(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!


but almond jelly is nicer..Haha.


i drink lots of water one. I hate cough want to cure it before i give birth. Or else confidement need to suffer alot.


I THINK it gotten darker, any ladies see the line this time round? im not gonna give hint haha


ahh no problem, but i could have swear i saw.. mm.. but so many days already shud be uber dark rite>

wah i think the most dangerous place is office man.. my close guy friend was asking me if i am preggy yesterday lor.. he said some of the colleagues were asking him.. spotted me 2-3 times in toilet vomitting..

rabbit> the line there every test i took le.. so heng all the test got evapo line? its pinkish i thought evapo line no colour?

back.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


maybe u buy those that says pregnant or not pregnant de clearblue? easy lah then wont need to guess liao


office a lot of KPOssss

Linda, this i dunno lah.. i kinda dont really trust the test strips.. i clearblue supporter ah.. maybe like bb dust said, just get the digital one? or just go for blood test?

bb dust, ya lor.. somemore not aunties... young gals.. *pengz* but i told my guy friend lah.. we friends for pretty long liao..

morning alison,

so how did u manage to get ur spare parts or not?


kekek being KPO not only confined to aunties liao..some young ones also very KPO sianx.

Candice: wah! I come in u ask this qns le. hehehe! Ya...have been tidying up the hse myself. Tired la cos hse abit big so alot of things to clean. Then have to take care BB, n cook somemore. Thats y my parents n dh keep kpkb n push me to get a maid. cos now I am officially yellow faced auntie.


yeah happy birthday to you ah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so how are u going to celebrate today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] how nice wor to have DH and bb gab celebrating with u kke [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

what happened to the BP? i intend to buy freestyle also leh


Aiyo about same as me mah. I now about to due soon still got to wash clothes,cook for bb.Do housework.But lucky i on Materity leave liao not so tired. Haha i seldom online last two weeks cos computer spolit that why not updated.


good lah 1st birthday with DH and BB gab [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] nice nice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] its the company that counts [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

XLH & Candice: Thank u!

BB Gab is ok. His feeding pattern abit siao siao these days but still ok la.

BBdust: ermm...actually love to have some time for myself xP I M SOOOOOOOOO TIRED!!!

Candice: wah!!! hopefully XMas hor! so going natural with epi?? hehehee!


happy bdae, its nice to have DH on leave shopping with u, away fr yellow faced activities...hee, my bdae i was shopping alone...


now hoping edd faster cme, feeling so shaky fr anti contractions pills, the uncomfy sleeping positions, and unattractiveness.


tts soon le....


yes i hope i can go natural with epi. Without epi really will faint men.Meanwhile try to sleep when bb sleeping. Cos night feeding may last very long. My #1 took around 9 mths then he stop his night feeding.

FN: My goodness! u 33 weeks le!!!! Another one gonna pop soon!! hohoho! I am getting excited wor!

Ermm this is the 1st yr dh took leave for my BDAY lor!!!

My mum working leh...so have to bring him along.

BBdust: DH going for dog training from fri to sun. morning then evening time. DUn even knw how to go out tmr with my friends...abit sian 1/2

Candice: Mine slept frm 11 plus till 7 + am this morning. hehehehe! Not so bad la.

Ya...frankly speaking, think gab will be my one n only le.

