(2010) TTC-ing for 2010 BabySsss!!! Come On! <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard

ya. quite paisei at the initial stages of pregnancy when we look suspiciously fat. haha.. v scared pple think "wa! why you gorge yourself unlike the tummy so big?!"


hee hee.. this reminds me of the teens
you see, the mummies try not to wash in order to get preg
the teens will quickly wash to avoid getting preg
hi all..

since Jan2010 thread not started, decided to join you guys here first. My EDD is tentavively 12th jan. Really hoping its a jan baby too.

Btw, this is my no 2. first one DS like many of you also
hi all, i'm new to this forum. have been tcc for a while. bought guardian pregnancy kit on Monday to test but it was negative. but i dunno if it's my imagination or what, but i thot there is a VERY faint line... wondering whether to buy another one to test? what brand is most accurate ah? Thanks!
cladi, joy, thanks!
You ladies went for the 6-weeks scan already? I heard (and saw) that from the scan photo of the 6-week sac, can determine if it's boi or ger liao...

if the sac is round/oval, it's said to be a ger...if the sac is oval with a tail, it's said to be boi...

dunno how true that is, but it seems to be the case for me, my cousin and 2 of my other friends :p
cladi and baby number two, hehee, i actually wear those babydoll tops/dresses to office even before i know i'm preg so my collis din suspect anything, keke! plus since i am still in very early stage, so my tummy doesn't show.

even on non preggie days, my tummy looks like 5mths preg. so you can imagine how bad it is now with the bloatedness

amby, congrats!

yang, it's bttr to test again 2-3days later. I dono but i tried guardian before, seem not so accurate. u can consider getting hpt strips from xman or get clearblue.
oh, where can i buy nice babydoll dresses that will last me beyond pregnancy?
last time so stupid, spend thousands of dollars on preg clothes, oni to hate them after delivery cos they make me look so fat!
this time round, i just wanna buy "normal" wear and stretch their wear

yang, u can try clearblue. It is known to be very accurate, but not cheap. I used that for my #1 and i tested it on the 3rd day after the supposedly AF day and it shows positive.

Also, use the 1st morning urine for best results
Re: washing

actually my personal experience, i wash immediately after BD for my no 1, mainly because i was sian of TTC and i gave up. End up that month i got preg -_- So many months i tried not washing and just lieing down and hoping sperm can swim up but no luck one...

So i guess it boils down to whether its meant to be or not.
Congrats to u
m too hope for 2010 bb...

are u late liao?? mayb u try few days later ah... then will b accruate with most test kit ba..

i cant wear dress le.. i ride to work de.. but thk goin to stop riding soon..
bena, i not 6weeks yet, hahaa. see sac can know the gender? mmmm, actually i see my #1 sac, it's round round, end up it's a boy wor...

baby number two, u can try pepper plus, iora, this fashion, etc, sometime they do have nice babydoll dress, for my #1 preg, i din buy a lot of maternity dresses cos mainly most of my pre-preg tops can wear till 7th mth, i know i know, I fat on my tummy, the rest of my body still look like pre-preg weight lor.

cladi, i think u have to give up riding very soon wor esp when ur bump start to show, like quite dangerous leh.

now guardian got promo, get the clearblue (the cheapest one) and 2nd buy is 50% off.
based on ur theory, i sure got boy liao.. sob sob. :p

used doggie style and BD on O day or 1 day b4 O. but oso depend on ur DH soldier la.

congrat! and welcome.
can meh?? shape can tell ah.. later i go gynea.. see wat my shape.. hehe

ya.. got to stop soon..
is it.. nvr b so sure la.. if so accruate.. there wont b ppl try so hard n end up with 4 same gender child le ma.. *no offend hor* :p
But bena, quite true, actually our bb's gender is already determined when the egg is fertilized. hehe! I think I bttr go back and check my #1 sac see if round or oval, cos i rem it was round de.
hehe.. i oso thk so.. ya.. i wan ger la.. but most impt is still healthy lol..

my mum say.. then more i wan ger.. will sure end up bor de.. mayb hor.. hai
hee.. i played a quiz in facebook 2days ago. the quiz is "how many kids will u have?" and my result is 1 girl 1 boy.. and i was dreaming my #2 is a girl liao. haha...
morning ladies! wow, i disappear for the morning and the thread has moved sooo fast

congrats to amby!

those that are trying for boy, my hubby said he read an article in ST that fatter women are more likely to give birth to boys!? *huh* Dunno how accurate is this research. :p
but hor, if 2nd is still boy hor, my IL will sure very disappointed. haha.. cos they got 2 sons. :p
lilgisele, huh? fatter women prone to give birth to boys? Not really true leh, I have a gf who is quite fat, she got a gal.
cladi, joy...heheh, i dunno how true to sac shape is, but it seems accurate for me lor. Mine is a ger and the sac shape is round, but my cousin had a boy and it's oval with a tail. the tail very obvious leh...and my other friend got a boy and a ger and both the sac shape is different too.

Heheh, let me know how true it is when you go for your scan!

Good luck to whichever gender you wish for!

Cladi, i also heard the same saying as your mom leh. the more u wanted a particular gender, the opp u will get...heheh.
first time i ever heard can determine the gender with the sac shape. Must go home and find my DS's sac photo haha.

Anyway though i also want a girl, somehow i'm ok with a boy also. i think boys will be closer once they are grown up. Girl n boy i feel will tend to go their own ways after a certain age.

So lets just sit back and see what god gives us this time round. But i Think mine might be a girl coz i only BD once or twice after AF somemore. Totally didnt expect this pregnancy. I was so shocked that i stared at the test kit and wanted to Faint haha...
Amby...yah yah...go back and see and let me know how true this is...it's interesting! :p
All the best!
i oso play tat game b4.. same result le.. duno how true hor..

u so sure wan 3rd ah.. i oso wan more.. but finanically duno can take it ma..

nvm la.. if reali bor.. let my shawn train him.. haha.. footballer ba.. good playmate i thk..
cladi/redtea..i play that game. end up got 3 girls result -_-. where to fit my son in there? Plus i only want 2 kids.

Yeah two boys also can be good playmates hehe.
cladi, yah lor...if both same gender then can share all the things. no need to buy all over again...and if the elder bro gets into a good sch, then little bro just follow
bena..its a game in facebook..i think you must be a member to play that game. but def not accurate lah. :p

anyway cant wait for lunch time. want to zzzzz. This preg, symptoms very strong. always want to SLEEP.
I tot I only 6wk.. So fast got ms le meh.. But my giddyness reali bad.. Puke oso.. #1 not so bad ms leh
hi shoppyling,
i know many superstitious ppl dun like to have tiger baby..
but i'm not superstitious n dun believe in animals having impact on a person's character and that's why i want to hv a tiger baby so that i dun need to fight with so many ppl for P1 registration in good schools.
