(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

Morning Qinyi! How's your temp today?

Sure no problem. Just let me know by sun evening what model(s), color and size. But like I mentioned I never order b4 so it will be a risk I'm going to take for myself. I will ask for delivery to my parents' place though cos they are at home most of the time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


cannot take BFW when on clomide huh? i tot no crash cos clomide is 2nd day of AF by the time u finish clomide ur AF abt to clear so jus nice can take BFW kekke..


did u ask ur TCM how he determine ur egg no gd?

ting, no af=got hope. dun give up first, jia you... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

errr.. she just feel the pulse lor but ask me to go scan with gynae. but if u gals have scanned before, the gynae shd be able to tell u as well..

jennifer.. i took 2 bottles of bfw wor this cycle.. cos i usually dun o that early

Piggy coz nurse said cannot mix western and chinese medicine leh...so i didnt take lor. keke.

Qinyi...i have spotting liao...so hmm no hope i guess. But you jia you! Temp high high woo....very high chance! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Piggy coz nurse said cannot mix western and chinese medicine leh...so i didnt take lor. keke.

Qinyi...i have spotting liao...so hmm no hope i guess. But you jia you! Temp high high woo....very high chance! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ting, my gf also got spotting b4 she know she preggy. she somemore have it on and off till 2 tri. also give birth to a cute bb boy. as long as af not here, still got chance. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Qinyi thanks for being so encouraging keke. of coz i hope i strike lah...but but i think not very likely lah. I am like fully prepared for AF to report haha. Wanna come faster come haha!

mm i just show him my gynae scan..he mentioned my hormones seems not high

angel : 9-12 2-5 weekdays..weeknites not so sure which nites

angel.. its at 7 tonite huh??

actualy any idea hw they pick participants to play against each other? draw lots?

if its so then ok lar..but if not i tink they really play baddie... ask ppl fight against ZYN is almost no fight one lor haa..now china get silver n gold for sure.. just a matter of which player get it...


icic.. i show him my report also he say my inbalance not v jialat tt kind so not v bad hope this time round will strike :p n i can stop drinking an tai yao yucks...

bunnz i was tinkign can we swallow each individual packets anot?..tear it up.. pour on spoon n swallow like pills haa..more potent than the use v little water to mix LOL

Hi Ting,

Don't give up hope yet! I spotted on sunday, thought my AF coming on Monday, then it disappeared...so now im remaining optimistic (hope not in denial) till i see my gynae on Monday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Qinyi, so fast?! I go for a short meeting come back and you are ready. Hehe... you pm me lor.

BTW, I am eying clean slate, foot tint (looks very comfy), semi sweet and love letter.

Taka, Tangs got the shoes too if you want to try out.

usually is 1 wk 1 bottle. However if u O liao u wouldn't want to take anymore cos inside mayb got embryo le...BFW will cause harm to it


like most of the gal here we seeing Dr Tan in clementi charges reasonable but lots of booking v hard to get slot if u wan night or wkend session...


i cant stand the smell la i can nvm finish everytime after finish3/4 i will vomit so alway left 1/4 unfinish..


a bit bitter la but i cant stand chinese medi smell..

wow anna u win liao!! swallow powder somemore *faintz* but still need water to transport the powder lei lol

krissie..high chance!


i dun touch preserve fruit i find them disgustin keke.. i am a weirdo... lol~

u make me luff la when i saw u mentioned poor packet by packet... i tink the effect come when we mix the powder n add hot water..

wisq... i very siao shoes 1. i oredi ve 90+ pairs of shoes at home. my hb always tell me can i stay put being a caterpillar and not promote to millipede? hahahaa.... will pm u shortly.

