(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

the top 4 for pingpong is out n Li Jia wei is in it.... but the rest is CHina n she is going to play with the world no. 1 tml morning i doubt she will win ~


bbpotato, July and I oso wana order HPT...din koe u closed the order so quickly [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. Can PM the webby tt u buy fr? Thx!

Last nite my hubby said the snowskin mooncakes I made skin is too soft. Hmmm...too soft no good meh, I tot soft nicer meh...Hard hard nice? *Scratches head*

Tues I brought some muffins to office for my colls to eat. Den some of them fr another dept find it too wet, so my coll put them back into fridge. Yesterday forgot to eat. They onli rem when I reminded them. Tis morn, they ate and said beri nice. Moisiter den outside ones.

I said of coz lah, I put alot of bananas, milk and butter leh. Outside wat they sell is dry hard muffins so everybody too used to those liao.

Hi everyone,

I am back from the checkup. Little peanut is as usual very naughty. Doc scan tummy cannot find again. I was so worried. Then he did a vaginal scan, found little peanut hiding at the corner. Measure and it is 0.48cm now. Last checkup was sat and only 5 days it had grown more than double. In order to make the pregnancy more stable, doc gave me an AN TAI jab on my thigh. My dosage for AN TAI YAO is now doubled. Although still worried, but was glad that little peanut is still inside with strong heartbeat.

Oh ya..now it is 6 wks 3 days... EDD is 13 April 2009. I will upload the latest scan when I am free. Need to be on bed rest for tmr as well.

Anybody wana share? *Calling July*

Total of 100 OPK/ HPT

1) jandew - 30 HPT(high sensitivity)

May, good to hear that. just rest well and eat well! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

May, tink it shld be a boi tis time round coz bois are beri playful & notti as usu.

He has grown alot leh...u on MC 2molo?

jandew me here. got spotting just now looks like af coming soon. expected but still disapoointed. gonna order more hpt!

Anybody wana share?

Total of 100 OPK/ HPT

1) jandew - 30 HPT(high sensitivity)

2) July - 30 HPT(high sensitivity)

Anybody else wana share? Can take OPK or HPT as well.

Me bringing my precious down for a walk. Chat later.

So happy TGIF.

really...wow lau, like tt oso can....cun believe it.

Anna, Cutie...we beta bash our heads agst the walls now....

May, congrats! Happy for you !!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Piggy, yah lor I am so shock...but then happy too coz I have some frens due to deliver before yr end [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya lor but dunno izzit the petition la the news jus say many expected mother angry blah blah which makes the gov bring forward the effective date...


ya la i got few friend due in Dec i tink they be happi but i tink this would spoilt the market la lol~~~


maybe u can try to write in to claim for those OPK HPT liao lol~

Piggy, I guess govm just wants to make the mothers happy....although I must admit I thought the earliest they would push forward would be 1st Sep.


well who knows got mTB threaten to abort the bb? jus joking la... i am surprise as well i tot gov would consider n calculate the cost be4 they agree to it but who knows in only few day time....

i see chinese news at 9pm dun have....think maybe only at CNN...

tomolo think Li Jia Wei hard fight le, meet no. 1 china zhang yin ning....

Yes, lets write in lah...we need to claim for OPT, HPT, BFW, Dr Tan's fees...wat else? Oh yeah preseed too. Anyting I missed out?

Anna, Cutie and I decided that we wana sign a petition ask govt co-sponsor stuff like OPK, HPT, BFW, Dr Tan fees, preseed...wat else did we miss up.

Can set up a petition and ask govt to co-pay all these with us? Maybe cap at $100 per mth or someting? With official receipt can claim.



our time...we got to bill the garment out time when we wake up to take bbt... oh yes..bbt themometer...and the plastic cover for the themometer...it's not cheap..the omron one... the plastic to cover the themometer cost $8 for 100 pcs... so we got to claim that too..

wah lau...i see the new i want to bang head against wall... kao... just cos of some petition.... wah lau...we all go on strike lah...we dun want to ttc anymore for bb...

Yes, we go on strike...since no subsidy no bb. Yeah, lets all go on strike. See whose voice louder!

but we all soon-to-be MTBs also powerful mah... they see us no up ah...cannot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/1656009.gif] really hor... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/1656010.gif]

actually the gahmen shld concentrate on those like us, who need help...be it mentally, emotionally or monetarily for having children.

All those women alr have children, whether got or no subsidy, does not make any diff to the birth rate.

Tell u, GST surely go up again.

hello everyone...

im new here... have been ttc for a while

today, doc just prescribe my 1st dose of clomid..

he mentioned there are no side effect except for higher chance of conceiving twins...

any of u took clomid before? any side effect after taking?

Yes, we r the up & coming generation leh...those mtbs r alr cooked egg, no diff liao...its we who can increase the population.

oval, side effect of taking clomid is uterus lining would be thinned. Y ur gynae prescribe for u?

cos i got irregular menstrual cycle and have been ttc for a while... so he suggested taking to help me ovulate.. he did a scan on my womb too...

