(2011/01) Jan 2011


Tats good to hear [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

It's also exactly wat happened to my elder girl! She got so used to the 'attention' tat she became n still is very clingy. She never could entertain herself for more than 15min. Although now she's 3 n much much better.


wow Charleen your bb ways exceed what My girl weighs now ...

mine born on 5/1/2011 @ 2.95kg 49cm

went to PD on 28/4/2011 weighs 6.65kg 62cm

Mine girl now drinks beri little....80-120mls per 2-4hrs... well PD says she is in her 70 percentile dun worry so i dun worry lor .. but sees a lot of bb here beri big lor

xiaopang, so u manage to buy seaweed from watson?

Last time when i use avent manual pump, dun have the problem like u descript leh. Now using freestyle, i dun sterilised the parts one by one, i will wash, air dry, whne next pump, i will install the part and just sterilised it as a whole. Was told tat cannot sterilise the membrane leh..and gotto make sure itls dry, otherwise water will pump back into the motor and can cause the motor spoil. I suspect my first freestyle spoil due to the water tat i accidently pump in.

Baby sizes,

khloe seems belongs to small size group..bring her for 3rd vaccination soon, see how she grow, but compare to many here, she confirmed smaller size.

Dried skin,

my skin especially fingers areas very dry, crack somemore..dunno issit bcos of BF, any mummy encounter the same?

Baby size,

Your pd will tell you which percentile they fall into? Mine has never said...and I always forget to ask also. Is there a chart I can look up myself? My bb is 7kg 66.5cm at 4.5mths.


the medela membrane can't be sterilised?? Oh dear, is that why I'm now onto my 3rd pair of membranes? But my method of sterilising is simply to dunk it for a few seconds in hot (not boiling) water. hmm.


My girl's health booklet has a chart at the back to check percentile for weight n height. Maybe u can check whether yrs has.

Luckymummy, i hav changed 3 pairs too and i never steralise only using water at abt 60-80 to soak the parts..still have to change so give up am going to use the personal fit.

And my gal is on the small side.. 6.2kg at 58cm only...the nurse/doc say she is very short not tall...lol

Kimmy, nope.. i didnt manage to get it from watson. ahha.. but my colleague call up the supplier and order 1 carton. LOL.. she is super addicted to it. haha..

Hmm.. you also dont have this problem on the avent pump. or is it i soak too long liao? sometimes i forgot and i soak for hours wor.. =(

Oh ya.. Btw, what is the calculation on how much milk should our baby be drinking now ar?

Is it weight x months then divide by the no. they drink each day ar?

Haha! Thank God! Angel fever subsided! Slight fever but she still v playful n laughing away when we play w her

later gg to that upper cross st shop to buy the bumbo seat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope she can fit [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pd say angel is tall so still ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] he said will slim down.. No worries

xiaopang, prob get a replacement for the silicon parts? I'm waiting for philips sale to get new silicon parts n containers [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anyone knows where to buy glass storage bottles? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xiaopang, wah~ ur colleague super onz! order a carton!!!

regarding milk intake decrease, my boy also decreased his intake recently, his feed can now stretch to every 3 hrs.. and sometimes he only latch for 15 min and stopped drinking..

when my boy went for his 3rd mth vaccination, our PD told us usually ard 3rd or 4th month, baby's milk intake will decrease by about 30%.. the average daily intake would be abt 600ml-900ml.. baby weight will also slow down.. he says the milk intake calculation for babies on 3rd month onwards is

(100ml x Baby's Weight) / # of feeds a day

i suppose after 4th month onwards, solids can be slowly introduced, so their weight wont be affected too much ba~

charleen, this site sells Medela Glass bottle..



My girl the same. 4mths, 6.25kg, 59.5cm.

PD said she looks chubby. I said it's cos she's short and PD said ya she's short!

Sigh! Angry le! Wanted to go buy the bumbo seat yet turn 2round, in n out of erp 2x but can't find car park cos they are doing up the road n blocked rhe way [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] in the end, we gave up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

we will try source other places [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Gina, yea.. she super addicted to it haha..

And hor, if the calculation is like that which means is 100ml x 6(baby weight)/8times a day ar? like that only drink 75ml wor.. lol.. so little sia..

Ya i am sourcing for secondhand bumbo chair also. but scare cannot fit the tighs leh.. somemore my colleague say hor they grow very fast and soon it will be put inside store liao wor.

Anyone know where to get the replacement for the avent breastpump silicone?

Hmmm, smallest baby award goes to my son!

At 16weeks he is 5.39kg, 56cm. But he still looks quite chubby leh. Haha, luckily he's not tt heavy, cuz he has to be carried all the time!


My hubby asked me to quit job....i feel very scared to be a sahm soon....i already feel very tired not only physically but also mentally...how...any sahm can advice how do u survive doing the routine feeding, patting, bathing, washing n pumping all by your own??!!

Xiaopang.. Hanor, when I calculate, it's like very little.. So since now he drinks lesser, I drag his feeding time.. My boy drinks 7 feeds a day.. And I still store slightly more EBM in case he needs more haha..

Charleen, for the avent breast pump parts, when I went to the philips sales last year.. They say they dun sell the Parts during sales.. Have to get directly from their servicing centre which opens only during office hours.. Not sure if it's the same this year.. U might want to call n ask?

Chelleybaby n Sputnik.. Weight doesn't matter as long as they r healthy!!! My mom always ask y my son not chubby.. I told her I want a healthy son not chubby son lo! =)))

Puix.. R u back to work already? If not, u might want to try taking care of ur bb on ur own for a week and decide if that's the option to go.. Just to get a hang of it and observe ur bb's routine.. I tried taking care of my boy on my own for a week cos my parents went for holiday and my in-laws have their own stall to tend to.. That one week alone with my boy wo any help is really tiring for me, even though he has a routine that gives me some time to rest n eat n do housework.. With that I decided I cnnt be sahm if I can't get extra help.. And my in-laws will expect me to be able to do all on my own.. I will miss spending time with my boy.. But I'd rather keep my mind sane for my boy.. Being exhausted will jus make me pek chek and I'm afraid I will resent it in the long run.. I know some mommies does a fantastic job being a sahm.. But I'd say u shld try doing it for a period and see if u want to go for it

Gina, i already back to workforce for 2 days... Tomorrow boss going to discuss my jobscope with me, not sure if it is good time to tell him i may quit... I tried few days taking care on my own..i must admit that i will stress up when i am lone..i need extra help...thats y i said i feel scared....

So wat did u plan? Who is going to take care ur boy then? My case, really no one can take care ler...sigh....

Hi puix2,

I m a sahm since my son born.. n now I hv #2. I would say its not easy being sahm but its not impossible...just hv to give your bb a routine..if u can't cope then can always cater lunch or dinner n rest while bb rest.. I took care of my son wo help too.. n I hardly eat..housework I do minimum... just do what's necessary...if not can get part time helper... there r always options ard... btw where u stay?

Being sahm gt advantages.. u can watch your bb grow.. n u can meet up w other Mummies for gathering...so dun worry..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if u need more advise or someone to talk to u can pm me n we can exchange contacts..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] coz w 2 kids I can hardly come online at times..


U can get the avent parts from the service center...there is no sale for the parts... I tried changing the rubber n handle..still gt that stupid irritating squeaking sound.. argh..


I've been a SAHM for 3 yrs. In the beginning its not easy but as bb get bigger n more mobile it does get easier.

I focus entirely on bbs needs n hardly do housework. In fact I didn't cook much at all for the first yr. Hb chips in ALOT when he's home. Housework, laundry n taking care of bb, he's fully trained. And tat really helps me keep my sanity. That's something u hv to discuss with hb. Doesn't mean cos u're a SAHM means u do EVERYTHING n he just come home n shake leg. Yr job is already 24/7, the least he can do is chip in wherever possible so u can hv a breather.

During the day u can meet up with other SAHM, sign up for classes with bb etc....the time will pass very fast.


U r impressive! How old is your #1? N where u stay? Maybe can arrange for playdate?

Your hub so good...my hub couldn't help much as he works most of the time n I was on my own..so I never pump...just latch n rest w bb. Puix2, maybe u can try that?[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gal dolphin,

My #1 is 3 this yr. She just started pre nursery this yr so I only hv to deal with one bb for abt half a day....whew....

U r also equally impressive handling 2 kids [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I presume yr #1 is abt 2-3yrs old too? I stay in whampoa, u? Would love to arrange play dates if possible.


You are really lucky to hv the option of being a SAHM. Yes it's definitely not gg to be easy juggling everything yrself, but look on the bright side, you'll never miss yr baby's first crawl, first step or first word. As yr baby grows older, he will become more interactive and time will pass faster too.

But of cuz if u choose to con't working, you are not a bad mum either, preserving yr sanity so you can spend quality time with yr child is just as good. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gal dolphin, grumpus n chelleybaby,

Thanks for the encouragement n u all r great mummy...being a mum is really not easy!!

Gal dolphin, i stay at sengkang, in fact is near the buangkok mrt station...n my boy does not want to latch [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] he wants fast flow from bottle...


It #1 born in 2008? M not impressive.. went thru a lot of hardship taking care of #1..n now #2.just not easy. Oh u r quite near...m at toa payoh.. think will b great if can arrange for playdate...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] btw it #1 goes to which cc?


Initially my gal also refused to latch...starting the mouth very small... then as she progress... from 2nd mth on then she start to latch slowly n now she refused bottle! Can u imagine how tiring? She can latch for 1-2hrs n the moment unlatch then she cried..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] may I.suggest that u let him latch at night? Then slowly progress to one feed in the day? So far no bf bb dun like to latch.. unless the mummy dun let bb latch.I do hv fren who pump exclusively n dun latch..coz matching is very time consuming..bottle fed can finish in 15mins but latch will take 30-60mins depending on the comfort n most of them will fall asleep while latching...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] that's what happened to my gal n my #1.n the bond is very strong...

Gal dolphin,

oooh yes we r very near. yes lets do arrange a meetup. we can even just meet for breakfast and chit chat.

my #1 is born in Jan also, 2008. she doesn't go to childcare, she goes to 3 hr pre nursery @ marymount kindergarten.

Gal dolphin,

I having been forcing my boy to latch whenever have chance.. He will suckle few seconds n starts to turn his head away.. Then I will hold his head towards the nipple n force him suckle again.. Until he scream n cry.. My letdown very slow n in fact my supply not much.. I got to pump for 1hr to get 200ml... So he just does not like the flow fom breast.. Only when he is sleeping with eyes closed n not crying, there is chance he will suck longer...


give him sometime... n let him go hungry then he will suckle.. =)

i think u overstress yourself.. pumping only need 10-15mins... dun pump so long.. i used to b like u.. after awhile as i get busy i reduce the pumping time.. n relax as u pump.. =) if dun hv much then dun stress.. u got drink plenty of water?


wow.. thats cool! ya.. can meet for playdate tomolo?or next week... hehe.. my #1 also 2008 but nov bb.so speech not there yet.yours can talk very well? then u send n fetch #1 everyday?

hi ladies, i have a qns regarding confinement lady. i heard some confinement lady will lock the door at night during sleeptime. then baby is also inside, making new mummy/daddy worried. did ur confinement lady do tt?


Don't make the same mistake as me. Got 1 period of time I felt my boy wasn't drinking enough so I kept forcing him towards the nipple and as a result, he completely rejects my left breast! He only nurses from my right breast when he is awake. But in the middle of the night when he is blur blur, he will drink frm the left side. At first, I thought he didn't like the left side cuz the flow was too fast but the PD pointed out if that was the case, he wouldn't be drinking frm the left side at all, but he does so at night!

So don't force him if he doesn't want, or he will hate it further. Maybe u can try gal.dolphin's suggestion, if he turns away then stop the feed. Do other stuff with him. When he cries agn then try again. Don't give up but don't stress yourself out further. FM to supplement or if u decide to go on full FM is ok too, there's more to motherhood than breastfeeding! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

puix, i decided to go back to work~ give myself a breather.. if ur hubby can support you as a SAHM, would you guys be able to afford part-time helper? maybe juz help with housework over the weekend so that u can fully concentrate on ur bb during the weekdays, then u wont be so tired.. who's taking care of ur boy now that u're back to work?

my boy also like ur son.. he's starting to have problems latching properly these days.. he will latch for 5 mins, sometimes 10 mins and he dun want to drink already.. not sure if he's distracted or too tired to suck.. i'll try and force him to latch, if he doesnt want, i'll juz let him be.. but when he cries again, i'll refuse to let him drink until the next feed which is 3 hrs later.. and before his feeds, i'll try and put him to slp, make sure he sleeps enough and wont be too tired to drink..


my mil helps me temporary...coz she also feel very tired and cant commit long term.

what did you mean by when he cries again, you will refuse to let him drink?

my boy once turn away from the nipple, he will starts crying non stop until you put the teat into his mouth le...then hubby n mil wont allow me to starve him just becoz wants to let him latch...as bottles of milk already available in fridge...

Hi Mummies

Sorry to disturb your thread.

I have 4 packs of Huggies Ultra L34 (Purple Packaging) and 8 packs of Huggies Pull Up L12 for sale or exchange.

Looking to exchange to:

1. Huggies Pull Up M size OR

2. Huggies Dry Comfort M size (Red Packaging) OR

3. Mamy Poko M size OR

4. Kodomo Cleanser for Baby Bottles and Accessories

Self collect at my house- Bt Panjang (Fajar). If you take all 12 packs, I will deliver to your house.

If you are interested, pls contact me at 8421 5286 or PM me.

Xiaopang, I tink I'll go for a 2nd hand one too.. Now c if can get or not lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

gee... Think I'm in between the SAHM & working mum... Cos being a real estate agent... True that it's v tiring ESP all the carrying.. Imagine carrying a bag of rice for the whole day!! Haha! Shoulders breaking sometimes! Like today, my BB very sai nai, must carry... Whole afternoon carry her! Now super tired so pass to Hubby... But when we see Her smile, turn, laugh etc, u'll find that all are worth! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm looking fwd to her first successful turn [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] nowadays she is testing it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hey! Count me in for play dates! But must let me know in advance cos not everyday I got bring BB to spore. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I need help desperately. It's 4am and my son has woken up 4 times already!!! Argh!! It's not that he is hungry, he suckles for maybe 3mins and kind of falls back asleep already. But he wakes up agn v soon, sometimes within the same hr. I'm gg crazy, so darn tired! In the past, he wakes up abt twice a night, but for the past 3 weeks or so, he's v unpredictable, up to 8 times a night. I make sure he naps in the day and goes to bed 9pm everynight, I tried with aircon, with fan, but he still wakes up sooooo many times!!!! Sigh. Any suggestions?

P.S. I'm trying my v best to intro pacifier to him but he hates it.


My elder girl was like tat at one pt. She would fuss every hr and funny thing was the moment I picked her up she would go back to sleep in my arms.

Yr boy could simply be looking for u to be close by. Did u try putting a pc of yr clothing in his cot? Some ppl say it works.

My soln was pretty drastic, my girl ended co sleeping with me on my bed cos I realized tat as soon as I put her on my bed she would zzzzzzz through....bleh...

She slept with me until she was 2 then I trained her to sleep on her own bed but still in my room.


oh dear, is he really so used to the attention that he seeks it even at night? But his cot is right next to my bed!! Haiz I shall try putting him on my bed with me and see if he is any better. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


well it's not so much seeking attention but the fact that he's so used to falling asleep in someone's arms that when he wakes up alone in the cot he doesn't know how to go back to sleep by himself.

Match, sorry for late reply cos nowadays seldom check this thread as mostly on Facebook [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Well, definitely fm will never taste the same as bm. I tried some nan pro and it tasted awful to me cos it is different from the fresh or soy milk we adults drink.

puix, if my son didnt latch properly and refuse to drink, after a couple of tries and he still dun want, i wont latch again, neither will i bottle-feed him until the next feed. i think hubbies and our parents all v 'xin teng' when babies cry.. since u say he can drink longer when he's slping, maybe u drag his feed abit, wait till he's tired and let him latch on? do it slowly, not on every feed.. let him slowly get used to nursing from ur breast..

alternatively, try singing to him when he starts fussing at ur breast, my boy calms down a bit when we start singing to him~ he will listen to the singing, then start suckling properly..

chelleybaby, try co-slping with ur son? is it cos your cot has bumper around it.. so maybe sometimes he wakes up and he cant see u, he starts crying?


I removed the bumper on the side next to my bed and lowered the railing slightly too so I can just reach over to pat pat him at times. Still no use. Haiz.


Yup I know he doesn't know hw to fall bk asleep by himself but just wondering how come his sleep is so disturbed tt he keeps waking up...

Hi chelleybaby, last night my Angel also like that, wake up easily, unless I carry her. In the end, I held her hand till she slp v soundly. But she is sleeping with Hubby n I on same bed cos Ez for me to bf in the middle of the night [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dear mummies...my girl has been diagnOsed with bad milk indigestion...she takes in very little milk per day..and her daily intake ranges from 200 plus to 580ml if I am lucky .....we have started her on medication but she is not responding very well to medication.she had not gained much weight and the doc has advised her that she be on full breast milk if possible to help her regain her appetite and whilst I'm pumping.. It's not enough for her...may I check if there any mummies who would have extra milk to spare me on a long term basis?

She can stretch for as long as 6 to 7 hrs and drinks only 80ml per feed...and cries n pushes out her milk bottle in the middle of each feed...it's very stressful n heart wrenching for myself n my hubby..

We will be very grateful if any mummies would be kind enough to spare us milk n we would be more than happy to express our appreciation in the form of ntuc vouchers.. We can discuss the details if need be

I can be contacted at 90078098 ... Many thanks in advance!

Hi mummies,

Just now i changed by boy's diaper, i found that there are red color, seems like blood mixed in the poop...he is on total ebm n sometimes suckle a bit only depends on his mood. I dont think i have crack nipples ler....do you mummies encounter this before? I am worry...

Haha! Just bought a 2nd hand bumbo seat for Angel. With tray, all at $45. Slightly exp. Now got a problem. Wonder if she fits or not as her thighs r rather chubby.. Hee!

Else gotta keep in store till we have our no.2 

got another mummy selling hers at $18 but I missed that deal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Puix, my BB was like tat last night. 2nd time already! I quickly asked my bro who is a doctor. He saw the pic of poopoo tat I sent him then said most likely cos mummy (me) drink / take certain dairy/soy products that cos her to have allergy. Bro advised me to monitor my intake n stop the intake.

