(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

heehee yep i usually will buy like 5 bundle them up in a ribbon and give to my frens whom are expecting ...

I will buy neutral colors


When is ur AF ah? Me abit sad.. temp dip today. 36.8 to 36.6. So I think no chance already bah. Quite disappointed cos last few days got symptoms then temp dip I sian 1/2. My AF going to due 25/07. Must get mentally prepared for the AF already.


hv a gd rest n take care... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/1579563.gif]

happy yr side is bright n sunny but my side still gloomy lei =(

mine supposed to be due sun( + - 1 day) if i calculate my o date correctly.

keep fingers crossed... else going back tcm

hi ladies..

i have not been a gal to continue taking my BBT, already nv take for 5 days since the start of AF.. tink i will start again aft AF finishes.

today CD5 and my AF is merely a drop or two brown spotting when i wipe with tissue. my pad totally clean, tink tonite i can declare my AF for this cycle finish liao, juz wait to O. tis is my first time having AF finishing in 5days. time to go my sis place n grab her OPK since she nv used any yet..

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/1579606.gif]tiny m!!!


taken yr lunch boi?

Anna, last time always at least 7days den will finish.

sun96, ya lor.. such a short cycle.. tink can dun even count today since the pad super clean. liddat oni 4 days of AF nia??!! nope, my period super irregular due to PCOS.. can 3-4mths den come lor.

bluberri.. dunw orry.. i tink its normal to hav about 5 days.. esp aft ur m/c..body take a bit of time to get bk to normal.. hehe

Hi Tiny M, welcome!

Sun, will try and BD alternate days keke...

Hey has anyone here use preseed before huh? I know Krissie use that but seldom see her these days leh keke.

wow the thread is progressing so so fast...

must be after lunch .. the speed of things doubled up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anna, i hope dat it goes back to normal soon.. but it would be best if it does come again for the next 9mths.. can't wait to O n TTC [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


din try b4 preseed... but read the instruction b4... suppose to be pump into V b4 BD if i'm not wrong...


i've a heavy lunch... fish noodle soup + durian... now my eyelid r so heavy... tink gg doze off soon Zzzz....

Sun, weekday lunch you also can manage to get hold of durian to eat? Keke... I'm also still craving for durian now since weekend ate a many seeds. Keke...

Tingting, I'm still hesitant about buying buying preseed to try because of how it is supposed to be used.

Anyone care to share? 6 individual packs in a box.

Thanks all for the welcome! Hope all had a good lunch! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bunnz, if really implantation, how long will the spotting be? If I base on my regular cycle calculation, my O should be on CD20. Should I continue to BD? I a bit scared when I see blood come out with the semen.. >.<

Sun, yah lor that's what the gynae told me too. Suppose to help the sperm to swim.

Wisq, I can tell you after my next TTC haha. Do you know where to get that? I dont see it selling leh....how long have you been TTC?


there's a fruit stall at the hawker market where i had my lunch w my koli... so my mgr went ordered 2 durians for us to eat lor...


is $39.90... mayb both of u can share... =)


preseed can buy fr guardians... i saw on their shelving...

but norm u r dry during O? if u got EWCM n u dun feel dry then i tink can no need to use...


tat's great!! next 2 days u can shake leg in [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/1579728.gif] hahaha

Sun, is it? i dont see it in some guardians leh...maybe should go to the bigger ones keke. Hmm, sometimes will feel dry leh...i dont always have EWCM leh.

Kome, must have a good rest yah!

mentioned abt piggytoh...

din see her online 2day lei... where's she huh? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/1579763.gif]


i am here keke.. been reading wat i miss out.. v sleepy now... keke

ya i saw it at west mall guardian be4.. not every guardian have it...


i saw it at the guardian beside POSB... the bigger branch...

where i saw it... erm, can't rem... but if i'm not wrong, is 2gether w feminie wash pdt...

i can chk for u 2nite if u r keen =)

u oso stay in amk right?

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/1579842.gif] piggytoh

was wondering where r u n here u appear!!! hahaha


Everyday got work one leh. Just that they come slowly and not that much.

Ladies, can i asked your? If my potting has already stop, does that means my bb will be ok?


keke.. u page for me i will appear 1 keke...


i tinking of checking out at the Jurong medical centre i tink they might have..

Sun, post it online keke...AMK is near for me. Hmm, my gynae gave me 1 box then my hubby lor so funny, ask me enuff anot? Ask me to come forum and ask around hahahaha....

Hi Piggytoh!!!!

May, maybe you will strike leh? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


assumed yes... as long as no spotting, tink everything should be ok... but still need yr gynae to verify when u r back for chk up =)


hahaha... when i page for u, u must appear huh!!! LOLx


u mentioned yr gynae gave u 1 box so there're 6 pkt huh? tell yr hb use only when u feel dry... if u hv EWCM then can save a pkt lot =p

okie, i'll chk for u girls 2nite... =)

Sun, thanks its ok, you don't walk around too much. Keke... I'll check it out when I pass by tomorrow cos on my way home I will sure pass by central. Its just how deep I want to walk into central. Keke... Anyway I've been checking the condom, lubricants shelves and never see.

May, I stay AMK, work near commonwealth mrt. Like what Tingting said, you might have already striked this cycle, just waiting game now only. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hi tingting,

I'm here, so if you got any questions about pre-seed, just let me know [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Im currently waiting for my period to end so that I can start TTCing again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

