(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!


u start work at 8am too? hee hee

u no need to imagine lor... definitely will be tried during 1st trimester...

lucky 2 more days to wkend... wonder mayb can suggest govt to let us work 4 days rest 3 days in a wk... tat's sound gd right? hahaha



might as well give 6 mths or 1 yr maternity leave to MTB... even lagi BEST!!!

*i'm really day dreaming lor* LOLx

ya unlikely, but my hb told me Mr LKY is reviewing stg similar like swedish coz to increase our local birth rate... dun noe is true anot...

Let's put together a list for fun.. help government to improve birth rate.. hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/1580397.gif]

1) 6 mths Maternity Leave

2) 7 days Childcare Leave

3) Subsidy of $300 for Full Day Childcare (currently $150 only)

4) Waive off Maid Levy for kids under 7 yrs old


ya lor... by the time they implement dun noe i'm still can qualify anot... hahaha

0.5 hrs more to go....


we r so zun in posting lei!!! great mind tink alike!!! hahaha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/1580442.gif]


u didn't read yesterday's papers? They're going to announce the bb goodies next month, think will be national rally bah, so my prediction is correct. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


bye.. o u also 5.30 ah cos jus now 4pm u say another hr mah.. so i tot 8-5... so we same same la..


oops ya i din read the news yesterday keke..


if u still don't bd, you'll be too late already. In fact, u may even be too late already depending on your normal cycle days. So go bd, bd,bd.

Ladies, I going back. Chat with your again tomorrow. HAiz....need to look after my son so seldom gt the chance to log in night time. Byee......

Some of my frens who are already mummies are also saying that there will be some announcements this national day rally. Wonder will the goodies dished out make it more difficult for me to find another job. Hmm....

Wisq, we shall all pray for better bb goodies!

ar.. 7mins more liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi 5 Sun, =)

Great Minds think alike. We got telepathy. Hopefully I will be pregnant like u too, result out end of next week...baby baby baby.....

I also hope for 1 yr maternity leave or work fr home even better....but i think now give me extra 1 mth i already happy le...hopefully I get BFP v v soon....=p

Anyone know where is cheap to repair the bottom tip of the heels near West Side or somewhere along Tiong Bahru Plaza, Bukit Merah Central or near Vivo City?


BB bonus and benefits coming? So happy!!! Jia you to all the ladies here, we all gotta take adv of the goodies!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wisq, tingting, piggytoh

i've chk out at AMK guardian... they r selling preseed @ $35.95. they r place together with feminie wash & pads... very easy to identify...


there is 1 at jurong east entertainment there near cheers..... Boon Lay mrt there also got 1...

wow 4mth maternity shiok ah... keke..

Hi Ladies....I am back from my course...so tiring...and its raining tis morning...if I am going to work, I sure throw mc...since I hv not went on mc for soooo long...

Any more good news other than misscandy? The thread is going too fast and I hv a hard time catching up....

Today is my CD10 and I hv been BD alternate day since CD7. Not sure whether to use OPK tis cycle or not? Or shall I just BD alternate day? hmm...Mabbe I shd just BD alternate day and based on my bbt records!

Thanks piggytoh and sun....just wanna check normally OPK is tested on which part of the day? afternoon or Nite time? cos afternoon time not convenient for me cos in office, then nite time sometimes will go out late, so will miss it...so actually I wan to test also v difficult leh...

piggytoh, issit the first urine in the morning? And nite time is wat time huh?! Sorri huh, cos I really tinks tt OPKs is really troublesome...I hv not try to take it properly eva since Dr Tan ask me to do so...either I miss it or I test v late at nite which is not accurate to him.

