(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!


i'm hving the same feeling as u tat time... so i waited till exactly zun zun the day my AF supposed to report i do the hpt to avoid any disappointment... =p


my next appt w gynae oso 8 aug lei =)


u didn't try BD on alt day for tis cycle?



I am giving up BBT also if I did not strike this mth. Already give up OPK already. This mth majority BD on ODD days. So next mth I going to do EVEN days without any BBT or OPK.



if realli bbt will cause unneccessary stress then juz skip it, mayb it will help =)


Good luck to you and hope you really strike. HPT after leaving it for more than 5 - 10 mins will not be accurate. Do not take the reading after that. Even if its a faint line it is also consider as +ve.


That means you may join us in the Mar MTBs also. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/1573902.gif] good luck and best wishes. Tell us the news as soon as you has test.


my dh wasnt ard many times tis month.. haiz tat y i low morale.. tink tis month we bd 3 times in all nia...

hope nxt mth is better since he is on course hehe


sun96 already proven the alternate days. Me not yet leh. If I also succeed, then u all can forget abt the OPK and BBT already.


Perhaps it is bcos the gynae want to confirm that ur womb is clean and ready for bb. My gynae checked that too and told me "ok, all clean so u are ok to TTC."

May Wong, but he already checked scanned my womb n given all clear for TTC during 1st AD cycle when i went back to him one week aft D&C. tink maybe Anna is rite, most prob is blood test ba.. if bloodtest oni, hopefully he dun charge me the $60 consultation.. my other gynea oni charge mi for bloodtest alone when i go to her.


u start bd from which cd ?

alternate day really work. i must try.

today my cd12 but opk still -ve.. till now only bd on cd9..maybe i try odd day.


last cycle i started BD on CD8 aft my menses... subsequent day on CD10, CD12, CD14 till CD16

u should give it a try coz opk n bbt might create unnecessary stress on u...


yah, supposed to report end Jul. So keeping my fingers crossed. Didn't have chance to BD last weekend coz too busy already, hopefully whatever we did the previous week will help.

omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg!!! i jus tested...

i see a very faint line... !!! okie i must go buy clearblue and check again... i also scared chemical pregnancy or fake result... a lot of things can make strip +ve not necessarily pregnancy wor right? ... argh... torture!!!!


ohohohohohoh misscandy


I dun think will b chemical preggy since u reach ur AF time liao

Quick go buy clearblue

Your time to share your secrets hahahaha

Missycandy, Congrats!!!! Pls spread your bbdust to me keke. So happy for you leh, is this your 1st attempt? Yah pls share with us your secrets keke.



so envy...


went to visit Dr Tan this afternoon n he comment me as "hao kan bu hao chi" he say i look healthy but i am v v weak... my pulse v weak also... sigh~ i tink got to take sometime to tiao liao...


i check with Dr Tan liao he say can drink

cinnamon tea but cinnamon is consider heaty... n best not to drink so much tea cos tea will cos bai dai....

TIng ting,

have more confident:p


Hoping the best for you!!! Then you'd be the 6th one in 1 week from this thread!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

congrats misscandy!! soooo envy ehhhh

piggy thank you for asking.

noted that cinnamon is heaty.. so no harm drinking when ttc.. oh yes btw no caffine liek tea is int ehd rinks.. its purely made up of ginger juice, cinamon and alittle brown sugar..but they still call it tea lar hehe... YAY thanx to u all ic an drink in peace. who knows this might become my confinement drink nxt time since I cant take red dates tea hehe

