(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

BBDust, clinic called me last saturday... Told me Gynea wants to see me urgently wor.. I was so scared... Just spoke to my boss & officially announce to her abt my pregnancy & abt my bad oscar test... Consoled me... & told me nt to make rush decision...


Alicia, talk to your gynae first. See what options your gynae is suggesting to you. Also dun make a rash decision on the spot. Discuss with your dh first and consider all options. I know no words can comfort you, but I hope you speak with yr gynae first to weigh your options.

Thanks bbdust, Rabbit

-_- Seen like her charges are very expensive. My Dear Mother ytd say her frz ash her to tell me to see Dr Ann Tan who will be a better doc to diagnose my prob.

BUT! I told my mother, her charges are very ex!


hahah me friday, sat and sun not blue leh.. only monday to thurs nia ~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


she is really ex wor cause she pte de and apprently she is quite good with all the IUI/IVF stuff too. i think u can see her name everywhere when u do goggle search


talk to gynae 1st yah and see what he says before making any descision. like what bbp said, whatever he say, discuss with dh 1st dont make decision on the spot.

u seeing him today?


HUGS ... some MTB in other thread do have bad results but their babies are totally healthy. must believe and have faith in ur baby okay.

go tell ur bb, mummy believe u are totally fine and healthy. u must be strong and be healthy


wont say dun worry la.

but did some reading online, quite a few has high risk after dd BT/oscar test, but when go ahead for amino test, everything ok wor.

XZZ's sil also ma.

amino test come out, all is fine. Phew..

So... go and see what ur gynae suggested.

Of coz, amino test itself hold some risk too.


so think before deciding on the spot k?

BBdust advert do wonders!

I still think most docs are the same if u are seeing a fertility doc. She started as a doc from public hospital too.

Alicia, Sometimes feteus grow at different rates, at least consult the indian doc as bbp has spoken to u about. Give ur bb all possible chance okie! We will pray that your bb is just doing break dancing in ur womb when the oscar test was done.


she used to be from KK right then after that started pte.. and its true loh advert does wonder.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i think a lot of them are from KK leh, u know my fertility specialist also from KK then go RH and the doctor who did my detailed scan also . All graduated from KK [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


must be rich to do that lah but she really steady leh cause i really see her ads everywhere even overseas web *faints*

Thanks ladies for the emotion supports.. last weekend was like a torture... Whenever tink of baby.. I will cry & sometimes DH saw liao.. Can see that he is sad also.. & he dono how to console me.. Cos I alwasy feel that I am the one who cause baby to be unhealthy... cos he grow in me... Just hope that things will be smooth sailing after this. I want a healthy baby & happy pregnancy...


Yah, but I might have plan to stop seeing him for the time being. Cos, he starting me on SO-IUI which I dun feel it is time to rush into it.

I rather try TCM and slowly build up my health.

but, aft so many doctors (western / tcm). I conclude that if we are to see a TCM doc on gync prob, we must have a western doc to tab along.

Dr Fong seen to be not so supportive on TCM.

Alicia, never told you gals that my OSCAR test was also not favourable at all. My risk was 1:106 where as the required standard was 1:300. My risk was considered high risk. So I can understand how you feel.

Actually you have a few options.

1) to do csv which has a higher % of miscarriage as this is a invasive procedure that scraps the uterus wall to check.

2) amnio test - lower % of miscarriage as compared to csv. But still has a small % of miscarriage. Both of the procedure gives you almost 100% accuracy whether your bb is down or not.

3) if you want a non-invasive procedure, you can go see Prof Ananda for further confirmation. But this is not 100% as csv or amnio.

It depends on your decision. You must see whether you want to keep your bb no matter what. If you are, there is no need for you to do further test. However, if the bb is down (touch wood!), and you don't want to keep it, then you must do all the test to be very sure.

But the good news is, that a lot of times, there are many false positives around. Many were told that they are at a high risk but after doing amnio or the detailed scan, the results are good news.

Alicia *hugs*

We will all pray for you. U dun like that la... cos u will stir BBdust's mood too wo...

Stay happy. Every bad things will go away.

Believe in miracles!


imagine how many patients she have [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


me okay lah, already leave it in guan yin's hand liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but i got faith in myself and ah boy lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] we can pull thru this together with the blessing from buddha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but mentally i am prepared for C-sect liao if the diagnosis is really confirmed

alicia, dont feel upset will affect the baby.. i am actually no better than you.. i am hunted by headaches DAILY. only painkiller can stop the pain. if i dont take, it doesnt goes away. i go sleep it doesnt go away also (last sat when i had headache, i tried to take a nap. the headache also take a nap with me. I woke up, it also woke up). i am guilty, frustrated, angry to myself everytime i took painkiller. but dont take, i wont have appetite also..

i took it.. in order to make sure i have appetite later, can eat, baby will grow. i tell my baby be strong, dont take toxic from me.. i keep my sprites high in order not to affect the baby.

i make sure i still able to eat well, though at nite i have lesser appetite.

Most western doc dun support TCM. But even if Ann tan does, her fees are too expensive. Ann tan used to be from sgh. I saw her when she is in SGH. After she move out.. she got too expensive for me to consider liao.


she is not very very ex compared to the other doc who is also a fertility specialist in RH. she is patient but sometimes when she is really really bz she tends to be a bit rushed in her consultation, but only for preggie patients bah i think. when i went to her for fertility issues, she is okay but i try to avoid weekends lah cause its machiam war zone there and she is so packed.

I am not sure whether she supports TCM or not cause i never ask her this quest before wor.


okie u and liz come and visit me yah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


she from SGH ah i thought she from KK [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but she really is ex loh.


another good one in RH is Joan Thong, she is more senior than Sheila


I date u k? We go visit bbdust when she pop the bb! So excited for her... haha.


hmm... ok. Roughly how much is her consulation charges? 1st? subsequent charges?


eh abt 120 per consultation, i must go and dig the bills liao. If u see her for short time like say less than 1/2 hr bah i think, her consultation is 85 bucks. so it depends on how long u are with her inside but normally i pay 120.

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hsien and liz,

another 3 mths to go ah still long aiyoh u girls more kan cheong than me kek [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i think 1st to pop will be zz lah.


ur doc oso not cheap wo. Haha. Ok. I got to tink abt it.

Tmr, I appt with Dr Fong.

Today CD32 - no spotting (last mth this time I spotting liao)

Dun dare to think too much. I decided to have ping cheng xin and wait for AF to come. If by this Sat (CD37) no AF then I go test PK. waiting...

can I ask...

How is our CNY gathering arh? still going ahead?

If steamboat is diff, we can do potluck lo.

shall we fix a date?


Dun worry la. I have learn (the hard way) to take it easy liao.

No more crying liao. I tell myself, this is my body, I have to learn to accept it. Slowly build my health back lo.

A blessing is, my DH is very supportive now.


eh eh eh thought we already fix a date or have we?

we doing potluck easier lah.

yeshhh that is the spirit gal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] must jia you, remember all of us rooting for u leh.


have we fix a date ah?


we help u count down in June and go visit u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



yet cfm on date though.

either 20th or 27th Feb.

Think evening?

or noon is more preferred? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

