(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

Jan, oic...

Wah... you all making me hungry... all the talk about food. Too bad no excuse to eat so late yet. Must work hard on BD then have excuse to send hb to buy food in the middle of the nite too! Hiak hiak....


i v scare i willc rave for food when i preggy leh.. when i not preggy and crave its v bad liao.. if preggy i cant imagine....

my mums ay when she preg w mi ishe crave for penang laksa and rojak... w/o the daily dose... she will sniff sniff here n thr like drug addict.. v bad.. my dad bo boian at nite must go buy for her haha.. mayb tat y i also like this 2 dishes now haha

Wisq, u r funnie alot...

We got no car, so if wana buy food quite chiam lor.

Tt time my fren staying at Tgr Pagar got craving for Changi Village Nasi Lemak, they ended up taking taxi to and fro...costs a bomb. I asked her why dun eat other nasi lemak, her house nearby shld have some 24 hrs store...or can go Lau Par Sat wic opens till late. She said no, muz eat the Changi Village one. Hahaha...bo bian lor.

jan..HAHA the changi nasi lemak. my dh say i siao to q for it... he say the other stall taste as good.. and no need q why dun wan eat tat.. i also dunno y .. haaa

Jan, den how you travel to JB? We also no car but hb got kar to walk. He shall walk. Hiak hiak hiak... better dun let him see this post!

Yeah actually I oso dun tink the nasi lemak is as good as wat many pple tink...other stalls oso taste as nice and cheaper. I did recall the famous stall more ex rite?

Wisq....yes, u had beta dun let dh see tis post...later he ba gong.

We take bus to Jb...fr Bugis, the Singapore Johore Express S$2.50 to go, RM$2.50 to come back. Den fr Bugis either take bus or taxi back, depending on how much tings we buy. Even if nez time we got car, I dun tink dh wan drive tt...he is cowardedly alot.

For me, I even dare to go in myself. But I dun wear any jewellery, den I would wear bermudas, carry a backpack and wear sandals....Beri casual, not flashy. Alw on the lookout for strangers loitering near me.

When I go JB, I can even take bus to Pelangi Mall, Carrefour, Jusco etc....

Oh... din know got this bus from Bugis. Next time wanna go then qing jiao from you the details. So far hb refused to bring me go JB. He hiam ma fan... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

If he ba gong then I complain to top mgt. Keke...

ok jandew, let me know the bill when it comes. i was watchin army daze on arts central. quite funny.. wah i m hungry too! lucky my cheesecake all gone already! can bake devils food cake tomor.

who is top mgt?

Can, if u need more info...feel free to ask mi.

My dh oso dun really like to go JB, if I got with him on weekend usu Sun, we would go City Square onli...There got House of Sundaese...ard RM$70 for 2 pax...set meal consists of 1 snapperfish, kangkong, curry chicken n 2 rice...got desserts but their desserts super cannot make it.

Den we would go supermarket buy Yakult...costs RM3.98...same price as Sg, but in RM, so less den half the price lor. Their Gardenia bread oso cheap. RM$3.50 for Raisin Loaf.

Got Secret Recipe at basement, same level as supermarket. Their cakes oso cheap. Rm$5+ for one...

I like to go JB buy shoes, fr Summit. Compareable to URS. If shoes I can wear, u can safely buy, coz my feet super ma fun one...abit onli pain.

wisq, i m also thinking of rebonding now. wondering whgether to rebond or cut short. cos past shoulder rebond usu quite ex. unless its regardless of hair length.

devils cake is choc cake hor?

ur cheesecake so fast all gone? whose stomache did it all go into?

I baked 1 big cheesecake...my parents coming on Tues, so would let them bring some home. They like my cheesecake too. Hehehe....

Oh yeah, Wisq, I usu get my cookery books fr Popular in JB, coz less den half the price. Sg Popular selling S$10. Der is RM$14. I go there, come back a satisfed woman.

Their Levis used to be cheaper den Singapore. Now price increased liao. But sometimes if its on clearance they can be fairly cheap too.

Since all Dhs dun like to go, maybe we can organise an outing one of these w/e, we all go ourselves...hehehe...

I simply love JB, eat shop do hair....till happy happy come back! Hehehe...

Last time when I had weekday off, at least once a month, I would go Jb with my mum...at least its on Thurs, less crowded. Oso my parents stay at Admiralty, so gtg JB is even nearer den gtg Orchard or City Hall shopping.

yep devils food cake is choc cake. i want to finish my buttermilk before it expires. hehe.. cheesecake is with my mother now. i have no problem with baking just problem with finding people to eat. else i will become super overweight in no time..

yeah maybe if enugh pple wanna go JB. at least we can shop and shop and they wont complain abt shopping. i have not gone there for a long time already, dont know wats good.

Juz I find the lemon grind abit bitter, wonder whether can dun add tt....muz ask Cutie...

Or cut into super tiny pcs...

Jan, top mgt is my ILs lor. Hehe...

July, after rebonding easier to get past shoulder length. My hair super messy so I no choice unless I tied up every day. Which I don't like... mine cost $120...

Wah... I think of the secret recipe there super drool. Very worth it. Must tempt hb to go there for the lamb stew!

Maybe coz I din use grater, I juz used kitchen scissors to cut the lemon...tts y ended up with big pcs...Lazy mi.

Shoulder length hair or shorter beri hard to maintain. Tt time I oso wanted to cut, but my hairdresser told mi I am not suitable...Coz he knows I am the lazy type. Ask mi every mth go JB cut hair, cannot lar...Min once in 3 mths onli. Somemore I dun like my hair to be messy. Tt time I permed my hair, every morn muz fuss over it for 10 mins before gtg to work nearly drove up up the wall.

My hair tends to have natural curls, so short hair may curl here curl there....I dun like.

ladies, i gonna sleep leh. feeling tired, i think the af drain away my blood and cause me to feel tired. too bad i hate liver!

Choc banana cake sounds nice, u got any nice recipe...I am sure my dh would like tis.

Today pple ask him whether I often bake new tings ask him be my guinea pig...he said no, I bring to church. If not I can bring to office...Hahaha....

Jul, if you want better make sure you're not preggy. That's why I rushed to do it since its CD4 for me know. Then 2ww i will guai guai wait.

bye July...afternoon I took nap for more den 2 hrs, still wide awake now.

Yeah Af would cause u to feel weak...

yeah i usu peeler before, ended up big pieces, dun like when i bite into it. so i try grater.

i m not so hardworking to wake ansd do hair too..

Hahaha...yeah tt time I waited for my AF to report once, den I go colour my hair...

I rebonded earlier tink in April or May...den hair still so messy. Now tidier abit...

goodnight ladies...

whole day so tired...dun know why also..just sleep and sleep... i think i'm going to sleep again now.... super duper tired....

jandew, next time must go [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/1662107.gif] witgh u liaoz...hehe...and so glad the banana cake turn out good...next time we set up online bakery lah... onz bo???

just now boiled luo han guo for hubby and mummy... cos they both coughing their lungs out ..lieterally... and i can't resist luo han guo...hehe... although i know its liang..so i drank i cup... kind of regret it now...cos now feeling cramps...which is unusual cos now i only dpo4, cd13... so can't be preggy... oh...my bbt temp since I o on cd9, from 35.55 ...jump to today 36.46... jump super fast leh...neve happened before...

anyway, i think i'm going to koon again... most prob will try to sneak in a chat or 2 tomorrow... nite nite ladies...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/1662108.gif]

Cutie, ur grocery icon beri cute leh...I feel like setting up online bakery, but I am slow coach in baking cakes leh...Bake 1 item can take 1 afternoon, how to mass produce? Maybe 1 day take max 2 orders onli...hehehe...

I cun take luo han guo, coz last time my mum boiled with chry for me...ended mi with feng mo for like 4 days....Its the worse episode of feng mo ever. They start like mossie bites early in the morn, then hor, by noontime, become bigger and bigger...by nite time I become Sun Mu Kong liao...scratch non-stop alr. My mum applied wine/liquor for me.

After tt, I run away fast fast when I see luo han guo. Sometimes when I go medical shop buy those herbal tea, I would ask got luo han guo. If got, I wun buy liao.

Maybe u preggy liao? U BD on Mon rite, quite near to ur O hor?

Morning Sun...

i super early today.. readin all the online post yesterday..

so u gals like to go JB huh everytime i go sure go taman Sentosa eat yum cha dim sum v cheap n nice:p i got car but usu park outside at woodland central n take cab when i reach JB... unless i wan buy many things den drive cos the traffic scary...


u rebonded ur hair huh.. i also rebonded my hair last mth:p cant stand messy hair also...

Morning Ladies..

me in dilemma leh. Last night planned tue and wed take leave to rest at home. Thurs and Fri take MC cos thurs seeing doc.

But just now over breakfast, realised that some of my colleagues are sick and still come work. I am like very guilty to take leave. How ah?


well... u cant compared ur conditions with others mah... if u feel tt u need more rest to make ur bb stable jus go ahead lor.. unless u feel better now den jus take leave on Thurs n Fri ?


I think Qinyi supposed to test today right?


I scared pple will say I take so long leave. Actually I still feel very tired and nausea is killing me. Feel like lying on bed. But dunno how to open mouth to tell my boss.

may: does your boss know you are pregnant? If she's female, she should understand as well right. I still feel it's better for you to rest till you better.


nothing is more impt than ur bb n urself if u feel so unwell i dun tink ur boss wan u to struggle in office... dun bother wat others say lor let them say all they wan.... or if u feel better on which ever day try to go back to work lor but dun be too hard on urself...


i tink Qinyi might stand a gd chance:p

Good morning!

Piggy, yar I couldn't stand my messy hair anymore. I stayed off chemical jobs for almost two years to rest my scalp. Yday finally went to rebond again. Yay!

Now waiting anxiously for Qinyi to report in. Hehe...


ya lor.. it takes me quite a while to cut off my perm hair n the colour hair lucky my aunt owns a salon so i save quite a fair bit in rebonding,colouring etc...

ya paging for Qinyi...


My boss is a male and he knows abt my condition of spotting. But am worry that pple might think I am taking his advantage by taking so many leave.


think I will try to survive first.. see these two days still have spotting or not. I just went merlion again. MS coming in already. Urgh..


u can nv stop wat others think or say there r jus so many boliao pp ard even u come to work they might say ur face so black might as well dun come etc... so if u feel so miserable i rather u go home rest...den listen to those pp nonsense:p

May, I also agree if you feel unwell just ask to rest at home. For you its different from those who are sick cos there are two of you, May and little peanut.

