(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

i have got some lasagne sheets so use it to replace lor. yeah i still can't believe i have totally forgotten abt it. maybe its a sign of old age..


july, u wana share those tests? mite tink of getting to try leh...the women's one itself is 1.99 pounds, postage is 2.4 pounds, additional item is 0.9 pounds. 2 sets in 1 package.

Male SA is 13.99 + 3 pounds for postage. 2 sets in 1 package.

Set is 19.99 for both + 4 pounds postage, 2 sets of each.

So its cheaper to get the set separately.

i m thinking of checking on my tubes first. gynae checked everything except the tube test. so that shd be my next thing to do.

Female Fertility Test

As you are probably aware a woman's fertility starts to decline after she gets to 30 but what you probably did not know is that the hormone F.S.H. (follicle stimulating hormone) is intimately involved with a woman's fertility and rising levels tend to be associated with reduced fertility. F.S.H. is the hormone that maintains the regular function of your ovaries and sex hormones. It is a useful aid to assessing your fertility.

This test is especially useful for women with irregular cycles and women aged 30 or over. 2 tests are included and if both test results are positive it is an indicator of reduced fertility.

What does the test involve?

This test is suitable for you to do at home and measures the levels of F.S.H. in a sample of your urine (includes 2 tests).

Why do I need this test?

The hormone F.S.H. can be raised in women with irregular periods and will steadily rise as a woman gets older. As menopause approaches the levels get particularly high and act as an early warning system. With this test a negative result is going to be good news although it is not proof of fertility. A positive test result suggests your fertility is reduced and we recommend that you see your doctor to discuss the results and perhaps have more tests done.

Tink clinics oso use similar tests? Anybody had such tests done, care to comment?

When do you use the Test ?

The first morning urine is recommended because it contains the highest levels of F.S.H. Testing at any other time of the day may give false negative test results.

how do check on tubes? scan izzit?

tt time I din do detailed check, someting tt over AF finishes, Day 3 muz go back one...wats tt test huh?

yeah male one is to test SA...I mite consider getting...coz hor, test SA quite ma fun, muz bring down to Pargoon within a short time...

i think the tube one is some like pump some liquid and see whther tube block. i think the come after af reported shd be the scan, to check for cyst etc.

oh tts HSC, considered as day surgery...

hmmm...but tt time hor, I had pap smear, blood test and an ultrasound check liao. I had to drink so much water + lemon tea to check whether got anyting inside...

but they advise to use 2 tests to confirm fertility. so i think better use the 2 tests. if i m getting, it will be the male. but i don't know whether dh will want to use.

yeah gota use both tests...wat I mean is share, get together, to save on postage.

Maybe u check, let me know later...can send me a PM.

I purchased the HPT and OPK liao but have not made payment yet.

yep i did wat u have done only. the drink lots of water is for ultrasound, scan to check for cyst etc. i havent checked tubes.

oh so we r the same....hehehe...

hmmm...checking for tubes sound abit ma fun to mi, maybe I would try the woman fertility first...

anyway i juz started on new job so not tt nice if I get preggie now....somemore preggy women tend to have poor memory...later I cun even absord wat I learnt...den pang san liao.

Hmmm...I still got like 11 tubes of preseed left.

Tink I would email the seller, ask if we get preseed and those fertility tests, how would postage be charged....tink shld be slightly cheaper.

haha! wah u very good to ur employers. somehow i jus feel the problem lies with me lor, so i think i dont need the female test. the male one i got to ask dh. he busy snoring now. when must u pay them?

July, no lah...pai seh leh...pple surely gossip one...like I koe pple who straightaway get preggie when they joined...like 1-2 mths later, pple tot they got preggie before they started. So not so nice lor.

Maybe after I catch the roles liao...get preggy at least dun feel too stressed oso ma.

Everytime I change jobs, I got tis fear of getting preggy...when I go for medical tests, I scared later preggy how.

No change job, not scared...coz tings r alw unexpected ma.

yep i know wat u mean. if i goin to change job, i will stop ttc-ing altogether. cos sometimes also need to go for health checks and xray for new jobs. so right now the only job i can change to is stay-at-home-maid lor..

u can take this time to ensure ur body in tip top condition.

hmmm...july, cheaper to get the preseed set with 25 ovulation strips...tink tt set costs 9.99 if I am not wrong. Can keep ma...hehehe...altho I have alr ordered 30 HPT strips for u in our 100 pcs order.

If u cun finish, can sell to frenz...now many pple all using these strips. Sg online sellers selling at $0.70 per pc...

yes, everytime I change jobs, I tell my womb...u dun try to be funnie, normal time ask u pop bb u dun pop...now u beta dun pop hor? Beri funny one.

Yeah so now I build up my body first. Been too stressed for past few yrs, tts why so hard to conceive.

My prev prev job I worked till 9pm nearly everyday, 5 days per week...so maybe cun conceive lor. My dh worse, he works like 14-16 hrs per day. Now we both changed jobs beta liao...juz tt we got diff timings. I work normal hrs, he works afternoon shift.

yeah i guess i will take with the 25 ovulation strips. maybe can just test test. so 2 sets of these. then i let u now tmor whether i m taking the male test.

yeah since it costs like 0.1 pounds each, no harm taking ma...hehehe...0.1 pounds = 30 cents? cheap cheap, can test for fun....

Okie, u drop me a PM 2molo.

huh so stressful for u! so its good to move on to a less stressful job. take time to enjoy a bit of life too. i waited too long to start trying for babies. i didnt know will take so long just to conceive. if i have known, i will do it immediately already! though there were other factors to hold me off too.

how long have u married?

last yr I told dh tt we shld start trying, he told mi dun need lah...once start, straightaway would get one...1 yr later, not even an egg shell lor. I mentioned to him some pple tried many yrs still cun have, its not as easy as he tinks....

So now muz be more hardworking, build up my health first...take BBT, use OPK too. Hehehe...

yeah ur PM works liao.

i zzz liao...becoming big fat panada liao...nitez...u oso beta sleep. tink nobody else here except 2 of us.

me.. 2 years plus already. so i shd have started once married! yeah guys always like that one. my dh always think the coming round will be successful cos he says BD so many times sure will strike.

good morning

looks like i'm the earliest today again!

overslept today, so took bbt 1 hour later... 36.64. not bad la. =)

talking abt facebook, i only have sashamama's contact... anyone can help me with this? thanks

sian... think my AF is coming already. Last night started spotting and today the temp has dropped to 36.71. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I think this month no hope already.

May, thanks for typing out the info…

O dear, I just went thru Dr Tan’s medi and the an tai yao contains ba ji tian & yin yang huo – same as yin yang? The yon yang huo is only 0.5g bt the ba ji tian is 3.0g leh…Omg, dunno shd take the an tai yao in future or not?

Other than tt, we are adhering leh…

Wisq, I do take cucumbers too while hving AF, bt I dun notice blood clots leh…Jialatz, I love cucumbers lo..

Ya ladies, pls try not to drink too much milo...milk and horlicks is better...cos milo will affect the quality of our eggs...so is chocolates...

Hi Morning gals!!!

BBchole, hmm it depends. If you O on the day you tested +ve on OPK, then temp shld rise after that for 2 consecutive days.

Did you take BBT on CD14 and 15?

Hmm, if CD15 is the O then your temp shld rise for CD16, 17 and 18. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] You BD alternate days this cycle rite? Odd or even? Keke.

tingting, my bbt has maintain since CD12 at 36.2deg and today is CD15. I hv tested +ve OPK on CD14, hv not tested today though...

I did not BD alternate days tis cycle cos dh is sick...we BD as and when...bt we did BD during this fertile period la...

Then I so worried abt bbt not rising, had a dream tt the gynae told me i am not ovulating well cos no elevation in bbt...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

BBchole, but since you tested +ve on OPK...shld O leh. Hmm, do you have prob O last time? Maybe you want to go see your gynae for a check if you are worried? Hmm, bbt maintain ah....by right BBt shld dip on the day of O leh. But then nvm...u never know one leh as long as you BD on fertile period means got chance! Dont worry too much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


tingting, I am unable to detect +ve on OPks for the last 2 cycles, always get faint lines...bt I did do a scan on the 1st cycle and there is an egg inside, bt not sure whether it is released...bt both the gynae and chinese doc insist tt it will be released...according to my bbt, I did O bt hormones not high enuff to detect +ve on OPK...This cycle is something different, able to detect O, bt bbt hv not elevated...argh!

