(2010) TTC-ing for 2010 BabySsss!!! Come On! <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard

bethel, u do have a point too. actually if i miss out the moo yr, I don't mind to have a tiger bb, so they don't have to fight for P1 registration or others.
cladi, i'm also feeling rather green... have not puked yet but feeling lousy all day. I can't imagine how it would be like if it get worse.. haha i got low threshold for suffering.
feel real bad.. everything is spinning.. dun understand y i still come work..

go off soon le.. appointment with gynea liao.. share with u ladies tml k..

take care all
shoppyling, personally, i don't mind tiger baby. HB say tiger compatible with both our signs...so tiger is good...hahah!

Cladi, take care!
take care. share with us ur visit to gynae tmr.;)

me too sometime feel abit giddy.. but still ok..

Me oso dunn mind tiger bb. cos as long as healthy can le.
hi, bena...

understand that u wanna try for a baby boy, mayb u can try this mthd, one of those old wives' stuff my mummy taught me...
(it seems to work for me though...)
but it'll only work if u consume this within the 49 days of conception.

get a rooster (my mum said can see from the crown...) and stuff the 'jin zhen' (the type pple used to cook chup chye) into it and boil it. then, try to consume as much as u can...

but i stayed away from 'jin zhen' for nearly a yr after tt, it was so 'jer-lat'... ;p
it seems like the ladies here prefer to hve an ox baby hor...

i wanted a tiger baby...
but miscalculated, so got an early surprise, gonna hve an ox baby...
hi all =) may join u gals here cos my af is late for more thn a wk alrdy! dun hv the guts to test yet cos nt prepared at all. my no. 1 jus turned 1yo last mth!!
redtea, so you tested using those strips already right? So double confirm liao hor..

cladi, yes pls update us after yr checkup. Maybe really twins leh! :p

linglee, i also trying for tiger baby but didn't realise i would get lucky so fast so end up with ox baby. hah

ant_ting, go and test! maybe really strike... =)
Hi Ling, what do you mean by within the 49 days of conception? i will have to eat this as much as i can within these 49 days of TTC? Just drink the soup or must also eat the meat and the jin zhen?
Interesting...no harm trying since it's just chicken and jin zhen
lilgisele, I din expect will have a ox baby cos tot i going to miss this cycle and probably end up with a tiger bb,
ant ting,
i asked my hb that day if my son is extra sticky now that i am preggy and he said "he always sticky, so no diff!" alamak, so i don't know if our kids very sticky = preggy???

last month, i felt pukey for 2 weeks also. it's one of the pms symptoms as well... test again tmr to be sure lor. sometimes, yr hcg levels not high enuf so the pregnancy test can't detect.
hi ant,
nice to see u here. go test la. no scared no scared. you got alot of ppl to back u here.

no, hv not used the strip yet. yesterday knock out together with my DS. even set a reminder on my HP to remind myself to bring things for my friends oso missed! haha..
ant, hihi! Congrats in advance to you ah! *wink* I hope to have an Jan 2010 baby wor. Haha... wah, if I manage to strike then our EDD quite close again. Kekeke... I still keeping my fingers cross to have gd news by end of this mth. Give me lotsa babydust ba!

yah, i seem to be sleeping earlier and earlier these days. end up sleeping with DS at 9plus every night.. haha.

ok dont forget to use the strip tonight then.
lil-gisele, me not preggie yet my gal already super sticky to me... i walk away nia she cry. Everytime just want me to bao bao her... so i think even if i really preggie oso no diff ba.
Hmm, for those wondering if they having boy or gal... this is just for fun!

Boy or Girl? 38 Fun Ways to Guess Your Baby's Sex

What could be more fun than trying to guess the sex of your baby-to-be? Everyone wants to get in the game. Don't be surprised if someone you've never met stops you at the grocery store, offering a prediction of your baby's gender. For hundreds of years, expecting moms have relied on time-tested methods of guessing their baby's sex. Even though these old wives' tales are far from foolproof, they are certainly more fun than their more reliable successors, amniocentesis and ultrasound. Enjoy guessing your baby's sex!

It's a boy if:

- You didn't experience morning sickness in early pregnancy
- Your baby's heart rate is less than 140 beats per minute
- You are carrying the extra weight out front
- Your belly looks like a basketball
- Your areolas have darkened considerably
- You are carrying low
- You are craving salty or sour foods
- You are craving protein -- meats and cheese
- Your feet are colder than they were before pregnancy
- The hair on your legs has grown faster during pregnancy
- Your hands are very dry
- Your pillow faces north when you sleep
- Dad-to-be is gaining weight, right along with you
- Pregnancy has you looking better than ever
- Your urine is bright yellow in color
- Your nose is spreading
- You hang your wedding ring over your belly and it moves in circles
- You are having headaches
- You add your age at the time of conception and the number for the month you conceived and the sum is an even number
It's a girl if:

- You had morning sickness early in pregnancy
- Your baby's heart rate is at least 140 beats per minute
- You are carrying the weight in your hips and rear
- Your left breast is larger than your right breast
- Your hair develops red highlights
- You are carrying high
- Your belly looks like a watermelon
- You are craving sweets
- You are craving fruit
- You crave orange juice
- You don't look quite as good as normal during pregnancy
- You are moodier than usual during pregnancy
- Your face breaks out more than usual
- You refuse to eat the heel of a loaf of bread
- Your breasts have really blossomed!
- Your pillow faces south when you sleep
- Your urine is a dull yellow color
- You hang your wedding ring over your belly and it moves from side to side
- You add your age at the time of conception and the number for the month you conceived and the sum is an odd number
Hey Jaspire, there are some truth to the list leh...but i am more of a mixture of both. I had a ger, but no MS at all. Everyone tot I had a boy, till 5+months detailed scan confirmed it's a ger
bena, i have a gal but very bad MS. I think there is some truth to the MS portion. Cos in one of the articles in Mind Your Body published few mths ago, it mentioned that mummies with MS are likely to have gals...
I oso crave sweets and dun like sour stuff and my breast really blossomed wor... lol!
jaspire, agree, the ms portion hold some truth, I don have much ms in my 1st preg. So now will see this preg on the ms progress, keke.
lil- my boy also sticky to me but it seemed worse past few days!

redtea- hw many wks r u le?

jaspire- keke.. hope u strike too! actuali i'm at a loss if reali kana cos no plans to hv another 1 so soon. n my son is super active, drainin alot of our energy. hw's ur gal? can walk le?
jaspire, i opp from you. i crave for spicy/sour food. tom yam soup was my fav then and i totally rejected chocs which i loved pre-preg :p

but yeah, my boops also blossomed and most of the weight increased goes to the hips :p
i didnt have MS and end up it was a boy. But then i had all day nausea and i hated the kitchen. haha. and my hubby did end up gaining weight! the last portion also true, the age plus conception mth was even.
ant, my gal cannot walk yet leh, at least not on her own. She is still cruising ard the house. She dare not let go and will cry if i try to release her hand. But she is saying and signing quite a few words already. Hee... gals quite talkative lah.

Not prepared for no.2 ah? Dun worry lah, all things will fall in place nicely. Have no.2 earlier lah, then can close shop earlier oso mah... if you only want to have 2 kids.
haha.. hope i can out stand my DS falling asleep. still got alot of chores to do after he sleeps. feel so sleepy now.

me only 5weeks nia. still early.
Jaspire- same here. My boy prefers to crawl. Cant even stand w/o support but can cruise holdin on to the chairs or sofa. Tats y my hb said too, can close shop liao n I can concentrate on losing wt. hehehe… but I worry abt the childcare arrangement…

Amby- same here. I din hv MS when I was preg w my boy. hopin for a gal if I reali kana this time. hehe
Amby, yah lor. seems like all of you ladies have boi as ur #1. let me dust some baby ger dust...

and hope to catch some of the baby boy dust from all of you!

My ger is 32 months already. yeah, close to 3 yrs and i am still contemplating to have another one or not.
Ant when you plan to test? Initially i got no guts to test also but i was going crazy everyday thinking "m i, m i not..." so i just test lor.
bena for me no 1, i really really wanted a girl. i know the horrible feeling when the gynae told me its a boy. So this one i dare not have a strong preference or start dreaming of having a girl. haha. Just let it be. As long as healthy will do.
amby, for me, i don have any preference for #1...but since i already have a ger, so hopping #2 can be a boi
bena- yesh pls gv us more bb girl dust. heheheh

amby- plan to test this sat...
i was also hopin for a gal for my 1st but i gt the feelin it's gonna be a boy. hahha
AF didn't visit me yet...it's suppose to be due today.
tested this morning, negative..
didn't feel as nauseous today as the last 2 days.
think i should test again 2 days later?
the waiting is frustrating..maybe i should just relax and dun tink abt it..
ant..my no 1 i also had gut feeling its a boy though i want a girl. this one gut feeling is a girl, but i'm ok with both.

Bethel, actually i tested on the day i was due. You can prob test in a couple of days n see. I know how frustrating waiting can be. You got any other pregnancy symptoms??

juz once will do...
not as many times as possible.
u'll puke...
but try to finish as much of the chicken as possible with the 'jin zhen' (aka lily-bulbs), and of coz the double-boiled soup...

trust me, i got so 'jer-lat' that i stayed clear of 'jin zhen' for long time after that...
actually, it was after i tried the mthd, then i read somewhere that the foetus' gender is not firmed up within the 1st 49 days. and for the 1st 6-7 wks, the foetus would b a male, then the x-y hormones would take charge after that to 'decide' if the penis would shrunk to b clitoris...
bethel, remember to use 1st morning urine...more accurate.

Ling, ok. so within the 49-days of TTC, i will eat the chicken stuffed jin zhen
Hello All,
So busy today and only now I have time to log in. Hope the MS is true as I also do not have MS with my boy but now I feel very MS with this #2. Hope it is a girl, as this will be this 1st girl in my hubby family.

Ling, sorry ar...the chicken is to be taken before i TTC, or only start eating when i know i have striked?
