(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

BBchole, hmm my gynae did tell me before leh....detect +ve on OPK doesnt mean O. Hmm I guess hor best thing is to just BD and BD and BD as much as you can...so wont miss out anythg mah keke. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


tingting, thanks...hope my bbt wil start to rise tml...otherwise I will definitely be v sianz...Ya..a +ve on OPK does not mean O...elevated bbt then shows we O le..

BBchole, cheer up! We must jia you together yah! My AF report liao...today CD3....so we work hard together ok? Maybe you will strike this mth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


the pomelo tea is writen as citron tea on the label... i buy fr those medical shop.. taste btter.. i trythe one from cold stroage before not nice... of cos go korean shop buy is best =)

ladies. today's papers sunday times under life got the article on placenta consumption. will u eat ur own placenta?? hehe

Afternoon gals...


yes it possible.


ya i notice Dr Tan medi got those herbs but i tink it harmless since so many woman conceive under him liao...


eat placenta? yucks dun tink i got the courage to try lor...

hi i'm back. went out for a little while just now. actually i'm quite hopeful this month. though only DPO3, i'm already feeling soreness at the sides of both breasts. BD on all the critical days, got a clear positive on OPK the first time, and got lots of EWCM!

on top of tat, temp did shoot up quite a lot compared to yesterday. i'm keeping my fingers crossed...


PM me if u need the article. Maybe u can confirm with Dr Tan again to see if it is safe to eat?


That's one of the thing the nurse in the delivery ward will ask. "Do you want to keep ur placenta?" I was shocked when I heard it. And she told me that some Indian/Malay will keep so that they can cook and eat. I was so disgusted. And a few mins later, I heard the Indian lady who is opposite of me, waiting to be push into the delivery ward, she was telling the nurse,"I need to sign here? I want to keep my placenta." I stared at her. hehe..

I think Piggy is referring to those cord blood banks?

I just came back from rebonding. 5.5 hrs of torture! *yawn* Going my mum's place now...

Hi gals,

Just wondering how many days after DPO will have sore breasts ? Anyone have an idea ?

Today is a raining day like yesterday, so nice to sleep and sleep....

Piggytoh, I also dun like to drink dom and chicken essence, got yucky smell for the chicken essence.

May, thanks for the article. Where did u get the Aug mother and baby? I tried searching for it but cant find. I am a meat lover le, v hard not to take meat....=(

Jandew, the herbs u wrote is to take everything together or? Wat is licorice root huh?

Mashy, no AF=got hope, if really AF comes le means New Cycle = new hope.

Anna, I won eat placenta but I think can keep to save life in future, so I will keep....

Amk_gal, good to stay positive, yeah, u striking soon. Hope u will be first on Sept list.

Piggytoh, hope Cutie's prediction spot on this cycle and we can strike together.

Hope everyone will be in Sept list, HUAT AH....kekekke....=p

Wisq, so u go where and rebond? How much does it cost?

LinzBB, some will have sore breast, some won have de....but for me I usually dun have sore breast. Only last cycle have 5days b4 AF.

Juz woke up fr a nice nap. Stretch. naive,yeah, i take in pill form,contains all those stuff..hehe...if i m not wrong, its a type of food made into sweet. But d sweet is not 2 b my liking. Reckon u can take all those stuff one by one. Is it raining at ur places,gals? Hubby went to meet his frenz 4 wedding discussion. Me gtg 2 bathe 4 my dog. Den bake cheesecake. Btw Cutie banana cake is d best anybody has ever eaten. Everybody were full of praises.


Wow .. u really like baking hor? Have u baked anything for your doggie? I so wanted to do it myself as some of the commercial treats i bought for her is causing her some itch problems. But i cannot dun give her any treat cos its a routine that i do every morning when i leave for work. The only treats i made for her is liver treats, which i used the toaster cos i dun have any oven.

Hi Pegsfur & AMK_gal

Tks. Haiz... so xian to hear "Yu Xue" - internal blood prob somemore....amkgal, i dun hv much clots - just occasionally during menses.... sinseh giving me some medicine now, but impatient. I dunno if it has anything to my premature 3rd one last yr (didn't survive) - had to be wheeled in to Op Theatre for urgent surgery - part of the placenta was stuck in the womb.... really scary that time. but during my check wth my gynae this yr, he said nothing in the womb, all clear. dunno if it's possible to have circulation prob other parts of the body... aiyoh....the mind is really thinking too much!!!!

Went to watch the fireworks last night (in the rain!) it only last 15 min after all the hype! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I think for the 2 days, must have added to the pollution in singapore [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]))

Have a lazy sunday everyone !


Still hoping that it won't come lor. Now it's still spotting abit. Maybe tomorrow then will know for sure if it's AF. But since it's fresh blood, chances should be quite high lor. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

naivesq, I usually do have sore breast before AF. But this round seems pretty early, AF usually not so early.

I test positive for my ovulation on CD21, but not too sure if i really ovulated on CD21. Anyway, I BD on CD20, 21 and 22. My breast seems to sore on DPO4, I think it is too early to actually feel it right?

Yeah, Naive, I went Isetan last nite to xchange some credit card vouchers wic was due to expire in 3 days time....tts why went down Ochard Isetan.

Yes, pegsfur...I really enjoy baking...nez time I ever dun work, would bake FULL time. Hehehe... But I am quite slow lor. So cun take more den 2 orders per day.

Long time ago, I baked cheese biscuits for my poodle at my parents' place. It used to be my doggie till I got married...Since my parents are beri attached to him, he continues to stay with them. He is beri notti, alw barks at my hubby.

Maybe someday I would try to bake some treats for my current dog. But he still has lots of treats leh....when we went Japan and when I went Bkk, plus recently I went on Ebay to buy some rawhide bones with meat inside for him. So can last for long long time. I feed him biscuits everyday. Den some treats as a special treat onli. My dog is rather heavy at 7kg, so trying not to turn into him into an obese dog.

Btw u feed ur dog commercial dog food? Actually alot of junk goes into such food, eg filters, wheat, corn wic are all no good for dogs.

My dog used to eat Wellness which is considered mid range for dog food. But his poo stinks the whole house. Also coz he is weak, everytime gets diahorrea, now he eats porridge with either chicken, or beef...with occasional fish. But he is not really a fish fan, he is not a CAT. Hahaha...

Tink beta feed my dog his porridge dinner before bathing for him. If not he would mouthe me after bathing.

Tis morn took BBT at 7am, was 35.88. On the rise now.

Tink tis is my 1st mth of taking BBT, prob abit hard to chart my O hor...maybe gota try few more mths.

July, I sent u an email on the preseed postage, do let me know whether u wana go ahead with the orders. Thx!

ohhh girls palcenta CANNOT save life.. the one that ppl store is cord blood hehe... placenta is more for ehh beauty... LOL.. i was tinking if I dare eat my own anot.. ..still tinking hee

Yeah...I tot it was strange tt placenta can save life. It contains collagen, tts why can eat for beauty rite?

How is ur blackforest cake, Anna?

The banana cake recipe tt dracula cutie gave was more den superb. Everybody was full of praises for it.

Its raining so heavily...tinking if I bathe for my doggy, would he catch a cold...Hehehe...

jan ya it hav collagen an dmany other 'nutrients' haha.. so u game to try? the article today says that this few lab ladies started a biz on drying n make the placenta for individuals into pills... 200 plus.. dunno if its really worth it anot.. scarli eat liao looks prettier but once stop all the wrinkles come haa..

my sponge in the making... cookin dinner at same time hee.. aft dinner i will do the filling.. guess tomolo then decor

Gd evening gals... jus came back from my IL house...

haha May,

ya i tink i mix up i am toking abt the cord blood bank:p

now watchin the closing v grand as well:p


wahahah ya la hope get to treat Cutie this time round (winkwink at Cutie)

i am going to be v hardworking this time round have started BD yesterday CD9 lol~

No, Anna dun wan....yucks!

Finished bathing for my dog and drying his fur 80%...rest 20% let wind blow...beri tired. Had to 'bribe' him using rawhide bone with filling inside type...He ate 2 somemore.

Cheesecake finished making the crust. Now waiting for cream cheese and butter to melt abit more before beating.

July, would let u koe the cost later...coz gota wait for credit card bill ma.

For collagen, babies have alot...tt is why their skin is so soft and smooth. As we get older, we have lesser and lesser collagen.

I super lazy...have not started BD yet for tis cycle...today CD7 liao...maybe 2nite would see whether would BD or not. Last nite my dh wanted, at 3am in the morn...I told him I am dead tired, dun wan liao...had to wake up at 7am to take BBT and 8am to wake up to prepare my garlic bread and stuff.


3am? wah ur HB so onz ah... i BD yesterday but dry n it painful till now still abit pain :x keke.. u CD7 onli still can lax a bit but must buck on soon leh u goin for odd or even day this cycle?

I oso duno I shld take odd or even leh....Tis mth my first time take BBT. So I oso duno when I ovulate.

But now temp gtg up, would it go up all the way till O?

He alw like tt one, 2 3am come disturb me from my beauty sleep. Usu I would tell him I super tired, unless I oso wan. Hehehe....

When shld I start testing with OPK? My cycle is 29 days.


be4 O our temp will be ard the same with +/- 0.1-0.2deg only after O our temp will raise.

if u scare u might O early like cutie u can start testing from CD8 but depends on u la cos u know ur body best...


On Sat was 35.57, today 35.88...counted? But no discharge yet, tink quite beri dry like drought. When O got discharge, sticky like egg white type rite?

