(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!


i succeed using electrial dual pumps - & most pple around me also use dual electrical can still after 3 mths no tiger liao & give up.

to me pump is important after that its diligence & a mean coach - u have my HP number u know what to do when u just pop.


Thanks for the advices...will discuss with DH on the pumps coz I told him I dun wish to invest in expensive one. Most of my friends encourage me to get manual ones since it works well too...

Sure sure, will update u when I pop! I still scared lah, dun want to think so far yet looking forward. Just hope everything smooth smooth. Thats y now then I slowly buy things...

Btw, ur bb is boy or girl?


Ok, will go consider carefully...the pump is my last priority. Hehehe..

according to my mum ah.. she told me no need to worry abt bb cloths and bed (i dont know if is cot), she already got hold of it from my cousin who had twins in july i think..


wah then its good... hand me downs save $$$


yah my SIL told me manual ones are equally good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

vio - importantly your friends use manual pump - did they BF for more than 6 mths? was their supply good?

so far pple i know using manual pumps & succeed & bf long - have but not many. & if they are SAHM then its not counted.

I prefer electric - cos how long u want to pump when we go back to work? we trying to support our bb not get sacked for pumping 40-50 mins slowly 2 times a day mah.

good electric pump can help u achieve the goal of stablising milk flow faster, total breast feed soon (means cutting out formula altogether) & efficient extraction of milk during work.

worth the investment.

to me - unless one is very diligent - a simplier pump - chances of giving up is also higher.

near child birth hormones to loosen joints to aid baby go into birth canal for natural birth will loosen all joints - my wrists were sprained until i had to wear wrist guards- & use manual pump to stimulate will worsen the pain -this loose joint effect will take around 3+ mths after delivery to go off as well .

& then one can say use baby to stimulate lor - i rather u get more sleep & use a more effective pump. newborns can be quite sleepy - feeding can be 60mins - very tiring.

u also have to learn side by side latch- u lie down - baby also lie down -u get rest & baby gets milk - but after a while your back aches sleeping on one side -then u have to get up & change sides or hope baby finishes soon.

BB shy cannot see pte part yet!

1st week of pumping hor some pple can only get 5-20ml each pump - not even enough to feed baby for 1 feed. need to accumulate.

1st week pumping mainly for stimulation.

30 mins every 2hrs roughly to stimulate enough milk flow. manual pump means - one side at a time 60 mins every 2-3 hrs - i prefer to sleep more le u ask me.

manual pumps are good for - SHOPPING cos electric pump very dang to carry around. & manaual pumps also good for clearing blocked Milk DUcts.

both got diff uses la.


this is the pump Ameda Lactaline Dual Electric Pump most forum mothers use - its comparable to the medela PIS at a much kinder price.

but i know the pump parts tend to crack at least once during 1 child's BF career -so be prepared to replace some pump parts & have on hand where to get parts from.

can get quite good deal at taka or robinsons discounts sometimes.


ya initially is just stimulation could be no milk or few drops very patetic one. esp 1st time mothers. which is why we need to encourage each other esp after birth - high risk of depression too.

so forum & msn away!


Wah, u very detailed leh. Alright, i will go weigh the pros and cons then decide. Now I am pro-electric but just a matter of getting a single or double one.

Ur bb is shy! Hehehe....my checkup is today, hope all will be fine!


that i totally agree kekeke [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] really need to encourage each other ah not only during ttc but even after becoming mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

reiko - i intend to bring my pump to hosp this time. i will waste no time & start once i can sit up liao. KKH got hot water I can ask for to steralise my pump parts so not a worry at all.

why KS not wait for go home.

1st 36 hrs or so got colostrum flow - i dont want to miss that this time!

the colostrum is very impt for bb wor it helps them to build up their immune system though its not milk [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i was told hosp has pumps to borrow but ask & arrange 1st. my friend went TMC - no pump to borrow -last min call mumsfairy.com that lady very nice -being a mother herself before -she steralised a new pump & brought down for my friend who was frantic & desparate after delivery at TMC.


bb is best PUMP! latch is stimulating milk flow too & bonding starts! keke!

my hb said OK nei on loan to baby for the time being.

until now vicky see me changing -she want to touch my nei for a while & giggles away! then she shiok liao!

she is cranky!!!!!!!!

vio ya one thing about desparation after birth.

sometimes some babies will have borderline jaundice - i had this feeling if i can stablise my milk flow SOONER -vicky can get over it faster.

not sure if it works this way - but its sure one reason why its good to start pumping & latch immed.

my niece was hospitalised again for the jaundice (my brother the father as well when he was born had jaundice) its very heart pain for the parents esp the mother just went thru C section or natural birth - then stressed again over the jaundice lor.

is a tip i have to maybe prevent jaundice from worsening or to help BB overcome the jaundice faster too.

vicky had borderline jaundice & had to go back for another checkup lor than the usual number of checkups.

i quickily pump like siao & give as as much BM as possible.

it could be the BM or just happen jaundice subsided - in both ways more BM is better anyway!


Guess Vicky is scared that she will lose ur love once bb is born. U have to talk and sayang her more leh!

Bf can reduce jaundice level anot? But how to stabilise milk flow before delivery?


not before delivery hor -any nei stimulation before delivery -will cause premature birth. only after deliver than can start stimulation & pumping.


Ok, noted with thanks! Sorry ah, are we affecting the ttc conversation? Seems like its only me, u and bbdust chatting. So paisay...change topic?

& squeesing nipple really hard (i said before but repeating now)

is important

25 milk ducts -now all dormant & clogged. needs to be unblocked & the very PAINFUL squeesing after delivery helps "open" then for business.

dont over massage - warm towel your breasts 1st mth. esp got milk ducts yet to unBlock - stimulation will cause JAM - which can lead to Mastitis which comes with fever, painful sore breasts - need to see lactation consultation & need medication at times. & alot of pple after having Mastitis Give up breast feeding.

just use your hands horizontally sandwich your breast massage few times, & vertially as well massage opposite direction each hand - ENOUGH. Dont over MASSAGE in 1st mth.

pumping/stimulation/latching- all helps to unblock the milk ducts slowly - SQUEESING is the fastest Kick start - but it wont unblock all the milk ducts either.

bb dust

i use playtex 8 on ones 140 pcs around $20 at the 1st yrs. from Bps u can get around $10/box. roughly need 1 box per mth after u stablise & can increase your milk flow.

its not zip lock -i just buy SKP rubberbands & a black marker.

got other brands too wth or wo zip lock. I find zip lock too ex for long term use.

ya paisay we kept going on & on.


okie noted... i think the rest of the girls bei wo men xia zhou le cause we keep talking abt mummy thingy... okie switch mode liao lets talk abt smething else.


Alot of education from u...next time can ask u for tips liao! Thanks!

Btw, anyone has gone for their xmas shopping already? I havent leh! I see the crowd in shopping malls, I so sianz!


good to eat eggies lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ekeke great its slowly going for a holiday ah then ur appetite will improve [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hehe vic can set up hotline liao keke [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

no leh me no celebrate x'mas de so no need to buy anyting just buying for the girls here nia for gift xchange keke [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i want to buy new foundation hiaz must tie hands up!

my current ones still 50% thru only (2 some more)

hormones keep changing really very sian for Skincare & makeup!


no need lah cause no practice here leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] me no $$ liao all going to be spent on bb le and CNY ang paos


got war paint? looks natural leh.


I need to tell u this.

I've used a manual pump for 1 week before and it kills that I hurried out to buy a dual electric pump (ameda).

It makes a world of difference and not forgetting u need to pump every 3H. That's like 8x a day and each time for electric is 30mins so u can imagine for manual how long it would take since u need to do one side at one time..


Good for u! I have to buy for some close friends so sure broke by end of the month...sobz..


Thanks for your info. Seems like hands up for dual electric pump here. Good to get feedbacks from some mummies coz you all have experienced before. For me, just want to save $$$ if possible.



happy like a bird... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ban gannnnngg ~~~ bye ladies ttyt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] kekeke maucks muacks happy chatting wor

