(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!


its a lot lot lesser..its just my CD3 and it seems my AF is coming to an end. For CD1 and CD2, the flow were not much either compared to those days when i am not on clomid. not sure will it affect my TTC. I have decided not to take clomid this month tho' the gynae has advise to try for 3 cycles.


cinamon did u tell tat to ur gynae? bout the flow is lesser? do u do scan aft ur af to see if everythg is clear off?

my af is v short to begin with.. about 2 days only...

if u not confortable with it. then dun take.

1 of clomide side effect is it will thinour lining... lining is part of our AF.. but to hav the effect immeidately (thinning) is v rare i tink)...

hw long is ur usual cycle?

my normal cycle was 27 days (+/- 1 day) before clomid..when i mention to my gynae on the 1st unsuccessful attempt on clomid, she said prob its due to uterus lining. so she prescibed "Progesterone" (insert) for my 2nd cycle on top of clomid. however, my AF reported on CD 30 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] noted that my flow reduced by a lot and decided not to go back to gynae for this cycle. worried if the flows reduce by so much, my endometrosis will "come back"


int at case i guess u shld stop ur clmide for now.. mayb go to another gynae...

i supposed u jus had ur op for entrometrisis? if u jus have the op and wound already healing, i heard u shld try to get preggy asap.

some tips fr the ladies here will be, use pressed when u bd during ur o days, alt bd to increase the chance of getting preggy, take somemulti vitsif possible for both urself and ur dh =)

hi anna,

how u feeling, still nauseous?

I feeling depressed today, cos BBT has been dropping 3 days in a row, looks like no hope liao this cycle [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

pink... aft i merlion stance.. i feel so shiok haa. now ok liao hehe...

dun depress... new cycle new hope if ur af come.. if no come .. mayb implantation dip =)

Pinkpixel, dun be depress, u still got to surprise ur hb and do the big surprise mission rite?

We all jia you together okie? =p

Piggy, Anna dun feel well, so din go.

Yes Sun, taken dinner..eat alot of oily stuff...

Usually u dun come online aft work, see u at this time now so surprise. U at ur mother's home?


yup, at my mum's place tis wkend...

promise u guys to add u all to facebook ma...so online lor =p


yes big project coming up but too bad cannot suprise him with +ve lor....

just now whilst walking my dog , tears just roll down my cheek, must be AF reporting that's y


erm... but i dun noe who's who lei...

i tink i oso hv added u to my msn b4 right? can't rem liao lei


entrometrisis is 1 of the factor that hinder us fr getting pregnant. .normaly v diff to detect this.. unless u go for laparoscopy... so aftu remove it..best to try asap hehe

piggy ya i did not go cos i scare later i puke when i on train haa.. but stupid han bao sabo me.. now happily inside .. feel so shiok LOL

Hi Gals....

pinkpixel...so qiao... my pms also acting up today.... felt so pek chye at work... AF reporting soon i guess...think in two more days..



i will update ur nick n etc in the grp.. else v confusing who is who

so the rest who did not update pls cooperate and update k..

Hi gals! I saw my name being mentioned....pink u miss me ah.....kekeke....

So tired aft 2 days of seminar....so lethargic...tink Af coming soon....


No la..today my DPO11 only.......

Gals...quite upset le..even though i try to kan kai.... but very month face the same result, very demoralising le.. haizz



No la...i know it's no chance liao...dun want to bluff myself think there is hope... haizz.

sorry ar..to pour my sorrow here...

