk) or has she been rejecting milk since birth. anyway thought i'd share this with you. as a first-time mum, i never would have imagined that the teat size could be the problem & such a simple solution too. good luck with your gal & i hope she starts gaining weight soon!

Xiaopang, the carnival is next wkend at toa payoh lor 1, their main office.

Gosh! U have to rem to wipe BB mouth with damp cloth at least once a day! This is to wash off any milk residue. If on fm, must b more times. Bm 1-3x ok Liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Charleen, I got clean her mouth at least once a day. everyday bath time or before sleep i will wipe Andrea including her mouth.

The carnival is next weekend which is 28 & 29 May ar?


I havent been in here for months! looks like i missed out alot.

Office blocks forums and by the time i'm home, i dun have time to log on.

Anyway, 4 mths old can sit in bumbo seat already?? But her head like still not completely steady yet so can't sit in bumbo seat rite?

envy u gals can maintain bm supply. mine already going downhill.

my gal recently got constipated from drinking similac. saw the PD twice to insert medicine into anus to make her poo. Now PD changed her milk to Friso Comfort. The new milk does help.

So now i have an extra tin of brand new similac unopened. anyone feeding similac (0 to 6 mths) to ur baby? Can sell it to u?

oh i didn't know that it's normal for baby to reduce intake at 3-4 mths.

no wonder my baby refuses to finish her milk now. i tot it's becos she doesn't like the new milk powder. but my bm also she can't finish.

So i have to reduce her intake and see if she still puts on weight.

mommies, do you change your milk bottles every 3 months? since the philips sale is coming, wondering if the Avent bottles will be up for sale? anyone remember if there is a special offer during their warehouse sale or the taka fair is cheaper?

sorry to interupt,

I've some boots milkbag to let go at $10/box.

Each box contains 40milkbags that can freeze up to 300ml each.

Pls pm me if u're interested.


I also want the fb link [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

SAHM, do u find ur BB now super sticky?

Not sure if is it my BB teething, evening she will cry. Wanna bite things n need us to carry.

How long will this teething process take?? So xin tong to c her cry. Cos Angel is a BB, since birth she seldom cry. Then now, when c her tears n the way she cry, soooo heart pain!

Help ah! Got any suggestions??

Hi mummies,

Sorry to interrupt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm letting go of my brand new (unopened) BECO Butterfly II Limited Edition Melody Baby Carrier at $230.

Some online shops in S'pore are selling non-limited edition of BECO Butterfly II at the price of $250 to $258.

Pls PM me if you're interested. Thanks!

Mummies, i feel so sad that my bb dun like me anymore [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I only go to work for a week..now he only laugh n look at my mil...he does not want to look at me n i play with him he no feeling at all...

At night he sleeps with my mil coz his cot not at my room...then when i back from work, 6pm i got to pump milk, by the time i pump finish he going to sleep....sigh...wat can i do to gain back his love? Now i offer him nipple he turns his head away n does not want o look at me, like strangers....cry when i put nipple into his mouth ( he dun like latch on) as i thot let him suckle can bond with him..but this does not work ....

Puix, dont give yourself too much stress. you can try bedtime wipe for him? i do that since i am back to workforce. day time i am not able to bath for him so i just do it in the evening after dinner i will wipe Andrea and change diaper for her. try to play with her or just carry her walk ard the hse or let her spend 5mins on tv etc. finds ways to get your boy's attention. during lunch time you can call back and ask your mil to on speaker your boy can recognise your voice. tho you are not there but he still can hear your voice. =) dont give yourself too much stress over it. is just starting slowly he will miss you de. the bond between mother and baby can never be separated by anything de. =) maybe now he not close to you but when he grow up, he super stick you leh? haha..

Old ppl saying, gal stick more to father and boy stick more to mother. =DD stay cheerful and think on the bright side.. hugz!! jiayou!

You are saying his baby cot not inside your room meaning he got his own room? or sleep with his grandma? what if he is hungry during the night? your mil wakes up and make milk for him? and even middle of the night when he is sleeping he also dont latch on?

Xiao Pang,

Yes he got his own room, and my mil sleep in his room. So at night, mil will wake up to warm ebm to feed him. coz the last pump for me is at 12am...after i finish pumping, wash clothes hang clothes wash bottles already 2am...and i have to wake up 6am to pump again...so i only get at most 4hours sleep if not interrupted by bb cry...so mil have to help n feed lo..somemore if i super tired i cant hear bb crying from next door.

when my boy awake, he sure not willing to latch on..if he is alseep, there MAYBE opportunity to latch him..but then, he may be half way scream for quick flow...i always try to latch him first (only sometimes successful, or most of the time he cries for milk during my pumping half way, so we will just ward ebm for him) then my mil quickly go and warm a bottle to standby in case he scream half way...so every time when the ebm is ready..i will unlatch him n let him drink the ebm.if not very wasted le....i really dont know how to train my boy to latch on...now he 4mths already, hard to chnage his habit right?

i think he got phobia of my nipple liao..whenever i carry him in my arm before inseerting the nipple into his mouth, his head already turn to a side and dont look at me...then if i move his head towards my nipple, he start struggling n cry..sometimes i cant even put in the nipple to his mouth coz now he knows how to turn here turn there, his head can even turn 180deg away...sigh....

Pui x2

Dun be too upset. I have started work for abt a mth liao... soon bb will learn that mommy will go to work in the morning and be back by nite. My girl beri smart, she will normally tahan till I get back home at 6 plus evening to latch on for her "buffet" and she noes weekends she will always get to go out shopping and mommy is not working. And very monday she will cry inconsoleably for mommy. So I told by hubby to try to be home on Monday to help my MIL out... and it works lor.

SO dun worry bb will soon learn your routine and get use to it. Like what xiaopang says the bonding b/w mother and child will always be there, after all we carried them for 9 mths leh.


Dun worry, bbs will always know who their mummy is. Try to do more of his bedtime routine n night feeds if u can. And there's always weekends.

As for latching, dun take it as bb is rejecting u if he doesn't want to latch. Some bb just won't or can't. My elder girl also refuse to latch, will scream like kenna slaughter. But now at 3yrs old she is super close n sticky to me. Maybe like u said, he has phobia already n always associate u with forcing him to latch. So maybe just forget abt teaching him to latch n focus on bonding n spending quality time with him.

Dun despair, there's much more to mothering than latching n breastfeeding.

xiao pang, mitch, grumpus ..thank you all for your encouragement [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Puix2, my situation is similar to yours. My mil takes care of my girl when I go to work, and now when my mil and I talk to her n call out to her at the same time, she looks at my mil instead. And I'm also currently pumping, so it's hard to play with her when I pump. You're not working on weekends right? Take this time to really bond with your baby. Maybe bring him out with your hb, try to just spend alone time together with him n ur hb only. And when you're pumping, u can still talk to him n sing to him. I pump on my bed, so my hb will sometimes put my girl lying on the bed next to me so that I can touch n talk to her, n she can also see me. I'm now in my 3rd week into returning work, and there is some progress. And I agree with grumpus, prob your boy is associating you with force-latching him, that's why. Maybe can try stopping for a while n see if it really is the cause.

hi mommies, sorry to interupt.. you may be keen to browse our apparels at the following link. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


'Like' us on our FB Page to enjoy further 5% discount..

Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies

I have 1 can of Friso Gold 2, 900g, $18.

Mamil Gold 6 months and above, 400g, $10.

Self collect from Sembawang MRT, after office hours / weekends.

Possible to arrange for lunch time collection @ Novena MRT on weekdays.

Please PM me if interested.

Puix, dun b sad, mummies will always b the fav of BB [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] chelleybaby is right, we carry them for 9 mths le! Who can fight?

When u r at home, spend quality time w BB (best is alone without ur mil)

play w her

talk to her

massage her


when BB dun like latch, just stop.

Show ur nipple to her n let her smell

if she want, then give

dun want then let her just smell smell [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dun worry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jia you!


i worried the same situation as many mommies here..i go back to work since end march, my mil will help take care during day time. I make sure i bath her in the morning and sing to her. Currently pumping also, like yotsuba, i pump on my bed, so i will place my baby next to me, play and talk to her while pumping.i do the nite time feed also, the baby cot is also not in my room, i let my baby sleep in btween me n my hubby.may be u can try to change ur pumping timing. For me, my last pump around 12-1am, follwed by 6-7am, 12pm,5pm. So when i reach home after work, i just need to rush myself to shower and dinner then i will carry my baby into my own room and spend time with her. Dun worry cos ur baby may be *angry* at u for not playing with him instead of dun wan u.

Dun think negative..hugz...

Hi mummies, I'm from nov10 thread.. Selling of some of my cream away cos I've overstock.

Desitin nappy cream-creamy 4.8oz Exp04/12, selling @$10

Lasinoh nipple cream 2oz Exp 09/12, selling @$12

Interested? pm me.. ;)

Wish to sell the following items:

S26 Stage 2, 900g: Price S$33 each. Quantity: 2 Expiry: 21/01/2013

S26 Stage 4, 400g: Price S$15 each, Quantity: 2 Expiry: 05/09/2012

Friso Gold, 900g: Price S$36, Quantity 1. Expiry: 06/07/2012

while stock last, self-collection at sengkang / buangkok area

Hi mommies, I recall a mother here mention that she is organising some collection of excess breastmilk and other items for a church base orphanage in JB. Can someone direct me to the mother or the link to that post? I have a friend who would like to donate. thanks.

Hi mommies,

I have a brand new mama love sarong sling carrier w/o packaging for sales.

Selling for $25 (RSP: $60+ at kiddy palace)

can contact me at [email protected]


Hi mummies, haven't been on the thread for So long. Started work mid apr, abt one month already. Bb gal is 4 mths 5 day old now, also have some feeding problem.. Drink half way then dun wanna drink have to stop a while then start feeding again. Not pumping anymore cos too tiring n felt that there is not enuff time everyday.

I tried changing her teat but flow is too fast.. Sometimes dunno why she is like that normally evening she drinks better.

Anyways, time flies n our bbs are growing fast. Enjoy every moment.

Hi ivftwins, yes, it's me. Still getting the milk. But gotta arrange timing. Just ordered n got the ice packs for medical use to collect the milk.

Mrs Loh, still gotta arrange a gd timing to collect the ebm from u. Sorry, last weekend went to pontian for wedding lunch, so can't pop by to collect

haha! All my relatives asking me how I feed my BB till she is so chubby like BB Michelin!! Haha!!

BB back to norm. No more milk strike. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but she get distracted v easily! Pple talk then she will turn to c. So each feed if outside, will have to stop many times 

Hi Mummies, sorry to disturb your thread.

I have 25 packs of EBM to give away (dated from Early April 2011). Reason for so is I am expressing my milk daily and now, my freezer is full- gotten clear space for newer ebm.

Just some additional information:

- I am a chinese mummy who delivered my daughter on 18 Jan 2011

- Since birth, my daughter is on total breast milk. Cos of that reason, after latching my daughter, I pump out the balance milk (to store for rainy days esp when I go back to sch)

- FYI: I am a non smoker. Besides that, I am strict on my diet: no coffee, no tea and no spicy food and I take fruits daily

- The breastpump that I use is Avent and I sterilize it using Avent sterilizer before pumping. And after pumping, I use Kodomo Cleanser for Baby Bottles and Accessories to wash the breastpump

- As for the breastmilk, it is stored in Boots milkbag

- On average, 1 milkbag contains 9oz of breast milk.

Self collect at my house- Bt Panjang (Fajar).

PS: Pls bring along your own cooler bag and ice pack.

If you are interested, pls contact me directly at 8421 5286.

Hi mummies,

so envy that most of you still latching on, i cant do that anymore as my gal bites me when i try to latch on and she had 2 tooth growing when she was at 4 mth.. hahahah... first time i kena bitten got a shock coz she bite and pull backward. hahaha...

i tried all means to increase my supply and really didnt work and now I am only getting 40ml each time i pump 8 hourly. if i pump every 4 hr its only like 10-20 ml. Very sad that I have to give total FM now but i guess I have done my best and i have tried my best to give my gal whatever I have.

Although its quite demoralise seeing so many mummy still BF-ing and pumping exclusively and i cant do it anymore but i will save the whinning and stressing over it to spending quality time with my little princess..

maybe I can do better with my second one.. ahhaha.. not so soon i guess.. i think i wana enjoy my time and put all my effort with my gal first ...

My gal is super active now... she can flip over within secs and flipping non-stop.. its a great challenge to change her diapers for her now coz she just cant stip flipping... ahahahaha... and I have to watch her closely coz she flip real fast..

any mummies with the same active baby?


hi wendy.. wah! ur girl has 2 tooths already! thats fast! it must have hurt when she pulled!!! my boy's first tooth seems to be erupting soon.. his gum is all swollen le..

dun be demoralize.. i'm still giving my boy BM only.. but i face a lot of problem also.. my boy on nursing strike sometimes.. refuse to drink after 5 or 10 min of latching..

at least now when u give her formula, u can monitor how much she drinks and spend the other time playing with her.. sometimes i still have to pump after latching.. end up less time with my boy..

my boy hasnt starting with his flip yet~ he's only rolling to his sides for now~ i'm scared when he can start to flip lo~ then i will need to increase my eye-power le! hahah~

but he's started to get interested in touching things with his hands.. its fun to see him reach his hands out to touch the toys we dangle in front of him..

Hi gina,

hahaha thats what the PD said when i showed him..

yes it hurts but i cant blame her too.. .hahhah coz she doesnt know..

just let him bite stuff should be fine.. i bought those teething ring and put in the freezer and my gal simply loves it... she doesnt scared of the cold ans instead after the ice melted she dont wana bite anymore.. hahha...

hahahah.. yes eye power.. you just cant do anything but stay with them.. cant even leave them alone for one second.. my gal now likes to bite and lick everything she can grab.. my handbag, towels, soft toy, etc... even my clothes also she wana bite.. hahaah...


i bought him the teething toy~ he seems to enjoy it~ i thought the instructions on the package says not to freeze the teething toy? so i only put it in the fridge..

Hi Wendy & Gina,

Wow your gal 4months and she already got 2 tooth growing? i can imagine the kind of suddenly shocking pain. my gal also suddenly will bite me and i got a shocking pain feeling. sometimes she bite and hold on to it lor. but i dont know how to see whether is she teething anot. but when i read from the post of you and gina i also got the same experience. but i dont know how to see whether is her gum is swallen or what.

Andrea know how to flip but not that fast yet. right side flip more smoother than left side. haha.. but sometimes she will get stuck and cry for help. haha.. is interesting to see her flipping half way stuck there. LOL! i agree is a challenging things to do when changing their pampers. especially got to look out for their neck and head when we hold their butt up. haha..

As for bfeeding, dont demoralise about it. at least your gal have tasted her mummies milk before! =) Me also dont have much supply just pump whatever i have.

And, i didnt know the teething ring need to be freezed! i doubt my mum will let me do that! cause she dont want her to start taking cold food or drinks. even command us not to drink cold drinks infront of her when she is abit older. so i can only give her the teething ring in room temperature. just rinse and give her like that. no wonder she dont like it. haha..

Hi mummies,

Sorry to interrupt. I have just stopped breast feeding my baby and hv left with 01 box of Malunggay tea (unopened) which helps to increase milk supply. This tea works wonder for me and milk supply is good! Mumsfair is selling it at $18/box of 20 bags. Infor on tea www.malunggayherbtea.com

I am letting go at $13 (inclusive of normal postage)

Pls PM me if keen.



Hi XIaoPang/Gina,

I dont know whether teether need to be freezed but then my gal simply loves it.. sometimes i just put in the fridge and she just throw it away and start to scream hahahah... but i dont give it to her everytime la... i bought another teether which is like a choco bar and she likes it too..

I thikn should be fine to just put in the fridge..

i didnt know she is teething until when i clean her mouth then i felt something hard and so i realise that she is teething.. PD also confirm.. and now her 2 tooth are visible.. and she can bite ppl real hard.. even my hubby also kena bitten and shouted pain pain.. hahaha..


