(2011/01) Jan 2011

Kimmy, Oh is like that ar? I never use freestyle for quite sometimes cause i find it after using it my nipple is very dry. and avent manual pump is better tho is tiring. haha.. so even i am not using i got to keep the battery inside? anyway can we buy extra battery? from you say about using freestyle is so easy. haha.. i like it when i am surfing the net. i can clip on my bra and use my computer. haha.. but how you manage to bottle feed khloe and pat her sleep? pat her as in carry her?

Mitch, oic.. haha.. i worry they will addict to our nipple and want to latch even when they grow bigger. hehe..

I am using S26. got more fats produce =X LOL!


Eh, anyone know how to use the sterlise tablet? I not very sure about it to use it wor.

i pump finish i just put my accessory into a big container then i rinse it with warm luke water then pour it away (I never use use washing shampoo to wash it), then i pour warm luke water again and put the tablets into the container to sterlise my pump accessory wor. like that can anot ar? or i got to wash with washing shampoo then put into the contain then put warm luke water then add the tablets in? is use luke warm water or hot water?




all u need is the just drop a tablet or quarter of it.. usually there is instructions given..

u use the normal bottle wash to wash the pump.. i use pureen brand.. not bad.. can get from kiddy palace.. if no sterilise tabs, u can use hot boiling water to sterilise.. that's what i did when i travel.. =)

avent manual pump:

i am also using the pump.. mine also have this sound.. very irritating.. sometimes will wake my son up.. =( i also dunno what to do.. i think it's the bottle.. when i use 260ml bottle then have this sound when i switch to 125ml bot.. then the sound dun have.. =(


u are so onz.. salute u le.. can go online while pumping!! best!!! =)

any sahm mommies ard? seems like most are FTWM...

m thinking of organising playdates.. =) hehe


is the milk good like does it taste like BM? and any constipation?

Xiaopang : haha I tried s26 but my bb dun like leh. Now wana explore Nan or friso which ppl says taste more like BM

Galdolphin, ya got instruction but i abit dont understand haha.. i want to sterlise my freestyle pumping accessory. the yellow rubber round thingy. but i scare if put inside boiling water or sterliser machine will spoil the rubber leh. thats why i dont know what can i do to sterlise it.

Avent is easy to sterlise. haha.. but if you say is the bottle that cause the sound hor, i am using 125ml the small bottle leh. hehe.. really wonder what can we do in order not to have the sound. i also dont even pump infront of Andrea as she is a light sleeper. =(

Mitch, I tried friso before. At first i give S26 to Andrea because of she keep constipation thats why i change to friso. but after letting her drink friso, constipation problem still the same. so is not the formula problem but is Andrea's body react this way. And i notice, friso milk powder tend to have alot of bubbles when Andrea drink it. At first i thot is Andrea drinking method like playing with the teats but is everytime. so is not she is playing but is the milk powder. Then since after the constipation problem, i switch back to S26, dont have any bubbles. haha.. til now i still dont understand why got bubble. hehe..

xiaopang, haha ya~ its easier to latch for night feed.. else have to wake up warm the BM and all that even more tiring! my boy once used me as human pacifier and suck non-stop for 1+ hours.. unlatch only and he cries.. i almost wana pengsan lo! subsequently i introduce pacifier to him cos i cnnt tahan juz latching him on for 1+ hour.. pacifier calms him down most of the time..

i'm also using freestyle, not sure if its the strong suction, i do get sore nipples sometimes, and it hurts especially when my nipples brush against my bra, i had problem slping cos of the pain.. subsequently i put breast pad to prevent the rubbing of the nipple against the bra and its ok now.. you might wana try? else apply nipple cream?

regarding sterilizing, i throw everything into the pot to boil and sterilize, including the yellow rubber.. so far its ok leh, the rubber is still ok and my boy is drinking fine with no stomach upset too.

kimmy, you can bottle-feed khloe while pumping!!! salute u again! hahaha.. how to? it's difficult to carry my boy close when the pumps are protuding out lo! i can at most pump and surf net at the same time~ haha

mitch, i read that if babies are going thru growth spurt, let them latch on as much as possible, since they're drinking more now, it will help to increase ur supply too..

i think different babies react to different FM differently.. i gave my boy S26 when he was in hospital, no constipation, but he gains weight very fast! some moms give their babies Similac and got no problem with constipation, so i think really depends on baby?

Gina, I think Andrea also treat me at human pacifier at times too. I tried introduce pacifier to her but she dont want. She can use her mouth and spit it out until her leg there.. -.-

Oh so is ok to sterlise the yellow rubber in the hot water ar. haha.. ok.. i will do that. for me i think the suction is ok to me leh.. i press til lvl 7 but is like ok leh.. but after that i will feel my nipple is sore and dry leh.. but when the suction is sucking is not pain or discomfort at all leh. weird. i always put breastpad all the time wor. howcome you all dont need to use breastpad all the time leh? not scare of the milk will drip out? or when then should we use breastpad? i did apply the purelan cream at first but now never liao. lol..

How do we know whether is our baby going thru growth spurt?

Yea, alot of ppl say S26 is good and alot of "hao liao" inside, but is very heaty. and baby is very chubby when they take S26. More fats inside the powder. haha!

xiaopang, waaaaah andrea can really spit v far! hahahah so cute! what brand pacifier u use? maybe use something thats closer to the shape of nipple?

wah~ lvl 7 suction v strong leh~ i tried lvl 7 before~ but after pumping nipple too uncomfortable, now i only set to lvl 5 max.. theres no difference in my supply whether its lvl 7 or 5..

mmmm my letdown quite slow, my milk nvr leak de lo~ the only time i experience leakage is when i was engorged for 6 hrs.. really heavy leakage and breast pain, quickly go home latch my boy..

oh S26 really lotsa hao liao ah? haha yea my boy took for 1.5 weeks and he got double chin liao~ after that i fully BF him then no more double chin le~ haha

Gina, cause lvl 7 then i feel the sucking feeling is tight leh. maybe i will try lower lvl suction see got any diff anot.

my letdown same as yours wor.. only leakage is i think 12hours ba. jialet right! haha.. anyway can make the letdown faster? but i always wear breastpad wor. aiya.. if i know its like that i shouldnt have waste money on buying breastpad. haha.. i thot is a must put de.

yea S26 got lots of hao liao. my colleague told me de. thats why all babies drink S26 is super chubby de. but very heaty must let them drink water. not much but maybe before feeding formula give them drink abit of water then 30mins later then feed formula. =)

Xiaopang.. Haha.. I aso dunno what to do to have faster letdown.. I think it's really individual.. We are the not so good one lo.. Now I still wear breastpad.. To prevent my nipPle from rubbing the bra.. But it's always dry lo! Haha

Oh jux realize I didn't reply on the growth spurt.. Memory really cnnt make it.. Growth spurt happens when bb suddenly wants to drink more or the frequency they want to drink increases.. Happens usually when bb is 7-10 days, 2-3 weeks, 4-6 weeks, 3 months, 4 months, 6 months and 9 months (more or less). Growth spurts usually last 2-3 days, but sometimes last a week or so.

U can read more here


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Gina: I hope so too will increase my bm... I bought fm is for standby only.....anyway giving my girl to try out frisocream later...

Gina my girl tried frisocream haha was fun and messy .. Guess needs more practise using spoon to eat... My Mil keep telling me to put in the bottle for her to suck which I ignored .. Real irritating

Mitch, i agree with your MIL wor. starting must let them get use to swallowing first before we can spoon feed them wor. maybe you can try make it more watery and let her drink first. when she get use to swallowing of solid watery food then you get those small spoon and feed your gal. hehe.. is just my thinking la. hehe.. if they dont know how to swallow all food is inside the mouth all stuck there haha. but the teats hole must make it abit bigger la.

haha.. i can imagine how fun it is when you feed your gal. hahaha.. somemore their those innocent look. must be damn cute la. haha!! cant wait to feed mine also. LOL!

Mitch you got put bibs ma? those like can hold food de when the food drop down. haha..

Jiayou jiayou!!

hey.. i am abit confused hor. we count 4months is by week or by date? if my week hor.. mine already 14weeks wor. but if count date hor still got 3weeks then 4months wor. count by which 1 ar? LOL!

mitch.. haha ya~ i can imagine the messiness too~ we tried spoon-feeding my boy with BM when he was 2 weeks old cos we didnt want to intro him bottle yet, was a nightmare~ i kept getting nagged at by my parents too.. but i suppose sometimes they have their point too~ imptly, they very 'xin teng' their grandchildren lo.. how much frisocream did u give ur girl?

xiaopang.. i gave up what should be the correct counting le~ especially as he gets older.. cos i also got confused.. i agar-ation and count by month lo~ i go by 3 mths, 3.5 months when people asks~ else when they ask, i'll take forever to count with my screwed up memory, then those people will start thinking whats wrong with this mommy~ hahahha

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Kimmy, when you pump inside toilet. did you massage? i still not use in pumping outside wor. i think my supply decrease again. sigh! everyday eat papaya also no use. =(

Hi mummies, I’m from Dec10 thread. I have balance of Rustic Nirvana detox/massage sessions for the package I’ve signed and wish to let go. Bought at over $100 per session and now selling off at $100 nett per session.

Detox: http://www.rusticnirvana.com/index.php?p=/html_sg/body_detox

Post-Natal Body Massage:

Focusing on restoring a mother's body to its pre-pregnancy form, this therapy plays a vital

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on the belly.

If you get at least 5 sessions, a cellulite scrub and herbal bath will be thrown in. If you are sharing with your friend, PM to discuss.

I have 14 sessions left. Please PM me for more details. Thank you!

Hi all mummies who are back to work force and still breast feeding their bbs,

I am from April 11 thread. I am currently breast feeding my 4 wks old gal. I am now doing my 'homework' as in how should I go about breast feeding and expressing when I go back to work in 3 months time, hence, I hope to get some advice from mummies in Jan 11 thread. May I know how many times do you express in office and do you express at night too (in order to store up more bm for the next day? I know it is around 8-12 feeds for new born, how about a 5 months old bb? And do you still latch on at nite when you reach home?

hi mummies,

bottle feed while pumping..not carrying her lar, tat one super power already..i will place her on bed with pillow, everything prepare nice nice, place my pump, start to pump then only feed her...

Pat her to sleep

same too..khloe can fall sleep without carrying, only when over tired then she will wan us to carry...she can doze off with my pumping sound.

Pump in the toilet

due to hygience purpose, i dun massage..so i just let it pump till the usual amount then i'll stop and cover it with cloth and get out from toilet asap.


i pump 2 times in office. I just store watever tat i pump out. My baby is drinking my march's EBM..i pump during nite time too....no latching anymore..

kimmy~ wah! u can place her on the pillow to feed ah? wont it be messy? milk wont leak? what bottle u using? haha not bad leh~ ur pump can make khloe slp~ mine cnnt lo... =(

mitch, does ur girl slp longer after taking the frisocream?

Kimmy, you are sup and Khloe is guai also. she can sleep without carrying. mine still long way. btw how big is Khloe already?

And I notice hor, when i use medela to pump hor.. i cant get the amount that i pump using manual pump wor. or is it because i never massage. find it so weird.

Jojo, i only pump 1 time during my lunch hour.

Mitch, 1 tablespoon can last your gal how long? she likes it or got try to reject? now use to spoon feed already? hehe..

Hi Mummies,

I have a brand new walker to let go.

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Colour: Blue

Got another set as gift so selling this. Comes with a box.

Usual Price: S$59.00

Selling: S$49.00

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I'm using Medela bottle, sometime pigeon. She will still move her head left and right, either i follow or I can stop feeding her, let her happily play till she happy then she will turn back, she will ask for milk if hungry..I will use my other fingers to hold on to the handkerchief, rub when the milk leak out from her mouth..

Xiao Pang,

Khloe is abt 4.5months old. She sometime will want us to carry especially when she is over-tired.

I also noticed and did mentioned that when I use manual pump, the amount that I can pump is more than when I use eletric pump. i think tat is bcos we can control the speed when using manual, and when manual pump, mindset more relax? Not sure why also, but I cant use manual pump, take too long..time is already so limited.

Kimmy, Icic.. how long is your each pump using manual and eletric pump?

I am addicted to the seaweed that you introduce to us. haha.. my colleagues too! LOL.. so crazy and finding where to buy ard our office area. haha..

xiao pang,

if i use manual, both side will take up nearly to 1 hour; eletric took abt 15-20minutes, depending on the let down.

Haha, ya go buy the seaweed..hehe


u work at IP rite, can try watson or walk a bit far to NTUC at tanjong pagar market..make me feel like eating now too..haha

Kimmy, my colleague went tanjong pagar that ntuc but they never sell. then only sell another dont know what bang de seaweed also big piece de. but i didnt know watson have. haha.. will go down later when i go buy lunch..

Hi Mummies,

any one here whose bb appetitie decrease?

mine was a drastic drop of my bb appetite! Last mth, she can drink on the dot, like 2-3hours, sometimes every hour! She can drink till my BM not fast to replenish!!! I have to drink so much water to replenish myself!

Since last week, she only drink a few sips each feed and in between the feeds is like 3-4hours! My breasts now also dunno how to produce milk.. cos i dunno to pump out or not... sigh...

change bra pads till like changing her diapers!

worried if her appetite suddenly back to norm, then my ss drop by then [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

yesterday brought Angel for 3rd vaccine, then slight fever [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

tot if she drink more BM can cool her down, but she refuse [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

also not sleeping...

sigh... worried....


My son had a huge decrease of appetite some time back. A few sips and he turns away, can go for v long without crying for milk. PD checked him and said nothing wrong except he is gg on a milk strike! It happens to babies ard 3 or 4 mths. PD says all the more don't force him to drink. He'll auto get over the strike. A change of environment will be good too. Nurse yr baby at a different place.


I brought my son for his 2nd vaccine last week (2 injections at a go! 1 on each thigh!) He had a fever for 2 days after that. But he has been waking up screaming and crying v angrily(no tears kind) for the past week. He does that even in the day when he is asleep in my arms. Any idea why??

Mummies, i wash my avent manual breastpump hor, then i let it air dry hor.. when it's dry the translucent rubber is abit blurish translucent and when i touch it is oily wor. why like that ar? even when i use hot water to soak it hor, then i take out it is also oily and milky leh.

Any idea why will like that? or is the rubber spoil liao? if spoil what should i do? doubt i can bring down to philip and change right?


was one of the jabs Pneumococcal? Heard this jab can cause bb to get body aches and pains so they can get really cranky.

not sure how long the body aches are supposed to last though.

Chelleybaby, my bb was like tat during the 1st jab, thus the PD say dun take 2 jabs at the same time. Seems like our bb the same kind.. timid :p

so now we stretch longer and 1 jab at a time.

the kind of scream they let out during the sleep was so heart wretching!

PD say ok. But cos of her "milk strike", i get worried abt her and abt my supply!! haha!! cos she dun drink ebm, must latch. if i pump out and she sudd wanna drink then i jia lat... haha.. :-/

grumpus, the pneumococcal jab was ok for Angel. It's the 6-in-1 jabs that make her screaming in her sleep.

xiaopang, Angel is 4mths and 4days old. (7/1/11)

3rd jab already.

did u wash ur manual pump with the baby-safe liquid wash? I norm wash with water then use this liquid wash to wash mine once a week to get rid of the oil residues. After which I just put into the steriliser. Till now, mine still ok. Oily is cos our BM super rich in fats, so if the milk residual still there, sure oily.

Charleen, I did leh.. i use the pigeon baby safe liquid wash. I use the liquid wash each time after i pump finish wor. and i feel it myself is clean not oily le leh.. but once i soak in hot water to sterlise or put inside cooling water with sterlise tablets then i take out it turn milky translucent and oily leh.

by the way, i think my angel growth spurt lasted 1mth!!! she was drinking very regularly from 1-3hrs interval and always alot during the last mth.

guess what?!

born on 7/1/11, at 3.46kg and 51cm.

Yesterday checkup, was 9.3kg and 66cm!

haha! Chelleybaby, u saw Angel b4, big right?

so now that she go on the milk strike, wonder if she will slim down. :p

but chubby chubby very cute mah!!! haha! PD say, feed on demand of BM, this is normal. no need to worry... but now i worry milk strike!! haha!!!

hi charleen....

dont know whether you are belive and want to try for next vaccine....

you can give bb paracetamol immediately after injection. dont wait until temperature up...

this is old people method...

i did for my eldest son and found that it works ler... then i try for my 2nd son last mth while he taken 6 in 1, then he is ok also...


I have no idea what jabs were given. Haha cuz was discussing the GERD issue with the PD. And after the jabs, my son was screaming his head off so I forgot to ask. Silly me. Just hope he stops waking up screaming soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Yes your angel is really chubby, twice the size of my son. Haha. Don't worry she will get over the strike soon, maybe she wants to slow down a bit. But of cuz if she is lethargic and not as alert then bring to PD to check agn ba. Meanwhile, pump your milk to a comfortable level but don't empty yr breasts. This way won't be engorged, can keep up supply and also there's still milk if yr angel wants to latch on. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Oops, just wanna add on, if u worry abt her milk intake then nurse more often at night when she's asleep. She blur blur surely drink one.



He still throws up abt once every 2 days but at least he no longer cries like he is in pain. But he has gotten used to all the carrying and rocking. He has to nap in my arms in the day. And also has to be carried upright. I constantly hv a koala bear clinging to me. Still cries quite a bit, but more like for getting our attention kind. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

