(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

here here... :p

munching my ham sandwich.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

saw ur beannie yest?



Alicia, nope.. i nv ask.. i guess should be around 300 plus lor.. according to those who already taken the test. are you taking it?

karen, AF symptoms... hee..


Most probably will be taking, cos parents insist that it is a MUST... Becos what if XXX(no good thing), then can make a decision to next step wat to do then carry full term.. then baby XXX... child will suffer forever.. My personal view. though I know irregardless what it is my child.

Please let me know earlier if u want it posted out by today i will be leave office early today.

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back from lunch! actually i lunch in lah..

Alicia, my lunch time is 12.30pm.. keke.. i quickly look through the thread hor.. as usual only those have poorer results will post there.. there are many healthy results out there.. best is to not to read..

Karen, hmm like crampy, sore boobs, my taste kinda changed, thristy..


one mth pass very fast.

esp two short week coming up soon.


Rabbit, my next appointment will be next uesday(22-Dec). recently was ms on & off, bloat-ty, pukky at times.... During ur last visit to Dr Fong, other than folic acid, what medicine are u given?

bubbleling, how are you?

alicia, i only been taking folic acid and progesterone so far. After yesterday visit, i can officially stop progesterone and start on those multi vits liao.. today after work will go hunt for it..

tigerbb, bubbleling, go book a room, we go sleep.. haha...

Alicia, ohh, because i was told that 1st 3 mths, baby no need extra nutrients.. asked me to stop my prenatal vit also..

vic ma, any calcium pills to recommand? my gynae recommend one unable to buy in pharmacy lor, sure ex to buy from him.. looking for alternatives.


calcium i am not sure - but have Chat with the GNC pple - there are quick absorbing ones & harder to absorb ones -tell them u want the better one which is easily absorbed (diff ingredients) hard to absorb u will just be pill popping blindly wo much benefit.

I bot mine from GNC la. There are alot of brands.

alternatively you can squard down at pharmacies - where they sell folic acid the SUPER CHEAP tabs - they also sell iron (this is also cheap & good) my gynae gives me calcium by the tabs also this cheap & good range.

GNC member 20% off at least amex card 15% off current offer.

u need to surf & see how many MG u need to take as preggie. & dont take with your multi cos got one other vit clash - if alot of calcium that vit cannot absorb so well or vice versa i forgot which one liao. which is why we take calcium separately & multis usually have low calcium dose.


calcium is like iron - heaty - if u find constipation sets in - dont eat daily, maybe alternate days - eases the heatiness better too.

but usually heatiness Iron is the bigger culprit.

alternative is fresh milk lor.

but i am lactose intolerant so i take Soy milk more la.

i prefer to pill pop - i dislike cow's milk. personal preference.

cos i read up on cow's milk causing mucus in intentines & cancer cells like to feed on this mucus.

but there is alot of ideas thrown out on the net & all.

i was anal about giving my girl cow derived formula milk too. but my PD advised its best to follow cos say - if Lao sai - i can still switch to Soy Formula milk. - & Soy is so much more ex too.

we have a soy milk maker at home & my hb loves soy milk buys it often too so we give my girl a fair bit of soy milk too la.

sometimes read too much also Tao tia.

ignorance could be bliss haha!

