(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

compasspoint kopitiam reno ok liao.. juz went there on tue for dinner. some new stalls, again beri crowded. food more expensive liao!!!


thanks a lot for yr info... might be gg there tmr to jalan jalan...

u mean more new stalls on top of existing ones?

Sun, bo xin hor...

If I get Preggy now, I will b b z during 3rd Trimester, Jia Lat. My Peak Period from Feb to July, most Xiong Period is from End May to Mid July...

But nvm, as long as Preggy I happy liao...=p


hee hee, no need to tink so far...

when u really strike, u'll be too happy to tink of yr 'peak period' or 'xiong period' lor...

Sun, some of the old stalls still ard but change position.. some new stalls (got e ayam panggang), 2-3 empty stalls.

Anna, yes.. more exp. other foodcourt ayam panggang sell $4.70, add vege $0.50.. sweet sauce thick thick one. the new stall at compasspoint sell $5.00, add vege $0.80 and the sweet sauce is more dilute. cheat $$. the mix pig intestine soup $4++, pic u see alot of ingredients.. actual is so pathetic. hot milo $1.20.

aiyo the pig organ soup for a strat v ex no ingredient one..th eonli 2 stall i eat thr is the fish beehoon and jap hahahaaaa

no need to go liao LOL


sure... will do tat tonite!!!


of coz fast... now i'm gg to be 5 mths lor

tink another 1 or 2 mths my tum tum will be big big lor... hahaha

initially the MS is really bad but glad tat it's improving...

Anna, oh, its pig organ soup, dunno y i type pig intestine. nw getting blurer day by day. i agreed the kopitiam cannot go liao. too exp!

Anna, I am bo xin to work, not er xin, that one is for laughing purpose, laugh liao will be happy ma, Laughter is gd leh...kekek...

Oh, u eat better/proper lunch liao bo?

I haven go look for my Chocolate Swiss Roll.

BTW, I only eat Chocolate Ice Cream/Cake watever. I dun like Vanilla or Strawberry..kekek...I like Mocha or Coffee Cake/Ice Creamm also...and my favourite mint too..Opps, HB cannot eat mint!


np... but must rem me if i miss anyone tonite...

u noe la, preggy woman very forgetful one... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/1840099.gif]


will hv a look when i'm there tmr...


me too lei... i like the fish beehoon n jap...

so qiao tat amk hub foodcourt oso hv their branch (fish beehoon) so i can eat whenever i feel like it, no need to go all the way to compass point...


me opp u i only take strawberry/vanilla ice-cream i dun take chocolate cake or ice-cream 1 although i love choco... the only choco cake i take is 4 leaves 1 v v nice n it taste like real choco den cake yum:p


i feel sad for tis mummy too... u must be strong, ok... lil berri will be fine =)


i actually try to imagine too whenever i massage my tum tum... tinking how big it will expand...

but oso hope not too big cause movement might not be tat easy...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/1840110.gif]


i just read thta thread...and felt sad for her too... but she seems to be strong...so good for her...also, i read that u r going to organise a spree for that maternity wear?? do u want me to help u?? cos my spree organiser already opened a link for me to order... and she'll shipped it directly to sg.... so if u want, i can help u... just msg me okie?? cos i'm ordering a few items for my friend too...=D


my taste totally opp yrs lei... i prefer vanilla/strawberry over chocolate but will still eat chocolate, not totally dun touch la...

but i dun like mint lei... too strong for me...

sun i tink amk one alwasy hav is it?

1 other pl is palza sing foodcourt also hav... hehe...

sun i gt prob opening my mail box.. cant see ur mail yet.. paiseh ah... later i can open i add u

No Choco Swiss Roll downstair..sob sob, I am going to make Choco Swiss Roll myself one of these days. I made once during home econ when my teacher teached me how to do...

But also gd la, cos can lose wt...=p


*high 5* i dun like mint too... unless the choco ice-cream is like swesen sticky chewy choco (dark choco) den i take keke...

me short lagi worse wait big tum tum walk like penguin...

Hello people~!

Wah so long never come in liaoz...how's everyone? Anyone grad already??

Just curious, when u guys experience PMS...is it after u O or before ah?? I have been feeling extreme fatigue. I can sleep, wake up...and go to bed again....sighz...make my brain dead.

han bao bao: Long time came back to beijing already la, back on the 1st week of oct. sigh...I miss spore already.

Ya I enjoyed...shopping...F1 race...everything!! hahahahahahhaa!!!

naivesg: hmmn...I never think so much about the preggy stuff leh. Cos kind of lose hope liao mwhahahaha! No menses...no ovulation...no gynae I want to see here....sigh. if I take clomid I still may bear some hope...but I am not on anything except EPO. Dont think so la...not so heng wor...

Last week I test ovulation strip...no indication of ovulating leh....

Maybe the changing of season make me want to sleep? My cats also keep sleeping mwhahahahhaa

Sun, yup.. beri sad for her, but she's strong.

Cutie, will open my own spree later, thanks! mi already completed one spree tis week. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but dat time ur u mentioned u went which forum for sprees?

gosh, i really need to get new pants liao. juz saw a teeny weeny hole in my tights, at the thigh area.

