(2010) TTC-ing for 2010 BabySsss!!! Come On! <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard

From that web.. my is 13Jan...

from ur calculation.. i m 7 or 8 Jan..

Will i fall back to a 2009 bb??? hummm
my edd is roughly 12 jan. cladi, very close to yours.
but for my #1 i delivered at 39 weeks so might end up early jan this time round.

congrats to you, DNA. happy to hear more and more positives here.

Hope the other mummies who are trying will strike soon as well.

confirm got to start all over again one la. same when 2nd is born. :p

based on babycenter - 17 Jan
based on Joy's cal - 20 Jan

my DS oso born on the 39weeks. 6 days early from EDD.
My ds was induce at wk 38 wo.. hope this round can wait til pop naturely.. dun need induce.. then can go thro all the sign of delivery and rush to hospital... hehe

Ya.. endless nite.. bf newborn every hr.. the confinement.. make me scare ah...
back from lunch! so sleepy now!

My ds was induced too at 38weeks, hope this round can just pop naturally.

cladi and redtea, ya boy, have to start all over again, hope this one will be a good bb like the kor kor, sleep thru after 1st month, :p
ya cladi, share the same thinking as redtea, wanted to create 2010 jan mtb but somehow can't, seem can't create new thread here wor, do we need to ask mod to create for us or ?? cos no 2010 thread except this thread....
my gynae told me my EDD is 9 Jan but babycentre website says 7 Jan...best part.. according to the size of my sac on my last scan, EDD is 3 Jan haha...hopefully mine will be a Jan baby not Dec.
yah we cannot start the jan2010 thread. i wrote to mod already to ask, but she didn't reply. i think they are busy, they will start the thread soon.

really starting to feel preggy liao. was at the robinsons sale today, and felt faint, probably due to the lack of air and the crowd there! plus i got greedy at breakfast and felt lousy after that... really hoping to avoid bad MS this round. *cross fingers*
WOW.. ur ds can slp thro after 1 mth ah.. envy lol... My shawn only start to sleep thro after i start FM.. now still wake up sometime at 3-4am for milk.. else is 6am milk..

We can create here, in 2009, then mod will move it to 2010 heading when they set rite???
josey, that y it is called edd, keke! u may actually due early, extact edd or late. mine will be mostly cfm a jan baby cos i edd in late jan, but hopefully bb born slightly early at 38 weeks if nt i will be still in confinement during cny too, :p

lilgisele, i'm the other way round, this morning i ate sandwich and pop a small packet of cococrunch, haven't reach lunch time, i feel hungry again, ooppss!
cladi, ya lor, my ds is a blessing to be able to sleep thru after 1st mth, phew!

don't thinnk we able to create in 2009 wor, cos i saw it put new thread not allowed to create here....
haha.. will wait tat long meh???

R r in waiting list hor.. hehe.. top few le la..

got robinson sale tdy meh?? private one again??
i oso *cross-finger* lol...
cladi, u're safe, i'm not mah, cny is on 14 feb 2010 wor, sob sob!

i dono leh, mod maybe busy bah, just keep sending the request?

i'm trying my darnest not to overeat! my gynea is a real pain when it comes to diet and I really dread him nagging at me. So I've decided to stick to 3 meals a day with no snacks. It's that or 5 small meals a day. He basically has told me to eat the same amt as pre-pregnancy, i can eat more times a day but can't eat MORE amt than usual. Stress man. :p

err i hope CNY is feb.. not jan! Yes private robinsons sale today. I had to go down to buy a vaccum... haha very auntie hor.
robinson got member sale again. got discount voucher again. think i will not be going. anyone wans the $5 voucher?

looks like u going to hv a dec09 bb. maybe best, 1st 2010 bb. got extra bonus package..
lilgisele, my gynae same as urs, she will ask me to watch my diet, blah blah.... my last preg i only put on 13kg wor, but still have watchful eyes from my gynae and her nurses, hehee!
14feb ah.. then mayb not many ppl will b free for bb 1stmth party le wo.. haha

not aunty la.. SALEs le... hahaha ... tot is gals favourite..

yah, i used to get scolded bigtime from my gynea. but on the positive side, i was too scared to binge! but sadly i still put on 16kg!! thankfully lost it all, if not, i scared to return to the same gynea again. haha.


tmr is isetan preview sale also leh. haha
actually hor, cladi, like that even bttr, haha, just pass the cakes on 1st cny day to all the relatives since most hb's relatives will gather in one place every yr, save petrol, save the party but with many many hongbaos, lol! good idea hor?
Dun thk can make it to sale ba.. hai.. give it a miss..

1st bb for extra bonus package de meh??

Joy, Gisele
my gynea opp.. he nvr check my weight..unless i request.. he ask me to drink coka cola...
hahah u are sooo right. passing the cakes on 1st day of CNY is such a brillant idea. I think i will be hoping to deliver on my actual edd date then.
lilgisele, my gynae didn't scold me but it's her nurses will tell me to watch my weight and diet, ehhee! they din really scold me, but will tell me in a serious tone. no la, 16kg still quite alright, after delivery, only less than 10kg to shed off, hehee!

Isetan pte sale - I'm not going but already asked my sis and gf to get the stuffs i want keke!
wow yr gynea good hor. mine also make me weigh in. when my weight exceed the 'allocated' gain of the week, even the nurse will give me a warning look, cos she know i will kenna nagging! gynea told me not to eat durian etc and very strict re: exercise and diet. Gosh. being pregnant was hard work... haha
From the web, mine should be between 5 to 9Jan2010. Hopefully can be Jan baby. But mine may be early as my #1 is early by 3wks. If early will hit Dec liao...sign...
Next CNY is on 14/Feb (valentine's day) We should be all safe, if not confinement lady is very expensive during CNY. Any good recommendation for confinement lady?
but hor.. will only get one ang bao le.. haha.. 1stmth angbao n cny ang bao combin le wo.. keke..
we reali jialat mummy hor.. haha

i put on 17.5kg ah.. haha.. heng oso lost all le la.. else... siao lol..
lilgisele and redtea, my idea good right? hehee! got cny hongbaos and full mth hongbaos to collect one short, wahahaha!

lilgisele, my nurse too, make me weigh and if exceed the "allocated" gain of the week, I kana liao ahhaa!

dna, mine edd in end jan, so i'm not safe, :p
ppl wont come prepare for our bb 1st angbao rite.. sure lower then mkt rate angbao de... hahahaha...
cladi, dono leh, but we will announce the cakes will distribute on that day lor, so they will prepare in advance la, haha, mmm, usually they're quite generous de, be it cny or others ...
dna, my menses is due this week, i using the 10miu hpt and test positive, so i only 3weeksplus. the lower miu hpt use, the earlier u can detect.

cladi, true true, hehee!
oic...I never think I can be lucky this time therefore only test this week which is already 6/7wks. As I dun want to waste $$ in test kit...
dna, ahha, ya, my first preg last time, i tested positive at 5weeks, hehee! cos i din expect to be preg that time. For this round of ttcing, I seem to have a feeling i will tio after a weird dream i had at nite and next morning, i went to test and it turn positive. And I get the cheap hpt strips to test instead of getting clearblue, keke! hpt strips a lot cheaper, hehe!
cladi, according to the website, my edd is 8 Jan. it was quite zun for my first kid. I do hope this time round will be early leh. I want a 2009 baby! :p But think not much chance as my boy was born 1 day after edd.

feeling very tired today. Even puked out alittle. Guess the lingering smell of the food in the room got to me. Just took a nap but still feeling tired... *yawn*

Ya I bought the hpt strips too and only arrive this week. And I do not believe I preg, I use to 3 strip to confirm ... Haha ...
