(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

Sun, pls add mi too. Hehe.. Cutie,do u mean Streetwalker, the adminstrator has not approved me. Wait till turn into giraffee liao.


naivesg: No leh. Cos my mum ask me not to eat China BFW, she scared dont knw what poison they will put in. Think she got scared after the food scandals. So I bought EPO when I am in Spore.

Han Bao Bao: Nah...its a last min trip. I need 2 weeks advance to make appt with my gynae.

Now I am sooooooo sianz. Been asking my hubby how to get preggy. Even if I go back spore to take meds...I need him to give me his "precious". Cannot do it alone. =P


Sun and piggy shake hands. I shake hands with u. I LOVES CHOCOLATE.. same here, ice cream and cake I NEVER CHOOSE strawberry or vanilla. Dun like.


np... thks hor for adding me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/1840245.gif]

arghhh!!! so sian at work... feel like quitting

Now job mkt so bad... quit also got to think twice. when will economy back to normal boom time??

my dh bought me some dark chocoalte.. 85% de.. but till now still in wrapper LOl .. jia lat... i need motivation to eat it...


relax lar i also v piss off with my work jus now my boss sent me 1 email i read liao simple spoilt my mood lor but wat to do bear with it lor...

hi Ladies..i'm back. having teabreak now and me too counting down to go home n hopefully the trainer is kind enough to release us before 5. I think we also can count down to 1st november. heheee..

Oh ya. just now went to centre point guardian to buy preseed for stock up cos left 2 tubes only.


ic... tink clearing their work b4 gg back ba...


ya manz... another 1.5hr to go [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/1840381.gif]

sun.. i just cant make myself swallow the roti leh.. even my fav rustic bread fr carrefour is not working.. and i tink milo is sweet... cant seem to take mildly sweet thg also.. i am hungry but the throat like constricted... refuse let the milo n roti in...


i dun realy like sweet thg for a start.. since i tested positive... got worse... i dun even wan drink ribena now...

tink i am lookin for spicy stuff leh... i am tinking of korean food again LOL


hahah i condemn Ajisen 1 keke... but tt the only ramen shop here so can guess:p

tink i goin JPT to eat KFC hahahah....


i thot u goin for sugarless milo keke :p


yes i tried both preferred BBq 1 but now like OOS for BBQ flavour islandwide leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


huh if milo powder itself shd be ok mah... if i dun put sugar like tasteless leh keke..

May, not to spoil ur appetite but the standard of Aijisen dropped...I used to like it too...

Piggy, I was thinking of KFC too, but v oily...So now think of the Korean Ramen in JP Food Court since morning kekek...=p

piggy my thereshold of sweetness v low one hahaaa... mayb also cos milo is hot i dun like.. i jus added a bit of ice to cool it down haa



haha i nv like Ajisen ramen wor i find no std... i only eat ramen 10 or bie fu keke... the korean ramen? like the maggie mee type 1 huh? KFC take original lor less oily:p

