(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!


Go and sign on OCBC Robinson card can liaoz

I also member din receive any mailer leh

I did go to Isetan Private Sales after work last fri

I saw playtex liners but din buy.. how come cannot seal one ah?

Bot another toy for my girl though


its okay lah since i will only be getting my things nxt year. buy this year hor it will collect dust cause our room no place to put liao. must clear some space first


like that ah? okie okie then i go sign up for it i thought must buy dont know how much then can become member.


I had bleeding last weekend... so scary... My own pantyliner was full of blood... called TMC 24hr emergency hotline & was told to go down. Who knows after registering, was told the minimun charge for consultation is 350-400.. wah! so ex.. so in the end rush down to KK hospital, did a scan, baby is ok.. but dono wat causes the bleeding & where the blood comes from...

sstarlight, tell beng, he got 2 choices, either queue or buy things more expensive and have less money to play around.

I always get my hb to queue up first while i collect all the items to be purchased. So by the time i finish near my turn to pay liao. Another way of doing is, go to robbinsons before the sale starts, like in lunch time or a day before, reserve the items with those sales aunties. Then just come and queue for payment only. I did tat before for my bedsheets and some appliances... ^^"

Vio, i went parkway to buy, lesser pp and no queue. Free wrapping if u spend 30 buxs above. I remember there is a shuttle bus from sengkang to parkway and back.


wahh.. scary...

most impt bb is fine.

its fresh red blood or brown?

coz i read, coz be old lining passing out?

or can be from outside womb de..

Alicia rest more ah... maybe take some chicken essence? Din know tmc so darn ex. KK 24 hr like much cheaper ah...

I went Isetan Pte Sales, bought a small key and money pouch for myself. My hb see liao, say he wantz...So mah fun. Now hope Robbinsons got that pouch. >.<


Beng swear he wont go into Robinson sales with me anymore. He say sign his card can liao :p but he wont go. he ask me go with my best friend woh..


Please take care and have lots of bedrest and dun move about too much.

How many weeks are you now?

bb dust, haha.. next time lor.. got good deals i sure share de.. i also nv go de.. unless i really got something to buy.. this time round i want to get bras..


yeah tell me nxt time yah keke [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but in the meantime i will go apply for OCBC robinsons card [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] see if nxt year got good deals or not then i go cheong liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi ladies, I am not on MC, doc on duty only did a scan for me & told me is a threatened Miscarriage, was told to take hormones pills to stabilise.. I show her the hormone pill that I am currently taking so she say continue taking so no medicine was prescribed. I called the 24hr emergency hotline printed on my doctor's card.. was told that my doc is on leave & to look for another replacement doc so my Dh quickly drove me dwn to TMC & after registration done, the staff nurse explain that sue to my doc don stay inhouse therefore to trigger him back the cosultation fee is higher. The bleeding started from dark brwn to fresh red, tats Y I panick... really very scary... but luckily the scan done, baby still got heart beat...

bb dust, yaya.. go apply.. buy skincare also can have 5% rebate.. last time i apply robinson because i buying mattress.. hahaha...

alicia, so now no more bleeding? scary leh.. i feel you should bed rest a few days lor..


Why the gynae at KKH so weird one? No MC?

TMC charge ard that price for calling back gynaes one..

I kanna before once for #1.. paid $500++ after medication.

BBDust, No the doc on duty is a young chinese lady... Gynea on leave till today.


Nw monitoring if still got bleeding nt lor.. everything go toilet also scare...

Wish too can rest, but last week boss just gave me an urgent project to follow up, so nt convenient to go on MC.. try not to move around so often.


that time i went to KK cause got spotting the doc also never gave me MC. my DH asked her for it then she relectuntly gave me 1 week. they a bit bo chup i find


When i heard the basic consultation charge is 350-400, i am stunned liao & somemore if want to scan they need to call back their radiologist(dono correct nt) is additional 100 over dollars.. so I find that nt worth so take the risk to go KK for consultation.


it's like that one mah

Private hospital and u get to see your own gynae leh.

KKH one the gynaes all young and NOT so exp lah

Imagine the gynae hving dinner somewhere sweeswee then hospital call say his mummy at TMC.. then how??

Surely hv to pay a price one

aiyo.. how come no give leave de?

so scary.. esp when say its threatened m/c... -_-"


if can, dun move ard.

actually best to lie in bed wor.

but since cant go off work, minimise movement ba.


If your stand-in gynae come back then he/she will do the scanning for u lah

No need the sonographer to come back one.


my tummy like earthquake.. bombombom


The doc on duty at KK did mentioned, for my case, bed rest also no use leh.. Dun understand y she said that...

Thanks for all ladies' concern, I will try to rest as much as I can.


KK A&E doc are mostly houseman so not very experience de. they didnt give me MC last time also but my DH asked for it then the doc gave me.

they r quite insensitive i think cause i remember when i went down i asked her how many heartbeats is my bb beating at cause i remember my gynae told me hb of 220 and below is borderline liao then she raised her voice and said so what if its 220 and below what can u do now? are u going to take out the baby?? i was shocked to the core loh. made me so unhappy


ya, rest more.

no worries, all will be fine de.

tmr let ur gynae do another check ba. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

gg be lunchtime soon le! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tired though.. lazy to walk far. wahahaha

Alicia, i heard such things around the forum lor.. i feel is too much lah.. i believe they seen too much such cases.. then already bo chap liao.. some even said, if meant to be gone, bed rests how many times also no use.. -_-"


Dun care

I will surely ask for MC one..

Cos threaten MC usually needs alot of bedrest and min movement one leh

Last time I had bleeding on CD30 I had MC for 2 days


They are like that one lor. Inexperienced..

Maybe they think we preggie is we gian one..


becareful hor with Xmas shopping April 2010 also got reported case of maybe over exerted during the holiday bleeding.

need to rest more.

zz, most of the A&E docs are mo and they go on shifts that may make them work 48 to 72 hrs with maybe max of 8hrs sleep in those hours. They are overworked and lack of sleep. They are also inexperienced too, so they are under alot of stress. That is the true fact about public hospitals. The good side is they are like 80 bux compared to pte hospitals eg TMC paying 300++.

one of the A & E doctors for children side really SCOLDED me bad lor when my girl fell at 10 mths old.

maybe she is trying to teach me a lesson & just do that to everyone or was just sleepy!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh icic...i wanted to get the pumps next yr initially but since the offer is too much to resist, i better get it now. Otherwise, the difference is too big.


Hello, long time no chat! I didnt know Parkway got Robinsons! From my workplace, its quite far to travel to Parkway leh...if i cannot get it on wed, then i will go Parkway on Thur to try my luck!


U Ok? Best to bedrest if you could. Bleeding is no small matter....take care ya!


U can recognise me if I at Compass Pt? I seldom go there leh...only once in awhile.

Alicia its always safer to go KKH anyway for A & E cos they have the expertise anyway on standby & they do so many A & E cases - over & over again - still more experienced lor.

i brought my girl to TMC before as well see GP on a sat - heng not ex but the only doctor available around lor.

they told me PD must $200-300. GP just $80 - i just opted for GP.


I am on utrogestan, 2 times a day. I am currently week 11.


I am nw ok.. no bleeding.. Ya I knw bleeding no small matter thats y insist to go c doc tat night, tat time was 1am in the morning... poor Dh was kept awake till 5plus in the morning then we reach hme..


Oh icic...I wanted to go Robinsons to get the pump. Isetan not sure got what offer leh. Am going to orchard to see later.


Ok, gd that no bleeding now. I still feel if you could, bed rest at home. U should not walk too much for now. 11 wks still 1st tri, better take gd care. Ur DH is very sweet, guess he must be worried that night too..


Think its better to follow doc's dosage. If Alicia's gynae decides to change her dosage, then she can do so. Otherwise, anything happens will be Alicia's liability. My opinion lah.


Ur utrogestan is taken orally or insertion into V?

