(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

hi ladies

today's friday, but i'm feeling depressed. dunno why. HB didn't want to BD yesterday. No mood he says, and very mechanical since we TTC.

maybe it's just a bad day for him. work not smooth too, very upset... sigh

today CD 22, OPK still no positive (faint line only). BBT rose a bit to 36.26. see if it increase tomorrow...



if u BD the day b4, then is ok la... BD alt day more than enough even tot u not yet O... mayb 2nite yr hb's mood will be better coz wkend ma... =)

Morning Sun and Piggy!

Haiz me sian 1/2. Today DPO16 so i took BBT tml just to see got chance anot. Hmm, temp 36.58...think no hope liao and i just saw some pinky discharge. Hope AF faster come lah...coz Sep my hb going for a 1 week course. If I O then, wow liao then gotta wait another mth. Damn sian. Anyway, will try to stay +ve new cycle = new hope!!!!


dun be too dependent on OPK strip cos ur hormone might not be high enough jus relax n BD:p


maybe u like Qinyi implantation drop / spotting?

dun worry so much if AF report gave ur self a break lor:p

PIggy, dont think so leh. Actually I have a strong hunch that my AF reporting soon. Dont know why. Hmm, must admit was disappointed lah coz 1st mth on clomid, BD on alternate days and use preseed. Like did watever I can already. You know hor, even my hb seems abit disappointed when I told him this morn my temp is low and AF shld come soon. He even joke and ask me....is it the aircon too strong? Haha....

But well, no choice rite...just gotta continue and try. Hmm, there goes my May bb.....haha.

i believe it's fate sometimes... the fated baby haven't come only... i also very sad... today specially sad. =( my AF only come 3 times this yr...


ya understand sometime our 6th sense is telling us something we dun expect will feel v disappointing... but wat to do...i believe BB will sure come but maybe not this mth foro u:p

Gals, whahahah i wonder if the netizer refer to us who find those MTB too much lol~

Aug 22, 2008

Just when she was getting grumpy

By Aaron Low

WE HUSBANDS know better than to cross our wives, especially when they are carrying our offspring.

Woe betide the man who thinks he can get away by ignoring his wife's hints at wanting to eat chilli crab at 2am. Nope, you just do it.

It was with the same dread I felt when my wife found out that the Enhanced Marriage and Parenthood Package announced by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong would not apply to our baby but mostly only to children born from Jan 1 next year.

'Many pregnant women will be upset,' she said simply, eyes flashing.

For a brief moment, I felt a pang of sympathy for the Government, for what was about to come.

Indeed, just hours after the bad news broke, she told me that many of the women who participate in the online forums she reads had been threatening to march to their MPs, bellies and all, to demand answers.

Some even wanted to go to the media with their grouses. Many did, however, sign an online petition to ask PM Lee to reconsider the Government's position.

Think hundreds of pregnant women marching to Parliament holding milk bottles and nappies while pushing strollers with husbands in tow, my wife said.

Some netizens online had chided these mothers for asking for so much. It was not as if they were the target of the Government's policies, they had reasoned.

So why should mothers who are already pregnant feel hard done by?

As a young and first-time parent, I can perhaps understand why so many were upset with the decision.

Being young parents is not easy. We have to deal with financial uncertainties, give up our current lifestyles and even face raised eyebrows from our peers, some of whom think we are too young to be parents.

But while the extra financial help will be handy, the additional month of maternity leave is a godsend.

To watch our baby's small toes and fine hair grow, observe how her personality develops and see her gradually respond to us as parents is invaluable.

Having been told that we will get all this had lifted our spirits. Then to be told the following day that we were not eligible for the package because someone had decided it was only for babies born from a certain date onwards - that was crushing.

So, last night, when I heard that the Government had reconsidered its position and would bring forward the eligibility date for the enhanced package from Jan 1 next year to Aug 17 this year, I was both overjoyed and relieved.

Overjoyed because my baby would have her mother around for longer. Relieved because at least for tonight, I would not have to face a grumpy wife.

Piggy, yah lor...must try and stay +ve [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] At least can share with you all here...say out hor feel better [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hee Piggy, cannot go exercise leh. Coz AF come go gym very ma fan and uncomfty. Then hor AF finish, must BD alternate days.....no time to go gym!!!! Haha. Nvm I treat BD as a form of exercising!!!! :p

Morning Ladies,

As promised, here's the pic of my little naughty peanut. I already had conspiracy with my gal last night, we will smack little peanut buttock when it comes out next year.

(Little peanut is resting in between the two Blue lines) - 0.48cm now


Hi tingting,

Ya. I feel dry lor. I heard taking primose oil can help to increase the cervical mucus. Anyone heard that before. I bought it at nature farms and was told to take max 3 capsules per day. per capsule 1000mg.

Any idea take every day?

Piggy, my hb not in on 2nd week of Sep. Hopefully I O earlier just before he flew you see. So hor, hope AF faster come dont play with me haha.

Jennifer, you can use preseed so that you wont be so dry.

Jennifer, actually its up to you. Buy my gynae prescribe me preseed coz it helps the sperms to swim up and especially good if the gal has infection. Coz sometimes we have infection but we dont know one.....and infection may kill the sperm when they are trying to move up.


i took EPO be4 but i dun tink i got a lot of EWCM cos all along i will have EWCM but if u took EPO after O cannot take...


den have a gd rest wor..


icic... hope u can make it in time for a MAy bb:p

Jennifer, I cant rem how much leh. But you can get it from some specific Guardian, like Citylink, Centrepoint or AMK. Heard that the gals bought it at $30+? When are you going to your gynae again? Are you waiting for O or 2WW?

Piggy, thanks but I think not in time leh. If i conceive the last cycle would be early May so hor if this coming cycle should be early June....anyway can strike very happy liao haha.

HL, yah very high leh which is quite unusual since you are only at CD3?

tingting: i'm waiting for 2WW (now CD 27) expected AF on 26Jul. I just called my gynac and he ask me not to take the EPO first leh cos it suppose to regulate the menses. Hmm...the nature farm staff anyhow say?


ya lor can strike will be happi liao:p


u can get Pre-seed from IMM n westmall guardian as well w/o promotion it cost $39+.. we bought during promotion at $32+ but u can get from the UK OPK website cheaper..

I sleep thru out.

yesterday lower 36.4. Today becomes 36.7. Everytime I breathe with thermometer inside, it goes up 0.1 till 36.7...

like tht after O i shld get 36.9 and abv liao...wah....

Jennifer, then hor you better listen to gynae. You mean you expect your AF to report on 26 AUg? Hmm jia you yah...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Piggy, yah lor...hope we can strike next month haha! Hey how much is the preseed from teh UK OPK website? I think hor I need another box soon....:p


u see, nothing to worry abt right? Just rest and rest. YOur gal is so 'wo xin'. I hope to have a gal like her. U're so blessed. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ai yah, why so upset over those MTBs? It's only normal for them to react that way coz they just narrowly missed the benefits. It's esp so for those whose EDDs are in Dec. Actually when the govt announced this, they should have predicted this prob, coz in the 2004 announcement, the same thing happened until they had to backdate it to 1 Aug. Maybe it's their strategy so that if they backdate, just need to be from 17 Aug during the rally announcement whereas the 'start from immediate effect' announcement in 2004 saw them having to backdate all the way from 1 Aug. So no matter which date u start, preg women who just missed it will be unhappy lor. So in effect, the govt saved money for 1-16 Aug babies by making this big hooha and yet appearing generous. Smart strategy right? Hehehe.

Tingting,I rem tt time when I c gynae 4 pre pregancy checkup, i was infm my cells too many,like slight infection. Given antibotes. Mayb I shld use preseed too?


EPO is suppose to regulate menses n ease ur menses cramp if u ttc dun take during 2WW... as for EWCM like wat i say above i dun feel any big diff although i have EWCM but the Pre-seed assist the sperm to reach the egg so i using pre-seed also used 2 tube last cycle din strike...

tingting: haha ya it's 26 aug...blur me...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

piggytoh: ya lor...now pray hard EPO doesn't affect me.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jandew, actually I feel that no harm using. Coz preseed will only help and not harm us in TTC so why not right? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I help ordered bunnz to order the opk, still got balance of 35 opk, u wanna take over?

My Order:

1) bbpotato (25 hpt + pre-seed)

2) wisq (25 opk, 5 hpt + preseed)

3) bunnz (30 opk)

4) angelkitty (30 opk)

