(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

taboo is one thing.

but buying too early hor - sometimes we will tend to end up over buying. which will take up alot of space & when u preparing for the baby to pop - the packing will overwhelm u lor.


I know abt the taboo. I am not planning to buy early.

Will start buying during Mar. By then Im at 2nd trimester liao.

Jus that I dun wan to wait until then to survey on things. It will be too tiring for me as m DH working hours are unpredictable. So once we hve time, we go do window shopping to survey on price and things to buy...


okie gam sia... i will go ask my IL also cause i dont know whether she wants to do it at her place or my mum's place or 2 places. *faints*


yupz see wat ur gynae say later okie.

let your MIL decide hor cos the BB is their surname one.

My inlaws hor & my hb wont hear of Full mth at my parents place hor cos its their surname their grand child - they want to do the honors.

then 2nd birthday they bo chap liao - i held at my parents place - i invited them they also no time to come. which was fine with me cos just simple family gathering of my mum's siblings lor.


another thing is

since i had vicky. Alot of nicer newer things came out liao. SO never buy too early -wait imagine u spend $500-800 on a stroller u like -something else comes out u also like - worse still cheaper! u will feel very yuan wang lor.

or the price of the same item u bot dropped before u popped - happened to me lor - i felt so sian!

must really shop around see everything talk to more pple & imagine yourself using the thing then u start to narrow down your choices.

I find shopping with hb very meaning ful - (not only he pays la) but its like a small adventure both of us enbark on - he will feel more involved too (of course too small decisions if he dont want or seem impatient to decide - then u just decide la)

its part & parcel of involving the guy to be a better father.

Most women like to ignore & exclude the hb thinking that he wont like it, impatient to bother, or hopeless at such things. actually makes them even more like that. U can forget about them willingly waking to clean diapers for u in middle of the nite if we take this stand.

its called trick of the trade of being a wife & mother.

eh vic ma, you take iron then have migraine? hmm.. different ppl got different effect ba.. i suspect mine is when reach afternoon, blood level drops.. that causes the headache..

Hello everyone, selling 90 opks strips 20 miu, expiry Nov 2010, at a flat rate of $40. I will pay for the postage which might cost abt SG4 to SG6.

Click my nick to drop me an email.


Hope everyone Huat Huat Huat!

me back from lunchie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yah loh i shall ask her, dont dare to offend lao ren jia [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


that's why i starting window shopping now so that I can involve DH in the discussion on what to buy. If he like this in this colour or that.

Due to his work nature, I have to be flexible with him lo. If nt, he no income, baby no milk powder liao... haha.

If during 2nd trimester his biz get busy (usually so after CNY), I can ask my cousin along to go shopping with me and I will know what to buy that DH n myself will like our baby to hve...

Hai. that's why I alway tell him being his wife is a diffcult job.

Good Noon Ladies...


Yesterday nauseous n also light headed again. Dunno whats my freaking problem!!!!

labbit, maybe u should take something for ur afternoon to reduce ur low blood to help? Anyway you are in ur 2nd Tri liao hor, should be feelin better liao?

Gong xi gong xi..

One boy one girl just nice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

When u intend to c-sect? Wk 38?

vic ma: warm meh?? I think these days super cooling.

sstarlight: NOT planned lor. U ask my dh...anyhow hoot...*&(*)&)&*)&Y)*& he tell me if tio...good...then can close factory liao. siao!

i was at Toa payoh yday it was SO HOT! should have gone to airconditioned place. but very long never go & wanted to get cheaper CNY decorations & toiletries la hiaz

blurlet, take like? meat & fish has the most iron.. cant be asking me to take meat for afternoon snack.. actually gynae say if is blood pressure is will going to be worse.. because baby is growing bigger.. unless is hormones..


If u want to be SAHM then good to have no 2 earlier. But if u really planning now, then start to take some tonics.. Cos by right its best to rest for 1 year.. to replenish all the nurtrients lost..

A lot of people say if gap is too close.. the no 2 is not as healthy as the first one.


Haha.. but take tonic lah and start to pu pu a bit. Just in case u really strike :p

Sometimes too "hot".. lazy to take precaution mah wahahahaha

aw-bb tell your hb just enjoy now OK dont anyhow fire hor.

my friend also his elder brother so HANDSOME Jan bb & he - like car langa & relanga the face. crater face skin texture some more.

shi elder brother so handsome & skin so nice i tot he was joking that that was his brother.

vic ma: wah piangz! u make me laugh leh! relanga. ehh u ver mean leh. My bro n I also one yr gap nia...my face not so langa eh? xP


On ya.. not sure if u know.. After give birth.. 1st year super easy to strike one hor!!!

Cos engine start liao.. Good luck to you ah :p

Tonic ah? I dunno leh. Those tat pu your womb one. Dunno can take Ba Zhen or not since now your breastfeeding..

my friend better still, she has 2 other sisters. All of them are dec bbs and they are 1 year apart. We always luff over the age gap, 2 times somemore.. LOL

i told my hubby if i preg with #2 i`ll pack the house, die now really need to pack the hse lol

liz: cos I long time no sick liao...think got 1 yr plus to 2 yrs. u got see doc bo?

Linda: be careful hor...minimise movement k.

Xinyi: NO THX! hahaha! I told dh if he wan to hoot...he better keep hooting till I have a gal wmhahahahahaa!

Just curious...how long most gals BFing ah???

AWBB> i breastfeed for rislin going to 1yo liao (next mth) my aim is 1yr then change to goat milk..


eh for my friend, she BF for 2 yrs then huat going to restart her BF-ing schedule again LOL [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

