(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!


Tomorrow I seeing JT!

Dunno if he can tell how heavy my baby is or not.

Got people see me.. ask me if I am fat or pregnant.. zzzz


i also tempted to throw MC or leave.

but.. mtg friends later... haiz.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]



first day childcare is like tt, give him 2 weeks, and he be happy again.


Dec seems to be a mth where we kept thinking of on leave or MC, I guess is the quietness in office plus the festive season and the good weather for [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/3397153.gif]

yoz woofy..

starlight, haha.. i actually waiting more mummies to come in lah.. :p i have some questions.. start with easy one 1st.. vits! my gynae yesterday intro 3 vits - prenatal, calcium and DHA ah.. prenatal, shops here should be can find, but calcium and DHA, dont have leh.. i told gynae that i wish to get my own outside. i believe should be quite ex to buy from gynae lor.. so need to know if there is any other brands that i can take lor...

tigerbb, tahan! few hrs more..


u can get obimin fr pharmacy, not exp and neurogain for pregnancy too. Cheaper in pharmacy too. If u get from Terminal 3, no GST, better.

sstarlight ...so good...i gotta wait till jan 11th leh ..*-* ...erhmm...yr tum shld be quite obvious nw mah..keke..still gt pple ask if u fat huh...pengz.


Just pure calcium tablets? Have leh, its usually at the counter in the pharmacy. Maybe you go and ask the people at pharmacy. They sell those loose packs or those house brands.

As for DHA I saw Neurogain before. I am currently taking Neurogain as well.

So fast your gynae start you on DHA already ah??


2 weeks ah. Now I bring him every morning I feel so stress.. Got to escape one leh.. Cos if I say bye bye he sure hang on to me like koala bear.

Really hoping he will adapt soon.

starlight, calcium and vit D together.. ya, my gynae say can start liao.. he say i can stopped my progesterone liao.. yesterday finish up my last pill. because he say my placenta formed le..

thanks ladies, will get Neurogain.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya.. the weather is just so nice!


will take a while for ur son to get used.

but u got to siam fast la.

else he sees u, back to square one le.


at least 7hrs more sia. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

but ok la.. almost 10am! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Wah.. my previous appts also 7-8 weeks. I only so far seen him 5 times since I start pregnant. Tomorrow appt is considered the fastest. 4 weeks gap.

I got double chin now leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

So fat!!! Argh..

My DH say maybe I arms and legs short and fat :p tats why look more like fat than pregnant. He ask me wear those baby doll dress lah. Dun wear those big t-shirt. then its obvious its pregnant. Arghh..

sstarlight...kekee ..i also got similar ncounter like u...im nt wearing maternity tops to work..got some koligs were speculating if i getting too fat or just preggers ...*-* ..cant be bothered .

wana ask u..any more detailed scans coming up like ard 32 wk or something ?


wahahaha.. yup yup.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

*thinking what to have for lunch... curry sounds good for cold weather!!*


My DS say until I like penguin like like. Short fat arms and legs.. zzzz

Erm I think no more scanning ba. Only 1 detailed scan. But lately I drink plenty of water like hippo.

I read it could be just normal or it can be diabetes. Tomorrow got to ask him..


at least time will pass faster?


i better than bubbleling le.

she come in, thinking of what time gg home!

wahahaa.. :p

i got 1 more question! my gynae told me abt oscar test... is optional lah.. but my DH not too keen for me to take the test leh.. i not sure if i should go for it.. i have to do the test before yr end. how much is the test ah..

hehe...sstarlight ...penguin?? OMG ..nvm lah ..i will be like u soon *wink*

rabbit...believe u nt considered high-risk rite for oscar test??? ..some couples do it cos wana scan for DS etc etc..i did mine though i was considered low-risk ...doc drew blood from me n when ard wk 14 i went back to scan for the nose bridge of bb ..usually absence of nose bridge will mean higher risk of a DS..Having said that, many couples do nt go for this test n the bb turn out just fine *-* ..hw many wks u nw?

zao JP!!!!

rabbit ...yup...i cant rem exactly the age grp classification nw..suggest u check more details with yr gynae or the clinic...I paid #300+ for the oscar test at KKH.


I also never took the oscar test. I think its meant for those high risk group, those 35 and above or family history of DS.

I just took the normal detail scanning.

Rabbit, OSCAR is to test Trisomy 13, 18 and down syndrome. Even though you are at a lower risk age group, it boils down to whether you will accept yr child no matter what (choy choy! touch wood!). This is a measure to check for the abnormalities.

Some couples go for it as they do want prepare for themselves if they may have a special child. Come couples go for it to check and if they amy have one, the next step is whether they want to keep the child or terminate the pregnancy.

But some couples don't want to do it at all as they will accept the child as it is. So it depends what you want and are you prepared for it.

game over... AF came, at a wrong time somemore when i was starting business.. piang so low blood dunno how to face customers and have to keep go toilet change pad, its the first 3 heavy days hais

morn all..

Rabbit, it's a personal choice whether or not to take the test... some juz want the peace of mind... some dun take cos they'll still keep bb no matter wat.

for me, i din take cos i personally felt the bb is gonna b ok, oso cos i dun fall in high risk age grp. but the age grp is not an accurate gauge of chances of DS

ladies, thanks for all your advice.. i check up my family history first, because my uncle have a DS son. but according to my dad, is my aunt's side that have the history. hmm..

bbp, thats what my gynae told me also.. he said unless we are aborting the baby if really have DS, else, no need to go for the test.

bbp, i dunno leh.. thats the question that strikes me..

sorry, being a new mum, i know there will be alot of challenges.. cant help to feel scared at times..

Rabbit dun worry. Just talk to your dh about it. Actually OSCAR does not only show whether the bb has DS but also trisomy 13 and 18. It's another thing altogether.

Like strawberryz said, it also buys you a peace of mind.

strawberry, thanks.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

meanwhile i think i will ask my dad abt it.. because my uncle's son is older than my bro.. so can consult my dad, if he did anything that time.

