(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

Qinyi, 90? *faintz* You must have lotsa shelves at home to stack your shoes. Hehe... but tell your hb you need comfy shoes cos preggie mommy cannot wear heels. =P


yes wisq, my hb customize a full height shoe rack for me when we shifted in. most of my shoes are heels. and since aerosoles are quite pop with their flats, gonna buy 2/3 pairs!

"preggie mommy cannot wear heels" YES! tts a good excuse to buy shoes! *wink*

wow ..really a lot!!

i gave up on heels long time ago..mostly flats now. think only wear heels when i go wedding dinner lol

Krissie, you spotted abit only? Or the entire day? Hmm,.....I certainly hope so! Anyway tml i will take bbt....drop liao then means that AF coming liao. :p

hi ting,

I spotted fresh blood (maybe 2-3 drops) in the early afternoon...and another 2 drops (maybe) in the evening...then on monday, its just pink discharge when i expected full force of AF coz my previous cycles always 30 days (only my last cycle 50 days which i still don't understand why)...subsequently, i stop having spotting and now just normal discharge, sometimes its like seems like EWCM somemore...weird...

bunnz... i m learning to walk better with flats thesedays liao. in the past, i dunno how to walk properly with flats, cos always in heels! heels are really bad for back. bo pian, last time me ai swee dun wan life. hahahaaa...

krissie... me BFP? no lah... not yet tested. dun wanna test oredi.


seems like u got a gd chance wor...


i only wear heel to work bobian i short mah most of the time i wear birkies on wkend:p maybe u shd start trying on flats:p

hi piggy,

Im excited but keeping my hopes low as I tested on monday and also BFN...just worried that my cycle 50 days this month again...

Krissie started this morning when I reached office. Hmm brown on the pad (I put pad coz scared AF come haha). But urine still clear you see. But when I wipe, I see pinkish abit redish discharge leh....then i keep going ladies to check :p Haiyo....later going to check again.


You just observe for the today and tomorrow lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if spotting stop, then maybe got chance...u in wat CD now?

krissie, i give up on testing... will con'd to monitor bbt. if bbt still maintain high till next weekend, will test. still dun ve anything then will go see my gynea to see wats wrong. do u monitor ur bbt?

wow tingting: take care wor..

i didn't must learn how to walk on flats one :p

but i dun like those super flat shoes either..will make the legs ache as well..must have soles like birkies

Krissie, hope so. Will take BBT tml. Me CD29 today and DPO16 coz I O early this month. Hmm, cross my fingers...but hor to be honest I dont have much faith leh.....:p

I think you and Qinyi higher chance leh! Hope you 2 will be in the Aug Grad list then spread more bbdust to us!!!

wisq, just take ur time to consolidate the orders... dun worry, no need to rush ok. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Actually, i not sure if hope is high this month also...coz never BD alternate days...BD on CD12, CD14, CD17 and CD20...and especially my last cycle 50 days, scary...but just keeping my hopes high...ur cycle normally how long?


I use to keep take BBT for my first...feel its very accurate, but cant take this time ard coz my son wakes up in the middle of the night so BBT will not be accurate...i also give up on testing, last cycle i think i spent close to $100 on testing...all wasted...so now just use finish my last test on monday and will wait until next monday test before i go gynae...


usu when scan when abt to O to see if the size of the egg is at the desire size etc...


realy huh my HB slipper n sports shoe also gonna steal[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Krissie, my cycle ranges from 27-31 days leh. It depends on when I O lor. If I O early then would be shorter lor....this month i didnt take BBT other than this morning. I use OPK to gauge O. Hmm, but you still have chance since spotting go away liao mah right? Stay +ve! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sun, we buying aerosoles! u interested?

krissie, ya lah... waste $$ rite. keep getting BFN ye bu shi ban fa. dunno wat to do... tsk!

jandew : no need to scan every mth unless u taking clomid or under monitoring by gynae

now not seeing gynae at the moment..just taking my tcm ..hope the next time i see gynae is with good news only and nothing else

Qinyi, received your email le. I better copy it out first. Yahoo mail a bit kuku today.... BTW, I sent you the shipping cost table for info also.

my helper lost her shoes once n guess what she's smart..went searchin our whole block, and found back her shoes by evening! the silly thief put it outside her house guess didn't expect owner to go looking ard. was also new pair of shoes

hey wisq, i saw ur email. its for int shipping or domestic (within us) shipping? ever consider vpost for the international shipping? uob got 12% off currently.

jennifer: no af still got hope [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

speaking of which my stomach also feels a bit funny today.. which CD are u now?

