(2010) TTC-ing for 2010 BabySsss!!! Come On! <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard

emmie, pat pat!

dna, ya lor, i used 2 strips and wah la, i can't believe my eyes which saw the 2nd line slowly turn darker within 5min! So next 2 days i tested again and saw the 2nd line again and again keke! And this round, I din chart or calculate my O!

haha.. seem like we all use amanz strip hor.. wont b tat all result is positive for his strip ba??? cld it be no single line one de?? omg..
Go back test again tonite.. hahaha..
cladi, no la, last cycle i test, boh 2nd line and next thing is my af visit me, this time i test got 2nd line, go and get clearblue for firm confirmation bah, hehee!
hehe.. dun wan waste tat $$ ah.. since my mens still no here.. tat sldn fail me ba.. will c gynea next wk le ma.. he will cfm everything le lol.. keke

i haven return to gynea for my 1yr after deliver visit.. now preg le.. must got back le..
ya cladi, my appt is early jun, still long long to wait,
haha...i used 4 cheap hpt strips plus 1 clearblue. total 5! haha. I'm tested positive on week 3 but couldn't believe it as it seems too early to be tested positive. Hubby and I were not prepared as we were planning to TCC only in June. First 3 were tested before AF date but got faint line so we tried again after AF date and bought clearblue just to double and triple confirm. hahha
josey *kowtow* u win liao!! lol

redtea, at one time i was very obsessed with test strips haha, but recently my obsession had died down, keke! If not for the weird dream I had, i wont go and test the next day when i woke up. I was planning to test this weekend.
haha.. josey... my hubby oso wan sure n b sure.. ask me test again.. i dun wan ah.. keke..2 time le ma.. still test meh.. hehe

redtea.. test strip cheap ma.. so having fun with it.. jus to make sure the '2line' is still there... hahaha
cladi, exactly! test strips cheap cheap only waste a few more in exchange for the excitement and happiness is worth it!
agreed with cladi, i prefer to use test strip at least i don't feel heart pain spending a bomb on expensive test kit.

aiya, my hb hor, he only believe gynae's confirmation that I am preg even though I show him the positive test strip. *bengz*
ya lor u see one test strip = few cents, compare to clearblue or house brand test kit. one most cheap clearblue can buy abt 20 strips!
hpt test strips can test so early ah?
Where can i buy them? Pharmacy got sell?

AF due tmr and I can't wait anymore...esp when i hv symptoms and feel nauseous..
hah i am also guilty of obsessing over test strips. But can't be help, anxious mah!!

bethel, i have some leftover, you want?
i letting go at only 0.50 cents per strip including postage. got abt 7 left..
let me know if you want. i can post tmr morning.
haha.. we r promoting for this strip hor.. haha

we buy from this forum BP de.. where do u stay??
I think this strip is accurate, as I recall my gynae also give me the test strip to test during my first visit on my #1.
out of way from me le.. no luck ah.. i was asking ..mayb u nearby me.. i pass u one to test test first... hehe.. i know how u feel.. long waiting for postman to arrive.. haha

Joy, Gisele
must get commission from xman le.. haha

wow.. thks for asuring us.. keke..

Linda: any good news yet?

I bought a cheap $7 preg test kit last nite...tested this morning...negative...
duno if it's accurate..
looks like i've to wait and see if AF visits me today..
morning ladies..

i had a real bad nite... got this giddy spell attack in the middle of the nite.. cant lay down to slp at all.. keep apply medical oil..

got better this morning..insist wana come work.. but hubby nag.. he drove me here this mornin.. insist will bring me to gynea this afternoon..

I m so sick tdy.. ate bread le.. but still bit giddy.. n wana puke..
hihi.. i check with my gynea during my #1 le.. he say no problem de... but he very westerner one la.. everything oso ok for him..
morning ladies,

i received le, thanks

better go GP and get MC la.
hee.. i was like u the nite b4, putting DS to sleep and instead i slept first. so tired man.. but in the end i woke up at 1+ with hunger. bo bian hv to munch on something.
hi morning ladies!

Does anyone of you have water retention problem? I feel myself suddenly ballooned last night and also my thigh seems to be so much bigger now. Not sure if this is cause by my constipation problem.
i duno is it water retention.. but my pants is getting tight... very odvious lol.. but i got no constipation problem le..
morning ladies...been a long while since i last visited the forum.

I am planning to try for #2 in 2010 or 2011 baby...i read thru and found that a lot of you ladies have boys as #1. I am planning to have a boy as my #1 is a gal.

Any tips for me when trying to conceive a boi?

Many thanks in advance!
hehe.. i heard BD as often as possible.. higher chance for bor.. duno true or not.. u can try..
All the best..
if u know ur Oday.. do it day b4. and tat day ba.. so tat ur fast swimmer sperm can meet ur egg first to form bor.. duno how true la.. some mummies teach me de..

but i didn plan it for my #1.. cos my wasnt plan.. i try this for #2.. do everyother day.. to let fast sperm die off first.. so tat slow sperm can meet egg.. to form ger... hahaha.. still duno result ah..
cladi, me too

i haven't gain weight yet (of course, it's still too early), but my tummy so bloated that i look like i din take care of myself
pants v tight
cladi, same same, I didn't plan for #1 too. Actually when planning for #2, I want a gal, but seem like this #2 will be a boy (maybe)
cladi, ya, hehe. And my frd who is a nurse mgr at KK told me to lie down with the pillow for 20min so the soldiers can stay longer and catch the egg, :p (best is don't wash and sleep thru the nite)
i try dun wash.. but next day.. i smell like die fish ah.. cant stand it.. so end up i still wash up after tat...

i oso didn gain weight le.. i jus weight myself last sat.. but my pants got so tight.. duno y.. tummy got so bloated.. hahaha.. hoping can strike twins.. possible :p
