(2011/01) Jan 2011

Wendy! Haha! your gal is cute. i think my gal is not teething yet. cause each time i clean her mouth i dont feel anything special. unless i anyhow clean. LOL..

Btw where you bought the teething toy?


Wow, most babies here started teething already....I am not sure if mine is but i do notice these 2 days he like to pout his mouth and look like he is eating or having something in his mouth...he is also a little more fussy...keep sleeping all the time...

I also started rice cereal for the first time this morning. surprisingly he likes it. But i do not know if i still need to give milk after feeding cereal or that portion of cereal (which I feed till he don't want) is considered 1 feed already

Xiaopang, u clean ur fingers and open her mouth with ur finger.. Usually only the bottom 2 front tooth will grow out first.. Look out for white cap ard that area.. If it's swollen gum, it's quite obvious de.. One area will be red n bloated out.. Excessive drooling, crankiness, or even fever r also signs of teething.. U can get the teething toy from kiddy palace.. Brands like pigeon sells them..

Wendy, haha ur gal so cute! Her mouth is now danger zone haha.. How do u clean her mouth then?

Ivftwins.. My boy teeth not fully out yet, gum still swollen only.. Haha dunno when then will erupt.. Oh wah.. U started ur boy on cereal already ah.. Do u still give him milk immediately after that? Or u waited for how long before u give him milk?

Wah! Think my "BB Michelin" a bit too heavy! Still trying to flip. Always half way then stuck.

But this few days like sitting n standing position!

Teeth? Pray hard not so soon. Cos now w/o teeth, she also got suck hard then pull nipple out or bite my nipple! Can't imagine if with teeth! She n I will cry! Cos she still dunno how to use bottle feed

rice cereal? So early ah? Pd told me abt 5-6th mth then give.

But this few days she v cute. After latching, she will do sucking actions. Wonder if it's a sign of ready for solid??

Ivftwins, u cook or buy the ready ones?

Huiru, u wanna donate to the children home?

Gina, Thks.. but i try to find hor, dont have those round shape and like palm size de leh. my mum ask me dont get those got pattern de. especially got sharp end de. scare poke on her eyes or nose. I will go look ard later. but my hse area dont have kiddy palace. hehe.. only got tom and stanfanie.

Ivftwins, your boy how big le? i was thinking of starting cereal when Andrea is 4month this sat. but i got abit of hesitation leh. cause polyclinic nurse dont advise to let her take food so early as scare her digesting system not fully build up yet wor. somemore i personally think when they are older they will have plenty of chances to bite and eat solid food liao wor. maybe can try 1 feed per day to start for introducing cereal. on another hand, i am eager to see how messy is Andrea when we feed her with cereal. hahaha.. Think of it also excited.. lol

Charleen, maybe you can try to help Angel to flip when she is trying to? do it slowly and repeat it slowly they will know how to flip from the correct way. hehe..

xiaopang.. oh i bought pigeon de~ the edges are round de.. so it wont hurt babies~ i think generally teething toys for babies wont have sharp edges ba~

charleen, ur girl dunno how to bottle-feed? then u go out or go work how?

Gina, i didnt know pigeon have round de! haha.. i cant find it at tiong bahru plaza tom and stanfanie. =( and charleen bring Angel when she is working. haha.. so latch on OTOT! haha

Mummies, anyone of your bb is having eczema? My boy think got eczema, so little poor thing..he got dry patches on his body....hope he will outgrow it ASAP....his craddle cap also now make his scalp dry n a bit red.. Dr said he must be very itchy...sigh....

puix: mine...but dry spots is on the cheeks and chin. went to see doc when i couldn't solve that with calendula and all kinds of moisturisers. Doc told me its eczema and prescribed physiogel AI cream and it is prescribed cream. not sold over counters. Would say it did help tremendously and my son's skin is a lot better now.

to all mommies: my son is 4 months 25 days and the last visit to PD, she suggested possibly starting around this period so that we have time to finish testing all food for allergy. ust say it is not as easy leh. yesterday he like it. today he dun! hahaha. i think starting semi solids is not going to be a smooth phase. hahaha...but its still fun.

After i feed him cereal, i will still give him milk. the amount of cereal i give is not a lot. about 3 spoon mix with milk. that will produce a very small portion only. My plan is to replace 1 meal feed ultimately. I buy organix rice cereal. spoon and mix with milk. easier. imagine i cook and he don't eat....xian. waste effort

Ivftwins, dr prescribed me a hydrocortisone cream to apply on my bb scalp to ease the itchiness ...dry patches on face n body...the dr prescribed QV cream to apply on those areas...not sure if it will get better..hope it does...

Haha! Xiaopang is right! I bring BB around when go out or vo work. Then feed her otot lor :p some clients that I gotta show them houses, I bring her along too but if too long a day, will just leAve to Hubby to do the viewing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

gee.. Puix, dun use too much hydrocortisone at one time. Just a very thin layer is enough. Cos it is a kind of steriods. My dad (he is also a doc) say unless 不得已, else dun use it on BB or toddlers.


my baby niece has eczema too. Hers has been really bad since she was abt 4 months (now she's 11mths). Her pd prescribed steroid cream to keep it under control. My sis who was and is still breastfeeding was advised to stop dairy as it could make the eczema worse. So my sis stopped all diary products and it really eased up. Even now, my niece still doesn't take dairy as it triggers off her eczema. You might want to give it a shot?

Made of cloth material, equipped with a teether at the end of the book and a rattle at the opposite end.

Book squeaks when pressed and is washable.

Comes in a set of 4:

- I Can Do Anything

- Play With Me

- One Sunny Day

- Quack says the Duck

6 pages in each book and measures 22cmx16cm.

Stocks to arrive mid to end June 2011.

Each set of 4 books at $38 inclusive of normal postage.

Interested parties kindly email me at: [email protected].

Thanks for viewing!


Charleen, thx for ur advice...

Chelleybaby, but i have been taking dairy products since day 1 n my boy only developed the eczema when he was abt 3rd month wor...did ur sis take any test to show ur niece allergy to dairy products?

How does ur sis ensure her calcium intake? Through supplement like calcium tablets?


my elder girl has very bad eczema until we had to bring her to a dermatologist. dr prescribed steroid creams for when there's a flare up. once subside we stop the creams. but religiously everyday we hv to moisturise, the best time to moisturise is within 3 mins after bath when the skin is still damp. we're using QV cream also but u may also want to try cetaphil intensive moisturising lotion or physiogel if QV doesn't work for u. cos different ones work for different ppl.

eczema is a skin disorder where the skin fails to retain water resulting in dry, easily irritated, itchy skin. hence moisturising is very very impt to replenish the water.

the other thing u may want to consider is changing yr bbs shampoo/body wash cos some soaps are very drying. we're using cetaphil restoraderm body wash, specially formulated for eczema skin. QV, cetaphil all hv body washes which are suppose to be ph neutral.

as for cutting out dairy, food does not cause eczema but may trigger flare ups. not necessarily only dairy but all the common high allergy foods may trigger a flare up. u won't know unless u start eliminating one by one.

for my elder girl, we tot tat food was triggering her eczema so we start cutting out all the food one by one but still it keeps coming back. we followed the dermatologist advise on changing body wash and moisturising twice a day and there is vast improvement. i hv allowed all food back into her diet and so far so good still.

my younger girl who is still bf-ing gets very bloated and gassy when i take dairy so i hv cut out dairy from my diet for quite awhile already. i take calcium tablets daily to supplement my calcium intake.

recently i started to see some red dry patches on my younger girl also. i started using QV for her too and so far so good. hope that i can control it from early on so i can hold off steroids.

Hi Grumpus just wana find out which Dermato Dr u seeing? is he good? Coz tot of bringing my girl there. My girl have mild eczema which is not of beri much concern to me but I duno if she is getting fairer or what ( she was born fair and had 24hrs of phototherapy then became beri tanned) her both cheeks are super fair .. fairer then other parts of the face ... wondering if there is any skin infection or what... any mommies experience this? shld I see a dermatologist?


We're seeing dr tan kian teo from raffles hospital. He used to be some hod at national skin centre before.


yup my sis takes calcium tablets. No she did not go for any test though. PD just suggested to stop diary and eggs as it can trigger flare ups like grumpus said. True enough it really did ease her eczema, but sometimes when my sis accidentally and unknowingly consumes some stuff tt has eggs or diary and then breastfeeds, my niece's eczema will flare up again. Hers is on the cheeks, legs and hands. My sis makes her wear pants all the time to prevent her from scratching. My sis had to becareful when weaning her too as alot of cereal/rice premix and biscuits contain milk. She had cradle cap when young and eczema showed up around 3 or 4 mths.

Dear mummies,

I have a newly bought Cloud B Sleep Sheep On The GO for sale (only opened from box for photo taking)at $36.

A compact version of the award-winning original Sleep Sheep, this adorable travel companion brings its comforting sleep time sounds with you when you are away from home. Similar to the original Sleep Sheep, the On The Go version has four soothing sounds to help your child sleep easier; however its convenient size (8" tall) fits easily in a diaper bag or luggage. On The Go is especially helpful in calming children to sleep in an unfamiliar environment.


Four Nature Sounds: Gentle Stream, Spring Showers, Ocean Waves and Whale Songs

Simple push-button sound selection with volume control

Two sleep timer options: 23 and 45 minutes

Velco strap for easy attachment to carseats and strollers

Two AA-batteries included

Ideal for Newborns and up

Interested pls PM me, thanks!


sorry to interrupt. Wanna clear some space at home. Selling cheap

1. 1 x Hua Xia playmat for sale - used only once, almost BN. Bought at $58 selling $20.

2. BNIB FP walker to wagon. Retailed at $39.90. Selling $20.

Pls PM me if interested. Thanks!


My boy keep scratching his head n rub his eyes...his scalp n eyes lids are peeling...i think they are itchy right? His sleep is affected...he can fall asleep this moment n next moment awake to scratch his head or rub his eyes....

Did ur girl feel itchy n affected her sleep?

I dun know how to help him...feel so helpless when see him suffering....

A lot of red rashes appear on my boy body, not sure is it due to post vaccination effect? After he consumed the paracetamol? Sigh....

puix, my boy too....not on scalp but rub his eye...initially i tot its a sign he is sleepy but he can't be sleepy when he just woke up isn't it? He rub his eye against our clothes, use his hands to rub till the eye is a little swollen and start to peel. when he sleep thru the nigh and no rubbing, the next morning his eye will be better. My boy is due for next vaccine one week later so can't be post vaccine effect right...i wonder what's wrong too.


oh dear, poor thing. ya sounds like it's itchy. my girl used to scratch and scratch in her sleep too. she slept very restlessly. dr actually prescribe an antihistamine for her to take to reduce the itch. but that's cos she's older already, dun think such young bb can take.

the red rashes could be heat rash? cos these few days the weather very bad, my bb also got rashes on her back. it could also be allergy to something. aiyo, so poor thing. hv u been applying the hydrocortisone cream? it shd help lei

Ivftwins...exactly..he rub his eyes qgainst our clothes n with his hands especially when he is frustrated...

Grumpus, I only apply on his scalp at the red patches..imdare not apply on his face or body, afraid it will thinner the skin....now scalp i see not that red liao so i also no apply....Though he still scratching...

I have been letting my son to sleep in aircon coz if too hot he will have heat rash...but i afraid aircon will make his skin drier...sigh..how le?


Shd apply until the flakiness is gone. Maybe try changing shampoo? My girl also sleeps in air con. After her evening wash up, I apply QV cream whole body n she stays in the air con room all the way so tat she dun perspire anymore. It's ok so far, I find that sweat makes her eczema far worse than the air con dryness

Grumpus, i using dentinox due to craddle cap...but now more like flackiness....not sure can still use dentinox? Or now dentinox is too strong for him?


seems like ur boy has the same problem with mine 1 and half mths ago.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but he's much much better now! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] this PD i went told me to use dentinox shampoo, and use ICM brand Olive oil to massage after shampoo and it helps. Give it a try.

PD says its ezcema for my boy and gave me AI cream combine with Elomet,but Elomet cream contains steriod so can only apply thinly n only once 1 day, once rashes stop can use the AI cream to moisturize everyday. but elomet cream is also controlled cream, can only get in clinic.

you can get the ICM brand Olive oil in Unity.

PD also suggest me to change milk powder if the rashes still appear, and i did change to enfaclac HA as my boy is prob allergic to cow's protein. He's ok after i changed his milk formula.

(btw, when u use the dentinox shampoo..u have to massage the flakes gently, another way is u can apply some olive oil before u shampoo to soften the flakes first) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope this info helps! i know your anxiety n concern as i've been thru and stressed! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] good luck!

oh, btw my friend also suggest to use humidifier in airconditioned room..i may get one to prevent baby to get dry skin. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


U mean u apply the elomet n AL cream on the rashes on body or the scalp?

I have been applying olive oil n dentinox for weeks lao.. It improve but the flackiness still there, cant clear with this method wor...


Which dr did u go to see? Btw, my boy is currently on bf wor....i not sure wat shld i cut down from my diet...now i dare not take dairy products...but seems like no improvement le....how long it takes to see the results after u change the fm?

Mummies, wat brands of diapers u all using? I m using mamy poko m size now...found that it is leaking....almost everytime...need to change..wat brand should i change to? Pls kindly advise [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hello Jan Mummies!!!

I jus join the link in FB

nice to meet u all!!! My BB boy is abt 7.8 kg his birth weight was around 3.75kg..

Hav ur bb been drooling alot? bites almost anything?? Hav ur bb contracted cough n flu before..? mine havin flu n cough sobss lotsa phlegm.. got infected n bad weather.. so sad i cant do anything much.. helpless.. i tot BF bb tend to b stronger?? he is total BreastFed..

Puix, pet pet is cheap n good!!

Nowadays, my bb can sleep whole night without having to change her diapers at all! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Should we apply lotion or oil on bb face to prevent dryness? I saw her face rather dry but dare not simply apply things...

Angel also sometimes like to rub her face on my clothes...

Rubbing of eyes I tot is cos tired??

By the way, anyone went to Philips carnival sale?? I missed it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


i pm u the PD? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

have to apply the elomet cream first then with AI cream to moisturise the skin.

scalp is only olive oil..does he still have lots of cradle cap? if yes then i suggest u to shave off his hair first..then its easier for you to rub it off..

sorry for the late reply cos my boy is sick..kena virus from gor gor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


miss your last qns on the formula..its was quite fast maybe less than a wk..the cream worked quite fast for my boy..but also depending on your boy..the PD will advise on it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


when my diapers start to leak, i usually upgrade size and it's ok liao.


elomet is quite a strong steroid cream according to my pd. it was prescribed by the dermatologist to my 3 yr old. my pd told me not to use elomet for my younger girl but to use a milder steroid instead.

so pls use sparingly.

puix, same as charleen, i use petpet. i get it from jb so its significantly cheaper. about 15cents each. it can take my bb's urine for the whole night. but i stop feeding at night too. last feed at midnight till 6-7am. i think that's why it can last.

if u feed in middle of night maybe cannot last. change after feed.

hi grumpus,

thanks, the PD told me about it..cos my boy ezcema was quite bad thats y have to use that once a day..n very thinly.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm also a fan of pet pet diapers! I stock up when there's sale at ntuc, 2packs of 80 pieces at S$30! But I only use it in the day, at night I use huggies ultra, it's super absorbent and the new material is very soft and comfortable.


i used to use pet pet but my gal skin is super sensitive.. even with mamypoko she also will get rash.. =( so i have to diligently change her.

oh where is the fb link?can anyone send me?

btw anyone sign up for any studio pics for their kiddo?

Hi grumpus, but my boy is only about 6.7kg and wearing M size mamy poko wor...if upgrade to L size, then wont it be too large for him?

ivftwins, so envy that you can stop feeding at night. My boy will sure wake up and cry for milk every3-4hrs lor...not sure is it partly due to the itchiness of his scalp n eyelids? I will be very happy if he could sleep through 6-7hours lor....n my boy have to sleep in sarong. on cot he will wake up even more frequent...he is such a light sleeper..sigh.....

hmm...maybe i should try pet pet then.....

Iliovemiffy, thanks for your PD's contacts. btw, should i bring my boy to PD or to dermatologist for his rashes and eczema? will dermatologist able to tell me if he is allergic to food, e.g bm affected by my diet? am a bit lost ler....


Maybe yr boy has big bum and thighs? My elder girl always had to use one size up from the one stated for her weight cos she had big bum and thighs and her diaper would leak cos cannot cover her bum properly.

U can also try different brand lah, since they hv different cutting. Maybe mamy poko cutting not suitable for yr boy's shape lor.

Selling this brand new in box Mothercare Barcelona Highchair - My Jungle Family for $55 as I have just gotten another highchair as gift. Features of the highchair:

- Tray with removable, washable insert with SteriTouch antibacterial finish

- Ultra light-weight highchair with adjustable footrest

- Folds flat for easy storage

- 5-point safety harness, removable and washable inserts

- Seat height: 54cm

- Unfolded: W78 x D61 x H99.5cm

Please PM me if you are interested. Self collection at my place. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/3877999/5535429.jpg]

Haha! My angel also has big bum. She using L size since last mth. L size dun need to change at night at all though she wakes up for feeds abt 1-3hrs! She got super bad habit that drink a little then slp. So in the end, I sooo tired!



u can try going to the PD first, let her advise and she can write a referal letter if going to the dermatologist is needed. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

