(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

I AM ANGRY.... PISSED OFF... what more do other MTBs or already mother wants ah??? already backdate till 17th aug...still got some want to back date until 1st aug...wah lau... then if backdate until1st then the july mothers will cow mother cow father...

why can't thye just be happy that they are going to be parents ah??? KAO!!! really ah... siber t*****g leh...


oh..hihi oval.... *ahem* ai ya..so paisey...lose my temper in front of a new person..ai yo...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/1656024.gif]

Yes, some pple even say backdate to 1.1.08. How abt backdate to 1965, the yr Sg became independent?

Our parents oso contributed to Sg's birth rate, pay them $ lah...

Anna, quick quick come in...we need u to raise a petition for us, to ask gahman to subsidise our TTC costs...not cheap too leh...

now that they have backdated, everyone else wnat to try their luck already. sometimes i wonder whther baby is important to them or money. maybe they all strike on first attempt or at most 2nd or 3rd. hence they wont know how it feels to keep tryin and trying and trying. and when we finally get preggy, nothing can be compared to our babies than watever bonus we may get

i would be estatic if i can have my own child... now im not thinking of any other bonuses that comes with it...

hmm... maybe the fertilty aid will be useful for my case..but it consultation has to be in public hospital...

Yeah lor....BB is the most impt ting leh, not the subsidy. Why dun they take the $, give us the bb den? Since $ is most impt to them? They treat themselves as milk cows? Bb is a living ting, not a commodity leh...

We tried till pengz cun get, they super lucky get preggie...but yet ask for tis ask for tt.

I tink more help shld be giving to TTC couples, like perhaps gynae subsidy for ttc...every mth see gynae oso not cheap leh.

Anna, since u r staying at home...nez time when got bb, is SAHM, we set up a petition for SAHM + TTC ladies like us...we r the neglected group leh.

SAHM got no contribution, no monetary incentives since they r on 1 income onli?

sorry bbpotato just saw your msg, i dun mind the additional 5 opk, or 10.. let me know.

hi jandew. haha more petitions ah.

Now Anna n I discussing abt tt petition.

Bunnz, we r short of 40 opk/ hpt...maybe now too late, nobody here...to make up the numbers.

we r trying to ask for subsidy for gynae fees, to scan eggs every mth to know whether we have ovulated.

okie...but anna saying not much hope, gahmen makes policies take beri long one...maybe now they consider & discuss, nez yr rally den take place. By then maybe too late for us liao.

ok...this cutie is cool kitty now...i bcbgbh..... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/1656125.gif]

anyway, back to O .... yesterday was left side pain and tested +ve.... today right side also have similar pain... dun tell me i O 2 eggs this mth wor.... cos i just gone on strike from ttc-ing...muhahaha...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/1656126.gif]

ok now ladies.. im pissed too with the result if what the petition wants come true...

and then there are greedy mummies... its ridiculous I must say

first of all... for watever we are petitioning, we must think bout if the stuff we want.. is it already in part of the policy OR no?

if its somethg new.. be prepare our req get thrown back.. after all new policy come sout annualy. and it means we jus had a new policy, the nxt one will b out in aug 2009 Rally. Thats hw to govt work. they will not jus put in sth new immediately unless its 'deadly' like illness, diseases n etc... esp thg like subsidies.. its not easy to make them implement on it immediately.. be prepare even if they willing to accept.. they prob will onli monitor situation now.. and decide later.. who knows it will be 2010 or later that they implement..

asking for stuff like subsidies OPK n etc is probably a little tough..such thg seems too 'cheap' to the govt.. if u notice.. they oni willing to subsidies IVF but not IUI.. cos to them IUI is cheap..whats more an OPK.. the amt for 1 IUI.. can buy a few hundred OPK n crush us all lor... such tactic ..govt wun buldge one... we can high light to them about all our usage n etc.. and req for a minimal thg to subsidse for instance scanning every mth to monitor eggs.. again... personaly I feel.. if they willing to do that..then IUI is not a prob..

we need a proper letter to suggest to the ministry on these. if we lump everythg in the whole letter and ask for everythg.. we r not different fr those greedy singaporean.

we must approach the govt with real reason n facts...

im still fuming bout those greedy singaporean!!!!


i totally agree with u... thot about it in the shower...and yup..not going to degrade myself...and downgrade myself to become like those greedy singaporeans....nope...

govt giv in bcos they are at desperate end to get the birth rate up... spore govt got $.. to them the extra few hundred bby bonues given out is nothg hahahaaa... so we must find a way to make sure we r fairly treated


ur tummy must [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/1656162.gif]..especially after i threaten it... i guess, there's no way to really give everyone a fair treatment... cos u give pple 1 inch, they want 1 foot...

ya .. no way to get fair treatment haha..

jan u r right is our money... haa... well well.. haiz... hate it when the money goes the wrong way lor..

jus imagine hw many ppl desperate for kids but cant even afford IUI.....

cutie.. i stress leh when u say my egg must hatch.. u know today i feel sooo unwell tat i dunnow ats wrong w mi... then i was saying tummy not well.. i tot it will go away.. who knows aftnoon i LS... LS 3 times.. then i dun dare eat laksa as I originaly plan for tea break...

now i feelin warm.. i tempted to go test haaa...

at least 1 k if i rem some of the ladies say

seriously... why cant they giv incentive for ppl who volunter to go for IUI n IVF.. jus like incentive like bb bonus foor ppl who giv birth... even if eventualy i still faill all my IUI n IVF.. I shld still be rewarded for trying? hahaha... reward for going thru the trauma n pain


i think u strike liaoz...especially for a skinny like bamboo, cold blooded person.... it's very weird to feel warm lor...hehe...

go test lor... but just be mentally prepared to have [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/cgi-bin/forumboard/board-post.cgi?action=posting_upload_form&what=show&img=1656195] cos not enough hormones yet...but still...must treat urself like preggie lor...

IUI itself costs ard $350 but if incl all the scans/consultations/follow-ups etc, easily $1k..not forgetting need to check if tubes blocked a not(if not checked before)

hope u are better now anna

perhaps wait till the weekend then check..

i think it's different when govt offers and when people ask for it though it's not totally wrong of sporeans to ask for it but it just doesn't feel right somehow...

ya cutie tat y i dun dare.. tomolo morn see how haha.. now i take temp b4 i sleep p.. my temp is higher than normal days...

all we can do now is suggest suggest n suggest... hehe... start off w writing to ST 1st... if St refuse to publish the letter.. we write to ministry...

now everyth giv in a state of confusion.. such new req fr us will not get into their attention as they r sorting out the current stuff...

I want 101% of their attention!!!

Cutie, yeah I love crabs...juz went to eat on Sat....Dh said wan eat buffet I said dun wan, I wana eat seafood...hehehe...

Yeah Pigeon thermometer not everywhere got, I went John Little Marina Square today...happened to walk to tt section, dun have lor....

