(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

Babydusts, yar lor, I think so too...anyway even if I preggy also won prescribe me anything good. Not going to be back soon,

anyway I got the clomid liao. V cheap leh. buy first just in case.

I log off liao, will reply later.


Apple, i agree with bb dust.. come back do a detail check up.. like gila, she also m/c 3 times i think, result is FSH too high..

maybe your egg or sperm not good then baby didnt survived or maybe hormones not enough to support or even some other unknown problems.


I doing the trial makeup and my final fitting together on 14 Dec.


Ya lo. I oso think like dat. So I ask my coordinator to change a MUA for me since the issue got so sour.


My ROM and photoshoot is the problematic MUA. But due to the saga I changing MUA so this new MUA is throwing in a free trial for me.

Hi ladies, good morning and thanks for the welcome..

currently im eagerly waiting for my HCG blood test result due to call anytime soon..

bb dust, i only have maggie mee lah.. if not what? where got time to slowly cut vege and cook noodle.. i have to reach office at 12.30pm

Liz> Hi!

BabyDust> Most likely disappointed, my miu test not even a faint line or maybe there is but i never notice.. i did blood test so that i wont have disappointed results again and i wont "think i saw a line" episode all over again..

very stressful to be ttc-ing


*hug* Dun be too hard on yourself. We are all trying (excluding rabbit, bbdust vicma and some others... haha).

LIz>*hugs*thanks.. this time only 2 point something HCG level only, no chance..

Liz> Unexplained though :/ but its a very early miscarriage.. But i got a medical condition which makes me harder to conceive and higher risk for miscarriage


eh normal feeling to face the issue... may I ask what medical condition u have?


kekeke i got many many inside my bag hahah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] in case i vomit


oh... but if ur DH does not have then shld be okay. My SIL and a gf got thelassemia also but both their babies turn out fine.


girl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] how are you? ur colleague okay?

bbdust mummy,

me okie.. just tired...

my colleague returned to work today le.. looks okie.. but still quiet.. guess.. it still hurts..


she given 2 weeks MC ah..

bbdust mummy,

yah.. my friend got her results le.. BB TOTALLY FINE!!.. hehe.. actually that is my SIL lar.. heard from my BIL.. (cos i didnt go talk to my SIL mah..).. So when BIL knows results le.. he informed be abt it. So my future little niece is fine.. hehe..

Hi hsien.. whats for lunch?


great to hear that [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] keke yeah ~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bbdust mummy,

yeah.. good lor.. at least i know my niece is healthy and well now.. hehe.. another 4 months will be able to see her le...


wah so fast ah.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] she coming in march ah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

